Flesh and Bone

Galing kay FrozenFlamettfoi

8K 253 37

"There is one rule all werewolves most follow. Human must never know about them." Victoria was only four yea... Higit pa

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 2

481 15 1
Galing kay FrozenFlamettfoi

Being in a basement most of your life, you don't get to run in the grass. You don't get to walk up stairs, you don't get to be strong. And when Ralph pointed that out that night he fought with Sheila, I realized how right he was. It wasn't long until I swallowed my fear of him and asked if he would train me. Ralph, to my surprise, agreed. There was only one rule, we trained when Sheila was out of the house. Thankfully that was most weekdays.

Ralph would make me run around the basement until I fell. Then he would make me throw heavy balls over and over again, lifting up gallons of paint. Anything to build my muscles. Most days I felt like I couldn't get up but I knew if I didn't, I wouldn't survive in this world. That was something he would repeat to me when we started to train how to fight.

Once Ralph believed my muscles were strong enough to fight, our training turned physical. Alpha Ralph didn't hold back when he shoved my shoulder and pushed me into the wall hard enough to shake dust down on my limping figure.

When Sheila found out about our training she was furious and demanded no more. She was my protector, she said that over and over again. Only then did I realize that Sheila wasn't planning on letting me leave her lands. And that is when I started to take matters into my own hands. I had thought if I showed her I could be strong without her, she wouldn't feel the need to be my protector.

So without Ralph telling me what to do, I trained. I was a little off, but I asked for the equipment. It's been four years and I was ready to make sure the next time I ran into a werewolf, I could hold my own. I didn't want a protector. The electronics she had given me for studies, came in handy. I found videos on how to train, and I followed them. I slowly started to build my pain tolerance, I wanted to make sure the next time an accident happens I would be okay.

My muscles slowly started to lock as I looked at the timer on the treadmill, four hours and I was ready to do more. I was ready to run until I didn't have any air in my lungs. I wanted to run right out of this basement, but instead I wiped some sweat off of my face and slowed the pace until I got off of the machine. Walking towards the side of the wall I started to do some of the yoga moves I've learned from a video app. Taking in deep breaths I started to stretch my muscles out as I put them in weird positions. Splitting my legs I leaned my body against my thigh as I stretched my arm, feeling the comfortable pull.

Since I finished school last year, I was lucky I had the internet and exercise. Sheila might have been my kidnapper, but I would be a liar if I said that I wasn't glad it was her, and not some freaky old man. This week she has been down everyday to ask me to go to town with her. It was only last year when I was allowed to leave the pack's land. But, I didn't particularly like it. Everyday I have said no to Sheila, but I had a feeling it wouldn't be a question much longer. Taking in a deep breath I slowly started to shift my position. I was also glad that Alpha Ralph had allowed me to have the basement. It was a very large open space, the only downfall was the wooden beams but most of the time I didn't mind.

On the complete opposite side of the basement was the thick wooden door. Two steps down once you open it. There were 17 stairs, not including those two steps, to get to the main floor. A few feet right of the door was a bathroom. It had a shower and a toilet. The bathroom was the closest to the small space that Sheila called a window, you couldn't even see the sunlight from where I was at.

But I kept it uncovered, right beside it was a TV and a series of bookcases. Each one was filled with educational books, and some novels. Books on werewolves Sheila had gotten me, and young fantasy books. After the bookcases was the computer desk. Sheila had gotten two monitors, which I never understood. There was a camera, and speakers.

My large bed was beside the computer, and beside the bed was a dresser. There were a few things that were on the other side of the basement, like paint. Boxes filled with canvases and paint tubes. A vanity that had makeup and beauty tools on it that I wasn't interested in. Everything I disliked I pushed to the other side behind my training equipment.

There were six beams in the basement. Three beams diagonal in the basement. I kept all of my unwanted things in the back, the middle is where I had all of the work out equipment. And in the front was everything I used. I had planned my area like this a few months ago and so far, it seemed to work. It came to me when I was looking on the computer.

That is something I liked to waste my time on, the internet. I read blogs from humans my age and it made me wonder. Why did Sheila insist on buying me things? Was she feeling guilty that she had taken me away from my parents? Or was generally like that towards her family and other pack members? From what I read I knew people would want a mother like her. But, I only wanted a normal life. I didn't care for what she bought me, I wanted things that couldn't be bought. I wanted to see the stars in the sky and the ocean. I wanted to push Sheila's tempter, to the point where she screamed at me. I wanted to know how it felt to be in trouble by the one who took care of you. But Sheila only walked away when she was mad at me.

It was strange to know I was around werewolves and never got to see the moon or the stars. I was sheltered away from the beauty in the nature they all enjoyed. It felt as if someone deep inside of me was itching and clawing to get out. But no matter how much I wanted to release them, I couldn't. Because even though I had everything, I was still a prisoner here.

Slowly I got off of the floor and walked towards the bathroom. Before I walked into the small room I took in a long deep breath and cracked each finger. I rubbed the back of my neck and walked into the room and turned the water on and waited until it was warm enough for me. I stripped out of the sweaty clothes and got into the water. My hands ran down my neck and shoulders first before I pushed my head under the rushing water. My mouth opened as I allowed water to fall over my face. I could still remember the day when I cried for a bath but instead got hosed down in this small room.

My hand pushed back the water as I started to lather my hair in shampoo the length smacking against the back of my thigh. And as I looked down to the length I wondered how long it has been since Sheila cut my hair. I couldn't remember how long ago it was. I knew it was before I was 14 years old, but that is all I could remember as I washed out the hair. Feeling the soapy spread fall down my legs. Very slowly I grabbed a razor and started to pull it up on my legs.

Sheila was big on hygiene. If there was something she would be upset about, it would be because I wasn't cleaned. Or I didn't uphold the appearance she wanted me to have. Every time I saw Sheila, she seemed to have a different appearance. Since it would be weeks anymore, she would have different colored hair or a different style.

But this week, she has been the same since she has come to bother me every day. Quickly I focused on washing my body. The last thing I wanted to do was think of Sheila, before she even had a chance to ruin my day. So I soaked up the warm water while I could. And when I was done I lathered my tired muscles in lotion and wrapped a towel around my naked body. My body felt energized and refreshed. The cold air quickly nipped at my oilef skin as I walked out to see the werewolf standing by the basement door. Sheila quickly turned towards me and closed the door, "Good morning Victoria." A calm, yet sweet voice. Sighing I continued to walk towards my bed.

"I'm not going anywhere Sheila. Coming here every day won't change that." I said slightly annoyed.

Sheila only looked at me and sighed, I knew deep in my heart I should be thankful. She surrendered herself for my life, and all these years she had given me anything I ever wanted. Well of course anything but details on my parents, what they looked like. How they spoke, anything, that is the only thing she has refused. Her status alone should make me respect her, but I wasn't a werewolf, "I thought we could go to town. Get some lunch. Maybe get you a haircut?" She said and smiled when I looked back at her, I could tell her brown eyes were looking at my hair that was hitting the towel.

Looking back to her I only inhaled deeply, even after all these years Sheila was beautiful. Her wolf was at bay, so the gold around the color of her eye was much smaller than the night I had met her. Her silk brown hair now rested down her back. That was the only flaw, if you would call it that. Her body was slowly falling. But, it was like the sunset. In the pictures the sunset was still beautiful with wonderful colors. And when it left, you were left in darkness.

Sheila was the walking beauty queen who was worried about the orphan living in her basement. The ungrateful orphan at that. But, truthfully I didn't want to owe these people anymore than I already did. "I have to clean up and practice." I said, with that Sheila softly growled.

"You don't need to practice." She said and then shook her head. After a few deep breaths she tried to smile towards me, "Please Victoria? You haven't left the basement in so long!" Sheila said and frowned and then loudly sighed, "I want you to come with me today."

Looking towards the beautiful Luna I only shook my head. Sheila eyes flashed a deep gold as she started to walk towards the dresser. Walking past me she opened the drawers and started to pull out clothes which meant only one thing, "I guess it wasn't really a choice." I muttered under my breath and closed my eyes, "Will I ever get a choice in my own life?" I asked softly. She threw a regular long sleeve shirt and pair of pants to my bed as she turned towards me.

"Victoria, I've given you the choice for a week now. I want to-"

"You don't need me to go with you Sheila." I stressed and looked at her, "You have your own kids! Take them!" Sheila looked taken back for a moment and then shook her head.

"Get dressed, we are leaving. You need a haircut." She said and tried to smile. I could see the stress building in her face as I shifted my weight to my hip.

"Is this how werewolf kidnappers usually treat their prisoners? Humans usually kill the children they snatched. And that is before they come of age to know what is really going on. And they definitely don't let them go in public." I snapped towards her.

"Victoria I didn't kidnap you-" Sheila said and then closed her eyes as she clenched her teeth. She closed her eyes as her body became tense as she turned her head away from me, "You need to come with me today." Sheila's stern voice gave no room to disapprove as she turned around and walked to stand in front of the door. Giving me the privacy to change.

Luna Sheila never saw the wrongness in taking me. And when I did bring it up it was a low blow. Sheila didn't see me as just a random human child, she saw me as her child. Or maybe her pet? I could never tell which one it was, she didn't interact with me when she was in front of her pack unless I got hurt. When I had to attend occasions I was to stay in the back and not say a word. She listened to the others call me her pet and never corrected them before. What I've read about pets, I feel as if I was one. She would feed me, and some days she wanted something to do with me. And sometimes she didn't come to see me for weeks.

But, then again I knew if it was her choice I would sleep up stairs with everyone else. If she had her way, I would eat with them as a family. If it was her choice I would have gone to the pack's classes. Sheila had tried, and she never grew angry with me when I told her off. She only left the room and tried another time. Sheila has been nothing but extremely kind to me, and I had no right to be so hostile towards her. Deep in my heart I knew I did love her. I guess somewhere in me, I wanted an apology or any information about that night. But, she refused to speak about my parents no matter how much I begged. I wanted answers, I wanted to know why. Why them? Why were my parents targeted by the pack? No matter who I asked I got nothing but silence, I had even asked Alpha Ralph. He told me nothing.

Sometimes I wondered if my parents knew about the werewolves. They were human, and information like that could cause war. That could be why the wolves decided to kill my parents. Humans were to never know the truth about werewolves, because it would cause chaos. Humans saw creatures such as the werewolves as mythical creatures, some days I wonder how they would feel when they realized they weren't so mythical.

Even though when I type werewolves in my computer and get all sorts of results, they always label them as mythical. I knew there would be a battle to face if the humans learn the truth. That they weren't alone on this planet. Even being away from humans the computer had taught me one thing. It didn't matter what species we originated from, humans sucked. I had announced this to myself years ago. I believed if a creature has a consciousness and could function as a member of human society they solely sucked.

I've only ever talked to humans over line and all they seemed interested in is sex or trying to scam and steal from you. Men preyed on the younger females who felt obligated to post photos of their bodies for fictional likes. The humans adored attention they received from others, they liked it so much that they were willing to post about their lives. For a brief moment in my life I wanted to learn about humans, and I found I was as disgusting as wolves.

The werewolf community wasn't interested in the technology. From what I had gathered from the guard, a wolf's life consisted of guarding his Luna and Alpha, they protected their land. Then when they come of age they seek their mate, and only then would they settle down and have children. They fought for land or vengeance. There were wolves who despised humans and wouldn't think twice about killing any who accidentally stumbled on their land. And then there were some who looked the other way as long as the humans didn't get any closer.

Last year I knew I didn't want to go back around humans, nor did I want to stay with wolves. I wanted to be alone and look at the beautiful photos I found online. I wanted to see more beauty, I wanted to experience large waterfalls and bright snow they say would burn your skin. I wanted a real wave to wash over my body and I wanted to jump off of a large cliff. My heart swelled as I looked towards my computer, the background was of thousands of small lights in the sky alone with a beautiful large white moon. I could wish and want all I wanted, but I knew there was a chance I'll never experience it. I was just thankful I got to experience the beautiful photos and videos on the monitor. My leash might be loose, but it was extremely short.

Dressing quickly I smoothed down the long sleeve shirt and pushed my pants past my stomach. Smoothing my shirt over the fabric I sighed as I walked towards Sheila's turned back. When she turned around she smiled at my appearance as I walked to grab my training sneakers. I groaned as I touched the denim fabric that brushed against my legs. I wasn't used to wearing jeans, and the rough material was slowly growing more and more uncomfortable as I tied the laces quickly and walked towards the now opened door Sheila was standing by. I followed Sheila up the staircase to the openness of the ground level floor.

There wasn't a guard or a lock by the opened door, it has been open for years now and unused. A I stopped in the dark staircase as I looked up to Sheila. I knew leaving the basement would be easy. The wood didn't creak, and with the door being opened there was no sound to worry about. I could easily leave the Alpha's house, but leaving the lands however would be a task. I knew there were wolves patrolling at all times of the day, "I'm happy you are coming with me." Sheila said when I finally walked out of the doorway. I looked at the white carpet as she closed the door behind me.

"I didn't have a choice." I said softly.

She only flashed me a wide smile as she pulled me the rest of the way out of the small staircase. She closed the wooden door shut and turned towards me, Sheila leaned down and grabbed a pair of shoes from the rack by the now closed door. I pulled my damp hair closer to my chest as I tried to blend into the wall. I felt extremely uncomfortable in the open as I took a few steps to calm my racing heart. When Sheila was done she only grabbed my hand and walked me out of the hall and into the large dining area.

Instantly I knew there were people in the room as I felt multiple pairs of eyes on me. I kept my eyes away from the large table and bowed my head. Sheila slightly moved to stand in front of me as her voice raised softly, "Ralph, you didn't tell me we would have guests yet." She said Sheila was on guard. I knew the moment her body tensed up, and as she tried to hide me I instantly started debating on going back to the basement.

"I'm sorry my love. I didn't know about their arrival." Ralph said.

"Why do you have a human in your house?" A male's voice said.

"It's Luna's pet." One of the men said and chuckled until they quickly stopped, "I'm sorry Luna Sheila." The two men quickly apologized.

"Victoria and I will be going into town." Sheila announced.

"Make sure to-"

"I know." Luna Sheila said as she placed a hand on my shoulder and started to push me forward.

The last time I went to town, I was maybe fourteen years old? And that was only because there was a visiting pack coming for a grand celebration. Luna Sheila wanted me to get a nice dress, now I was wondering what grand celebration was going on. She said 'yet' which instantly told me more guests were to come. She walked out of the house, and into the bright sunlight. I went to shield my eyes, but before I could she pulled me to a large black SUV.

When we got into the tan leather seats I looked out to the bright green lawn that was packed with vehicles. Sheila seemed nervous as she sat beside me, as I stared out into the forest I felt amazed as Sheila started to talk. But I didn't listen, I only tilted my head trying to remember how the trees pointed in different directions. How they were all different. And once I felt I had seen everything I looked back towards Sheila, "This isn't just a haircut is it?" I asked in an annoyed tone as two men started to walk towards the SUV. Sheila didn't say anything as she rubbed her hands together.

Sheila grabbed a purse and pulled out a small cellphone. A few years ago she tried to give me the small device and I ignored it. Now it sat in my lap with a bright light blinking at the top of the screen. I grabbed the silk phone and sighed as I touched the button at the bottom and watched as a bright light flashed up to my face. I looked towards Sheila but she was looking outside the window towards the two men who were looking at the front of the car. I should have known better than to ask her what was going on. She wouldn't tell me even if I begged.

Nodding to myself I set my lips in a line as I sighed loudly and leaned against the tinted window. One of these days I will get answers. One of these days I will find out the truth. One of these days I will understand. I thought to myself as I closed my eyes and inhaled deeply.

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