Demons, Swords, And Other Thi...

By Peachyyy1023

58.7K 3.1K 1.2K

Unsurprisingly, you died! Congrats! Now you've got an annoying demon that fails to babysit you, along with a... More

(Name) Almost Dies After Dying
Scaring The Village Children With Fire
Apparently, There Are Consequences To My Actions, And Nobody Told Me
The Favorite Child (Spoilers, It's Not You)
Dragging The Marines While Your Father Sells You Off
Secondhand Smoking (The Fun Way)
Fun Times With Four Eyes
My Issues Are Now Your Issues
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Not So Sweet Dreams (Nightmares, Actually)
King Sai The Backstabber
There's A Reason You're A Demon
Sai And Smoker Fight For Custody Over You
A Few Steps Back
Timeskip To The Timeskip Before The Timeskip
Don Krieg Would Like To Speak To The Manager
Arlong The Walking Fish Stick
You're Not Allowed To Help Because Cannon Hates You
Roronoa Emergency Room Zoro
My Work Here Is Done (You Didn't Do Anything, Though?)
Criminal Or Not, Sometimes It's Nice To Be Wanted
The Hatred for Bounty Hunters and Mountain Bandits Runs in The Family
The Clown And The Casanova
Cursing God And Baking Cookies
Red Nosed And Red Faced; Buggy's Been Caught Red Handed
Theft Isn't a Hobby, It's a Lifestyle
Call Me Ishmael (My Captain Just Punched a Whale)
The Sixth Father Figure (But Really-- Who's Keeping Track?)
God Hates You, But The Feeling's Mutual
Cooking Up Testosterone
Don't Worry, It Gets Even Worse
Zoro Sends 100 Bounty Hunters To The Shadow Realm
Becoming Crocodile's Doormat (Speedrun)
May I Say, You Look Particularly Dashing and Absolutely Terrifying Today?
You Drink Tea. I Drink Anarchy
Not To Self-Diagnose, But Something Is Wrong
Crooner Is Plagued by Horrible Visions (Like Father, Like Daughter)
The Memoirs of a Clown's Apprentice
I Feel Funny (Fatal Character Flaw)
Dr. Disrespect Has Entered The Chat
The Prettiest Boy In The World
I Don't Need To Heal, I Need To Harm
The Real Housewives Of Alabasta
Um, Sir? Your Man Tiddies Are Showing
Gucci In The Desert
Yes, Sir Crocodile
The Most Cursed Game Of Tag Ever Played
At Least Your Kidnappers Are Hot
Bad Pirates Get Put In The Shame Cage
Mood At The Moment: Mischievous
I Don't Care That You Broke Your Elbow
Don't Care, Didn't Ask, Cry About It
Revenge Is Better Than Rest
Your Taste In Men Warrants Therapy
I'm Self-Diagnosing, Something Is Wrong
I Am In Misery
There Is Only One Correct Opinion And It Is Mine
Current Regret of the Day: Why Did I Ever Tell Them That?
Bella, Where the Hell Have you Been, Loca?
Taxes Are For Nerds. Commit Tax Fraud
The Horrors are Endless but I Stay Silly
I'm Too Young to Die a Whore
Welcome Back to Fact or Cap
No Question About it, I Am Ready to Get Hurt Again
All You Had to Do Was Try

Man With Three Swords Too Angry To Die

1K 59 10
By Peachyyy1023

        "To be honest, I never thought that I'd be meeting you so early on..."

Mihawk remained stoic as he reached around his neck to undo his necklace. "A waste, if you ask me."



Zoro's gaze hardened. "What're you planning to do with that?"

"I'm different from the stupid brutes who'll go all out to hunt a rabbit. Though you may be a renowned swordsman yourself, need I remind you of where we are? This is East Blue, weakest of the four seas."

Words could not describe how elated you were.

Mihawk gave Zoro a tired look, among the borders of 'let's get this over with' and 'I'm incredibly annoyed and depressed'. "Unfortunately, I do not have a blade smaller than this, at the moment."

His teeth tug into the rope on his sword. "There's a limit to how much you can underestimate me...!" He rushed forward, "You better not regret it when you die!!"

You held your face in your hands. OH THAT'S CRINGE—


The world's greatest swordsman stood there calmly, watching as Zoro sprinted towards him. "Hear me, little frog, in his well. It's time for you to realize that the world is much bigger than it seems from your well."

Zoro didn't listen. Dumb bitch. He crossed his arms over one another and dove forward.


Mihawk stopped Zoro dead in his tracks. Zoro stood there in shock when he found that he couldn't advance even an inch closer– and all Mihawk was doing was looking down on him as he stopped all three of his blades with the sword the size of a crayon.

You fell to your knees

Your hands were trembling as your gaze was transfixed on Mihawk. Even your legs shook. Power and dominance radiated off of him in waves. His presence was almost suffocating. He was stronger than anybody else in the area. That was for certain. Zoro had made a mistake ever challenging this man.

There were so many things that you could praise Mihawk for. There were even more things that you admire about him. And Zoro clearly didn't think the same– as he continued with an onslaught of attacks with his swords, trying to cut or at least do something to Mihawk.

His angered screams must've been his contribution to dominance– but it wasn't working. Mihawk didn't move from his spot and he deflected every blade that came at him. He could read right through Zoro's moves.

Johnny and Yosaku were sobbing. Again.




Mihawk was disturbed. "Such ferocity..."

His eyes bore into the depths of Zoro's very soul

"Tell me, what burdens you so? What do you desire at the extent of your strength, weakling?"



Zoro's brothers in Christ looked ready to take the matter into their own hands at Mihawk's jabs. They were being held back by Luffy as they struggled to jump back into the ocean to reach the platform they were on.

"Stop! Don't interfere!"

He pushed their heads to the ground so they couldn't move. Luffy was watching the fight with a pained expression. He didn't like seeing Zoro get made fun of like this– but it wasn't his right to jump into the battle himself.

"Just... Stay right here...!"

You were having the time of your life. You were eagerly observing everything before you. You were on the edge of your seat as Mihawk threw Zoro to the side like a piece of trash. But it's not like you didn't care that Zoro was suffering. You were overriding that worry and concern with adrenaline and excitement.

Which is why you stayed glued to your spot when Mihawk stabbed Zoro right in the chest.



The two were deathly still as they entered a staring contest. "Do you wish for me to pierce through your heart? Why do you refuse to step back?" Mihawk questioned, arm still and gaze unwavering.

You could only imagine the pain that Zoro was going through.

"Beats me... I dunno myself... I get the feeling... That if I were to even take a single step back, I'd be losing something very important to me. Whatever it is, it'd be irreversibly broken. I'd never be able to return back to where I'm standing right now."

"Yes," Mihawk hummed. "Such is defeat."

He laughed dryly. "That's why I can't step back."

"Even if it means your death?"

Zoro grinned. "I'd rather die."

Mihawk stared at the young man before him. Though he was stupid, his conviction to take death over defeat was impressive. Mihawk made a silent decision and slowly took the small sword out of the boy's chest.

"Kid... Tell me your name."

"Roronoa Zoro."

He nodded to himself and reached for his sword. "I will remember it. It's rare to see strength like yours in this world. To pay my respects to you, I shall end this duel with Yoru, the world's strongest sword."

Your heart leapt into your throat. GOODBYE ZORO




The first thing you saw was blood

What you heard next was the shattering of Zoro's swords as they broke

The only one that remained intact was the Wado Ichimonji. He had underestimated Mihawk far too much– but he still had his life. Zoro had walked into this thinking that nobody could beat him, and he would be walking out of this with at least a liter less of blood.

Mihawk was already behind him, and instead of attacking again, Zoro accepted that this was his loss. He sheathed his sword quickly and turned around with open arms. It caught Mihawk off guard to see Zoro let his own defenses down.


He grinned, his eyes showing nothing but pain. "A wound on one's back is the shame of a swordsman."

A smile split across Mihawk's face as his grip tightened on Yoru. "Splendid."

He slashed right across Zoro's chest, and his blood was spilt everywhere.





Everyone around you was in shock. The world's greatest swordsman gracefully flicked the blood off of his sword, and Mihawk walked away from Zoro's still body as he bled. It looked so, so painful. He was bleeding non-stop. If those wounds weren't going to kill him– the blood loss would.

Luffy was the one who cried out first. Then Johnny and Yosaku. Those two were sobbing their asses off, like they thought he was just murdered right in front of them.

This... This is the true power of the Grand Line... Your face was aflame with heat from the sheer thrill of it. You shakily stood from where you sat as Zoro teetered back and forth on his feet. That was a wonderful fight. I could never do such a thing. A single block from Mihawk made my legs give out.

Your body felt as light as a cloud. You were aware of your thumping heart. The way you felt your palms become sweaty. How your chest had tightened as you watched them battle. It was so exhilarating.

Zoro coughed, blood spraying out of his mouth and splattering against the ground. His eyes rolled back slightly as blood gushed from the wound on his chest. He fell back.

And fall he did.

His body ceremoniously splashed into the ocean, and you heard Luffy scream again. Mihawk was facing your direction now. The part of the wooden ship that you were on was still upright, but it was starting to list. If you were going to save him, you'd have to do it now.

"Yosaku! Johnny! Stay where you are!"

You held your hand out to stop them as your other hand went to Annan. You unsheathed the sword so fast it let out a pleasing shing. It not only alerted Mihawk of your presence again, but he turned towards you. Without another thought you threw it right towards Mihawk.

His glare would've cut through you. If you didn't find it hot, you'd be scared. "So, you're fighting me now? You stupid girl."

You didn't even bother drawing your other swords– you weren't trying to fight him, and you weren't trying to die. In fact, your grin only widened at the insult. (And you didn't mind that he called you stupid– Mihawk could stab you and you'd thank him)

Kosai, rope please!

"Already ahead of you!"

As you saw a thick black 'rope' coil around your wrist, Annan grew dangerously close to Mihawk. He still had Yoru drawn. His arm swung forward to block the sword and hopefully break it, and as his eyes bore through yours and even past you–

His arm froze

Mihawk saw something behind you.

No, someone.

There were... There were more than one, the closer he looked. The first shadow surrounded you like an aura, and the next stretched against your own shadow– horned as if it was a demon. But the one directly behind you drew his attention the most.

It was a faint silhouette that loomed behind you, over your shoulders, and it leered at Mihawk. He could only see the eyes, which were creased in a taunting way. The shadow was smiling, staring, as if it was daring him to move another finger.

It grinned.

The smile it wore split through the shadow. That was the smile that Mihawk knew. That was what he really recognized. And he didn't think that seeing it again would make part of his body go still.

The sword flew right past him, swinging right around the tip of Yoru, along with the swordsman's body. It pierced through the wooden deck and stayed there.

You bolted past Mihawk and your feet left the solid ground.



Mihawk turned and watched as you dove in right after Zoro, a long rope sprouting from your wrist and wrapping around the hilt of your sword.

So that's the little songbird that he was talking about...

Just like Crooner, you did something without a second thought– and it was almost like you were reckless with your own life. Mihawk had a feeling that you already knew what you were doing.

You had a glimmer in your eyes that he had seen in your father– usually when he was about to ruin something, save, or outsmart someone.

He stared at the sword embedded in the wood. Why did it have eyes? That was new to Mihawk.

"I must say, I'm a very big fan."

The swordsman blinked

Did it just speak?

Did that sword just speak?

"(Name) talks very fondly about you, you know. She likes how you dress, too..." All of its eyes were glued to what he wore on his head. "That is a very nice hat. I love the feathers– they're a lovely color!"

Wh...What was Mihawk supposed to say to that? Thank you??

"That is a very fashionable coat as well. Such nice red coloring and designs!"


Mihawk was just going to focus on what you had just done– he couldn't deal with... that right now–

Air escaped your nose in tiny bubbles as all of the sounds around you became muffled. Your eyes stayed open and you looked directly ahead through the water. Your vision was blurred, but you could see him. Zoro was slowly sinking further into the ocean.

Kicking forward and pushing your arms against the current, you swam further down. The water was cold against your skin– but you paid no mind and neared Zoro. The blood that dissipated in the water left your vision a bit more blurred, but the moment your hand grasped his wrist, you started to tread.

You quickly positioned him onto your back, with his legs over your lower arms, and started kicking heavily to get back to the surface. Your cheeks were puffed out as oxygen threatened to leave your mouth.

Just when you were about to reach the surface, you felt a burning pain in your back.


You involuntarily gasped and started choking once seawater invaded your lungs. The rope that Kosai made yanked your arm and wrist upwards as the demon finished your work, and just like that, your hand broke through the surface of the water.

Your hand slapped onto the wood, dug into it, and left claw marks as you pulled yourself, along with the meathead who was hitching a ride, back onto the hard surface.

You coughed out seawater and gripped Zoro's legs with your lower arms. "DON'T GET YOUR BLOOD ON ME– THIS SHIRT IS DESIGNER!!"

Mihawk turned away

Yep. You and Crooner were definitely related.

You whipped your head towards Johnny and Yosaku –who were in their own boat– rolled Zoro off of you, and pulled Annan out of the ground. "Get the boat over here– stop crying, he's not dead! We need to dress his wounds!"


"Oh, hey Luffy. When'd you get here?" You asked, wiping your mouth clean after you finished hacking out the water.

"He tried punching Mihawk," Kosai and Annan answered simultaneously. You were stared at by Mihawk once again, when he heard two voices (one of them came from the sword AGAIN) come from your sword and that weird blob on your shoulder.

You laughed and picked up Zoro like the pathetic little princess he was. Deeming that the boat was close enough, you easily cleared the distance from the slowly sinking platform to the ship. An easy fifteen feet.

"You get what you deserve, dumb bitch." You eased him onto the ground as Usopp brought over medical supplies. "Hey– OH MY GOD DON'T JUST DUMP THE HYDROGEN PEROXIDE ON HIM THAT'LL LEAVE A SCAR–"

"EEP!" Usopp leapt away from you as you snatched the bottle from him.

"I am Dracule Mihawk!" The shichibukai declared, "And it is too early for you to die!"

"Know thyself!"

"Know thy world!"

"Become strong, Roronoa!"

This dumbass is going to bleed out, oh my god. You started to clean the gash on his chest as your lower arms got out a spool of surgical thread and a hook needle. Good thing Buggy taught me how to stitch wounds shut. Otherwise, I'd be stitching Zoro up like a stuffed animal.

Mihawk's arms crossed as he stood, his presence overpowering all others.

"No matter how much time passes, I shall stand at the top of the world and wait for you! So forge ahead with that fiery conviction of yours and try to surpass my blade!"


Zoro was turning pale.

Johnny was crying and Yosaku was banging his fist against the floor. "Bro!! Answer me!! Are you okay?!"

Mihawk turned to Luffy. "Boy. What do you aim for?"

"I'm gonna be the Pirate King!"

He smirked, you almost passed away, and he went on. "That's even tougher than surpassing me."

The ravenette stuck his tongue out in defiance. "Oh yeah?? Well, I'm gonna do it anyways!! Bleh!!"

His eyes found their way to yours again. You faced him as Kosai guided your hands to stitch up Zoro. It was your honor to be talking with Mihawk on this fine day.

"What about you?"

"...I'm gonna do a lot of wack shit, so I dunno. My dream is to make this place a world where everyone can feel loved."

"My dream? I don't know for sure, but I'm going to spread my love until I find out. Want some in the meantime, Hawky?"

You continued. "Before that, though? I'm gonna make sure that the World Government burns to the ground. You might be out of a job soon." Feeling a bit cheeky (and honestly you thought you might've been brain dead from Mihawk overload), you winked at him. "Count your days working as a Shichibukai."

"Ah, you're right, I know it's a huge stretch to think that everyone's nice. I'll cause some carnage first and see what happens. I hope you're at my side by then."

"I'll set the world on fire and see where to go from there."

He asked the question that all of the captains and pirates seemed to be asking you. "You're his child, are you not? That insufferable Crooner."

Insufferable...? You smiled lightly and nodded as a confirmation. Yeah, what did I expect? If Mihawk doesn't like him, it makes me wonder what that idiodic Captain did. Another lover's quarrel?

"It's astounding–" and frankly a bit concerning, "--how similar you two are. Did Crooner raise you himself?"

You shook your head, and Mihawk left it at that. You might've been similar, but you weren't Crooner. You were you. You had shown him that. It was a point that you were trying to prove.

"Your path will be just as tough. If that is what you chose, it's you against the world. Not just the government."

Luffy cut in. "Nuh-uh! It's us! Usopp–! Is Zoro okay?!!"


"This is gonna hurt like a bitch when he wakes up." You pulled one of his eyelids open and saw that his iris was rolled in the back of his head. You let go of his face before slapping him as hard as you could.


Zoro barely grunted.

"Don't go into the light, idiot! I did not train for two years just so you can fight Mihawk and die like a wimp! AHHAGFKHDF–" GODDAMN WATCH IT–

You ducked out of the way when Zoro swung his arm up. He was holding his one remaining sword into the air. His arm shook slightly. He was really struggling.

"L-Luffy... Can you hear me...?"


He apologized for worrying his Captain.

"If I don't become th...the world's strongest swordsman, I'll only embarrass you... Guhck–!!" Deep crimson blood spurted from his mouth as he coughed.



You shoved your hands onto Zoro's chest –though you tried to be gentle. "YOU'RE GONNA RUIN THE STITCHES YOU FUCKER–"

Zoro's weak voice suddenly turned into a shout of his own. "I SWEAR! I SWEAR THAT I'M NEVER GOING TO LOSE AGAIN!"

You paused in your attempts to knock him out so he wouldn't ruin your stitching. Why?

Because was crying


He shakily exhaled

"Any problems, Pirate King!?"

Luffy laughed, "Nope!"

Mihawk still had a small smile on his face as he walked back to his ship. "You make a good team. I'd like to see you all again, sometime in the future..."

A pout settled on your face. Aw man, he's leaving...

"Yes, but not yet. Watch."


Did Don Krieg want to die?

The man stood confidently. "Did you come out here for my head?"

The swordsman's hat covered his eyes as he turned to face Krieg for a moment longer. "Yes, I intended on doing so. But I've already enjoyed myself. I'll run along now and get back to my nap."

Krieg snorted and laughed cheekily. You felt like punching him. "Now, there's no need to be so curt... How about you die before leaving?!"

Mihawk shook his head in disappointment. "You never learn, do you? Farewell."

The next cut from Yoru created a terrifying wake.

It destroyed the rest of Krieg's ship and sent the boat that you were on rocking through the wakes that threatened to swamp the ship. You held onto the edges as you squinted through water that splashed around you and mist that rose to the sky.

Just like that, Mihawk was gone. He left chaos and destruction in his place. You gripped the railings of the ship as you tried to see through everything. Luffy's calls rang through the rest of the screaming.

"Usopp!! Go on ahead!"

The boy next to you saluted him. "Alright!"

"I'll help you get Nami back!" You interjected, watching as Usopp threw Luffy's hat back to him. "In exchange, let me join your crew– I'll leave you something of mine for the time being!"

Luffy's eyes went to what you held in your hand. It was a mass of black... something. You knew what it was– it was a part of Kosai. You were going to split him in half and make sure that Luffy didn't get too banged up, and you also wanted to make sure that you got that diamond gauntlet in the end.

"We have a deal?!"


You seemed interesting to Luffy, in a strange way. He'd definitely be bothering you about your arms later.

You threw the blob towards him. "Then catch!"

He caught it, but screamed when it was absorbed into his body. You ignored his panic, along with Usopp's, and curtly told him to calm down.

"Kosai won't hurt you– He'll make sure everyone's safe!"

"Make sure you get us a cook! Once we have six people in our crew, let's head to Grand Line!!" The curly haired boy shouted. Hey, he included you!

The captain nodded as he tore his gaze away from his hand, which Kosai was oozing out of. "Yeah!! Let's!!"

"(Name), I cannot stress this enough– There is NOTHING going on in this boy's head!"

You rubbed your slightly bloodied hands together as you sat down next to Zoro. The clothes on your body stuck to your skin, and your bag was probably soaked through completely.

You hoped that the wanted poster in there wasn't ruined– and you'd probably have to treat the dagger so it wouldn't rust.

Well, good luck, Kosai. Make sure to tell Luffy that he can use my ship after he's done beating Krieg into the ground. It's got a good kitchen in there. I guess I'll make sure that Zoro doesn't die...

Zoro coughed from his sprawled-out position on the ground. More blood was leaking from his mouth-- and even more leaked from his wounds.

You could hear Luffy screaming from behind you. Kosai sighed heavily.

"Why couldn't we just be solo pirates?"

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