Demons, Swords, And Other Thi...

By Peachyyy1023

58K 3.1K 1.2K

Unsurprisingly, you died! Congrats! Now you've got an annoying demon that fails to babysit you, along with a... More

(Name) Almost Dies After Dying
Scaring The Village Children With Fire
Apparently, There Are Consequences To My Actions, And Nobody Told Me
The Favorite Child (Spoilers, It's Not You)
Dragging The Marines While Your Father Sells You Off
Fun Times With Four Eyes
My Issues Are Now Your Issues
Home Is Where The Heart Is
Not So Sweet Dreams (Nightmares, Actually)
King Sai The Backstabber
There's A Reason You're A Demon
Sai And Smoker Fight For Custody Over You
A Few Steps Back
Timeskip To The Timeskip Before The Timeskip
Don Krieg Would Like To Speak To The Manager
Man With Three Swords Too Angry To Die
Arlong The Walking Fish Stick
You're Not Allowed To Help Because Cannon Hates You
Roronoa Emergency Room Zoro
My Work Here Is Done (You Didn't Do Anything, Though?)
Criminal Or Not, Sometimes It's Nice To Be Wanted
The Hatred for Bounty Hunters and Mountain Bandits Runs in The Family
The Clown And The Casanova
Cursing God And Baking Cookies
Red Nosed And Red Faced; Buggy's Been Caught Red Handed
Theft Isn't a Hobby, It's a Lifestyle
Call Me Ishmael (My Captain Just Punched a Whale)
The Sixth Father Figure (But Really-- Who's Keeping Track?)
God Hates You, But The Feeling's Mutual
Cooking Up Testosterone
Don't Worry, It Gets Even Worse
Zoro Sends 100 Bounty Hunters To The Shadow Realm
Becoming Crocodile's Doormat (Speedrun)
May I Say, You Look Particularly Dashing and Absolutely Terrifying Today?
You Drink Tea. I Drink Anarchy
Not To Self-Diagnose, But Something Is Wrong
Crooner Is Plagued by Horrible Visions (Like Father, Like Daughter)
The Memoirs of a Clown's Apprentice
I Feel Funny (Fatal Character Flaw)
Dr. Disrespect Has Entered The Chat
The Prettiest Boy In The World
I Don't Need To Heal, I Need To Harm
The Real Housewives Of Alabasta
Um, Sir? Your Man Tiddies Are Showing
Gucci In The Desert
Yes, Sir Crocodile
The Most Cursed Game Of Tag Ever Played
At Least Your Kidnappers Are Hot
Bad Pirates Get Put In The Shame Cage
Mood At The Moment: Mischievous
I Don't Care That You Broke Your Elbow
Don't Care, Didn't Ask, Cry About It
Revenge Is Better Than Rest
Your Taste In Men Warrants Therapy
I'm Self-Diagnosing, Something Is Wrong
I Am In Misery
There Is Only One Correct Opinion And It Is Mine
Current Regret of the Day: Why Did I Ever Tell Them That?
Bella, Where the Hell Have you Been, Loca?
Taxes Are For Nerds. Commit Tax Fraud
The Horrors are Endless but I Stay Silly
I'm Too Young to Die a Whore
Welcome Back to Fact or Cap
No Question About it, I Am Ready to Get Hurt Again
All You Had to Do Was Try

Secondhand Smoking (The Fun Way)

1.6K 56 22
By Peachyyy1023

        You honestly didn't think that you'd live through that short trip from Crow Island to Loguetown. 

Not with Aokiji - the Blue Pheasant - who had been breathing down your neck the entire time. (you were lying to yourself- Aokiji was probably sleeping on the floor somewhere, completely and utterly dead to the world).

Another perk you already knew you had- accelerated healing. You didn't heal immediately, but by the next day you were perfectly fine- and you were now going to be arriving at Loguetown later that same day. Courtesy of the bastards that threw you into this world, and not because of Kosai. He already knew how to stop you from bleeding out. That's probably all you needed in this world.

It'd come in handy later if you got doughnutted like some of your favorite anime characters. You wouldn't be much of a help if you bled out on the ground like a jelly doughnut that someone stomped on.

You were now in tip top shape so whatever Marine Captain that agreed to parent you for a month could now beat you into a pulp. It's not like you expected for them to treat you like a princess. If you were then you'd be insulted. Your dad let the Marines borrow you for a reason.

So, if you could snoop around at the base, then you'd try. You wanted to learn the techniques that CP-9 could use. Or at least learn a few that would help you in the long run.

Because you didn't know who would be taking care of you, you were paranoid. What if it was someone who watched you like a hawk and never let you outside in fear that you'd be kidnapped? You hadn't had any experience with kidnapping or any threats. But word might've been spreading that there was a princess heading to Loguetown.

Your expectations of the captain being Smoker were low- and you didn't know what time in the anime that he was assigned at the Marine base at the town.

You had quickly recovered from the shock of your plans being (momentarily) ruined. In reality, the only thing you didn't want to do was learn Marine techniques in fighting. You wanted to have your own fighting style, which was now the most random hand-to-hand combat.

"I do think that you should at least get some sort of weapon."

Like what, though? You leaned on the bars as you overlooked the water. You were supposed to arrive in about an hour or so. I can't use a gun- don't even know how to. Not to mention that they use flintlocks here. I do want to be a combatant on Luffy's crew. I guess I do need a signature.

"Yes. From your skills, you'd be the ship's seamstress at best."

You made a face but said nothing. You could make the meanest batch of brownies and muffins on planet earth. Sewing, knitting, and crocheting were hobbies that you had taken up a while ago. Yes, you had the hobbies of an old lady.

Kosai was chuckling. "It will come in handy one of these days. You already know most of the weapons of the Straw Hats."

Yeah. You mindlessly counted off of your fingers. Nami uses that modified bo staff, Usopp uses a slingshot, Luffy uses... himself? Sanji uses his legs, and Chopper and Robin both use their Devil Fruits. Franky also uses himself to fight. Oh, and Zoro uses three swords.

"...I know a weapon that would suit you."

Really? What? If there's anyone who knows what I should pick, it's you. You were hyped. Maybe you'd get to use something cool.

Kosai felt like he was already implying what you should chose for your weapon. Or rather, weapons. You (someone who was about as sharp as a bowling ball) didn't get the hint and he had to explain.

"(Name). You can use the four-sword style."

You withered like a dying flower. The few Marines that were on deck had seen this and looked at you oddly. Your slumped position made it appear like you were wishing for death. Which you honestly were hoping for at this point.

"Or a five-sword style!"


Did he really think you had the jaw strength for that?

Holding the handle of a sword in your mouth and somehow managing to harm your enemies? How did Zoro even manage that shit in the first place?

Why did you have to use swords?!

"It'd be one of the best options. You can't use a gun; staffs are too long for you to handle -sniping will never be your forte- and though you're good at hand-to-hand combat, your strategies are very damaging to yourself.

He was talking about when you refused to move out of the ways for certain attacks. Mainly punches to anything below your neck, you wouldn't try to dodge. You hadn't had any experience with swords yet, but Kosai would prefer that you stopped this habit before it went too far. You were still annoyed that he wanted you to use swords as your weapons.

I will not be the (Y/N) of ten years ago. I'm (Name), and I will be using literally anything other than swords.

"Think about it. You have four arms, and a sword is like an extension of those."

I don't know how to use a sword either! I don't want to use them! You were whining like a child. You were now gripping the metal bars and contemplating if you should throw yourself off the ship.

"(Name)! You're supposed to use swords-- It was in the notes!"

I don't HAVE to.

"YOU ARE SO ANNOYING." Kosai took control of your lower hands and pinched your stomach. Hard. You bit you lip, and your eyebrows twitched in silent anger.

Kosai, it said TWO sword style. It wasn't changed by them, meaning that it probably isn't that important!

"That's where I think you're wrong! Just because it wasn't changed doesn't mean that it's not important-- Yes, you have more leniency with what you can do with the information. While you could still use two swords, maybe some other weapons as well, we have to choose if we want to follow the script or not."

Then why wasn't it changed?

"I don't know! You're acting so childish just because you don't want to use swords -because of Zoro- when in reality- these are the perfect weapons for you!"

A lightbulb went off in your head. Whips! Kosai, Crooner uses whips as his signature weapon! Why don't I use those?

You instantly had a change of heart

How about we compromise? I'll use two swords and a pair of whips--

"How do you think rope will pair with a blade, (Name)?"


But then you could just use four whips--

"Trust me! And the King himself said that you could buy whatever you wanted. We're not on a budget here." Right. You forgot about that for a second. You weren't flat broke anymore and drowning in debt. God, if the previous you ever found out about this, she'd be screaming her head off.

Now you were going to have to fight Kosai, but the only thing that's different is he has a knife. Not fun either. And you also had to be Walmart Zoro.

When could you finally have some actual fun?

~ . . . ~

Okay, maybe you liked it here.

But last time you checked, Tashigi wasn't a Captain. She was a lieutenant. Or something-- you had no idea. But here she was, helping you to your new room for the month while also carrying some of your bags.

"...Do you see what I mean? I think it's a sign that Tashigi is the one who's helping you."

Kosai... I'm going to beat your ass during training.

Tashigi tapped your shoulder. "You okay? You spaced out for a minute."

"Hey, remember when she thought Zoro was poor?"

You bit your lip and trembled with laughter. "I-I'm fine, Miss Tashigi, i-it's just surreal that- that I'm not on my island anymore. Th-That I'm somewhere else..." Don't make me laugh like that in front of people, goddamn it. You can't just say things like that and expect me to not to laugh. I have an image to maintain.

"Liar. Like that ever works."

She seemed to understand. "Oh, do you... need a minute? I can always show you to that swordsmith another day."

The silence from Kosai had you internally cackling. You knew that he was just thinking about that entire encounter. Where she was like "oh, you're poor? Don't worry about it." And then suddenly he was under new employment.

You waved her off. "No-- I'd really like to go later today. Thank you for your consideration, though." You noticed that in your room, there wasn't... a lot of room.

You weren't complaining! Not at all. If you were any other person, you'd probably be sleeping in the standard bunk beds that you usually saw the Marines using. You just didn't have anywhere to write. If you were going to write down anything plot related, you'd need a good space for that.

"Is there, like, communal offices or something? I need somewhere where I can write." You backtracked quickly. "But I understand if I don't have access to that stuff-- I can probably work on the floor." I really don't want to spill ink everywhere. I already knocked over a few containers at home.

The ravenette looked like she was happy to comply. "I might have to move a few things around, but you can use my office if you'd like."

Oh, for fuck's sake, she's too sweet.

"... I'm worried that the only kind people you've come across are Lory, your father, and Tashigi."

You would be correct.

Her suggestion of using her own office made you feel flattered. And special. "Miss Tashigi, you don't have to if it's too much of a hassle."

"It's okay," she laughed. "I hardly use it myself anyways. There is a more communal workspace, but it does get noisy there sometimes."

She gave you some time to unpack. It didn't take long. You only brought the clothes that you needed and didn't have any weapons to take with you. Aside from your notes, there was a stack of unused papers that you also took with you. Your first day was just going to be shopping with Tashigi.

You headed out the minute you were done unpacking. There was a fat roll of cash in your pockets, and you walked alongside the Marine lieutenant as she made her way down the road.

"So... Where do you plan on taking me today? I don't really know what's in Loguetown." That was true. You had no idea where the hell you were. You'd probably get mugged if you lost sight of Tashigi.

"Well... Is there anything you'd like to see specifically? I think it would be more fun for you if you got to go somewhere you liked."

Kosai melted out of your shoulder and looked around. "You passed a buffet."

You're going to get fat from eating so much. You hummed in thought. "I guess... I'd like some clothes more suited for fighting. Is there anywhere here that has a good place for clothes like that? Oh- books on navigation too... and..."

You held back a grimace and instead put on a smile

"Anything on sword or fighting techniques. I like reading quite a bit."

"It's not that bad. I know you really like swords, but you're just scared that you're going to cut your finger off."

Was he kidding or something? You watched Zoro almost cut off Luffy's finger when he got it stuck in a glass bottle- the dumbass.

"I should have some books on swordsmanship. What made you want to be a swordsman, (Name)?"

You quickened your pace a bit to keep up with her. "Uh... I guess it's just something I've always found interesting. From a young age, I always thought that they were cool. What about you? Any reason you like it so much? You kind of... nerded out when I told you I wanted some swords."

Her face tinted pink with embarrassment. "I-I'm just a bit of a sword fanatic. But I want to collect them. Some of the greatest swords of all time belong to some evil people. I'll gather all of the greatest swords in the world from the world's most dangerous people!"

"Most dangerous people..." You did not remember what she said to Zoro when they were at the sword shop together. This was news to you. You just thought she wanted to be the world's greatest swordsman.

"That was Kuina's dream, Einstein."

Man, fuck you. No need to be so mean just because I'm stupid.

"That's why I'm mean to you."

"Uh. Does that mean you're going after Mihawk?"

She nodded. "You know that he has one of the most powerful swords. Yoru. I want it!"

Damn, take me with you. You shoved your hands into your pockets. "I'm not doubting your abilities at all when I say this-- Miss Tashigi, Dracule Mihawk is a Shichibukai. How. He will turn you into mincemeat if you even try laying a finger on Yoru."

"I'll have to defeat Mihawk if I want Yoru."

"You-You want to beat him? I-" You stopped yourself. You saw how that man skewered Zoro. It was funny as hell, but in all seriousness, Mihawk was a dangerous man. "So, I take it you want to be the greatest swordsman?"

Another nod. You stared at her for a while, not saying anything.

"Eh. Go for it."

Tashigi appeared to be happy with the way you answered. In turn, she asked about your dream. "What do you want in life? What's your goal? Do you want to be a Marine?"

"That's... a secret. Don't tell my dad." You answered her last question. It made you feel bad- just flat out lying. You? A Marine? That's rich. Maybe if you were thirty-six and actually had a chance with all of the other people in One Piece, but now? Nah. Not happening.

As for your dreams? Your aspirations. Hell, if you knew, you'd tell her right then and there. First and foremost, you were going to live the craziest life that you could. Next, save everyone that you could. Third... destroy the government, but that was more of a side quest. Maybe... Yeah...

Maybe you could do that

"I'd want to make this world a place where... well, people can feel loved. Granted, I know it's impossible." Who were you kidding? There was hatred everywhere. Mean and cruel people. "There's nothing to lose by spreading kindness. That's just me, though."

"Yes, "kindness", you say, ignoring the fact that you just said you'd overthrow the government."

Okay, those bitches tried killing Ace. And they succeeded, but now that I'm here, they're not going to do anything of the sort. You justified, not minding that Tashigi gave you a pat on the shoulder for such an innocent sounding dream.

"So, where are we going?" You abruptly asked. Tashigi blinked.

"Huh?" She looked around. "I thought you wanted to go to a clothes store?"

You started sweating. "Tashigi, I was following you the entire time. I have no idea where I am." Damn, she really is clumsy! How did she get lost so fast?!

Tashigi didn't panic. She looked around quickly and pointed at a... perfume store. Your brows creased in confusion. "D-Do I need deodorant? Do I smell bad?"

Her face went red. "No! That's not what I meant!! The place next to it sells good clothing!"

You let out an 'aahh' in realization before laughing. Really, why did you jump to that conclusion. You crossed the bustling street with her with a bright smile on your face. "I see! Sorry, Miss Tashigi. I guess I tend to speak before I think."

"It's fine! You don't have to call me 'Miss Tashigi'. Just Tashigi is okay."

"Not even lieutenant?"

She shook her head, "I'd like to be your friend, so please, call me Tashigi!"


"Yeah okay- huh?" You turned in the direction that Kosai warned you about, only to get a spritz of perfume right in the nose. And mouth. And eyes. Holy shit that burned. But upon smelling when was being sprayed at you-- it smelled exactly like...


And your stomach filled with dread. Your whole body was just frozen in shock at the strong emotion you felt. You might've been dramatic, but the last time you were assaulted with perfume, you didn't feel... like this.

You didn't even scream. You just went silent as your eyes teared up and you looked at the culprit.

Tashigi gasped. "(Name)?? Are you alright?"

"Mn. I'm fuh... fine." You answered, turning to the side and covering your mouth so you could start scrubbing your tongue with your sleeve. The fuck does it look like. I'm gonna die. That shit's referencing Arlong, isn't it?

"Eugh, even I can smell it! It's not bad, but it's strong... (Name), you can pick better than this, can't you--"


"I- OKAY!" He huffed at your attitude as his form pressed into the side of your neck. "I would guess that it is referencing Arlong! Your premonitions come in any form, too. The last one you got was the one on your first day, remember? About Ace?"

Like I could forget.

The salesmen in front of you was frantically apologizing. She seemed honest enough-- she probably squeezed that weird perfume ball on the end of the perfume bottle by mistake. Tashigi was just as concerned. You were surprised that it wasn't her that got spritzed, considering her luck.

So you were going to fight Arlong. That blows.

You let out a few coughs and turned back to Tashigi. Your eyes were still watering, but it was nothing to cry over. "I'm fine, don't worry! Shit- er- Stuff happens, I guess!" You gave the salesman a thumbs up. Her shoulders slumped in relief. You sent a tentative glance at Tashigi. "So... Maybe perfume first? It smells pretty nice."

"It... Does. But clothes and swords next!"

Tashigi chuckled at your statement. "I could take a look too..."

Maybe you liked citrus scents? So what?

You'd be dragging out as much time with Tashigi as you could-- you'd miss her when you became a pirate

~ . . . ~

So, you prolonged getting the swords! Kosai might've been pissed, but you were having a great time...

... Reviewing plans

You leaned back in Tashigi's chair and sighed.

Her office was nice. It wasn't as big as Smoker's (as you had previously remembered from the anime), but it did have its own window. And she had moved her desk so that it faced the window. It was getting close to sunset, and you watched the sun peek through the sides of the lowest clouds on the horizon.

She had been kind enough to clean up a bit, and even kinder as to lend you her pen until you found one for yourself. Planning wasn't as much as a punishment as it was before-- you actually found it fun now.

Kosai was busy looking through the bookshelves, oozing from book to book. "She's got a ton of books on swordsmanship. She's a total nerd."

You called him back over. "If you going to say that, say it in my head."

He sank slightly into your non dominant arm. Kosai used two eyes in favor of dozens. Sometimes he didn't like looking in every direction. He blinked up at you. "She's a total nerd."

Letting out a humored snort, you poked his gelatinous form. It rippled. If only she could help me with this-- then it'd be easier for both of us.

Your arm warmed. "Just review what you've written down. I'll let you sleep after that."

"Yeah, right." You scoffed. He kept you up at night most of the time because he had midnight cravings. You'd be starving yourself for the month-- or just eating like a normal person, because Kosai didn't have access to all of the food that he wanted.

Golden hour arrived as your eyes skimmed over what you had written. You had gone silent for the meantime, and Kosai was left to his own devices. He needed other ways to entertain himself. He drifted from your arms, going over to the open window and gazing outside. His eyes shifted from side to side as he overlooked Loguetown.

He thought it was pretty. It was a nice sunset. Compared to the many sunsets that he spent during training hours back on Crow Island. That- and the sunsets Lory usually watched with you whenever he let you have a chance to rest.

"Oh. Shit."

His eyeballs sank through his body and appeared on the other side of his form. "What is it?"

"Holy shit. Hoooly shit I fucked up. Huston, I have too many problems."

"What's wrong?" He was back on your arm in an instant. "Did you forget some papers?"

You tapped your pen on the paper that was in front of you. "I just realized something. You know how Crow Island is right across from here? Because- yeah, we know that Crow Island is right across from Loguetown."

"I'm... I'm following."

"How the hell are those two going to find me?" you referenced Zoro and Luffy, not wanting to name them out loud. "Those two can't find me in time. Like, I'd be there when everyone else comes to Loguetown. How am I going to go when they're here?"

"Ah." Kosai blinked. "Shit."

He didn't see the problem until now either

"I don't have a log pose of my home... and I have no navigational skills."

How did you not see this? You'd end up having to somehow join when the crew arrived here. And what if that didn't work? You were just plain fucked then.

The only thing I can rely on is Zoro's arrival at Crow Island. You chewed your bottom lip and your leg started bouncing under the table. What do I say when he leaves? We need to focus on that first.

"Well... The notes only mention mc saying something like "take me with you next time you come back home"."

"Ugh. Cringe." You said under your breath.

"I think that it'd be best to join sooner rather than later. Even though you want to avoid Arlong. Why are you so scared of him?"

I-- I don't know. I just hate that roach. He scares me like spiders do.

"...You're scared of spiders?"


You flipped through the next few pages as Kosai's form rumbled in a chuckle. "What should I do?" Should I say something different? And if so-- what??

He hummed in thought. You both truly had no idea when Luffy would start sailing, and when he'd find Zoro. All that we know is in a few year's time, Luffy will begin sailing. You're around... two years older than him. Ace is three years older than Luffy, making him seventeen right now. Meaning Luffy is currently fourteen. He probably left by now. You could try to find Ace instead.

"No, then everything I've done would be pointless." I want to join the Straw Hats. Not Whitebeard's crew.

"Then think of something to say. It should be easy."

You grumbled to yourself and thought about it for a moment. It wasn't that hard. " "Next time we meet, take me with you". How about that?"

"An easy alternative."

"Problem solved?" Amazing! You had a feeling it wasn't.

Kosai shook his "head" with a jiggle.

"Where do you think you could meet them? How? Remember, if you don't have a log pose to give him or any maps --fitting for a man who always gets lost-- you don't have a way for him to find you." He formed a small hand and took the pen from you, doing the writing for you. "On top of that, you're now friends with the Marines."

Okay, like, one. I beat the others into the ground with my bare hands.

"What I'm saying is that it wouldn't work."

He... He had a point. You'd like to set sail on your own, but you had no navigation skills (previously mentioned) and you were pretty sure that Tashigi wouldn't be too keen on letting you join a group of pirates. You really hoped that she never found out about your secret.

Even though you'd probably be seeing her when your group returned to Loguetown for supplies.

That was just plain annoying

"What about Orange Town?"

"No map, no ship, no way of getting there either."

"Damn. Oh, wait a minute--" you snapped your fingers. "-Why didn't I think of this?? I could just go to the Baratie."

"Oh..." He was seemingly pleased by this idea. "The Baratie. That could serve as good meeting spot. You'd join-- and it'd be explainable. Though, it is right before Arlong."

Yeah, but get this; Mihawk. You were grinning ear to ear now. As long as you got to see that man (no matter if he was beating the shit out of someone or not) you wouldn't complain about anything after that.

"You could help with the Don Krieg fight," The demon suggested. That's right, you could also show off!

Please, you'd do anything to try Sanji's cooking. Just admit it!

"...I would like to go... If we could."

A giggle fell past your lips. Of course he'd love to go. He was a total foodie. "Alright, I'll try to set something up, now that the problem is... mostly resolved? Time may be a problem, but I'll just become a normal patron there and visit every week or so if I can. So, now- uh.... huh...?"

A blur of white came across your vision. Weird. Maybe a sunspot? You rubbed your eyes and expected it to go away, but it only... grew across your vision? You blinked in confusion.

What the fuck?

"Who are you talking to?"


You shrieked and bolted upright out of your chair-- nearly breaking your neck from how fast you turned around. That was not a blur, unfortunately. You were just the unluckiest person alive, weren't you?

I wish I was a worm. You sweated under the gaze of a certain somebody, who you somehow didn't notice until now. Scratch that. I wish the earth would open up and swallow me whole. He heard my entire conversation, didn't he? I'm a dumbass.

The scrutinizing gaze was upon you. The man's white teeth, not stained by the cigars he bit down on, were borne slightly as he loomed over you. His white hair blended with the smoke that came from his mouth in both short puffs and lines. You understood the incident from earlier now. Because your stomach had filled with the same dread and pure fear that had filled it earlier that day.

So this was what it was like to be trapped under the watchful eyes of Captain Smoker. Terrifying. How did Kosai not see this? Wasn't he faced towards anything that was behind you? And how did you not smell him coming?

Speaking of that-- the coward was now hiding behind your neck and trying to blend in with the shadows your hair created. You were both panicking.


"Some of my senses are connected to yours!" Kosai protested, "I can't smell anything but oranges right now!"

Oh goddamnit, that stupid salesman! The perfume was still stuck in your nose!

Kosai shivered when Smoker's eyes narrowed. "OH MY GOD SAY SOMETHING HE'S GOING TO KILL US"





You were fully backed up against the desk as you screamed at Kosai internally. You were also trying to cover up all of your plans, hoping that your body was enough to be in the way of Smoker's line of sight. Shit, you should've just eaten the papers.

"Um, hi. Who are you?"

"Smoker. You didn't answer my question."

"Play dumb."

"What question?"

Kosai facepalmed

"You were just talking to someone. Who." HIs question came out like more of a command than anything. He also gave a glance around the room. "You're also in Tashigi's office."

"Uhm... uh... I was talking to myself. And Tashigi let me work in here."

It wasn't your fault that you couldn't think of a better lie. You had Captain goddamn Smoker in front of you and he was more intimidating than you thought. He was standing over you and you... you... you didn't....

You didn't not like it

And from what you had just said, it was clear that he wasn't really buying it. That was his problem, though, because you technically were telling the truth regarding your first statement and the second one was true anyways.

But Smoker was a smart man. You knew that. Right now, you were just praying that he thought (or already knew) that you were a dumbass and would just leave you to it. From your pathetic praying to whatever gods were left, you must've willed something into existence.

Because that's when Tashigi opened the door to her office and let herself in. "Oh, Smoker! Did you meet (Name)? She's the child of the King from Crow Island."


His eyes were locked on yours. "Oh. So you're that kid then."

"Y-Yeah. (Name)... from Crow Island." You crept over to the side before you sprinted over to Tashigi and grabbed her hand. Tashigi was yanked along with you as you fucked out of the situation entirely.



You didn't stop power walking until you were almost out of the base. Tashigi had grown more concerned, but she didn't press it.

"Did... Did you want to go sword shopping now?"

"Yeah! I- I just, sorry, I panicked because that man scares me." You admitted, attempting to lie. It didn't work, since it wasn't even a lie. That was just the full truth. "So can you show me the way? I wanted you to be the one who picked out my swords."

Her face lit up. She had clearly wanted to do that from the start. "Really? Are you sure?"

You nodded. "Yeah, it'll take my mind of things."

She began to lead you in the direction of the sword shop. Kosai pinched your side. "You almost left your plans behind, idiot!"

Shit, I did?

"No, I grabbed them. I don't think he noticed anything on them." As he said that, you felt the papers, folded up against your skin. "I'll put them in your pockets later- just don't run off like that!"

What? Like you wouldn't run if you saw him? HE IS 6'10, KOSAI. AND ARE YOU INSINUATING THAT YOU'RE WEAK AGAINST THAT MAN-



Your first day at Loguetown was quickly coming to a close. It seemed as though you were being given more bad luck than good, and your meetings with important people always ended in a bad way. You just had to figure out a way to live through it until you were allowed to rest.

And so, the sun started to set beneath the sea, and the night life of Loguetown began. Were you really set out for sword training?

I know I'm lucky to be able to wield four swords, but I feel like it's not... original, you know? You pouted and rubbed your ringing ears.

"Makes sense, seeing as there's already another swordsman who uses the Four Sword Style."

Your brows quirked in surprise. Really? Who?


You almost tripped


Tashigi sweat dropped as she looked at the downright murderous expression on your face. Then again, you did have a resting bitch face that nobody talked about. Well, whatever. She wouldn't say anything. You were a sweet kid. And you were letting her pick out your swords.

She was happy that you would be training under her

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