The Ghost of You

By fh_criedthewolf

121K 6.4K 1.8K

Samanun is a ghost trapped in her mansion from 20 years ago. Everything changed when she met the new owner of... More

Chapter 1 - The Mansion, The Owner And The Lost Love
Chapter 2 - I'll Die Once Again
Chapter 3 - Life And Death
Chapter 4 - The Book
Chapter 6 - Time With You
Chapter 7 - Empty Space
Chapter 8 - First (Part 1)
Chapter 8 - First (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 9 - Photograph
Chapter 10 - Pillow Talk
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 1)
Chapter 11 - What If? (Part 2) πŸ”ž
Chapter 12 - Home
Chapter 13 - One Last Time πŸ”ž
Chapter 14 - P. S. I Love You
Chapter 15 - The Ghost Of You
Chapter 16 - Past, Present, Future (Epilogue)
Story Breakdown (BTS, Fun Facts Etc.)
The Ghost Of You : Continuum
Chapter 1 - The Red String Of Fate
Chapter 2 - Quantum Entanglement
Chapter 3 - The Eyes Chico, They Never Lie
Chapter 4 - The Theory Of Colours
AUTHOR'S NOTE πŸ°πŸ§šπŸ»β€β™€οΈ
Chapter 5 - Enamored
Chapter 6 - Down The Memory Lane
Chapter 7 - Dear Diary
Chapter 8 - The Moon Is Beautiful Isn't It?
Chapter 9 - I Wanna Be Yours
Chapter 10 - I Wasn't Yours To Begin With
Chapter 11 - Apocalypse
Chapter 12 - Post Apocalyptic πŸ”ž
Chapter 13 - Between A Rock And A Hard Place
Chapter 14 - In Sickness And In Health
Chapter 15 - Make A Wish
Chapter 16 - Mistletoe (A Christmas Special)
Chapter 17 - Butterflies And Fireworks (A New Year Special)
Chapter 18 - A Little Piece Of Heaven πŸ”ž
Chapter 19 - Heartbeats, Stars And... (A Valentine's Day Special 🌹🀍🏹)
Chapter 20 - Nightmares
Chapter 21 - Sweet Dreams πŸ”ž
Chapter 22 - Kiss Me, Heal Me
Chapter 23 - Blood, Sweat and Tears
Chapter 24 - Every Rose Has Its Thorn
Chapter 25 - Under The Rose
Chapter 26 - Not A Bed Of Roses
Chapter 27 - Kiss And Make Up
Chapter 28 - The Heart Wants What It Wants πŸ”ž
Chapter 29 - She Comes Undone πŸ”ž
Chapter 30 - Love Is In The Air
Chapter 31 - Ungodly Hour
Chapter 32 - Golden Hour
Chapter 33 - Burning Desires πŸ”ž
Chapter 34 - Eternal Flames πŸ”ž
Chapter 35 - Her First Snow
Chapter 36 - The Tales Of Two Hearts
Chapter 37 - 480 Minutes
Chapter 38 - Surprise, Surprise!
Chapter 39 - Tulips 🌷
Chapter 40 - Territorial
Chapter 41 - Ride Or Die πŸ”ž

Chapter 5 - The Line Between Life And Death

2.4K 164 28
By fh_criedthewolf

"So.. The woman in the photo with you.. She looks just like me."

Mon and Sam continued their conversation in the living room. It was a bit awkward at first, but they'll get used to it.

"Yes.. She is my fiancée. Was."

Mon can see Sam's eyes turns glassy at the mentioned of her fiancée.

"I'm sorry for your lost. I don't want to open up your wounds back, but living with me who wears the face of her didn't help either."

"It's alright, I love your company. I know you're not her, but seeing a familiar face and the one that I loved dearly, it's.. soothing." The ghost replied.

"What happened? Since we'll be living together, it's only fair if you share your story. Think of it as.. A rent!", Mon giggles.

"A rent? You're collecting rent from a ghost? The owner of the house? I swear your sense of humor is just like her."

"Correction, I'M the current owner of this house. Come on.. I know you've been dying to talk to someone. Oh shit, no offense." Mon blurted out without realising what she said until later.

"None taken. I am dead after all. Fine, what do you want to know?"

"EVERYTHING. Wait how long have you lived as a ghost??", Mon asked curiously.

"I lost count. What year is it now?"

"It's 2023."

"Huh.. Really? It's 20 years then."

Even Sam was shocked it's been that long. But there's a question in her mind that she's been wanting for answers.

"I'm still confused. You weren't supposed to see me, let alone talk to me. What just happened?? I mean, it was normal until -"

"Until I came back from the dead.", Mon answered.

The two woman exchanged a look.

"Do you think that was the reason why you can see me?", asked the ghost.

"Could be. I probably caught in the middle when I crossed the line of life and death but ended up being back alive.", Mon shared her theory.

"Life and death.. Wait, I wanna try something!"

Sam reached her left palm out in front of her gesturing Mon to do the same and she did, but with her right hand. Their palms are now facing each other as both of them tried to close the gap.

Slowly, their palms touched as they felt a shock of electricity through the skin. Their hands linger for a while as the soft skins touch.

"I- I can touch you. It didn't work before when I tried saving you."

"Wow.. I don't know what to say. I'm still processing what's happening.", Mon is still in awe.

They slowly pulled their hands off.

"I thought I was gonna die. Hell, I'm so sure that I'm going to die. But then it feels like there's a voice that's fighting for me to stay alive. I don't know if it's a dream or not but it's so vivid. It's not a dream was it? It was you.", Mon added.

Feeling embarrassed, Sam lowers her gaze and nodded.

"Me too. I really thought you're gonna die. I was so scared."

"Why do you care so much if I died? Oh.. Is it because I look like your -"

"No! I like you.", Sam blushed realising it was the wrong choice of word.

"I-I mean, I like that you're here, you seems like a nice person. And you're still so young, you don't deserved to die without living your life to the fullest." Sam explained genuinely.

"That's actually very sweet of you Sam. Alright, enough about me now spill." Mon said, eager to hear the story of the friendly ghost.

"My fiancée, she died in an accident. A day before our marriage. I was so ready to marry her you know. We already booked our flight to Switzerland for our honeymoon. She picked the best wedding dress to feel like a princess and eventually my queen. I can still feel her warm smile when she twirled in her dress showing me how beautiful she looks in it. "

"It's been 23 years since she died. But every time I wakes up and open my eyes, it feels like it was yesterday. How the bed felt a bit bigger when she's gone, how there is an empty space besides me. For three years, I was so brokenhearted that I probably cried myself to death. The moment I wakes up again, here I am trapped. I don't even know how or why. Eventually, I got used to it.", Sam continued.

Sam shared her stories to Mon who listens with much interest.

"That was.. beautiful and tragic at the same time. The book, was it from her?" Mon questions the ghost.

"It was hers actually. We met in the library and like any other love story, I accidentally bumped into her. Her books scattered, I tried to help her, we locked eyes and a few months later we fell in love. It was her favourite book. She said I should spend some time reading but I was not fond of it. So she gifted it to me and now, it was my favourite."

"It must be hard for you after seeing me." Mon feels guilty.

"You have no idea. I really thought she came back. There's a slight happiness in me seeing you that day. Then I realised it wasn't her. Don't get me wrong, I like you here, it's just that.."

"You don't need to explain that to me Sam, I understand.", Mon gave a soft look to Sam and then smiled.

"You know, I feel warm when you're near. I miss that feeling. Maybe that's one of the reason why I like your company."

"That's funny, because I feel slightly cold when near you. Wait a damn minute. It's you again wasn't it?? You're the reason I've been feeling a bit cold sometimes. Because you were near me. Wait... Did you saw me naked?!!"

"Wh-what?? N-no!! Why would I do that?", Sam stuttered, clutching the book on her lap.

Mon can see how red Sam's face was. She's trying to hold back her laugh as she was just teasing her.

"Then why are you blushing? Oh my god.. You're imagining me naked aren't you?", She continues her teased.

"I did not! I turn the other way around and closed my eyes!", She blurted out after being teased that much.

"Hahaha relax.. I was just messing with you. You're so fun to tease. You look so cute when you're in panic." Mon laughed.

"Stop teasing me damn it! I cannot believe I was teased by a human being. Maybe I should scares you off the moment I saw you."

"But you didn't."

"No I didn't."

"Because you like me." Mon smirks.

"Shut up." Sam rolls her eyes.

Teasing Sam would be Mon's newfound hobby now as the woman really enjoys it. They talked and laughed, feeling more comfortable with each other and eventually loss the track of time.

"Hey, I'm sorry but I have to go now. I have something to settle. I really love talking to you, and we'll talk again I promise. It's not like you're going anywhere right?"

"When will you be coming back?", Sam asked.

"Don't wait up for me. Why? Miss me already?"

"I didn't say I'm going to wait for you. I'll make myself at home."

"Before I go, have you been wearing the same dress?", Mon give Sam a look over.

"Uh.. Yes?"

"Can you wear other clothes?"

Mon added more questions making the ghost confused.

"I can if i wanted to."

"Why didn't you?"

"I don't feel the need to. Plus, I don't have any other clothes. Why?"

"Just curious I guess. Gotta go! Bye~ Don't miss me too much!"

Mon left the house without saying anything else.

"She's so weird sometimes." Sam said to herself.


It was late at night when Mon came back home. She opened the front doors and yawns.


"Sam?" she called for her new housemate.

Sam was nowhere to be found.

"Did she wander off somewhere?", She thinks to herself.

Mon went straight to her bedroom. Once she enters her room, there she was, the woman she's been calling for. Fast asleep on her bed, reaching for the empty space next to her.

Hearing the sound of the door opens, Sam lifted her heavy eyelids and realising she's sleeping on Mon's bed while the owner stands in front of her.

"Oh, I'm so sorry I fell asleep on your bed. I'll leave now."

Without waiting for a reply from Mon, Sam hurried away from the bedroom.

"It's alr-", Mon didn't get to finish her sentence as Sam's already gone.

Too tired to response, Mon flopped on her bed and fell asleep without changing her clothes.


Mon stretched her body to loosen her muscles from the unusual sleeping position.

"What time is it?"

She looked on her phone and it was 3.21 in the morning. Noticing she didn't changed into a comfier outfit yet, she wakes up to do so. She's feeling thirsty so she went downstairs to get some water. It was a cold night so she covered herself in her comforter.

Her dried throat soothed as she gulped down the cold stream of water. One hand on the glass of water and another holding her comforter over her shoulder. Going back to sleep, she noticed Sam is sleeping on the couch on the living room curling her knees and hands closed to her chest.

She went closer slowly as she's afraid she'll wake up Sam again. She was in a deep sleep.

"Why is she sleeping here?", Mon said inside her head.

Seeing how cold Sam is, Mon took off her comforter from her shoulder and covered Sam slowly with it. She didn't know if the comforter even helps but at least Sam looks a bit more comfortable now.

Mon stares at the face in front of her for a while. It was soft, but at the same time she can feel the sorrow inside. She can only wonder what has the ghost has gone through alone. If her presence now is helping Sam healed and eventually helps Sam moved on to the afterlife, that's what she's going to do.  She'll be there for Sam.

Sam saved her before, and now she's going to save the lost soul.


A/N: What did you think of this chapter? Let me know! I'll be a bit busy after this bcs I got a new job so hopefully you'll be patient with the updates.

I wanted to ask, is it okay if I added some mature content in future chapter? Don't worry, I'll give a warning first throughout the chapter. Let me know what you want/think.

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