Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

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Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



2.2K 47 9
By WestCoast14

a/n: hey guys sorry this chapter is a bit short and that it took so long for me to update! I hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless!

Breakfast went by fast... probably from the fact Ginny and Charles talked the entire time. Of course there were group conversations that brought the two out of their catch-up time, but for the most part, they mingled like no one else was at the table.

They discussed all sorts of topics, just like Ginny and Chloe, chatting about college life, best-races, being a teacher, and traveling the world. Charles had all the fun stories. Ginny listened eagerly, always interested in the Monaco Man and his adventures. Arthur would pipe in a story here and there too, reminding them that they were in fact, not alone.

Everyone was throwing their napkins over the glossy, glass, plates. The five-course meal was better than any food back in New York, and that was saying something. Ginny tried to ignore how stuffed she was, feeling the bulge of her tummy against her cute cherry dress.

She pressed her hands against the table, preparing to push back her chair, when a set of hands gripped the expensive cloth before her. She glanced over her shoulder at Charles, who grinned back with a wink, "I'm guessing the guys in New York aren't gentlemen?"

Ginny bowed her head in a silent thank you and climbed to her feet. She let out a chuckle, watching as Charles neatly placed the chair back in it's original spot. "I wouldn't know."

He cocked his head to the side, eyeing her with a raised brow of curiosity. "No boyfriend then?"

"No boyfriend." Ginny repeated with a shrug of her shoulders. "Plus, any extra time I have, I want to focus on becoming a better teacher. I owe it to my kids."

Charles offered his arm for her to take. They locked elbows and departed through the restaurant, following the large group outside. He leaned over, pressing his lips to her ear, "They're lucky to have you, Miss Chalamet."

Ginny blushed, feeling the heat from her chest rise to her face. "I look forward to seeing you drive today."

"I'll make sure to impress." He caught the door in his hand after Arthur, holding it open for Ginny.

She walked through with a gentle smile on her lips, but that was soon replaced with a grimace. Pierre loomed over her body, watching as she shuffled over to the wall across from him. The others were talking about what the rest of the day would involve and no one seemed to notice that the Frenchman was mentally cursing Ginny in the meantime.

She wondered why he'd been so quiet during breakfast, keeping to his side of the table and talking with Timothee and Austin. Ginny knew he was clever. He wouldn't treat her poorly in front of everyone else like he used too... they were all adults. For kids, it's different. Pierre was just under a lot of pressure and took it out on Ginny. But, she knew that wasn't the end of it. There would never be an end with him.

"I think we have some time before practice." Chloe told the group with a bright smile. "Shall we do some sightseeing?'

"Oh that sounds fun!" Tani nodded her head in agreement, checking with her boyfriend too. The footballer also agreed with a smile, grabbing her hand in the process. Chloe glanced around the circle the group had formed. She waited for anyone else to chime in. Ginny hugged her shoulders, feeling a cool breeze wash over her skin. "Where too?"

"The palace, maybe?" Chloe suggested, snapping at Henry like he needed to add something. "The guards have cute little shows every morning."

Henry ran a hand through his dark hair and Ginny tried not to stare at his huge muscles as they flexed. "Kind of like back home... they do tricks and show off their formations."

"There's also a great history museum next door." Chloe clapped her hands like she did when she was excited as a little girl. "They have classes everyday too about a tid-bit of Monaco. It's so fun!"

"Clearly," Charles stood beside Ginny with a mischievous grin. His body radiated heat and the smell of his cologne lingered in her nose. She almost forgot about the infamous glare Pierre was shooting her way... almost. It seemed to get worse as Charles placed a hand on her back. "Chloe's definition of fun is still different from ours."

Ginny couldn't help but giggle. "Just a little bit."

Timothee let out a snicker, turning to Austin with wiggling brows. "Chloe wants us to have an educational lesson before we get wasted my dear friend."

"Isn't wine a lesson in itself." Austin retorted, glancing at Chloe with a shy grin. "You can learn a lot about a country from their wine."

"He makes a good point." Timothee clapped his friend on the shoulder. "Right, Chloester?"

Chloe deadpanned, jutting her chin out in disgust. But, Ginny knew she was hiding the real reason she didn't want to go to a winery or anywhere the sole-focus was alcohol, because Chloe couldn't have any. She was pregnant and not everyone in the group knew. AKA: Timothee and Austin. "You can get drunk anywhere. Let's do something special! You two can get wasted during practice."

"What if we go to Princess Grace Japanese Garden?" Arthur spoke up from his place beside Chloe. He had a casual arm thrown over her shoulder. "It's history and drinks. Just not alcoholic drinks."

"Didn't we go there once?" Ginny glanced at Charles.

"Yeah." Pierre answered for him. "You spilled your tea all over the table."

Ginny glared at the devil incarnate, feeling an embarrassed rush of anger flow through her. She gritted her teeth. This time, Charles stepped in and answered for her, "If I remember correctly, it was because you shoved her. Always the troublemaker, Gasly."

Pierre paused. "Always."

"I'm down for whatever." Tani shrugged her skinny shoulders. "But we should pick now because we don't have all day."

"Agreed." Chloe confirmed. "Does everyone wanna go to the Garden?"

The group nodded and through out some 'yeah's' and 'sure.' Chloe, being somewhat the leader, threw a thumbs up. Henry gave her a kiss on the cheek, "We can all go to the palace tomorrow. Saturday is Special Event Day, remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Chloe brightened at the idea. "That's perfect! Ginny, you'll go with us to the palace tomorrow won't you?"

"Of course." Ginny hugged her neck. "I can't wait to hear nerdy Chloe again. It's been a long time."

"Everyone has a nerdy side." Chloe rolled her eyes. "I just happen to be the most fashionable nerd in the world. Get on my level, boo."

"I can only try." Ginny laughed with her.

"Who's riding with who?" Timothee asked, glancing at Henry. "Is it okay if we still tag along with you?"

"Yeah!" Henry said. "I think we can all-"

"Ginny will be with me." Pierre spoke suddenly, his voice cutting through the air like a knife. "Since I drove separately..."

Ginny flickered her dark eyes to Pierre, trying to see if he'd been kidding. But he wasn't. He walked over to her and squeezed in between Charles. His smell and presence eradicated the prior comfort from the Monaco Man. "What are you doing?" She hissed under her breath.

He ignored her. "Anyone else want to ride with us?"

It was a question, but everyone seemed to understand the underlying statement. And that was, 'get your own fucking ride.' Ginny waited and prayed that someone would speak up- hoping that Charles would contest. But he didn't. No one did. Not even Chloe. Not even her own brother. Maybe he'd asked them ahead of time. Maybe he wanted to get her alone. He could've told them, 'So we can catch up' but that was a lie. He wanted to threaten her and deflate her self-esteem until she was nothing but an empty soul. Just like she'd been...


Don't think about that.

"We'll go with Charles." Tani spoke for herself and Lisandro.

Arthur nodded. "Me too."

"See everyone there." Chloe scanned the group, but when she landed on Ginny, she had a conflicted gaze. Ginny couldn't back down. If she broke off to go with Charles, Pierre would know she was terrified. She'd have to suck it up.

Don't let him get to you.

She reminded herself that she needed to text Sara. Maybe she could send her a S.O.S and hope that Sara would get the memo. That would keep her preoccupied and sane. She had no clue what Pierre would try and do. But, she kept her head high and waved to the others, following Pierre to his sports car. She could've picked which one was his without following his lead.

It was like the bat mobile: midnight black, lights tucked underneath the rims, doors that flew up instead of out. Ginny clenched her jaw, keeping it from coming undone in a gasp, and walked to the passenger door. Pierre already stood there. He was only a few inches away. His lips slid into a wicked grin. "I'm guessing the guys in New York aren't gentlemen."

Ginny tensed under his intense gaze. He had been listening. A part of her felt smug that he'd heard the conversation between her and Charles, but another part... another part of her felt guilty. And she didn't want to admit that. "You aren't either."

"I'm opening the door for you, aren't I?" He pulled the handle and carefully took a step back to let the door fling upward. "That's what Charles did... and you sure think he's a gentleman."

"He is." Ginny didn't dare look away. "But you'll never be anything that starts with gentle."

"Oh my, my! You've got me scared to death. What am I gonna do now, Pony? This girl's making me shake."

The Outsiders.

Ginny let out a frustrated breath. Pierre was insufferable. He'd always known that was her favorite movie- well, one of her favorite movies. She had many. When they watched it together as kids one summer, Pierre had loved Dallas Winston. She never had to wonder why. They were practically the same person. Ignorant. Mean. Cocky. And a little-


He'd made fun of her for liking Sodapop, the charming pretty boy. Sound familiar? But what Ginny couldn't really believe, was that Pierre remembered a quote from her favorite movie. And that he'd used it at a perfect time. "You've obviously missed me if you can remember a line like that, Gasly."

His eyes almost softened with a nostalgic longing, but was replaced with a hardened glare. "More than you will ever know, Chalamet."

What? Ginny furrowed her brows, watching him with intent. He grabbed her arm, squeezing tight enough to block circulation. She startled. She tried to slap his hand away but he didn't budge. "Care to have a quick detour?"

"No!" She glanced over her shoulder, but the others were already pulling out of the parking spots. She whirled around, "Stop it!"

His wicked grin returned even more fierce. "Too bad."

She was shoved into the car. Pierre shut the door and walked around the back. Ginny took a deep breath, calming her nerves. She couldn't let him get under her skin. She'd be fine. He couldn't hurt her. He couldn't...

Pierre hopped in the driver's sear and started the engine. "Tu sais, je pense que je suis tout à fait un gentleman, Ginny. Vous ne l'avez tout simplement jamais remarqué."

You know, I think I'm quite the gentleman, Ginny. You just never noticed.

And Ginny sat back in her seat, wondering how in the world he ever thought he was a gentleman.

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