Sing From The Heart

By OneArtsyGamer03

85.6K 3.5K 1.4K

OneArtsyGamer03 here, lovelies... Republishing of "Sing From The Heart" <3 When Buster's theater is threaten... More

Meet the Singers
A Singing Competition!
The Auditions
Dream Big Dreams
Practice and Power Outages
Another Night
An Idea
Trouble Ahead
Nana Noodleman
Final Touches
Under Pressure
Shake It Off!
I'm Still Standing!
Set It All Free!
My Way!
Don't You Worry 'Bout A Thing!
Love Song!

The Bell Tolls

3.5K 164 79
By OneArtsyGamer03

Is it weird when I write intense, action scenes I become tense? Like... It's like I'm there, and it's weird.

During the scene where Buster had to open the chest, my jaw was tense the whole time, and I couldn't relax it.

Anyway! Onto le chapter!


Third Person P.O.V

"Ready?" (Y/N) nervously whispers to Buster as the two stand on the Crescent Moon, side by side, just like they used to.

"As I'll ever be," he anxiously replies with a worried grin, taking in a deep breath as he prepares himself.

The moon begins to lower, making Buster quickly stable (Y/N) and the two straighten out.

"All people great and small!" Buster grins, handing the mic to (Y/N).

"Welcome to the Moon Theater!" She continues, trying not to look directly at the bright light as it follows the moon and its descent.


Meena slowly lowers the moon with a grin, listening to the two.

"We are your hosts, Buster Moon," Buster pauses, waiting for (Y/N).

"And (Y/N)(L/N)! And--"

Meena gasps as the lever sticks, only to jerk down as she swiftly tries to push it up, doing so after a second.


Buster and (Y/N) both gasp and shriek as the moon begins to fall, Buster grunting and holding (Y/N) up by her arm as she stares at the ground with wide eyes, her legs dangling under her.


Johnny gasps from his spot as he nervously watches her hang, anxiously fiddling with his hands as he refrains from rushing to help her.


He grunts as he pulls her back onto the moon, Nana shaking her head in disapproval at the danger as Eddie sighs in relief, slumping in his seat.

"O-Okay!" (Y/N) stammers, trying to still her shaky legs with a deep breath.

"Behold!" Buster manages out as he makes sure she was safe before standing up tall, "the very first stage..."

He and the squid owner make eye contact, the squid owner nodding with a thumbs up.

"Lit entirely by squid power!" (Y/N) finishes with a grin, the curtain behind them pulling open to reveal the water wall.

Behind the two, the squids circle around and light up the stage, following their owners motions.

From above, Eddie gasps and claps while Nana watches in awe.

Johnny and the others cheer at the sight, Meena relieved it worked. The moon lowers just a bit more, allowing the two to jump off the moon and onto the glass stage.

"Wonderful job!" She smiles at the squid, even though they didn't understand.

"Just follow us on the beat," Buster tells the owner, making him nod and prepare himself.

He moves so the squid all sway to the beat, appearing where Buster and (Y/N) walk.

"And as you can see, this is no ordinary theater!" Buster continues as the two walk to the beat, dancing slightly.

Buster walks to the right of the stage, nodding and following (Y/N) as she walks on the other side, both moving in sync.

"This is a palace of wonder and magic!"

Johnny smiles as he watches (Y/N), blushing as she makes eye contact and grins at him as she and Buster both jump and spin, landing as the squid disperse around them.


Eddie laughs, gesturing to the two as they dance.

"They've done it! They've really done it, Nana!" He laughs again, leaning forward as he watches.

"Oh, goodness!" Nana admires with a smile, fanning herself.


(Y/N)'s P.O.V

"Now, welcome our first contestant!" Buster looks towards the others, prepared to say his name when...

The doors were thrown open, startling me and Buster as large burly men enter with Mike.

"Woah!" I yell as the music stops, and I nervously watch the men as they approach, shoving Mike ahead of them.

I look back at Johnny in concern, watching as he narrows his eyes at the three thugs.

"Which one of you is Moon and (L/N)?"

I gasp lightly, Buster rushing to my side as he stands in front of me.

"Hey, hey, you can't just barge in here!" Buster shakes his head as they get closer.

I jump as another presence joins my side, and realize Johnny was now standing closely at my side, watching the men with dangerous eyes.


He doesn't take his eyes off the men, instead shifting even closer to my side.

"Buster--" I quietly start, watching with wide eyes as the main guy shoves Mike forward as he looks around in fear.

"You know this guy?"

"Mike?" Buster questions, tilting his head.

"Right," the man looks at me with a scoff before looking back at Buster, grabbing Mike by his collar. "Mike here says you two have his money, and it's in that box."

I felt my heart sink as I look towards the box, Buster tensing up.

"Johnny," I whisper in fear, making him grab my hand and pull me further behind him as he backs away from the three as they draw near.

"No, no. Just hold on a moment here," Buster looks back at me for a second before nodding at Johnny. "That's prize money. And it's not Mike's unless he wins it fair and--"

"Give him the money!" Mike wheezes as the man holds a knife to his throat, making me gasp.

"Okay, okay! Hey, hey, take it!" Buster exclaims, gesturing to the chest and backing up as the men walk onto stage, Mike still in his grasp with the blade to his throat. "It's yours, okay?"

"Open it."

"Oh, no..." I breathe out, making Johnny look down at me for a moment. "Buster!"

"O-open it?" He stammers, looking at me in slight fear before his eyes return to the men. "I-I don't, me?"

"If not you, then make the girl do it," the man growls, making Johnny scowl and stand in front of me.

Buster rapidly shakes his head. "No, no! I will... Just..."

"Open it!!" Mike pleads, the blade pressing tightly against his throat as Buster backs away, his back hitting the chest.

"Okay, um... I-I just don't have my keys! And neither does she! So... Maybe you can... Come back later?"

"Buster!" I exclaim in concern, the man stomping up to him.

"Get out of the way!" The man yells, shoving Buster to the side and hurling Mike to the side after him.

"Wait!" Buster yells frantically as the man grabs the baseball bat from his goon, swinging it down and easily breaking the chest and lightly cracking the glass.

Everyone gasps and Johnny holds me against his chest as the dust begins to clear, Mike laughing and sitting up.

"Hey, there you go. Big guy with a bat! Who needs keys, right?" He dusts off his suit as I watch with wide eyes as he rushes to the chest.

"I'm sorry... So sorry, Johnny..." I whisper, knowing he could hear me.

"What...?" He questions, but I don't reply, I only pull away from his grasp.

"All right. Let's get this thing squared up now. What the..." I shut my eyes tightly as Mike rummages through the items, clearly nothing worth a hundred thousand dollars. "That's it? That's all there is?"

I manage to open my eyes, forcing myself to look at the others with apologetic eyes as they look towards me.

"... They lied!"

They all gasp, Johnny included, making my heart twinge in pain before I gasp, rushing and helping Buster to quickly stand as the man growls as he looks at us.

"Moon and (L/N) lied to us all!"

"Buster..." I quietly manage out, gasping as Buster pushes me behind him as the man threateningly pats his bat on his hand while approaching us.

"Wait a second, we can explain..." Buster stammer as he speaks, continuing to walk back with me behind him.

"They're your problem, not me!" Mike frantically says.

"Th-this is just a prop!" Buster weakly excuses.

"You're kidding!" Rosita shakes her head as everyone begins to argue, backing us into a corner.

"Huge waste of everyone's time!" Ash groans, shaking her head.

"Why didn't you just... Tell me?" Johnny's voice softly asks, directed at me.

I wince with guilt as I meet his eyes, his expression both saddened and filled with concern and hurt.

"Johnny, I-I never meant to hurt you, I know we lied, but I swear to you... And I'm, I'm so so sorry, everyone--"

I gasp, cutting myself off when I realize the stage was beginning to crack under our feet.

The squid all frantically swim around before swimming through a tube that leads underground, safe.

We all gasp and slowly look up as the crack rises up the wall, and I turn to Johnny with wide eyes as the crack begins to seep with water.

"Guys, look out!!" Eddie's voice yells as Johnny reaches for me at the exact moment the wall completely shattered.


Third Person P.O.V

Everyone screams and gasps for air as the water carries them with great force through the theater. Meena screams and was dunked under water, stunned for a moment.

She shakes her head, quickly trying to swim to the surface, only to realize she was stuck.

(Y/N) gasps, diving under the water and swimming after Meena. She calms the girl, swimming to her foot that was stuck under some debris and manages to lift it off, and quickly motions for her to get to the surface. She tries to swim after her, but was stopped by something tugging her back, her eyes flicking down when she notices her own foot had gotten stuck under a large piece debris.

Meena quickly looks down before swimming up, knowing she couldn't lift the debris as she frantically speaks.

"Guys! (Y/N) needs help!"


The pipes holding the water all burst, adding more water to the rushing currents and flooding everything in its path.

Johnny lets go of the seat he was holding on, allowing himself to be carried away as Buster still holds on.


The gang members scream and try to use the poles to prevent themselves from being swept away, causing them to break and for the rows of seats above to collapse.

Buster screams, smacking into the once balcony seating area and climbing on top of it, avoiding debris as he climbs.

"Buster! It's falling! Let go!" Eddie frantically yells after his friend, Nana gasping at the sight.

Eddie quickly gets his Nana out of harms way just as their seating collapses.


Everyone gasps and Meena bursts through the water, "g-guys! I can't find (Y/N)!"

Johnny gasps, quickly taking in a deep breath and diving down.


Buster gasps and runs across his secret path above the theater, yelping and panting as he barely managed to make it across.

He bursts into his office, avoiding the falling items as their building trembles. "Okay, okay! Steady, girl. Steady!" Buster tries, placing his hands on the windowsill as more of the building cracks.


Johnny looks around underwater, his eyes widening as he spots (Y/N) trying to free herself from a large piece of debris that fell onto her leg.

He bursts through the surface, taking in a deep breath before diving back down, swiftly swinging himself and kicking the debris off, which resulted in it slamming into the glass windows and allowing all the water (and people) to spill out.

Mike yells as he was swept away towards an exposed manhole, screaming as he falls through.

Johnny coughs violently, quickly standing and swaying slightly as he rushes to (Y/N)'s form laying on the street.

He slides onto his knees, lifting her head onto his lap as she coughs, opening her eyes and panting. He sighs in relief, brushing some pieces of her hair from her face and placing a hand on her cheek.


Ash groans, sitting up and shaking her head as pebbles fall from her hair.

Meena gasps and coughs as she sits up, groaning slightly.

"Is everyone okay? (Y/N)?!" Buster yells when he sees her.

"I'm fine," (Y/N) replies weakly, still coughing a bit as she looks back at him while slowly sitting up.

Johnny stands as he helps her rise, remaining close in case she needed support as she holds his arm.

"Nana!" Buster yells, watching Nana and Eddie prepare to leave. She looks back at him in disgust, shaking her head. "I-I am so sorry! I just--" Eddie shuts the door behind her, walking to his side and climbing in. "No, no, don't go!"

Ms. Crawly looks around, her eye missing.

"Has anyone seen my glass eye?" She sadly questions, looking around the rubble.

"Oh! Ms... Ms. Crawly! Here it is! I have it..." Buster stammers, finding it in the debris of the theater.

(Y/N) gasps in horror, her hands over her mouth as she shakes her head as the theater begins to rumble.

Buster gasps as well, turning around as the theater shakes and trembles before... It collapses.

Johnny shields (Y/N) from the dust and debris, the others all blocking their faces as Buster yells, "look out!"


The theater crumbles to the ground, nothing left standing.

People gasp and cough, and (Y/N) pulls way from Johnny's grasp as she looks at the theater with tears in her eyes. Everyone else looks in disbelief, coughing and breathing heavily.

Buster turns slowly, gasping in horror.

Once there was a way... To get back homeward...

"No..." He breathes out, shaking his head and rushing through the debris as the other watch, Ms. Crawly quickly following.

Once there was a way... To get back home...

(Y/N) shakes her head, burying her face into her hands as she cries, the others watching in sadness.

Johnny frowns, slowly wrapping an arm around (Y/N), who quickly turns into him and grips at his jacket as she cries. He hugs her tightly, looking at the theater with pain.


Buster slumps to his knees, grabbing his father's bucket with tears in his eyes. He looks back and notices (Y/N) sobbing into Johnny's chest, making him sigh and allow a few tears to fall.

"Oh, Dad... (Y/N)... I'm so sorry."

Buster's shoulders tremble as he hugs the bucket to his chest, allowing himself to cry as Ms. Crawly rubs his back in comfort, wiping her own stray tear.


): sad chapter

I always felt so sad for Buster when his theater was destroyed. It was all he had, and it was taken from him.


Next one will be up tomorrow! ❤❤

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