Single Dad "Starting Over"(Hu...

By fanforfanfic

33.8K 1.8K 1.7K

What happens when a 27 year old Country music sensation is forced to "Start Over" as a single dad? Will he be... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Chapter 83
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapter 109

Chapter 15

370 18 13
By fanforfanfic

Hunter's POV

We are in the middle of eating our dinner. Harper is sitting between Liddy and I. Devo is sitting on the end next to me and Andy is located on the other end of the table, next to Liddy. Matt, Steve and East are sitting across from us. The conversation is going well. I can tell the guys are really starting to feel comfortable around Lid. They are teasing her and she's giving it right back to them.

"So Liddy, who was the guy you were saying goodbye to earlier?" Matt asked

"That was Craig, my boyfriend."

"What does he do for work?" Steve asks.

"He's an accountant."

"Cool" Matt says before taking a bit of his pasta dish. "I'd like to meet him sometime."

"I can do that. I'll be sure to introduce him to you and the rest of the band, the next time we are in Nashville."

"Did you get a chance to meet Kelly yet? Andy asks.

Liddy looks bewildered. "No, who's Kelly?"

"Oh, she's the pretty blonde who's dating Hunter." Matt eagerly replies. "You might have seen her. She was hanging around Harper and Hunter the whole time we were getting ready to leave."

I am starting to get uncomfortable. I don't like where this conversation is going.

"So Hunter, are you and Kelly still only dating or is she your girlfriend now? From the kiss you two shared I would say things are heating up." Matt says with a smirk.

Yup, I was afraid this was coming. I blush. I really don't want to have this conversation, especially in front of Liddy. "Matt, let's talk about this another time, when little ears aren't around." I look at Harper and Matt immediately understands.

"Sure, but I won't let it rest until we get the whole scoop."

That's just great, I don't even know what's up with Kelly. How can I explain it to them.

The waiter stops by and asks if we want dessert. Everyone says no, except for Devo, so he orders his to go. I pay the check and we all head back to our buses. I am carrying Harper because she is half asleep.

When Liddy and I reach my bus, I pass Harper off to her and grab Cole to take him for one more walk before we take off. By the time I get back, Liddy has changed Harper into her yellow nightshirt with the words "Daddy's Girl" written on it.

I hear them heading towards the bathroom talking about brushing Harps' teeth. I quickly remove Cole's leash and tell the bus driver we are ready to leave. Then I hurry to help Liddy. I know how much Harper hates brushing her teeth. As I stand in the doorway of the cramped bathroom I am amazed. Liddy has everything under control. Harper was a bit fussy at first, but Lid was patient with her and before I knew it, Harper was all done and ready for me to sing her to sleep. I am impressed.

Liddy's POV

I can hear Hunter, at the other end of the bus, as he begins to sing Harper to sleep. Tonight's song choice is one of his older songs, "Hearts and Rockets." If I remember correctly he was just a teenager when he wrote it. If he knew what a hardcore fan I am he might not have hired me. I laugh to myself.

Listening to him sing to his daughter, almost every night is just another perk of working for him. Hunter always has a wonderful voice but when he sings to Harper, it takes on a different tone. I don't really know how to describe it. It's just magical. You can literally hear the love he puts into every single word.

While Hunter is still busy with Harper, I slip into the bathroom. I wash off my make up, brush and floss my teeth, and change into my pajamas. I put on a pair of black yoga shorts, a red tank top and a white robe that hits at the top of my knees.

I'm sitting in the living room looking through the basket of movies when Hunter walks in. His hair is messed up and his t -shirt is no longer tucked in. He looks so happy. It is so obvious how much he loves being a dad.

I smile at him and he smiles back. "You are an incredible father."

"Thanks. I try my best. Before Renee and I had Harper, I always thought music was the most important thing in my life, but once Harper was born it all changed. She is my every thing. I love her so much. "

"I can tell. It shows in your face when you look at her and in your voice when you sing to her. Harper is one very lucky little girl to have you as her dad." He blushes.

"Did you have anything special you wanted to do tonight?" Hunter asks me.

"Not really, I'm waiting for Craig to call but that won't be for a few hours. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I realized over the last few days that there is so much I don't know about you. I would really like to take some time to get to know my daughter's nanny a bit better. Do you mind? " Hunter asks with this pleading look on his face.

I can't help but giggle. "Really, you're using the pleading puppy dog face? That's not fair! It's also not necessary. I don't mind telling you about myself. Feel free to ask away."

"I didn't think I needed the puppy dog face. I was just trying it out to see if it would work. You never know when it might come in handy." He says with the biggest grin on his face.

I'm shocked. I've never seen the playful side of Hunter before. I throw a couch pillow at him.

"Hey, why'd you do that? He asks

"You deserved it."

"Okay, you are right I did. So to make it up to you, I'll let you ask me questions, too. Deal?"

"Hmmm, let me think about it. " I say while tapping my fingers on the arm of the couch making him squirm for about 30 seconds before I give him my answer. "Sure, as long as you make some popcorn, to snack on."

Hunter jumps up and heads to the pantry cabinet. He throws a bag of popcorn in the microwave and sets the timer. "Deal! Now just give me a minute to change and then we can start our "get to know each other session." He grins and runs off to his room, while I sit laughing.

Before I know it Hunter is back sitting in the chair adjacent to the couch. He's wearing gray sweat pants and a navy v neck t-shirt that fits him perfectly. Seriously, does he not have any idea how attractive he is in a tight t-shirt? His twitter and IG fans go nuts over photos of him dressed like this, all the time. How could he not know!

"So who goes first?" Hunter asks pulling me from my slightly in appropriate thoughts.

"You go first. I am sure I know more about you than you do me, Mr. Country Music Star!" I laugh out loud. "What can I say? I read magazines." I reach over grabbing a handful of popcorn.

Hunter's face is all red. He blushes really easy.

"Okay, then I will go first. I'll start out with something simple. What's your favorite color?"


"What's your favorite food?"

"That's tough. I like most types of shell fish. Hmmmm. I guess I would pick Scallops, but lobster and clams come in a close second!"

"How did you get the nickname Liddy?"

"In junior high there were 3 other Lindsays, besides me, in my class. I was tired of being referred to as Lindsay D. so I decided I wanted to try a nickname. Since my initials are L.I.D. for Lindsay Irene Deans I thought, why not go by Liddy. I suggested it and it stuck."

"I like it. It's unique and different just like you." Hunter smirks.

"Thanks." I can't believe he thinks I am unique. I hope I am not blushing too badly.

"Okay now, let's try a slightly harder question. Are you ready?"

"Sure. My life's an open book. Ask away."

"Why did you choose to become a professional nanny?"

I swallow hard. "This could take awhile to answer. Are you sure you really want to know?"

Hunter just shakes his head, yes.

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