Match-Maid of Honor - A Chris...

By kookyasacucumber

915 11 0

When Chris Evans agreed to be his best friend Sebastian Stan's best man, he didn't realize he was signing up... More

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t h r e e
f o u r
f I v e
s i x
s e v e n
e i g h t
n i n e

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76 2 0
By kookyasacucumber

After I dropped off Y/N at her house following our date, I hadn't spoken to her about anything besides the upcoming wedding plans. I wondered if she was too intoxicated to remember confessing her crush on me or if she had deliberately been avoiding the topic.

Regardless, it didn't bother me. The lack of discussion gave me ample time to reflect on my own feelings and sort through the whirlwind of emotions.

As I started preparing lunch for myself and a special treat for Dodger, my phone interrupted the silence with a familiar ringtone. Glancing over, I saw "Y/N" displayed on the screen, causing a spark of anticipation within me.

Setting aside the food I was working on, I cleared my throat before answering the call. "Hello?" I greeted, the receiver pressed against my ear.

"Hey, Chris!" Y/N's bubbly voice caught me off guard, instantly bringing a smile to my face.

"Hey Y/N," I replied, tucking the phone between my ear and shoulder as I resumed cooking my food, "what's going on?"

"I'm calling to remind you about our suit and dress fitting today," she said in a sing-song voice, her excitement palpable. "Please don't forget."

I chuckled at her reminder. "Well, thanks, Siri," I bantered playfully. "Also, while we're at it, could you give me my horoscope?"

"Uh, sunny with a high chance of your suit fitting?" Y/N replied, clearly playing along with the lightheartedness.

I laughed, appreciating her humor. "Well, that's more of a forecast than a horoscope, but I'll gladly take it."

Y/N giggled on the other end of the line, her laughter like music to my ears. "Well, I just wanted to make sure you don't bail on our fitting."

I playfully rolled my eyes, even though she couldn't see it. "Don't worry, Y/N. I wouldn't miss it. Besides, I'm looking forward to seeing you in that beautiful dress you've been gushing about."

There was a brief pause, and I could almost sense a hint of bashfulness in her voice. "Thanks, Chris. I'm excited too. But hey, how are you feeling about the wedding? Any nerves?"

I paused for a moment, considering her question. "Honestly, Y/N, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous. This whole wedding experience has been a rollercoaster ride of emotions. But deep down, I'm genuinely happy for Stan and Alejandra, and I can't wait to see them exchange vows."

Y/N's voice softened, and I could sense a tinge of understanding. "I get it, Chris. Weddings have a way of stirring up all sorts of emotions. But remember, you're an incredible best man, and you'll do a fantastic job supporting Sebastian. And if you ever need a break from the wedding chaos, I'm here for you."

I smiled to myself, grateful for her understanding. "Thank you, Y/N. I appreciate your support more than you know. And hey, I'm here for you too, whether it's wedding-related or anything else. We make a pretty good team, don't you think?"

Y/N's voice brightened up. "Absolutely, Chris. Team Y/N and Chris, ready to take on the world. Now, I won't keep you from whatever you are up to. Just a friendly reminder, suit fitting is at 2 PM sharp. Don't be late!"

I chuckled, imagining her playfully wagging her finger. "Noted, Captain Y/N. I'll be there on time."

"Great! See you soon, Chris. And give Dodger a butt scratch from me!"

"Will do, Y/N."

With that, we said our goodbyes and hung up. As I resumed cooking lunch, I couldn't help but feel a warmth in my heart. Maybe it was the prospect of the fitting, or perhaps it was the genuine connection I had with Y/N. Whatever it was, I knew that these moments were slowly helping me understand my own feelings.


At 1:55 PM, Stan and I arrived at the suit fitting appointment, eager to make sure everything fit perfectly for the upcoming wedding. As we stepped into the elegant shop, the room was filled with the buzz of excitement and anticipation. Stan's enthusiastic chatter about centerpieces and floral arrangements faded into the background as my gaze landed on Y/N. Her radiant smile was contagious, and it sent warmth flooding through me. She was talking to Alejandra, her animated gestures emphasizing whatever point she was making. A rush of desire mixed with nerves made my heart race.

"Chris, you with me?" Stan's voice broke through my thoughts, and I nodded, offering a wry smile.

"Yeah, sorry. Lost in my thoughts for a moment."

Stan grinned knowingly, giving me a playful nudge. "Don't try to deny it. I know you've got eyes for Y/N."

Heat crept up my neck, and I chuckled, trying to play it off. "I don't know what you're talking about."

The truth was Stan's right in his observation. Y/N was captivating, not just in appearance but in the way she carried herself—with a blend of confidence and kindness that drew people in. I knew I should keep my feelings under wraps, especially on a day like today, but my heart had a mind of its own.

The fitting room was a hive of activity while I was called next for our tux fittings. I caught Y/N's eye as I stepped out, and she winked at me, sending a jolt of electricity down my spine. With my heart racing, I followed the tailor into a separate fitting area.

After a quick exchange of measurements, I slid into the perfectly tailored tuxedo, relishing the feel of the smooth fabric against my skin. But as I buttoned up the shirt and adjusted my tie, I couldn't shake the image of Y/N out of my head.

I made my way over to the group, joining in on the discussion about fittings and alterations. Alejandra and Stan were deep in conversation about wedding logistics when her phone suddenly rang. She excused herself, leaving Stan to join her. As they walked off, I found myself alone with Y/N, seizing the opportunity to compliment her.

"Y/N, that dress looks absolutely stunning on you," I said, admiring the way it accentuated her curves.

She blushed, a playful glimmer in her eyes. "Why, thank you, Chris. You're not looking too shabby yourself in that suit."

I chuckled, feeling a surge of confidence. "Well, it's all about trying to keep up with the gorgeous maid of honor, isn't it?"

Y/N playfully swatted my arm. "Smooth talker, aren't you? But flattery will get you everywhere."

We laughed, enjoying the flirtatious banter, but soon it was time to change out of our outfits. Eventually, we retreated to our respective dressing rooms to change into our wedding attire. As I stood in front of the mirror, adjusting my cuffs, I heard Y/N's voice—loud and urgent—from the other side of the door.


I froze, my heart racing at the sound of my name on her lips. Without a second thought, I pushed the door open and stepped into her dressing area. Y/N was standing there, struggling with the zipper of her dress.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I asked, my voice soft.

She turned, her eyes wide with surprise. "Chris, thank goodness you're here. My zipper got stuck, and there's no one around to help."

With the fluttering of my heart threatening to drown out my thoughts, I stepped closer to her. "Turn around, Y/N. I'll help you."

Her breath caught as she complied, her back now facing me. I took a deep breath, my fingers brushing against her skin as I slowly pulled down the zipper. Each inch felt like an eternity, the charged energy between us almost tangible.

"Chris," she whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of anticipation and vulnerability.

I continued to work on the zipper, my touch deliberate and sensual. Sparks seemed to fly.

"You know, Y/N, they say a man who can handle a tricky zipper is a keeper," I remarked, my voice laced with playful charm.

She tilted her head, her lips curling into an intrigued smile. "Hmm, is that a hidden talent you're unveiling?"

Chuckling softly, I let the teasing linger in the air. "You could say that. Consider me your personal zipper whisperer."

As I continued to work on the stubborn zipper, Y/N leaned back slightly, allowing our bodies to be in closer proximity. The warmth of her presence sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't resist the temptation to flirt a little further.

"You know, Y/N, I've always believed that the best way to handle a situation like this is with a little finesse," I whispered, my breath brushing against her ear.

She tilted her head, a playful glint in her eyes. "And here I thought brute force was the way to go."

I smirked, my voice dropping lower. "Ah, but sometimes a delicate touch can lead to the most satisfying results."

The room seemed to buzz with electricity as we exchanged innuendos and flirtatious remarks, the unspoken desire growing with each passing moment. Finally, the zipper gave way, and Y/N let out a relieved sigh.

"Thank you, Chris. You're a lifesaver."

I cleared my throat, the closeness between us momentarily overwhelming. "Of course, Y/N. Happy to help."

We stood there for a moment, our gazes locked, the air thick with tension. Y/N's fingers brushed against mine briefly, sending a jolt of electricity through my body.

"You have a way of making even the most mundane tasks feel... exciting," she said with a playful smile.

I chuckled, trying to lighten the mood a bit. "Well, who knew zipper rescues could be so exhilarating?"

Y/N's laughter was like music, filling the room and dispelling any lingering awkwardness. "Indeed. Maybe you should start a new profession: Emergency Zipper Assistance."

I laughed along, the weight of the moment easing as we shared a lighthearted moment. But beneath the laughter, I couldn't ignore the magnetic pull between us, the palpable chemistry that seemed to grow with every interaction.

As the atmosphere settled, Y/N's gaze turned more contemplative. "You know, Chris, sometimes unexpected moments like these can reveal so much about a person."

I met her eyes, my heart racing as I felt the weight of her words. "That's true. But sometimes it takes the right person to bring out those moments."

Y/N's smile softened, and she took a step closer. "You have a way with words, don't you?"

"It's easy when I'm around someone who inspires them," I replied, my voice sincere.

We lingered in the moment, the air heavy with unspoken emotions. But soon, reality beckoned as we were reminded of where we were. Y/N cleared her throat, stepping back slightly.

"We should probably finish getting ready," she said, her tone a mixture of reluctance and anticipation.

I nodded, reluctantly acknowledging the need to return to the present. "Yeah, you're right."

We both retreated to our dressing rooms, the charged connection between us still palpable. As I stood there, ready to finish putting on my clothes, I couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted between Y/N and me.

Just as I was exiting my dressing room, I noticed Stan and Alejandra staring at me, wearing playful grins on their faces.

"Well, well, well, Chris. We heard you getting a little too friendly with the maid of honor," Stan teased, nudging my side.

Alejandra joined in, her eyes gleaming mischievously. "Seems like someone has a crush, huh?"

I rolled my eyes, attempting to play it cool. "Oh, come on, guys. It was just a friendly gesture."

But deep down, I knew that the connection I felt with Y/N went beyond mere friendship.

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