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As we strolled down the dimly lit streets, the warm evening breeze whispered through the trees, creating a soothing melody that complemented the rhythm of our steps. Y/N's laughter still lingered in my ears, echoing the joy that had filled the space just moments ago. It was a sound that I wanted to hear again and again.

The anticipation continued to build as we reached the vibrant heart of the city. Neon signs adorned the storefronts, casting colorful reflections on the bustling sidewalks. The tantalizing aroma of Mexican spices and sizzling meats wafted through the air, teasing our senses and igniting our appetites.

The restaurant I had in mind was tucked away in a cozy corner, its entrance adorned with vibrant decorations and a welcoming ambiance. We stepped inside, and the lively atmosphere enveloped us, the chatter of patrons and the rhythmic beats of Latin music filling the space.

A warm smile greeted us as the host led us to a booth by the window, offering a splendid view of the city lights. We settled in, our eyes meeting in an unspoken understanding that this night was different.

"So, tell me again, how did you become Sebastians's best man?" Y/N asked, flipping through the menu and eyeing me coyly.

I laughed, my eyes meeting Y/N's playful gaze. "Ah, that's not an interesting story," I replied, leaning back in my chair. "Sebastian and I met on the set of 'Captain America'."

Y/N's eyebrows raised in surprise. "So you guys didn't know each other beforehand?"

I shook my head, a nostalgic smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "It was our first big movie together, and little did we know, it would also be the start of an incredible friendship."

Her curiosity piqued, Y/N leaned in closer, her eyes gleaming with intrigue. "Okay, spill the details. How did your friendship blossom?"

"Well," I began, with a hint of excitement in my voice, "it all started during a grueling night shoot. We were both exhausted, but somehow found ourselves sitting next to each other during a break. We started chatting to pass the time, and before we knew it, we were sharing stories, laughter, and even some impromptu dance moves."

Y/N's face lit up with anticipation as she leaned in even closer, completely engrossed in the story. "And what happened after that?"

"We quickly discovered our shared love for cinema, art, and all things quirky," I continued. "During breaks, we would explore the city streets together, finding bars and indulging in the local culture."

Her eyes widened with wonder. "Did you ever have any on-set mishaps or funny moments?"

I chuckled, recalling the humorous incidents that had bonded us further. "Oh, plenty! There was this one scene where we had to shoot a high-energy sequence. Let's just say that our coordination skills weren't exactly on point that day. We ended up tripping over each other, laughing uncontrollably, and completely deviating from the script. The director was furious, but we couldn't stop ourselves."

Y/N burst into laughter, her melodic sound filling the air. "I can only imagine the chaos!"

"It was one of those unforgettable moments," I said, a fondness evident in my voice. "We discovered that our friendship went beyond the silver screen. Outside of the movie set, we continued to share our dreams, support each other's ambitions, and celebrate the little victories along the way. So I was definitely honored when he asked me to be his best man."

The waitress came by to take our orders, temporarily pausing our conversation. After we had placed our requests, Y/N took a sip of her margarita and smiled. "So tell me a little about your childhood friendship with Alejandra?" I asked, my curiosity piqued.

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