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"Why am I getting dragged into this again?" I asked Stan, as he drove us to the wedding venue that he and his fiancée Alejandra had selected for their upcoming nuptials.

As we pulled up to the venue, a stunning historical building located just outside of the Los Angeles area, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. The building's architecture was breathtaking, with intricate details and towering pillars that spoke to the grandeur of the occasion.

But it wasn't just the building that caught my attention. As we stepped out of the car, I was greeted by the sight of a massive vineyard sprawling out in front of us, its lush green vines heavy with clusters of ripe grapes. I knew that these same grapes would be harvested and transformed into the exquisite wines that we would be drinking during the wedding festivities.

Despite my initial reluctance, I couldn't deny that Stan and Alejandra had truly outdone themselves with this venue selection. It was the perfect location to celebrate their love and commitment to each other, but why did they need me here?

Stan sighed as he closed the driver's side door, "Alejandra is having second thoughts about the venue," he said.

I spun around to face him so quickly that I almost gave myself whiplash, "second thoughts?" I asked incredulously, gesturing around the property, "This place is beyond perfect."

Stan crossed his arms over his chest and nodded in agreement, "Trust me, I know. That's why I asked the venue to set up everything as it would be for our wedding. They've set up the ceremony space, reception area, everything."

"Damn," I said, "they must really want this wedding to happen."

"What venue wouldn't want to host a bunch of celebrities? C'mon," Stan gestured his head towards the entrance, "let's get in there and see it before Alejandra and Y/N show up."

"If I didn't get whiplash the last time, I would now," I muttered, "Y/N is coming?"

Stan looked at me with a puzzled expression, "Yeah? She's the maid of honor, why wouldn't she come?"

"Oh," I laughed awkwardly and ran my hand over my head, "you're right. Let's go inside." 

As we stepped into the venue, I was immediately struck by the beauty and elegance of the space. The ceremony area was draped in white fabric, with towering floral arrangements framing the space. The reception area was equally stunning, with crystal chandeliers, plush seating, and a massive dance floor. It was clear that no expense had been spared in creating the perfect wedding environment.

I glanced over at Stan, who looked equally impressed. "Alejandra must be out of her mind if she's having second thoughts about this place," I said.

Stan shrugged, "Wedding planning can be stressful. Maybe she just needs some reassurance."

"Well, let's give her that reassurance," I said, clapping Stan on the back.

As we made our way back to the ceremony space, we saw Alejandra and Y/N pulling into the venue's driveway. Stan and I walked over to greet them, with Stan embracing and kissing Alejandra while Y/N and I exchanged smiles.

Y/N was dressed more casually than the last time I had seen her, with her hair wrapped in a bun at the nape of her neck. She wore a silk blouse that hung low enough to reveal a bit of her skin and jeans that accentuated her curves.

It took everything in me not to drool at the sight of her. "Hey Jailbird," I teased her, unable to resist.

"Hah. Hah." Y/N playfully nudged my shoulder, her eyes filled with a mix of amusement and affection. "Always with the creative nicknames, huh?" she quipped, a mischievous grin dancing on her lips.

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