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As Y/N struggled with the invitation boxes, I couldn't help but admire her determination. Despite her hands being full, she was still trying to open the main door with her elbows. Dodger, my boxer-mix, and I watched her with a mix of amusement and exasperation.

Y/N had insisted on handling all the wedding planning for her best friend, Alejandra, and while I admired her independence, I couldn't help but feel guilty for not offering to help. After all, Stan was my best friend too.

So I stepped forward to open the door for her, holding it wide so she could walk through while Dodger trotted along, trying to sniff Y/N. "I could have done it myself," she huffed, clearly annoyed at my interference.

I rolled my eyes, knowing it was pointless to argue with her. But as she stumbled through the doorway, the boxes sliding precariously in her arms, I couldn't help but reach out to grab a few before they hit the floor.

"Thanks," she mumbled, eyeing the table in the kitchen. "Can we use that table over there?"

I nodded, "Sure, I made sure to keep that table clean and empty."

Y/N walked over and placed the boxes of invitations on the table. "This could work," she said, petting Dodger on the head as he looked curiously at the boxes.

I placed the remaining boxes next to her stack and asked, "What do you mean by 'this could work'?"

"I mean, this is a great spot for us to get started on assembling these invitations," Y/N replied with a smile.

I chuckled, "Yeah, I figured as much. So, where do we start?"

Since Stan and Alejandra were occupied with other preparations for their wedding, Y/N stepped forward to assist them with the wedding invitations. After Y/N helped convince Alejandra to have separate bachelor parties, I felt it was the least I could do to return the favor and assist Y/N with the wedding invitations.

Y/N pulled out a checklist and began to go over it with me, "First, we need to organize the envelopes with the save the date card, the RSVP card, and the return envelope."

"Got it," I replied, nodding along. "And then what?"

"Next, we need to address the envelopes and stamp them," Y/N said, her eyes scanning the list. "And finally, we need to seal the envelopes and put them in the mail."

I raised an eyebrow, "Sounds like a lot of work."

Y/N grinned, "It is, but it'll be worth it when we see how happy the bride and groom are with the finished product."

I grabbed a stool and sat down, pulling a box of invitations towards me. "How many invitations do we need to do?" I asked Y/N, who was deep in thought and wrinkled her nose before responding, "A little over 250. I printed a few extras just in case."

"Wow," I muttered as I combed my hands through my hair.

Y/N smiled and pulled a box towards her. "Don't worry, with both of us working on it, it won't take long," she said. She then showed me how to assemble the invitation by placing the save-the-date card, RSVP card, and return envelope on top of each other, stuffing them into an envelope, and handing them to me. "Ta-da, one down," she said.

I set aside the completed envelope and began working on a new one. "I never properly thanked you for persuading Alejandra to have separate bachelor parties," I said to Y/N.

"You don't need to thank me," she replied, placing a packed envelope to the side. "I love Sebastian, don't get me wrong, but sometimes couples need time apart to do their own thing."

Nodding in agreement, I leaned in and said, "So, tell me how you know Alejandra."

Y/N smiled and placed a finished envelope off to the side before starting on the next one. "Our families knew each other," she explained. "We started talking one day as kids and have been friends ever since. People always think we met in some extravagant way, but nope. Just childhood friends."

I found it heartwarming that their friendship had stood the test of time, and it reminded me of my own bond with Sebastian. Y/N caught me struggling with an envelope and placed another finished one on the side before asking, "What about you and Sebastian? I'm assuming from working together on your Marvel movies?"

I nodded. "Yeah, we became really good friends while filming The Winter Soldier. I was expecting to be a groomsman, but not Best Man. I am honored by the position."

Y/N looked up at me and said, "I can tell that he values you in high regard, and vice versa."

Her words made me blush. I couldn't believe that Y/N had me, Chris Evans, blushing like a schoolboy.

She turned to face me with a mischievous grin on her face and holding up a finished invitation. "So, I was thinking we could turn this into a competition," she said.

"A competition?" I repeated, feeling intrigued.

"Yes," she said, "whoever finishes packing their invitations first wins. Loser has to buy the winner lunch."

I laughed, "You're on. But be prepared to buy me lunch."

Y/N smirked, "Don't count on it, Evans."

We both dove into the boxes, quickly working to assemble and pack the invitations. It was a tight race, but in the end, I emerged as the winner.

"Yes!" I exclaimed, pumping my fist in the air.

Y/N chuckled, "I guess I owe you lunch."

As we were about to start adding the address labels, my phone rang. It was my agent with some exciting news. "Hey, Y/N, sorry to cut our invitation packing short, but I have to go. Something came up," I said apologetically.

With a nod, she spoke with a tinge of hurt in her voice, "No worries, Chris. I can handle it from here."

"I shouldn't be long. Once I come back, we can turn that lunch into dinner," I replied.

Y/N let out a laugh, "Thanks, but I have plans for tonight. We can always reschedule."

I sensed her disappointment, and I wished I could be in two places at once. However, I promised to make it up to her. "Let me make it up to you next time. My treat, anywhere you want to go," I said with a smile.

Y/N smiled back, her eyes lighting up. "Deal," she replied.

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