my random ideas 2

By nique_writes008

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This is basically the same as my other one random ideas that come to my mind and I don't want to keep making... More

my friends do me better
my friends do me better 2
working far away
working far away 2
how i love my woman
quitting my job
quitting my job 2
metting his parents
meeting his parents 2
addicting 2
addicting 3
release me/stress free
release me 2
friend groups Christmas
Family Christmas
jace and camryn
camryn and jace2
camryn and jace 3
camryn and jace 4
camryn and jace 5
camryn and jace 6
camryn and jace 7
camryn and jace 8
player's pain
players pain 2
players pain 3
players pain 4
players pain 5
players pain 6
players pain 7
her way
her way 2
her way 3
drummer boy
drummer boy 2
drummer boy 3
drummer boy 4
drummer boy 5
better love
better love 2
better love 3
a fuck boy never had me
a fuck boy never had me 2
angered 2
The bad boy blues
the bad boy blues 2
the bad boy blues 3
the bad boy blues 4
bad boy blues 5
code blue
code blue 2
code blue 3
code blue 4
watching me
rich man
rich man 2
tour fling
tour fling 2
tour fling 3
when were drunk
the charming waiter
the charming waiter 2
innocents 2
innocents 3
the queen's throne
obsessed 2
sugar daddy
sugar daddy 2
sugar daddy 3
W rizz
W rizz 2
W rizz 3
mama 2
Just one time
just one time 2
G.O.M.D. 2
G.O.M.D. 3
G.O.M.D. 4
W rizz 4
W rizz 5
W rizz 6
W rizz 7
W rizz 8
shes mine
shes mine 2
Camryn and jace 9
not the type to brag
give me her
give me her 2
lil mama
falling in love again
hood niggaz
hood niggaz 2
usual stranger
usual stranger 2
usual stranger 3
usual stanger 4
falling in love again 2
messing with mafia
my sisters friends
my sisters friends 2
my sisters friends 3
my sisters friends 4
little agressive but good
addiction is an understatement
addiction is an understatement 2
good 2
good 3
new bestfriend
new bestfriend 2
new best friend 3
new bestfriend 4
say dat 2
say dat 3
sat day 4
say dat 5
say dat 6
say dat 7
praise 2
they think were friends
belong together
belong together 2
his madness
his madness 2
his maddness 3
just chill
just chill 2
just chill 3
just chill 4
belong together 3
just chill 5
my bestfriend is my therapist
just a friend
just a friend 2
just a friend 3
just friends 4
just friends 5
just friends 6
just chill 6
speak of the angel
just chill 7
his madness 4
his madness 5
wanna love
canvas 2
canvas 3
canvas 4
canvas 5
canvas 6
canvas 7
canvas 8
for you
dangerous protection
another birthday 2
another birthday 3
another birthday 4
how bad
another birthday 5
another birthday 6
another birthday 7
another birthday 8
another birthday 9
another birthday 10
another birthday 11
911 pt2
911 pt 3
911 pt 4
911 pt 5
right 2
right 3
right 4
right 5
right 6
wanna love 2
proud freak
proud freak 2
proud freak 3
proud freak 4
proud freak 5
proud freak 6

Another birthday

118 0 0
By nique_writes008


She whispered Zara turned around

Y-"its stinkapoo birthday"

She gasped and ran out the room yn went behind her


She yelled running in his room and climbing on on the bed sitting on his stomach


She tapped his chest then laid down on him in his neck


She took a picture

Zara-"stinkapoo wake up"

She tapped his cheek

Zion-"yes mama"

She sat up

Zara-"it your birtay"

He opened his eyes she smiled at him making him smile

Zara-"happy birthday stinkapoo'

Zion-"thank u mama"

She laid down on him he put his arms around her and pat her back sitting up

Y-"happy birthday baby boy"

He smiled

Zion-"thank u mom"

Y-"I wanted to wake u up with a little present but your father insisted not to do that"

He spun around the corner and threw some keys at him he caught them and looked at them then looked at him

Zay-"merry Christmas"

Y-"wrong day"

Zay-"happy Easter"

Yn looked at him he bit his lip and raised his eye brows they laughed

Zion-"if I'm not joking this is a Lamborghini key"


Y-"I wanted to get u a Ferrari because I miss my baby girl"

Zara-"I right here mommy"


Y-"I missed u too can I have a hug"

They laughed she picked her up hugging her and kissed her cheek

Zay-"get up brush your teeth wash your behind and come on"

Zion-"...your kidding"

His phone starting ringing he looked at it

Y-"go ahead"

He answered on speaker


Lani-*singing him happy birthday

Zion-"oh my goodness"

He put his hands over his face they laughed a little she finished singing the family applaud

Zion-"thank u baby"

Lani-"your welcome tell mommy ill be around there at like 10"

Zion-"where we going"

Lani-"nun yo business just tell her"

Zion-"one she heard u two don't get disrespectful"

Lani-"hi mooommm"

Y-"hey baby love"

Lani-"I saw your pictures u look cute"

Y-"thank u love"

Zay-"ion appreciate your girl hitting on my wife"

They laughed

Zay-"get boy we got stuff to do"

Zion-"but I don't wanna do stuff I wanna sleep"

Zara-"u sleep laters"

Lani-*gasp hi sweet muffin

Zara came to the phone


Lani-"I miss u so much u so pretty"

She giggled a little

Zara-"thank u lala"

Lani-"your welcome"

Zay-"mkay bye bye"

Lani-"no bye bye we need to talk"

Yn zay and Zara left for him to her ready

Zion-"before we do look at these"

He showed her the keys in the camra she looked closer

Lani-"I know that's not a lambo key"

Zion-"thats what I said"

He got up and went in the bathroom used it and listened to her talk

Lani-"but they had me down instead of her and she was mad"

Zion-"she get mad over everything I told u to stop fucking with her"

Lani-"I wasn't she kept coming to me"

Zion-"and when she do u tell her to gtf out your face we don't have time for that we about to graduate"

Lani-"yes sir"

He looked at the camra she smiled making him smile she laughed he brushed his teeth and wiped his face then saw her put her phone down

Zion-"ey where u going"

Lani-"I gotta get ready baby"

Zion-"oh ard"

She laughed

Lani-"your so clingy"

Zion-"its my mama fault"

Lani-"am I doing your hair or is your mom doing it"

Zion-"ion know I could do it I got clippers in here some where"

Lani-"boy please"

Zion-"mch yeen had to do me like that"


She yelled and hit the door 3 times and ran off he opened it and got the bag

Zion-"whats this"

Lani-"ion know"

Zion-"u only respond when u know stuff"

Lani-*gasp not true

Zion-"yeah right"

He went in the bag

Zion-"oh shit I got Jeans"


Zion-"deez nooiicee- I'm getting distracted im getting in the shower"

Lani-"I wanna see"

Zion-"no nasty"

She laughed

Zion-"do u be serious when u say that,c

He leaned over the phone in the camra


His jaw dropped she laughed

Zion-"im telling my mama u wanna see me naked"

Lani-"your mom wants u to get a life that's not under her arm 24/7"

Zion-"my mama luh me"

Lani-"sure she does she just wanna love u from a distance"


Y-"what boy"

Zion-"Lani said u want me to get a life"

Y-"thats a great idea son"

His Jaw dropped lani laughed

Zion-"mama u don't luh me no more"

Y-"I do love u son its just u need to so some stuff on your own"

Zion-"but mama what if u get kidnapped"

Y-"by who"


They laughed

Zion-"im serious she said she wanna see me naked"

Lani slapped her hands on her face he laughed a little

Y-"well that's your choice u know I met your father when I was in high school"

Zay-"aha good times"

Zion-*gasp yall was being freaky in high school

They laughed

Y-"our senior year"

Zion-"oh my gawd she just gave u permission to look at me naked mother how could u"

They laughed

Y-"get in the shower boy"

Zion-"I feel so uncomfortable now idk what to do"

They laughed

Lani-"bye boy"

Zion-"wait where u going"

Lani-"to get ready and so do u'

Zion-"but why we can be late together'


Zion-"that hurt so bad"


Zion-"im telling"

Lani-"ok baby go tell"

They laughed

Zay-"bye babe"

Lani-"bye handsome'

Zion-"dont do that"

She laughed and hung up he got in the shower and got ready once he was he got his keys his new keys his phone and wallet and was on his way downstairs aka the red carpet

Zion-"what the he-"

The crowd of yn and zays friends screamed and cheered for him he stood in shock for a second then came downstairs


He said through his teeth

Y-"what boy"

Zion-"mommy why"

Y-"they asked about u so we was like why not invite them to see u before we left"

Zay-"your girlfriend is here"

Lani-"hey boo!!"

He smiled she put her arms around his neck he put his arms around her hugging her

Lani-"u smell good"

She said in his ear

Zion-"thank u"

He let her go she gave him a bag he opened it she popped him

Zion-"ouch u gave it to me"


Y-"aren't they so cute"

They laughed

Y-"before yall leave we have one big surprise for right now for the birthday boy he already know what it is he just haven't seen it"

Zay-"u gone cry"

Zion-"I am not"

Lani-"I did"

They laughed covered his eyes and walked him outside the crowd ooed

They walked him close

Zay-"i took what u said and I made it happen"

Zion-"nuh uh"

They took it off him his jaw dropped they cheered the car was red with white interior the doors were open

Zay-"u got the keys"

Zion-"oh my god Carlos"

They laughed

Zay-"u gonna stop calling me Carlos'

Zion-"no Ju are Carlos"

He got in they laughed

Y-"lani honey bun just give him a week and he'll be back to normal ok"

They laughed he started it flipped his head back revving the engine

Y-"that is your child"

Zay-"I know I'm so proud"

He got back out and walked around it

Lani-"hes stuck"




Zion-"come here"

She walked to him he opened the door and put her in front of the car sitting her down on the front

Lani-"what are u doing"

Zion-"say cheese"

Lani-"babe this is your car u should be taking pictures with it"

Zion-"but I have to have a picture of both my babies"

They awed Lani blushed a little and sat back down he smiled

Y-"dont look at her like that"


They laughed he took a few pictures of her while everyone else left except the people that was going with them but they went inside

Lani-"ok that's enough baby"

She got up he smacked his teeth she walked to him

Lani-"its your turn"

She took the phone and took pictures of him

Lani-"u so handsome baby"

Zion-"lani stop it"

He covered his face she laughed a little

Lani-"no put your hands down"

She pulled his hands down but reached for her

Zion-"come here"


Zion-"come here baby"

She came closer he pulled her in his lap and pulled her in closing the door

Zion-"and he got the windows tinted"

Lani-"oh my goodness"

He kissed on her lips with his arms around her


She put her hand on his neck


He rubbed her thighs she pulled away and looked in his eyes he looked in hers biting his lip

Lani-"happy birthday my baby"

Zion-"thank u mamas"

He smiled making her smile he put her in the other seat and closed the door for her

Lani-"I could of did it I was right there'

Zion-"I got it for u its ok"

She laughed a little they talked a little then went back in Lani did his hair and they went back out to the car after eating breakfast and he called his mom


Zion-"can go on a drive'


Y-"oh shit she gone"

The front door opened and Zara sprinted to the car he opened the door


She looked up at the door they laughed

Zion-"u need a car seat mama"

Zara-"dadaa- *screams

Zay came outside


Zara-"I need car seat"

Zay-"did we ever get the new one"

Y-"its in the truck"


He got the seat and put it in the back and put Zara in"


Zara-"yes bye daddy"

Zay-"well damn bye"

They laughed

Zay-"I also got seat covers they just didn't come yet"

Zion-"oh how sweet of u"

Zara-"bye dada I wuv u"

Zay-"I love u too baby girl"

Y-"bye kids have fun don't kill each other'

Zay-"thats for u back there"


They smiled

Zay-"alright be safe put on your seat belt because he will fly down the highway and won't care"


They put on their seatbelts zay walked back to yn he started the car

Zara-"oh my goodness"

They laughed Lani put on some music he turned it up rolling the windows down

Zion-"im living a dream"

He revved the engine and sped off Zara screamed Lani laughed whined and screamed a little as well he turned the music up more and bit his lip getting comfortable his phone started ringing Lani and zay laughed he slowed down and pulled over


Zay-"your mother is crying"

Zion-*laughs why is she crying

Y-*sniff why did u call him

Zion-"mama why are u crying"

Y-"I swear I just pushed u out and now your driving my other child"

She sniffled

Zay-"to sum that up she's dramatic- ouch!"

Y-"I am not dramatic I just love my babies"

Zara-"i wuv u too mama"

She yelled yn cried more making high pitched noises they laughed

Y-"u heard her she said she loved me"

Zay-"yes I heard her are u ok now"

Y-"no I might want another baby"

Lani-*gasp can I keep the next one

Zion-"no that's my baby"


Zion-"u had nothing to do with this conversation and u are the baby"

Zay-"my sp- woman hit me one moe time"


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