GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

By stevenwn1

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A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... More

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 41: The Great Raid
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update

Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!

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By stevenwn1

"W-who shot that arrow?!" Borhos's voice echoed through the chaos, a mix of surprise and anger.

"Shit, get down!" Adams bellowed, his voice cutting through the air with urgency.

In an instant, he and his raiders, accompanied by Camila Jim carried on a stretcher, dropped to the ground, assuming prone positions.

Their eyes focused, reticles locked on the Imperial soldiers and Oprichnina, their weapons poised to strike.

The Imperial soldiers and Oprichnina could only watch in horror as the Marines calmly placed their fingers on the triggers and... pulled.

The crackle of gunfire erupted, and within mere seconds, the Imperial soldiers and Oprichnina's were mowed down mercilessly by the precision fire of the Marines.

The raiders, armed with silenced weapons, joined in the assault, unleashing a barrage of gunfire upon the overwhelmed Imperial soldiers and Oprichnina's.

The sound of bullets ripping through the air filled the battlefield, shattering the eerie silence that had momentarily gripped the scene.

"Shit! Release your arrows!" A Centurion barked in a desperate attempt to rally the remaining Imperial Archers and crossbowmen.

However, before the archers could respond, a thunderous boom resonated from a hilltop.

Martinez, perched high with his Barrett M82 Sniper Rifle, unleashed a devastating shot, piercing through the ranks of the Imperials.

The air was filled with the lethal symphony of bullets and the resolute crack of Perez's M14 as he joined in the onslaught.

Realizing the dire situation, Adams swiftly reacted, his mind working in sync with his instincts.

"Tossing smoke!" he called out, his voice commanding attention.

With practiced precision, he hurled a smoke grenade into the air, obscuring the battlefield with a thick, impenetrable veil.

"Shit, a smoke screen?!" The Imperial soldiers cried out, their voices filled with panic and confusion.

Disoriented and deprived of visibility, they charged blindly towards the smoke, hoping to find cover or an opportunity to retaliate.

Little did they know that they were charging straight into the line of fire.

The Imperial archers and crossbowmen, driven by desperation, blindly unleashed their arrows into the smoke screen, hoping for a lucky hit.

However, their arrows proved futile, inflicting only a minor wound on a single Marine.

Undeterred, the Marine continued firing, his determination unshaken.

"Don't just blindly release your arrows! You'll hit your own men!" Borhos's voice rang out, laced with frustration and command.

His words echoed through the chaos, urging the Imperials to exercise caution and discipline.

The raiders pressed on, their relentless gunfire cutting through the smoke, determined to overpower the Imperial soldiers.

Delilah, recognizing the looming danger, instinctively sprang into action.

With unwavering resolve, she once again grabbed General Godasen, using him as a shield, and charged through the smoke, her bunny ears catching the eyes of the stunned Imperials.

"Woah, what?!" an Imperial soldier exclaimed, his voice filled with shock and disbelief.

"A warrior bunny?!" another soldier exclaimed, his words laced with incredulity.

Delilah, fueled by a fierce determination, propelled herself forward, deftly maneuvering through the chaos.

The General, caught in the midst of the chaos, became an unexpected weapon in her hands, as she unleashed a torrent of slashes and stabs with her Kukri knife, carving a path through the Imperial soldiers.

Witnessing Delilah's bravery, Adams seized the moment and issued a resolute command.

"Follow Delilah! Advance!" His voice carried a mix of authority and determination as he rallied his raiders to push forward.

With renewed vigor, Adams and his men surged ahead, guns blazing, systematically eliminating every Imperial soldier that stood in their way.

"Retreat! Fall back!" Borhos, realizing the futility of the situation, issued the order to withdraw, his voice tinged with a combination of frustration and defeat.

However, not all were willing to concede.

Derleth, the staunch Oprichnina, emerged from his cover, challenging Borhos's retreat.

"Don't retreat! You're an Imperial soldier! Fight until every last drop of blood!" Derleth's voice reverberated through the chaos, his sword held high as a symbol of his unwavering loyalty.

Amidst the tumultuous battle, the Marines, carrying Camila Jim on the stretcher, seized the opportunity to make their escape.

But before disappearing into the smoke-filled fray, Adams emerged, locking eyes with Borhos, a smug smirk playing on his lips, making Borhos look at him in hatred.

The intense stare exchanged between the two warriors held a deep-seated animosity, fueling the fire of their rivalry.

As the Marines fought their way out of the fortress, Borhos, in a state of disarray, ordered his troops to retreat in disarray, chaos engulfing their ranks.

However, Derleth, unwilling to accept defeat, boldly confronted Borhos.

"Head Centurion! Order your troops to pursue those Americans!" Derleth demanded, his voice filled with a desperate sense of vengeance.

"I do not take orders from you!" Borhos's retort echoed through the air, his words dripping with disdain as he turned away to issue new orders, dismissing Derleth's demands.

"Head Centurion..." Derleth's voice trailed off, seething with anger and frustration, his grip on his sword tightening as he contemplated his next move.

Meanwhile, outside the fortress walls, the Marines successfully reached the exit, their escape facilitated by the cover of the smoke.

Adams, taking a moment to assess the situation, issued a new directive.

"Martinez, take out any stragglers you see." His words carried a sense of finality, a clear intention to leave no enemy behind.

Martinez swiftly scanned the area, his keen eyes identifying a figure amidst the chaos.

He spotted Derleth, positioned behind Borhos, his sword raised, poised to strike the Head Centurion..

Without hesitation, Martinez lined up his shot, his finger caressing the trigger.

"I'll purge you!" Derleth's defiant shout filled the air, his intent to exact his revenge on Borhos clear.

But before Derleth could carry out his vengeful act, Martinez's bullet found its mark, obliterating Derleth's head in a devastating display of marksmanship.

Back with the Marines, Adams and his men and Delilah, carrying Camila Jim, emerged from the fortress, their escape marked by a sense of accomplishment.

The water stirred as Major Clark and Major Davis, along with their group of Marine raiders, emerged from the depths, having dealt with their own set of challenges.

"What took you so long?" Adams inquired, his voice filled with a mix of relief and curiosity.

"We had to deal with some other things," Major Clark replied, his voice laced with a hint of exhaustion, the battles they fought evident in his weary demeanor.

Outside the fortress, the remaining Marine raiders opened fire on the Imperial soldiers manning the walls, their shots finding their targets with deadly accuracy.

Grenade launchers unleashed havoc, decimating the structures within the fortress and spreading chaos throughout.

"Charges ready!" a Marine shouted, his voice echoing with a sense of anticipation.



With a thunderous blast, the nearby bridge connecting the fortress to the outside world was reduced to rubble, severing the Imperial soldiers' means of escape, now their only way to escape is by boat, which many of them have already been destroyed or broken beyond simple repair.

"Bridge destroyed! Let's regroup with the rest," the Marine announced, his voice carrying a sense of satisfaction as he and his group of raiders began their strategic retreat.

The team of raiders swiftly vanished into the dense cover of the forest, leaving behind a wake of destruction and chaos.

As the minutes ticked by, the sun gradually rose, casting its golden rays upon the battlefield.

Borhos stood amidst the aftermath of the raid, surveying the carnage that surrounded him.

Dead Imperial soldiers lay scattered on the ground, their lifeless bodies serving as grim reminders of the raid that had unfolded.

Blood splattered across the walls, while severed limbs and shattered armor testified to the ferocity with which the Marines had fought.

"General!" Borhos's voice echoed with a mixture of concern and urgency as he spotted General Godasen lying on the ground, the crossbow bolt still lodged in his shoulder.

Panic surged within him, and he called out for a medic, desperately hoping to save the wounded commander.

"Medicus! I need a medicus!" Borhos's voice reverberated through the silence, his distress palpable.

He knelt beside General Godasen, his gaze shifting to the general's broken fingers, shock registering on his face.

It became painfully clear to him that they had been deceived, manipulated by their adversaries with cunning and precision, his fingers we're infact not broken.

"They... They tricked me!" Borhos's anguished cry tore through the air, carrying a mix of frustration and self-reproach.

The realization of his miscalculations and the consequences they had brought upon his forces weighed heavily on his shoulders.

"My Lord!" An Imperial soldier rushed to Borhos, his voice filled with concern and confusion.

"They destroyed the bridge!" the soldier informed him, delivering yet another blow to Borhos's already wounded pride.

Fury coursed through Borhos's veins, his mind consumed with anger and humiliation.

He knew he had to retaliate swiftly and decisively.

With a determined expression, he issued a resolute command.

"Call in the smoke signals! It's time for the real battle," Borhos ordered, his voice laced with a newfound determination.

He was resolved to rally his remaining forces, unleash their full might, and make the Marines pay for their audacity.


Hours later...

Hours passed, and the Marine raiders found themselves regrouping deep within the dense forest, several miles away from the imposing fortress they had just raided.

The intensity of the battle still lingered in the air as they took a moment to catch their breath and assess their situation.

Among them was a Marine who had sustained a minor injury from an arrow.

Major Clark approached him, concern etched on his face.

"Can you still carry your rifle?" he asked, assessing the Marine's ability to continue fighting.

The Marine nodded with determination.

"It's just a scratch, sir," he replied, his arm being tended to by a medic.

The bandages were swiftly applied, providing some relief to the wounded warrior.

Martinez and Perez kept a watchful eye on their surroundings, scanning the area for any signs of Imperial forces that might have pursued them during their retreat.

"Any signs of pursuit?" Martinez inquired, his eyes sweeping the forest perimeter as he aimed his trusty Barrett M82.

Perez, peering through the scope of his M14 EBR, responded.

"Nah man I got nothing. Just some smoke signals in the distance."

Their diligent vigilance ensured the safety of their unit, their training ingrained within them.

Camila Jim, weak but still able to communicate, was being tended to by her fellow Marines.

Major Davis stood nearby, a mix of shock and confusion evident on his face.

It had been revealed that the individual they were rescuing was none other than the younger sister of the Secretary of State.

"So she was here all along..." he muttered, his mind racing to comprehend the significance of their mission.

Adams, reloading his rifle, chimed in, his voice laced with determination.

"Well, at least we have her now." Despite the unexpected turn of events, they had accomplished their primary objective.

Their focus shifted to the next phase of their plan.

"We need to proceed to Point A as originally planned," Adams stated firmly, aware that time was of the essence.

Just then, Delilah, one of the Marines, caught sight of something and alerted the others.

"Sir, look!" she exclaimed, prompting Adams to retrieve his binoculars and scan the area she indicated.

A troubling sight met his gaze-a contingent of Imperial soldiers marching in the direction of Point A.

"Enemy forces are heading towards Point A," Adams reported to his fellow Marines.

Concern crept into their voices as they considered the possibility of an ambush.

"Shit, is it trap?" Martinez wondered aloud, his experienced eyes assessing the Imperial troops from a distance.

Adams made a quick decision, recognizing the need to adapt their strategy.

"Contact our extraction team. Inform them that we will withdraw from Point B instead," he ordered, anticipating the potential danger awaiting them at Point A.

The element of surprise had been lost, and a change in plans was necessary to ensure their safety.

Delilah, armed with her trusty compound bow, prepared to advance stealthily, her movements calculated and precise.

Adams cautioned her, his voice firm but laced with concern.

"Take it slow, Delilah. We can't afford any mistakes."

Her role in the impending operation was critical, and every action needed to be executed flawlessly.


As the Imperial troops unknowingly closed in on the Marine raiders, they cleverly disguised themselves by donning helmets wrapped in green cloth, imitating the woodland camouflage worn by the Marines.

The element of surprise was firmly on the side of the raiders though.

"Have they spotted us already?" an Imperial soldier questioned, perplexed by the sudden appearance of their adversaries.

"That's impossible! We're still half a league away," a Centurion responded, equally bewildered by the Marine raiders' sudden appearance.

With stealth and precision, the Marines and Delilah launched their surprise attack on the unsuspecting Imperial soldiers.

The grenade launchers erupted, sending 40mm grenades soaring through the air, raining down on the bewildered enemy forces.

Chaos ensued as the explosions engulfed the Imperial ranks, their screams of horror mingling with the chaos of battle.

"Aaggghh! Was that magic?!" some Imperials cried out in disbelief, unable to comprehend the devastating accuracy and power unleashed upon them.

To compound the Imperial forces' predicament, a group of mercenaries and bandits, hastily recruited by the Empire due to their diminishing manpower, charged forward to engage the Marines at Point B.

Armed with makeshift wooden shields and swords, these untrained fighters proved to be no match for the well-trained and battle-hardened Marines.

"Don't rush, you fools!" a Centurion bellowed, attempting to regain control over his unruly contingent.

"Argh! Sound the horn!" he ordered, as an Imperial soldier promptly blew a horn, signaling the start of their assault against the Marines.

Undeterred, Major Adams swiftly adjusted their plans once again.

"This is Devil 3-6! Change the withdrawal point to Point C!" he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

With the chaos unfolding around them, Adams and his Marines began their hasty retreat into the cover of the dense forest.


Meanwhile, a few Imperial soldiers, straying from the main group, wandered near the edge of the forest, their guard momentarily lowered.

It was a critical oversight.

Exploiting this opportunity, the Marines burst forth from the concealment of the trees, guns blazing with deadly accuracy.

In a matter of seconds, multiple Imperial soldiers fell under the onslaught.

The element of surprise had once again shifted in favor of the Marines.

"We've got contacts here at Point C!" Adams yelled, his voice cutting through the cacophony of battle.

He and his fellow Marines continued to pour rounds into the Imperial soldiers, relentlessly pushing back the encroaching threat.

"There are too many of them!" Delilah shouted, her compound bow releasing arrows with deadly precision, thinning the enemy ranks as best she could.

As the Marines fought valiantly.

The CH-53E Super Stallion rumbled overhead, growing closer to their designated extraction point.

The distant roar of engines filled the air, promising a lifeline and a chance at safety.


Meanwhile, in Bellnahgo...

A flurry of activity unfolded as Russian helicopter pilots hurried to the helicopter pads, strapping on their helmets with purpose.

Each pilot took their place inside their Kamov Ka-50 Black Shark Attack Helicopters, their mission clear-to provide crucial air support to the Marine raiders operating in Tanska.

The helicopters roared to life, hovering above the ground before soaring forward toward their destination, ready to unleash their firepower upon any threats that dared to challenge the Marines.


In the city of Rondel...

An AC-130 Gunship was brought to life on a nearby tarmac.

Simultaneously, pilots dashed out of their barracks, swiftly boarding their AH-64 Apaches.

The commotion caught the attention of Dimitri and Sofia, who were there to meet with the commander of the city's military defenses.

Curiosity piqued, Dimitri approached one of the pilots, seeking answers.

"What's happening?" he inquired, eager to grasp the unfolding events.

The pilot, in a rush, replied.

"There are MARSOC raiders in Tanska who require our assistance. Ramirez and his team are there as well, providing extraction support." The urgency in his voice conveyed the gravity of the situation as the pilot rushed out the building.

"Ramirez?" Dimitri and Sofia echoed in unison, their hearts skipping a beat as they heard the name of their Marine friend amidst the chaos.


An hour later, the Marine raiders found themselves persisting in the relentless battle as they pushed forward toward the extraction zone. They strategically positioned themselves, using the shields of fallen Imperials to protect themselves from a barrage of arrows raining down upon them.

Amidst the chaos, a group of determined Marines took aim and fired at the oncoming Imperial cavalry, methodically gunning them down as they charged fearlessly towards their position.

The thunderous sound of gunfire echoed through the battlefield, intermingling with the screams and shouts of combat.

"Reloading!" a Marine shouted over the cacophony, swiftly reloading his M249 machine gun to ensure a continuous barrage of suppressing fire.

Sensing the need to regroup and reassess the situation, Adams barked out a command.

"Cease fire and regroup!" With that order, he and his battle-hardened comrades, accompanied by Delilah, began to converge at a designated rally point, cautiously making their way towards the extraction location.

Meanwhile, Borhos, rode alongside a magician on horseback, determined to gather any additional information on the Marines' whereabouts and intentions.

The magician, skilled in divination, used their mystical abilities to peer into the unseen, seeking glimpses of the enemy's movements.

"Call back the cavalry, excluding the scouts! Raise a signal fire to reveal the enemy's location! Even our light cavalry won't be able to approach them with their projectile weapons!" Borhos ordered, his voice firm and commanding.

The magician, in response to Borhos' command, chanted an incantation, conjuring a spell that released ethereal wisps of smoke into the air, forming a visible signal for their forces.

"Commander Borhos! The signal fire has been spotted! The enemy is heading west!" an Imperial soldier exclaimed, his voice filled with urgency, as he pointed towards the billowing smoke rising on the horizon.

"West? Are they attempting to make their escape towards the treacherous Dumas Mountains?" Borhos questioned aloud, his mind already analyzing the possible strategies the Marines might employ.

A Centurion, standing nearby, chimed in with a suggestion.

"Could they be counting on one of their Iron Pegasi to rendezvous with them there?"

"Mmm... It's plausible. There's a ruin of an ancient Emory temple in that direction," the Centurion replied, tracing his finger across the map, highlighting the relevant locations.

Borhos nodded, deep in thought.

"If they are unfamiliar with the terrain, it would make sense for them to rely on recognizable landmarks as they navigate. We must be prepared for any eventuality," he affirmed, his gaze fixed on the map before him.

With each passing moment, the tension escalated, and the fate of the Marines hung in the balance as they made their desperate push towards potential safety.


The CH-53E Super Stallion finally arrived at Tanska, and inside, Mike and his Marines prepared themselves for the upcoming battle.

As they readied their weapons, Mike's thoughts raced, considering the situation and the likelihood of encountering enemies at Point D.

"This is Devil 3-6! We're one mile away from Point D!" Adams shouted into his headphones while simultaneously firing rounds at two Imperial soldiers.

Meanwhile, Mike contacted him using his Special Forces callsign, Striker 6-4, through his headphones inside the CH-53E Super Stallion, asking.

"This is Striker 6-4, any casualties?"

"We've got none, though an idiot got grazed by an arrow," Adams replied, causing the wounded Marine to let out an annoyed "Hey!" in response.

"Roger that, Adams. We're in pursuit," Mike replied, and the CH-53E Super Stallion accelerated toward Point D with all its might.

As the Marines made their way to the ruins of the temple, Delilah suddenly stopped and pointed towards a hilltop they were about to reach.

"Sir, I'm sensing an enemy ambush!" Delilah shouted, alerting the team to the imminent danger.

"It's too late to change to another point! We have to break through them!" Adams replied, preparing his rifle for the upcoming clash.

"That's just unreasonable!" Major Clark interjected, voicing his concern.

"Aren't you sick of running away?" Major Davis responded, his voice filled with determination as he also readied his weapon.

As Imperial archers targeted the Marines, unleashing a volley of arrows, the Marines took cover behind their shields, using them as protection against the incoming projectiles.

"We'll show them what we Marines can do! Let's move!" Adams shouted, leading the charge and returning fire on the Imperial archers.

With the Marines and Delilah advancing, they unleashed a barrage of bullets upon the Imperial soldiers, causing heavy losses among their ranks.

As several Imperial mercenaries on horseback, accompanied by demi-human soldiers, gave chase to the Marines, a strange sound filled the air, growing louder with each passing moment.

The source of the sound remained a mystery to everyone.

But for the Marines, it was a call to duty.

Just as the tension reached its peak, the CH-53E Super Stallion made a dramatic entrance, stunning the men and demi-humans on horseback.

The helicopter's speakers blared "Welcome To The Jungle," intensifying the atmosphere.

Robert, the ramp gunner, opened fire with the mounted M3 Machine Gun, raining bullets upon the enemy and instigating panic among their ranks.

"Keep shooting! Don't let them near the LZ!" Foley commanded, firing his M4 at the enemy.

The helicopter closed in on Point D, approaching the designated landing zone.

"We're near the LZ!" Captain Taylor shouted to Captain Jones, both pilots focused on the task at hand.

"We're turning!" Captain Jones informed Mike.

"Alright!" Mike responded, readying himself for the landing.

As the CH-53E Super Stallion executed the turn and prepared to land, Rory unexpectedly rushed out of the helicopter.

Landing amidst the horses, she created a small tornado, sending several men flying in all directions.

"Here I come!" she shouted, charging towards the men and effortlessly killing them with swift and precise movements.

Bodies were sent flying, and torsos were sliced in half.

An Imperial cavalry soldier attempted to confront her, but she skillfully sliced through both the horse and the soldier.

Borhos, watching from a nearby cliff, observed the astonishing display with wide eyes and a shocked expression.

"Apostle of Emroy, Rory Mercury?!" Borhos exclaimed in disbelief, recognizing the demi-god.

"But why?!" Borhos couldn't believe his eyes, struggling to comprehend Rory's presence on the battlefield.

The realization of facing such a formidable opponent filled him with both fear and confusion.

Witnessing the scene unfold, Mike swiftly issued orders to his Marines, determined to support Rory in her fight against the enemy forces.

"Support Rory! Where are the raiders and the abductee?!" he shouted, firing his weapon at a few Imperial soldiers who neared her.

"I see them! Two o'clock!" Robert pointed out, his eyes fixed on the team of Marine raiders.

"Get ready!" Mike commanded, and as the CH-53E Super Stallion landed, he and his Marines rushed out, engaging the enemy with a fierce barrage of gunfire.

Tuka, the skilled archer, unleashed a volley of arrows at the enemies, while Lelei, with her magical abilities, prepared a powerful spell.

In response, the Imperial archers readied their bows, releasing a flurry of arrows into the air.

"Arrows incoming!" Jacob shouted, alerting the team to the imminent danger.

With precision and expertise, Lelei unleashed her magical spell, causing massive explosions in the air that vaporized the incoming arrows.

Meanwhile, the Marines continued to rain down fire upon the enemy, gradually gaining the upper hand in the battle.

The raiders, seizing the opportunity, broke through the enemy lines and made a daring rush toward the waiting helicopter.

"Everyone on board! Let's go, let's go!" Mike commanded, urging his team to retreat and evacuate to the safety of the CH-53E Super Stallion.

"Rory!" Mike called out, noticing Rory emerging from the explosions caused by Lelei's magic.

Despite being covered in blood, Rory wore a triumphant smile as she boarded the helicopter once again.

Meanwhile, several Imperial cavalrymen, determined to impede the Marines' escape, rushed toward the helicopter, wielding nets with the intention of tangling the spinning blades.

"Entangle those spinning blades!" a Centurion on horseback commanded, urging his soldiers to throw their nets.

"Shit, they're retreating!" Borhos exclaimed in frustration, witnessing the failed attempt to hinder the Marines' escape.

"Commander Borhos! What are those?!" another Centurion pointed toward the sky, his voice filled with disbelief and astonishment.

As the Imperial cavalrymen prepared to throw their nets, several blazing lights descended from above, obliterating them instantly.

The soldiers looked up, witnessing an AC-130 high in the sky, relentlessly unleashing its firepower upon the enemy.

A thunderous boom echoed through the battlefield as the AC-130 fired its 105mm Howitzer, causing mass casualties in the enemy ranks.

Soon after, AH-64 Apaches and Kamov Ka-50 Black Sharks arrived at the scene, their presence announced by the deafening roar of their engines.

They unleashed a barrage of missiles and bullets upon the enemy, skillfully strafing their positions with deadly precision, easilt piercing through their amorour and bodies.

"Enemy aerial forces?!" a Centurion shouted, his disbelief evident in his voice, as he watched the sudden arrival of the allied aircraft.

"This can't be happening!" Borhos exclaimed, his frustration and desperation growing as he realized the tides of battle had turned against them.

The combined might of American and Russian air power was decimating the remaining enemy forces.

With everyone accounted for, the CH-53E Super Stallion lifted off from the battlefield, leaving the remaining enemy forces to face the wrath of the combined American and Russian aircraft that had just arrived.

From his vantage point on the cliff, Borhos watched in despair as the helicopters and fighter aircraft decimated his comrades.

"Dammit! I won't forget this humiliating defeat!" he shouted in frustration, feeling the weight of the devastating turn of events.


Meanwhile, inside the CH-53E Super Stallion, the wounded were receiving medical treatment from Hailey, who skillfully attended to their injuries.

As the chaos settled, Adams approached Mike, placing a hand on the captain's shoulder.

"Hey, Mike," Adams called out, a teasing smile on his face. "Seems like you're working harder with the raiders than you ever did with us."

"It's been a while, Adams. We have civilians with us as well. Boy, I have a lot to catch you up on," Mike replied with a joyful tone.

"As expected from the Hero of DC," Adams remarked, playfully tousling Mike's hair.

"Please don't call me that," Mike responded, a slight awkwardness in his smile.

Suddenly, Delilah, the warrior bunny, approached and gave Mike a warm hug.

"Sir Ramirez!" she exclaimed, expressing her relief and gratitude for his leadership.

"Delilah, you were with them?!" Mike asked, genuinely surprised to see her among the team.

"I was hired by the Marines. They believed my experience and skills shouldn't go to waste, so they brought me on board, alongside the maids of Italica, for this extra job," Delilah explained, revealing the circumstances that led to her involvement.

While the Marines and the newcomers exchanged stories and shared their experiences, the attention of everyone in the helicopter turned to the female abductee lying on a stretcher.

They looked at her with wide eyes, their curiosity piqued by her presence.

"Could you tell us your name, miss?" Michelle, the reporter, held her microphone towards the woman while Wilson, the cameraman, captured the moment on film.

"Camila... Camila Jim," the woman replied, her voice filled with exhaustion.

The realization spread through the helicopter, and gasps of astonishment echoed in the cabin as they recognized her as Camila Jim, the Secretary of State's younger sister.

Michelle seized the opportunity to ask a pressing question, holding the microphone closer to Camila.

"What would you like to say after you return to the States?"

Camila's eyes widened, her expression one of disbelief and hope.

"Have I been saved? Am I going home?" she asked frantically, her emotions overwhelming her fragile state.

Tears welled up in her eyes as she settled back down on the stretcher, realizing that her rescue was indeed a reality.

"I'm going home..." she murmured, her voice trembling with a mix of relief, gratitude, and a hint of disbelief.

"I'm going home, and it isn't a dream," she sobbed softly.

Kneeling down beside her, Mike offered a comforting smile, his voice filled with reassurance.

"You're coming home," he said, his words carrying a sense of determination and sincerity.

As the CH-53E Super Stallion soared through the sky, accompanied by Apache helicopters and Black Shark gunships.

The combined forces of American and Russian aircraft forming a protective escort.

They headed towards the nearby city of Rondel.

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