my random ideas 2

By nique_writes008

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This is basically the same as my other one random ideas that come to my mind and I don't want to keep making... More

my friends do me better
my friends do me better 2
working far away
working far away 2
how i love my woman
quitting my job
quitting my job 2
metting his parents
meeting his parents 2
addicting 2
addicting 3
release me/stress free
release me 2
friend groups Christmas
Family Christmas
jace and camryn
camryn and jace2
camryn and jace 3
camryn and jace 4
camryn and jace 5
camryn and jace 6
camryn and jace 7
camryn and jace 8
player's pain
players pain 2
players pain 3
players pain 4
players pain 5
players pain 6
players pain 7
her way
her way 2
her way 3
drummer boy
drummer boy 2
drummer boy 3
drummer boy 4
drummer boy 5
better love
better love 2
better love 3
a fuck boy never had me
a fuck boy never had me 2
angered 2
The bad boy blues
the bad boy blues 2
the bad boy blues 3
the bad boy blues 4
bad boy blues 5
code blue
code blue 2
code blue 3
code blue 4
watching me
rich man
rich man 2
tour fling
tour fling 2
tour fling 3
when were drunk
the charming waiter
the charming waiter 2
innocents 2
innocents 3
the queen's throne
obsessed 2
sugar daddy
sugar daddy 2
sugar daddy 3
W rizz
W rizz 2
W rizz 3
mama 2
Just one time
just one time 2
G.O.M.D. 2
G.O.M.D. 3
G.O.M.D. 4
W rizz 4
W rizz 5
W rizz 6
W rizz 7
W rizz 8
shes mine
shes mine 2
Camryn and jace 9
not the type to brag
give me her
give me her 2
lil mama
falling in love again
hood niggaz
hood niggaz 2
usual stranger
usual stranger 2
usual stranger 3
usual stanger 4
falling in love again 2
messing with mafia
my sisters friends
my sisters friends 2
my sisters friends 3
my sisters friends 4
little agressive but good
addiction is an understatement
addiction is an understatement 2
good 2
good 3
new bestfriend
new bestfriend 2
new best friend 3
new bestfriend 4
say dat 2
say dat 3
sat day 4
say dat 5
say dat 6
say dat 7
praise 2
they think were friends
belong together
belong together 2
his madness
his madness 2
his maddness 3
just chill
just chill 2
just chill 3
just chill 4
belong together 3
just chill 5
my bestfriend is my therapist
just a friend
just a friend 2
just a friend 3
just friends 4
just friends 5
just friends 6
just chill 6
speak of the angel
just chill 7
his madness 4
his madness 5
wanna love
canvas 3
canvas 4
canvas 5
canvas 6
canvas 7
canvas 8
Another birthday
for you
dangerous protection
another birthday 2
another birthday 3
another birthday 4
how bad
another birthday 5
another birthday 6
another birthday 7
another birthday 8
another birthday 9
another birthday 10
another birthday 11
911 pt2
911 pt 3
911 pt 4
911 pt 5
right 2
right 3
right 4
right 5
right 6
wanna love 2
proud freak
proud freak 2
proud freak 3
proud freak 4
proud freak 5
proud freak 6

canvas 2

80 1 0
By nique_writes008

They got started after like 5 minutes yn started to fall asleep but woke up as he got further

Y-"uh sir"

She looked down at him he was focused it hurt more

Y-"ooouuu no sir"

He stopped


Y-"first of all ouch"

They laughed Lani and kay came back

Kay-"hey yall"

Naomi-"hey nasty and nastier"

They laughed

Y-"sss stop it"

Zay-"girl u not finna keep pushing me"

Kay-"aha I said that like 5 minutes ago"

Lani-"shut up"

Kay-"u shut up"

Lani-"make me"

She walked to her Lani flinched and put her hands out in front of her

Kay-"u know I won't hesitate"

Lani-"I luh u"

She hugged her

Kay-"get off me"

Lani-"but I luh u doe"

Kay-"imma tickle u"

Lani-"pwees don't tickle me I wuv u"

She put her leg up on her they laughed Kay tickled her to the floor ziona ran in the room they looked at her

Kay-"tickle monsteerr!!"

She ran to her ziona screamed and giggled running from her they ran in circles around the shop u til Kay caught her and tickled her too then put her on the floor she giggled Kay kissed her cheek and sat next to Lani

Zay-"u ok now"

Y-"no I need 5 more minutes"

Zay-"no u had like 15"

Y-"nuh uh"

She pushed on him

Zay-"girl stop this never gone get done if u keep pushing me and this not even a good angle"

Kay-"go between her legs and make her hand off the side"

Y-"dont give him ideas"

Zay-"imma pin u down in a minute"

Lani-"no she's kinky she'll like that"

Y-"nobody asked u this is a A and B conversation"

Lani-"but I C yall having it so I gave my 2 cents"

Y-"I hate u"

Zay-"zizi why u on the floor"

She looked up

Ziona-"....nice floor"

She rubbed it

Lani-"u know your abc's"


Zay-"a b c d-"

Ziona-"e f g h I j k lmno p-"

Kay-"its l m n o"

Lani-"its lmno"

Zion-"q r s t u v w X y and z now I know my a b c next time don't fucking play with me"

Zay-"yaaayyy good job mama"

Y-"did u hear the last part"

Zay-"yeah I taught her that I'm a proud uncle"

They laughed

Zay-"u done whining"

Y-"no I got 5 minutes left'


He got up

Y-"please dont pin me down it hurt'

Zay-"dont u think I know that look at me"

He spun in a circle and lifted his shirt

Y-"ouu chile"

They laughed

Y-"I didn't see that one let me see"

He popped her

Y-"ouch u flashed me thats not my fault"

Ziona ran to him and grabbed his leg


She looked up at him and nodded

Zay-"u so tute"

He squeezed her cheek she giggled

Zay-"go in my bag its something in there"

Ziona-"Tay tay"

She ran off zay grabbed yn and put her down she whined

Zay-"stop whining"

Y-"please 5 minutes"

Zay-"u had more then 5 minutes"

Naomi came over and grabbed her hands

Y-"no don't help him"

Zay-"I feel like u would kick me'

Y-"nah imma nice person I wouldn't do that"

Kay-"dont we close early today"

Zay-"uuhhhh yuh"

Kay-"otay I lock da door"

She locked up and came back

Kay-"u still trinna fight him"

Y-"yes u wanna help"

Kay-"nah I'm ok"

Y-"mch uuuggghhhh"

They laughed he sat between her legs

Lani-"your dreams are coming true yn"

Y-"suck my dick"

Zay-"ion think u got one of them"

They laughed


Y-"uh uh"

Zay-"its ok"

He got back to it yn whined and tried to kick he stopped

Zay-"hold up"

He got up grabbed and pulled her closer to the edge she grabbed his he put a stool and sat on it

Zay-"das better"

He held her thighs down with his arms pulled her pants down a little more and got back to work

Y-"zay imma fuck u up"

Zay-"u know a lot of people tell me that but-"


Kay-"are u moaning"

He stopped and laughed a little

Y-"why would u ask that"

Kay-"thats what Lani be doing ooo-"

Lani jumped on her from the chair and put her on the floor ziona ran back holding goldfish and pushed one in Kay's mouth

Kay-"oh dem good which ones dem is"




Naomi-"say his name baby say his name"

He laughed but kept going

Y-"oh my goodddaaaaaa"

Naomi-"what happened to zay"

He stopped and wiped it


Naomi-"I think she's enjoying this"

Zay-"sound like it"

He got back to it yns hand slipped out Naomi's grip and she grabbed zays arm he stopped she whined

Zay-"ion like that"

Y-"nigga u litterally stabbing me"

Zay-"u wanted me to stab u"

Y-"not like that"

Naomi-"when he finish imma eat u out-"


Naomi-"oh u want him to do it-"


They laughed yn took a deep breath and moved her hand zay slid closer

Zay-"u good"

Y-"mhm imma just pass out real quick"

Zay-"dont pass out"


She said tapping yn

Zay-"yeah get her some water"

Ziona ran to the back and came back with some water

Y-"thank u baby girl"

She opened it Naomi poured some in her mouth zay watched Naomi stopped yn finished swallowing

Zay-"u can swallow with your mouth open"


Naomi-"hes like daammmnnnn"

They laughed

Y-"can I hold your arm"

She grabbed his arm anyway

Zay-"dont pull me u gone mess it up"

Y-"ok just go"

He kept going yn whined and squeezed his arm he kept going yn tried to move her legs

Zay-"uh uh keep still mama"

He said kind of deep and raspy as he focused yn bit her lip

Naomi-"u gotta talk to her like that she'll make it through this in 5 seconds"

Y-"naomi I wanna strangle u so bad"

Zay-"stop moving ma"

She whined he stopped giving her a break and wiped it she sighed he moved his arm

Y-"uh uh I can't reach that"

He laughed and put his arm back up she held it he went back to it


Naomi-"breath girl"

She blew a raspberry and dug her nails in his skin

Naomi-"stop u gone make him bleed"

She loosened her grip

Zay-"shes fine"

Kay-"he likes that type of stuff"

Y-"no wonder u got so many tattoos"

He laughed

Y-"zay I need a break"

Zay-"I don't im good"

Y-"zay zayyyyy"

She whined

Zay-"I know mama almost"

She whined he pulled the needle to wipe it and went back in yn groaned




Y-"u almost done"


He sat up she looked down and sighed throwing her head back

Zay-"now I gotta do the back"

Y-"ugh shit"

They laughed she got up

Zay-"im too good"

Kay-"nah really that's fire"

Yn looked in the mirror


Zay-"dont touch it"


She turned around looking at her butt


Y-"I cant help it"

She leaned over a little and twerked looking back at it


She stopped and sat up


Zay-"come on"

Naomi-"give him some"


They laughed

Lani-"yn leave your ass alone"

Y-"im sorry"

She turned back around

Y-"I haven't seen her in so long"

Naomi-"u see her in a few minutes"


Zay-"sit backwards in the chair"


She sat backwards he pulled the head rest back

Y-"oh how interesting"

They laughed

Zay-"lean over and u can cross your arms on it if that makes u more comfortable"

She did what he said

Naomi-"good girl"

Yn looked after her zay laughed to himself

Y-"stop laughing"

Ziona-"zay zay"

Zay-"yes princess"

Ziona-"play music pees"


He gave her his phone she unlocked it and played one of his Playlist

Zay-"ouu not dat"

He quickly changed it

Naomi-"do u have a Playlist for masterbating like yn does"

Y-"i do not thats lani"




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