The fall of our secrets

Od abirrosa2

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She was fire, he was ice. She raged and burned everything in her path when he stayed calm and collected. She... Více

My first note
Chapter 7
Chapter 32
Chapter 33


34 8 5
Od abirrosa2

Hello everyone! How are you doing?

Here is a new long chapter.



It had been ten days since Ethan brought me to this room and put me under lock and key. I used a clean white towel to dry my face. The girl looking back at me was so different from usual. Dark circles under my eyes marred my pale and sunken face.

A knock on the door interrupted my thoughts, and I sighed when I saw the housekeeper with a tray in her hands. This was the daily ritual now.

She replaced yesterday's untouched dinner with a new tray. The unknown woman gave me a weird look and left the room without saying a word. Maybe it was in her job description to keep silent. I was okay with that as talking with a stranger was the last thing on my to-do list.

I ignored her stare and looked at the breakfast. A wave of nausea hit me as the eggs smell invaded my nostrils. I sat on the bed and tried to take deep breaths to loosen the sickness. It was the same occurrence for a week now. I couldn't keep any meal inside my stomach.

I pushed the food away and rested my head against the bed's headrest. Time was a strange thing. It passed slowly when you are waiting for something to happen. Something you don't even know what it is.

Another knock sounded on my door, and I straightened on the bed. I looked at the clock and frowned as lunchtime didn't arrive yet, and usually, I don't have any visitors.

For a moment, my heartbeats quickened, and I hoped it was Ethan coming to visit me. As stupid as it sounded, I found myself missing him temredounsly these past few days.

Some nights I would wake up in the middle of the night, and I detect his silhouette sitting on a chair in the corner of the room. The moment he realises I spotted him, he would leave without saying a word. I never thought I would see that cold side of Ethan.

Disappointment washed over me when two women in their thirties opened the door with their hands loaded with bags. They gave me polite smiles and entered the room. I couldn't bring myself to smile back and gave them an empty stare.

The one with short blond hair spoke with a visible Italian accent. "Good afternoon, miss. We are here to prepare you for today's party."

"Party?" I asked in confusion, my voice was hoarse as I didn't speak to anyone for a long period.

Both girls shared a surprised look at my question before the redhead cleared her throat and said in a gentle voice. "Mr Salviatti wants you to be ready by five to accompany him to the party his family is hosting."

Anger bubbled inside my stomach, and I could practically watch it spill and ravage everything in its way.

"Where is he?" I asked between gritted teeth.

"He is already at the mansion. A driver will take you once you are ready."

Ten days without any contact. He didn't grace me even with a single word or look, and now, he remembered I am his wife, and he is taking me to a party as if I was his trophy wife. He wasn't even going to escort me like a husband should.

I could see the terrified look on the girls' faces, and I decided to play along. I knew I was in the wrong and deserved everything coming my way, but disrespecting me was a huge mistake. I schooled my features and nodded my head.

"Alright, let's start."


By the time the stylists were done probing me and prickling my sides with their needles, I was beyond exhausted. My body just gave up and didn't want to do any more effort. I wished I could change back into my pyjamas and go to sleep.

I looked at the strapless green dress with shining gems adorning its bodice. I laughed out loud at the irony. The shade of green was the same as Ethan's eyes. I am sure he did it on purpose. I knew him, he never leave anything to coincidence.

My injured hand was already healed with a scar marring the centre of my palm. I still wore the cast around my other arm. The doctor who checked on me said I needed to put him for another ten days.

The redhead stylist clasped a white cape made of fur over my bare shoulders. "It is cold outside." She explained with a smile.

I couldn't bring myself to reciprocate her politeness and looked again at my face. It was amazing how layers of makeup can hide days of sadness and sleepless nights.

A knock on the door brought me out of admiring my flawless face, and I grimaced as the housekeeper announced in her thick accent. "The car is waiting for you."

I started moving on my wobbly legs to the door, but then the same redhead assistant grabbed my arm and helped me walk down the stairs.

"Thank you," my words were heart left as I opened the limousine's door and got inside.

"You look beautiful," I nearly jumped out of my skin when Ethan spoke next to me.

"If this is the way you chose to kill me, then you are almost there. Just try it two more times, and  I will be six feet underground." I said while clutching my racing heart.

Ethan ignored my words and kept his focus on the phone. I looked away and opened the window. I was in serious need of some fresh air.

I don't know why I felt so suffocated. Ethan's scent was grating on my nerves. I felt a strong desire to hug him and feel his warmth. Better yet, I wanted him to kiss me passionately and give me his love.

What the hell was wrong with me? Why was I acting so strange? From where this idea came?

"I thought you weren't coming to escort me." I cringed at my whiny voice and even Ethan shot me a questioning look. For a moment, he appeared as if he will ignore my question again, which brought tears to my eyes.

But at last, he put his phone inside his jacket pocket and said. "I would never humiliate you this way."

"Huh?" I asked, confused.

"This party is not a small dinner between families. It is held for both my and Mom's recovery. Every crime boss and family are there. Press and journalists from all around the world are present. How do you think you would have looked exiting the car all alone? I would not leave you alone facing their questions." He clarified with a raised eyebrow.

I chuckled and clapped my hands. "Wow! You made an impressive speech. But I can look through your lies, Ethan. You did this for one reason only." I moved closer to him and whispered into his ear. "Your image."

Ethan didn't deny it and shrugged. "You can understand it like you want. Just keep in mind that my image is yours."

"Here," Ethan threw me a black velvet box. "Wear it."

I opened it and gasped at the gorgeous ring inside. It was a simple heart-shaped diamond ring with small Emerald stones on its sides.

I didn't ask any questions and just put it on my ring finger. I didn't want to hear any words that will hurt me more than I already was.

I admired how it looked on my finger. It was truly elegant and magnificent. Ethan proved he had an aristocratic taste when it came to choosing jewellery.

If only I got it under different circumstances. Even the most beautiful things would hold no significance when they are done without the right emotional meaning behind them.

"I want to see Arianna," I said out of the blue. They were the words I wished I had the chance to say days ago.

Ethan pulled out his phone and pressed on the screen a few times before he tossed it on my lap.

I looked at the screen and inwardly smiled at the scene playing in front of me. Arianna and Lexie were sitting next to each other and watching the TV while eating ice cream. I touched the screen and wished I could feel my sister's soft skin and silky hair.

"When did you bring Lexie back?" I asked without averting my gaze from the phone.

"Last Sunday, Arianna said she couldn't live without both of you. I can not see her sad eyes and do nothing about it." Ethan said in a fond voice. It was beyond me how he fall in love with Arianna in less than a week. But I shouldn't be surprised, my sister had a habit of charming anyone she meets.

"But you don't mind seeing mine sad?" I said in defeat.

Ethan chuckled and shook his head. "Seeing your beautiful eyes that tired and sad kills me every time."

"Then why are you treating me like dirt?" I choked back a sob and used all the self-control I learned my whole life to stop damn tears from falling. I never cried but when they broke loose, they didn't want to stop.

Ethan adjusted in his seat and he was facing me. He lifted my chin so we were on the same level. The mere touch of his fingers ignited fire throughout my body. "You are my queen, Nina. You will never be lower than that. Your level in my life is higher than the stars. I just can't bring myself to forgive you yet." Ethan let go of my chin and I nearly screamed at the loss of contact between us. I wanted him to hold me longer.

Too soon for my liking, the car parked in front of a magnificent mansion. Suddenly, memories hit me, and I remembered the first time I came here.

It seemed so long ago when I entered this property as a thief and traitor. Now, I am here as the wife of one of these fortress heirs.

"Smile," Ethan instructed as he put his arm around the small of my back, and we started walking down the red carpet.

"Those damn silver heels are killing me." I cursed as I managed to plaster a small smile on my face for the sake of the reporters who were snapping picture after picture of us.

"Consider it one of your punishments," Ehan whispered in my ear, and I contemplated shoving one of the heels into his chest. Well, it will be the scandal of the year.

"I hate this word," I said instead of going through with my plans.

"You will hear it a lot," I swallowed hard at his words and relaxed in his hold. There was no need for resistance.

Ethan didn't falter in his long strides and dragged my limp body with him. Finally, we reached the entrance and the loud voices from outside vanished as the double doors closed behind us.

"Give me a minute," I said as I tried to catch my breath.

"Are you okay?" Ethan asked in concern.

"No one is here, you can stop playing the role of the caring husband." I snapped, I don't know what came over me, but I didn't want to hear his voice. I wanted him to just shut up and leave me be.

Ethan scoffed and harshly grabbed my arm. "It is not the time for your grouchiness. Move." He said and clasped my hand in his. He squeezed and I winced at the pressure he was applying. "Behave, this is your last warning."

Caroline Salviatti was the first familiar person we met. She was looking splendid in a fitting off-shoulder white dress that was just below her knees. Her blonde curls were styled to perfection.

Caroline smiled big and hugged her son. She gave me a polite smile and kissed my cheek. I wished I could brush her off, but Ethan's grip on my waist kept me in place.

"Enjoy yourselves," I was surprised at how sincere she sounded. She squeezed my arm and left us alone. I don't know why, but this kind gesture offered me a strange sense of comfort.

Ethan introduced me to several crime families. I felt my head spinning from all the new faces I met today. Finally, we came face to face with The Don. He was as regal as ever with his sons by his sides. He had the posture of a king sitting on his throne.

He gave Ethan a small smile and patted his shoulder. The old man's icy blue eyes landed on me, and I wished the ground would open and swallow me.

I straightened my shoulders and said in a steady voice to all the men present. "Good evening,"

To their credit, they all nodded back in respect. I knew they wish nothing more than to kill me and forget I existed.

"Follow me," The Don ordered both Ethan and me.

Inwardly, I found myself moving closer to Ethan. He was my only sanctuary in this room full of wolves. I could feel the eyes of the others following us, but I didn't dare to look back. Each time I find myself facing their glares and looks of hatred, I thank God I agreed to Ethan's marriage proposal.

We went upstairs and The Don led us to his office. He sat behind his desk and eyed us with his intense eyes. Taking one last sip of the drink he had been nursing for awhile, he looked at me and said in an impressed tone. "You are a very brave woman. We have underestimated your intelligence and see where it got us?"

I knew he didn't expect an answer and kept my silence. "My grandchild marrying you saved your life this time. No one can touch you while your name is attached to ours. You already broke our family's oath, but I will follow tradition. Here, sign those papers."

I moved closer to his desk and took the offered pen. Signing my name on the three dots was the last step in sealing my fate to this family. I put the pen on the papers and pushed them back to his side.

I stood back next to Ethan and was grateful when he took my hand in his. His Grandfather looked over the papers one last time and put them in the safe next to his desk.

He looked up and locked eyes with me. "Welcome to our family," His voice had all the emotions known to humans but sincerity and warmth.

"Thank you," I said in the same passive voice.

"Ethan, my question is for you. When you married Nina, did you know she was a traitor?"

"Yes, sir," Ethan answered without hesitation.

"So you did it to protect her?"

"Yes, Sir," Ethan said once again.

"You know every infraction in our organisation is met with consequences, right?"

Ethan stiffened next to me which made me wonder what would be the next words coming out of his Grandpa's mouth. I was scared when the man's eyes focused back on me.

"You did all of this for your sister, right?"

"Yes, Sir," apparently, this was the only acceptable response in these situations.

"Well, since you nearly killed my grandchild and also destroyed our organisation for one little girl, your verdict will be not seeing your sister for the next five years."

The moment the last word was spoken, I felt the earth spinning and I nearly fell to the ground. Ethan caught me around the shoulders and whispered in my ear. "Leave the room,"

I shook my head and managed to say. "You can't do this."

"I can and I will. Now, you may both leave." The Don said and turned his back on us.

Ethan dragged my limp body out of the office and back to the hall where the party was still going.

He led me to an empty table and helped me sit on the chair. "Stay here, I will talk to him."

I caught Ethan's wrist before he could leave. "Please, Ethan. I will die without seeing her for five years."

Ethan must saw the desperation in my voice because he leaned over and kissed my forehead. "Don't worry, I will solve it."

I took one gulp of the champagne glass a passing waiter offered, and I wished they had something stronger.

Looking around the room, I wondered what brought me here. Was it really protecting my sister? Or it was just a reason made up to stay by Ethan's side.

One girl in a tight long black dress sat next to me. She looked out of place and didn't even notice I was there until I cleared my throat.

"Oh, sorry. I can leave if I am bothering you." She apologised.

"No, you are good. You look uncomfortable though," I wanted something to divert my attention from the conversation Ethan was surely having with the Don. What's better than having a conversation with a stranger?

I saw how the girl looked in Enzo's direction, and she quickly averted her eyes. Uh! I remember her now. She was the girl Enzo brought with him as a date. "Are you Enzo's date?"

"Yes, I am his fiance. My name is Maria." She said with a forced smile.

Wait! What? His fiance? What the hell was happening? I thought Enzo and Lillian had something going on between them.

"Nice to meet you. I am Nina, Ethan's wife. He and Enzo are best friends."

The girl looked at me with interest and said. "Do you know Enzo?"

"Yes, you can say we are sort of friends. He is a good man. You are lucky to be with someone funny and kind as Enzo."

Maria gave me a strange look and asked in disbelief. "Are you talking about Enzo?"

Before I could reply, the man in question came to our table. He gave Maria a sneer and said in a cold voice. "Are you learning some lessons from her? She is so good at Betrayl."

I blinked several times so I can comprehend his words.  Did he just say those words in front of a strange woman?

"As if you could teach her better lessons, huh? After all, you gave up on the woman you love." I found myself saying.

I immediately regretted my words because I could see hurt on Maria's face who was trying her best to hide it.

Enzo laughed out loud and smirked. "You don't know anything about the woman I loved. At least I didn't stab her in the back, did I?" He turned his attention to Maria and said. "Anyway, let's go." He grabbed her hand and dragged her behind him.

They left, but the shock at Enzo's behaviour didn't leave. He was so different from the last time I saw him. What did happen in this short period of time?

Was I asking this question? I was the last person allowed to wonder how things can change in a second. My life got destroyed again and again in the span of seconds.

I don't know how much time had passed since Maria and Enzo left my table, but all of a sudden, a hand snatched the glass of champagne from me, and I looked up to see Lillian standing over me.

"A red dress again?" I found myself asking.

"You know my taste." She shrugged as she took the chair in front of me. "You want to cause a scandal?" Lillian asked when I just stared into the space.

"I already did, didn't I?" I scoffed.

"No one here knows what you did to your husband. Do you think we will have any respect if they got wind that one of the Salviatti heirs was outsmarted by his wife?" Lillian asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I am not like this, and you know it. I would never reveal this to the public." I said with a mix of hurt and disbelief.

"You can not promise something like that If you are drunk out of your wits."

"Come on, I only took small sips," I argued.

"Really? Flash news for you, honey. You drank three glasses."

What? Was I really out of it I lost count of my drinks. I just nodded and didn't say another word. Lillian was in the mood to attack me, and I wasn't ready to defend myself.

Waiting for Ethan was nerve frying. I nearly ran to him once I spotted him descending the stairs.

"This is my cue to leave. Your man is here." Lillian said and got up.

"Thank you," I said sincerely.

"Welcome. By the way, I am here if you need anything. One mistake even if huge and unforgivable won't end our friendship." Lillian said with her back to me. I couldn't see her facial expressions, but I knew she was honest.

Her words were balm to my tortured soul, and I promised myself right there I will do my best to mend our broken friendship. I started seeing hope of having back what I lost.

"Did you attain an agreement?" I asked Ethan who offered me his hand.

"Yes, we will have dinner and leave." Those were not the words I wanted to hear, but I took his hand and followed him to the dining room which was already prepared to accommodate the guests.


Dinner was a silent affair on my part. I sat with Ethan to my right and Hunter to my left. Everything in this family was by order even the sitting arrangement were organised.

I didn't touch my food at all. The dishes looked delicious, but the aroma caused me nausea and I tried my best not to vomit.

"Eat," Ethan ordered in my ear.

"I can't. I have a stomach bug." I whispered back.

Ethan looked at me with concern and said. "Do you want to leave?"

My answer was yes because sitting at a table unwanted wasn't a good feeling. I shook my head instead and said. "No, I am fine, continue your dinner."

Once the main courses were over, the waiters brought dessert. Chocolate and strawberry scents invaded my senses, and I smiled.

I nearly snatched the plate from the waiter's hands. I didn't wait for the others and started eating with gusto.

I finished my plate in a record time. I looked at Ethan's and asked. "May I have yours?"

He looked at me strangely, and I didn't give him the chance to answer. I just took his plate and ate it as well.

"I thought you had a stomach bug?" Ethan remarked.

"Well, I love chocolate. I want more."

"Nina, you ate two portions."

"Really? Now you are denying me dessert as well?" I felt tears gathering in the corner of my eyes, and Ethan looked horrified by my reaction.

I was terrified by my reaction. What the hell? I was the woman who didn't cry at anything. It took me almost killing my husband to shed tears. And now I am crying over dessert?

Ethan signalled the waiter for more dessert, and I gave him a wide grin. "Thank you so much."

"You are welcome. Enjoy."

I felt pure satisfaction when I took the last bite of the delicious cake. I wiped my mouth with a napkin and looked at Ethan.

He bid his family goodbye and together we left the mansion. He led me to his waiting car and we got in the backseat.

I wanted to ask Ethan about his grandfather's decision, but he didn't get off the phone until we reached the house.

Ethan helped me out of the car, and I was grateful he escorted me up the stairs. I never had a problem with heels, but today, my feet were swollen and aching.

We stopped in front of my room's door, and he turned to leave. I grabbed his wrist and asked, it was my only chance to speak to him. I don't know when I will meet him again. "What did your grandfather decide concerning seeing my sister?"

"You can see her whenever I decide it is time." He answered.

I sighed in relief as I knew Ethan would never separate me from seeing my sister. Well, I was sure he won't keep me from her for five years. 

Another realisation hit me, and I asked. "How did he change his mind?"

"I got punished instead of you," Ethan replied nonchalantly.

"What do you mean?" I asked with concern. I don't want Ethan to get hurt.

"He demoted me to a simple soldier for the next six months. Also, I agreed to merge my company with the family business. I will be here permanently. There is no going back to Switzerland."

By the time Ethan finished his speech, I was looking at him horrified with my hand over my mouth. I never wanted this to happen.

"This is not fair, go back and tell him I..." Ethan stopped me from continuing.

"Don't. You sacrificed your life and everything you have to save your sister. Not seeing her for five years will destroy you, and I will not allow it."

What have I done to deserve a man like Ethan? He does everything to make me feel comfortable and happy.

"Thank you so much," I said and threw myself in his arms.

Ethan squeezed my waist and brought me closer to his body. I looked up and our eyes locked. I could see the fight inside Ethan through his green orbs. He was conflicted between his desire to be close to me and shoving me away.

My eyes moved down to his lips, and I decided to make it easier for him. I connected our lips and was happy when he reciprocated my advances.

I don't know how we ended up in my room with me on the bed and Ethan on top. I was melting under his tender touch. He knew how to make me respond to his kisses and soft words. I closed my eyes and decided to enjoy the pleasure he was offering.

All of a sudden, I felt cold air on my almost naked chest, I opened my eyes and saw Ethan adjusting his clothes.

I sat up on the bed and covered myself. Hot tears gathered in my eyes, and I spoke in a hoarse voice. "Why? Is this your new way to punish me? If you don't want to do it, don't give me false hope. I am not a doll to play with, Ethan."

"It won't happen again. It was just a heat of the moment."

At his words, I jumped out of bed, and we stood face to face. "Don't," I said in a cold voice. "You are lying. You love me because you would never touch a woman you don't love."

"Yes, it is true. I love you, but I can't forgive you. I hate that I love you to the point of hurting you backfire on me." Ethan said and raised his hands in defeat.

"What do you want me to do? I am here standing in front of you. Shoot me, come on, do it. Do it, and we will be even. Maybe then, we can move on." I reached for his waistband and took his gun.

Good! I still have my quick reflexes. Ethan looked at me as if I lost my mind. "Nina, what the hell?" He tried to take the gun back, but I already unclasped the safety and put it in his hand.

"Go ahead, one bullet and then we will be even. I can't live with you and bear your looks. I don't want to be your wife but you treat me like a stranger. Come on Ethan, do it." I said in one breath.

Ethan looked at me and smiled sadly. "I already forgave you for shooting me, Nina. One bullet doesn't matter to me. My problem is that every time I look at you, I remember the cost of your betrayal. I remember how you didn't trust me to handle the matter and get us out of trouble. I gave you the benefit of the doubt and did my best to make a flawless plan, but you blew it in my face. I lost one of my best friends that night."

Ethan's words brought me back to reality, and I asked, fearful of his response. "Who?"

Ethan put the gun on the nightstand out of my reach after putting back the safety. "Jason died that night, Nina."

Ethan's last word was like a slap to my face. I shook my head vigorously and denied the news. "No, you are lying. Jason never accompanies you on missions. He is the technology guy and makes sure you have everything ready. He doesn't get involved in action."

"He did that night. He considered you a friend and wanted to help in your case. I told him to wait outside, but he didn't listen."

I could see the pain on Ethan's face. I couldn't hold the bile rising in my stomach any longer, and I ran to the bathroom. I fell to the ground and managed to open the toilet lid before vomiting the food I ate today.

Ethan's hands held my hair, and he waited by my side until I was done. I pushed his hands away and said in an empty voice. "Don't touch me."

"Nina, you are sick. You need to see a doctor. Come on, let me help you to bed."

"No, I don't deserve your help. Just leave me alone, please" I pleaded.

Ethan didn't listen to my words and scooped me up in his arms. I didn't have the energy to struggle against him and just lay there in his arms. He helped me change into my pyjamas and pulled the covers over my body. He reached over to kiss my forehead, but I moved away before he could touch me. He sighed and finally left the room.

That night, I felt cold and even the covers didn't provide me with any warmth. I wished I could hug Ethan and have some comfort. Deep down, I knew I didn't deserve it. Looking back at what happened these past months, I was always the cause of people's sadness and even death. Was I really that bad?

I don't deny the fact that I committed horrible crimes. I killed without blinking. I tortured without feeling remorse. I betrayed the people I loved without looking back. Yes, I was a very horrible person.

The only good thing I did was protect my sister who didn't need me anymore. She had Lexie who will love her as much as I do or even more, and Ethan who will protect her and provide anything she needed.

No one needed me anymore. It was time I stop hurting and destroying everything around me.

Looking at the clock on my bedside table, I saw it was four in the morning. I got out of bed, wore my jeans and T-shirt and opened the door's room. I expected to see guards on both sides of my door, but the corridor was empty.

I went downstairs and to the kitchen. I turned on the lights and opened the fridge to drink some water. I looked around and saw the landline on the table.


I dialled the number I memorised by heart. After the fourth ring, a sleepy voice came through.

"Don't you have a clock in your room?"

"I need a favour, Lillian."

"At this time?" She asked in shock.

"Yes, I promise it will be the last one I ask of you," I said sincerely.

"I am on my way," She said, and I could hear shuffling on the other side indicating she got out of bed.

"Thank you,"

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I really want to hear your opinions.

Until next time!

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