My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

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You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


2.3K 50 11
By ayemem215

Y/ns POV
the second the doors closed on the elevator I turned around to walk into Anna's office. Ignoring the smirks from my secretary and Billie, I couldn't help the smile that grew on my face. I knock once and open the door without waiting for a response. Anna is used to it by now.

"Hello dear what can I do for you?" She asks

"How'd you know I was coming to ask for soemthing?" I ask

"You don't need me. Unless you need something." She laughs

"Ok your right. Can I borrow your helicopter?" I ask

"Uhh sure but I need it back for tomorrow morning." She says without asking any questions.

"That I can do." I say excitedly walking towards the door.

"But y/n," she pauses

"Yes?" I turn and face her.

"Please don't have sex in it. I know you have a license so you'll be alone flying. Just don't. I have to sit in there tomorrow morning" she says with a disgusted face but then laughs

"No worries. I'll keep it in my pants until we get back." I say with a wink

"Oh god stop. Get out!" She laughs yelling at me and I laugh with her as I exit her office. I head back to my office and start to think of a plan. After like 15 minutes I'm still staring at my wall so I decide to call Alyssa in. She comes in after a knock and says "hey, what's up?"

"I need some help. I'm planning a date. If you could go anywhere within like a 4 hour drive where would you go?" I ask

"Hmm. Maybe Montauk? Or Cape May is less busy this time around." She says

"Hmm cape May could work because they have beautiful restaurants on the beach but then we can go to the boardwalk in wildwood." I think out loud.

"Wait Scarlett loves wings. They have a place you can try 32 different flavors. You gotta try that!" Alyssa says jumping off my couch to tell me

"I never said it was Scarlett." I say with a smirk

"Oh uh sorry boss I didn't mean to assume." She says shyly like she got caught stealing cookies from a cookie jar.

"Im kidding! It's fine just keep your mouth shut. It hasn't leaked yet and I don't plan on it being leaked yet." I say.

"Okay I'm gonna call some restaurants and see if the wing one is available. Do I have anything after my 11:00?" I ask

"Nope." She says and I nod and watch her leave.

I finish up my work, and day dream a little about how I'm going to ask Scarlett to be my girlfriend again. That is until Billie knocks and walks in with my 11:00. Nikki.

"Hi Nikki please come in and sit wherever you'd like" I say and motion her to sit. She sits in a chair and I walk over with a notepad and sit in the couch.

"Thanks for meeting with me finally. I just need some help and I know I can trust you." She says looking down

"Ofcourse im glad you trust me." I say waiting for her to carry on.

"Well, I'm just gonna come out and say it. I think Mark is cheating on me. And I think it's with a client of mine who I'm almost 99% sure she cause the death of her baby boy." She says and I'm a little shocked to say the least.

"Wait a second go back. Mark!? Cheat on you!? He is head over heels for you. Has been since freshman year of college"

That's what I thought. But the late nights started coming more often. Then the secretive with his cellphone. Then this" she says throwing down a small envelope on the table. I grab it and open it up to see a credit card statement.

"What am I looking for?" I ask

"Red Roof Inn. I thought it was a restaurant but when I looked it up it's a hotel. That night I was out of town for business so maybe?" She says getting a little worked up.

"Okay maybe but still. What do you want me to do?"

"Follow him? I know your a great PI. I remember that project we had in college. Please I just need to know. If it's true I really need to find out if he is involved in my clients case too because I just have a horrible feeling." She explains

"I can try and help but honestly I'm swamped. I have 2 cases I have to try and settle thing month alone. I probably can't even look at this until the end of next week." I say honestly

"That's fine y/n. I know you won't forget about me" she says

"Besides Mark, how is everything else going?"

"Oh yaknow. Crime never stops. Which means work never stops."

"And how is Bailey and Connor? What are they 6?"

"8!" She say and my mouth drops

"Wow I can't even believe that."

"Yeah once I figure this out and things die down I'll have to have you over for dinner to see them again."

"Please, as long as I can bring my girlfriend. Between me and you, you kinda got me in trouble last time you texted."

"Oh shit I'm so sorry."

"It's okay now, but yeah keep your flirting to a minimum" I laugh and she laughs with me. We finish catching up and she leaves me all the information I'd need and promised to text me with anything new she finds.

After finishing up some work for my other cases I glance at the clock at see it's already 4:00. Atleast time is moving fast. I grab my things and head out of the building and into the garage. When I walk up to my car I notice a paper on the windshield. I look around but don't see anyone so I decide it's safe to open it now. When I open it I see words that are glued on all different fonts of the letters. Like some one cut up a newspaper and glued the letters together to make a word.


Stupid. I'm a lawyer. And a great one who happens to obsess over true crime. Also happen to have many friends in different PDs and labs. I'll just run this for fingerprints and that should tell me a lot. But great one more thing on my list to do before i get Scar

Scarlett's POV

"Cut! That's a wrap today! See you all Monday!" Kevin says and I release a deep breath. I'm tired but I'm so excited to see y/n. I run off to my trailer and quickly shower and get dressed into something casual since that's what y/n told me to wear. I put on jeans and boots, a nice sweater and a leather jacket. I run out of my trailer but I bump directly into a little blonde.
"Shit sorry Lizzie"

"It's okay where are you off to in such a rush?"

"Y/ns picking me up!"

"Ooo la la. Fancy date with your lover. I'll walk you out. Seems like everyone left already" she says walking with me through the camp to the main gate. That's when we see the boys all huddled around something. Or should I say someone. When Lizzie and I walk closer we are met with the boys and y/n. They are all drooling over y/ns bike and god I'm just drooling over y/n. The bootcut jeans really do wonder for her already perfect ass. She has on a big bomber jacket with what looks like a plain white t underneath. Clean but hot. Lizzie nudges me and smirks.

"You're drooling" she says and I quickly wipe st my mouth but send her dagger instead because I'm not actually drooling. She is just laughing at me while I roll my eyes.

"Excuse me boys. I think that's my ride." I say strutting up to y/n.

"Hey baby" ahe says and grabs wraps me into a hug and kisses my cheek. "You look amazing" she says again

"Thanks baby so do you." I say grabbing her biceps and squeezing it a little.

"Y/' you gotta let me drive that one day." Chris says and I laugh in his face

"Screw him. Let me!" Sebastian says

"Maybe one day boys. Now if you'll excuse me." She says and grabs the helmet she had for me and places it over my head tugging down gently. She buckles me up then straps her own on. She straddles the bike and turns it on making it roar to life. All the boys start jumping a little and get excited. I even see RDJ with a huge smile on his face. She backs up the bike to face the right way and turns to help me on. Once I'm wrapped around her she taps my legs twice and I nod and we start to head off.

We drive for what seems like only 10 minutes but the way the city just passes by is becoming my favorite thing. I don't notice where she pulls into until I spot a helicopter infromt of us.

"What's this!?" I say hoping off the bike once it's in park.

"Our ride" she says and grabs my hand walking me to the helicopter

She leads me inside the copter and I'm in awe of all the buttons. She sits me infromt where the pilot usually sits and puts the headphones on me. She sits next to me and puts the headphones on herself as well.

I'm a little confused so I turn to her and say "where's the pilot"

"You're looking at her." She says and I just open my mouth.

"You're not kidding are you!" I say shocked

"Nope. I am certified to fly a helicopter and small plane. Just one of my many hidden talents"

"You amaze me more each and every day" I say

"Not as much as you my love." After a few checklists we are up in the air. I may have squeezed her very hard on take off but once we were flying straight I eased up.

"Some of my favorites days with you are when we would stay home playing board games and making up those funny carnival games we tried to build ourself." She starts saying "so I wanted tonight to be a chance at beating your butt at real games." She finishes and I get excited.

"Like a carnival!!" I yell through the microphone.

"Kind of" she says as she starts the helicopter along the path of the river. When we get around the tip of NY you can see the World Trade Center and the city just looks so beautiful.

I decide to take a picture for memories. She starts to head south and I only know that because I glance at the direction arrow.

"It's too dark, where are we now?" I ask

"Somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean" she giggles

"I hope you know your way around" I laugh and she just shrugs her shoulders. After about 40 minutes I start to see buildings and lights. Theres a building that it looks like she is heading towards and it had lights all along the roof. She lands the helicopter perfectly there and she helps me out of it and gently caresses me hand to lead me into the restaurant.

"Welcome to the 32club. Name?"

"Y/n L/n."

"Ah yea right this way."

We are lead to an area with a large table and two chairs right next to each other. We are facing the doors but they have floor to ceiling windows in them so we can see the ocean and beach right through them. She pulls my seat out and I sit and as she pushes it in for me then takes a seat herself.

"So, this is the first part. And if we make good timing we can also have a second spot to this date." She says lowly and I giggle.

"Get your mind out of the gutter. I don't plan on doing that until atleast 4th or 5th tonight" she says with a wink and I can't help but crack up.

The waiter comes out with a stack of bowls, a tray of something in small cups and another big bowl. She puts it all down infromt of us and I see what it is. A huge bowl of chicken wings and the little cups are full of sauces. He hands us a card with what looks like all the flavors on it and then walks away. He comes back a second later with waters and napkins and leaves again without a word.

"That wasn't weird" I say looking at her and she has the same look on as me.

"Sorry I've never been here before. So idk what that was" she laughs

"It's okay I'm used to weird behaviors. Least he didn't scream in my face" I say

"Gosh I can't believe people do that" she says

"Oh yeah they do" I say with a laugh.

"What's the worst encounter with a fan you had?" She asked intrigued

"Hmm fans are not that bad asisde for the screaming or some asking me to adopt them. Surprisingly interviewers are worse. Usually make sexual remarks or always ask how I get my suit on. One time an interviewer literally groped my boobs." I say recalling my entire life

"I'll kill them" she says and I start laughing but I see how serious she is

"It was a long time ago. Usually most interviewer are woman here in the US for that reason now. International can get messy sometimes" I say

"I'll protect you. I promise" she says and my heart starts beating a little faster.

I love the way she makes me feel. So loved and protected by a simple conversation. We end up trying all the flavors and at the end we vote which we liked the best surprisingly enough, we voted for the same flavor! And if that's not fate I'm not sure what is.

After paying she leads me outside the double door we were staring at and as we walk along the path where we can see the ocean and sand we stop infromt of what looks like a train.

"This is the tram car. It will take us to our next destination." She says and scoots into the cart and we wait until it starts to move. About 4 minutes later we pull up on the boardwalk infromt of a pier. It has games and rollercoasters and so many cool things to do.

"No way!" I say looking around in excitement

"Welcome to Moreys Pier." She says and wraps us into a hug.

"Let's do the roller coasters first!" I say and drag her to get in line for tickets.

We rode every ride twice and it's especially hilarious when we get to the sky drop because y/n screams like a little girl on it and my cheeks physically hurt from all the laughing. We start to walk back on the boardwalk to find the tram car but stop along the way to play some games.

"Oh that's what I was looking for" she says and leads me to the water gun game where whoever fills the balloon and gets it to pop first wins.

She sits down and turns to face me.
"Your going down Johansson" she says and I sit next to her and give her an evil smirk

"Let's make a little bet? Shall we?" I say and she raises an eyebrow.

"Whoever loses is the top" I say with a wink and she turns red instantly.

"I know how much you love me on top but I've been fantasizing what you'll do to me next" she leans over and whispers in my ear and I'll I can do is smile because o don't trust my words yet.

We both turn and face the gun. I take mine and aim down the scope and stare at the little circle im suppose to shoot the water in. I glance at y/n and see her concentrated locked on the circle like I am and she looks so cute all competitive.

"3...2...1..." and the bell goes off and all the water starts shooting out. I think im doing pretty good because my balloon is getting big. But then I hear a pop and look up and see my balloon still alive.

"Nooooo you cheated" I automatically say

"Did not! I won fair and square" y/n says looking for what prize she wants. I should've kwown what she was going to pick when I saw it. A black widow stuffy. She Carries it around the rest of the boardwalk smitten over it, like she's not walking with the real black widow but it makes her that much funnier.

On the tram car back towards the restaurant we started at I can't help but wrap my arm around her arm and lean my head on her shoulder.

"I had a great time tonight. I finally felt like Scar not Scarlett Johansson." I whisper to her

She leans her head on mine and gently kisses my hairline.

"I'm so glad. We have to come back here with Rose though, so please don't tell her we came without her. She might kill me" she says and we both laugh. We walk our way to the restaurant and climb back onto the roof and into the helicopter. I still can't believe she flew a helicopter like it was nothing!

Once we are in the air it gets pretty dark again besides the lights I see from the land to my left. To my right is the ocean and it's and eeery darkness to it. Only a minute later my heart jumps because there's loud beeping coming from the screen infromt of us

"What's that?" I ask a little paranoid.

"Uhh engine gauge. Can you grab that checklist to ur right and read it off for me. I need to fold low the steps."

"Uhh okay" I say looking around for a clipboard and finally find it.

"Loosen the tension lines" I say and she presses a button and shakes her head yes

"Does the pilot see the red engine light or green light?" I read and she answers green

"Next step is to press the anamator and fuel button at the same time" I says d she does it but more buttons start to flash and sounds go off.

"Y/n, babe. Are we ok?" I ask how scared

"Yes don't worry keep reading." She says

"Does the passenger see a box to her right?" I look around and see nothing

"No I don't see anything babe what am I looking for."

"Small red box." Is all she says when I look at the ground I see a small box shuffling around our feet and grab it.

"Okay I got it"

"Good keep reading"

"Does the passenger know how much the pilot loves her?" I say and get a little confused

"Babe what?" I say and look at her and don't realize all the beeping stopped.

"Keep reading" she says

"Will the passenger do the honor of becoming the pilots girlfri-" I read but stop at the last word

"Y/n!!!! You asshole!!!" I yell to her

She start laughing and I slap her arm

"I thought we were going to crash!" I yell again

"I'm sorry, but I was in control the whole time. I only pulled a fuse out so the beeping would happen." She explains and I feel a alittle guilty for yelling at her.

She lands the helicopter back where we started and gets out coming around the other side to let me out. I jump out into her arms with the red box in my hands.

"Ofcourse I'll be your girlfriend. I'll always choose you" I say and she smiles huge and spins me around in her arms.

"Good now open the box" she says and holds the box down infromt of me to open.

When I open it I gasp. It's a beautiful necklace with a tiny little sun as the pendant with a Diamond in the middle of the sun.

"You are my sunshine. You make my rainy days better. You make me a better person and you make me so damn happy. Thank you for choosing me" she says and I close the gap and start a passionate kiss.

"Cmon let's go back to mine" she says and walks me back to the bike. She helps me get my helmet on before getting hers on and we hop on the back heading towards her house.

What a night.

Saw a proposal like that and had to tie it into the story somehow. Don't worry the proposal will be so much better.

Still a lot to come between them

Who do we think is threatening y/n?

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