Heart Strings

By Moonpvssy

1K 97 82

Henry was never the type of guy that was like by many people at school. Like most nerds, he didn't really car... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-three
Chapter Thirty-four
Chapter thirty - five

Chapter Fifteen

17 2 3
By Moonpvssy

⚠️Mentions Of Rape/Mentions of Suicide

Kal's POV

- 3 Hours before The arrest -

It was 8:30 pm, and I was at the kitchen table with my parents and my sister. Kumani was talking about the winter ball, it was a huge gathering my parents held. I wasn't excited about it anymore, especially after how I ended things with Eva.

Yet, the winter ball was a huge event. So, I knew everyone would be there. My Mother was the mayor and my Dad was a police officer. So, their popularity combined was at a high level. They always get invited to a white-tie event, all types of events.

Kumani sat down on the wooden chair beside me. Her freshly dyed hair, chestnut brown, was pulled into a ponytail. Mom was cooking pasta, some recipe she found off a cooking show. Dad was filing reports while answering whatever questions were directed at him.

"Can I talk to you? In private?" Kumani asked, in a hushed whisper. Her eyes silently pleaded with me.

I nodded, closing my laptop. Kumani had kept her word, keeping our conversation between us. Nothing had changed, I liked it that way I followed my older sister outside. She sat down on the sofa that my mom had placed out here months ago. It was a brown sofa that fits three people. The patio was big enough for two sofas.

"I've been meaning to talk to you." Kumani said calmly patting the seat beside her. The flickers of dragonflies here and there.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused I sat down beside her.

"It's about what you told me that night."

"What about it?" I asked looking behind her, hoping and praying my parents couldn't hear us.

"I think we should tell someone, Dad's a cop." Kumani started, turning her body towards me. Those brown eyes searching for agreement. Yet, I didn't want to do that. I wasn't going to agree to out myself. Admit that I was bitched? I would die with that secret and I expected Kumani to as well.

"Kumani, no." I said quickly, I began to stand up. I didn't want to entertain the conversation any longer. I wanted to bury that, why couldn't she let me do that? Before I could make it far, she pulled me back, forcing me to sit.

"Don't you want her to pay? She took advantage of you! You can't remember how much you had to drink, you can't remember if you were wearing a green or blue sweater. You remember her forcing her way onto you, you were saying no. Why wouldn't we go to the police station-"

"You don't understand." I whispered.

"Then make me understand, Kalian. Don't you want justice? Don't you want her to suffer?" Kumani said growing more annoyed and fierce. I noticed the sorrow in her tone.

"It wasn't her fault, I could've done something. Been more aware." I choked out, breaking eye contact as my chest began to tighten. It was a constant pain, no matter how many times I addressed it.

It went quiet for a while, I was thankful for it. My head was spinning, the memory came back. Her lips were close to my ear, and her tight grip was on my wrist. The drinks after drinks. It all began to feel real almost as if I was there again. I wished to take it all back, I wanted Eva, I needed her, her comfort but I had fucked that up.

I wanted this memory wiped out. Before I could stop myself, words were tumbling out.

"When I realized what had happened, I wanted to kill myself. Everything that I had known, and learned about myself had crumbled. I didn't feel strong enough to...push her away. I begged, I remember begging to be released. I wanted control, but she took that away...being forced to..." I trailed off, my face soaking with tears.

I cleared my throat, starting again.

"Being forced to...you know, over and over again. It felt disgusting, I felt disgusted, yet I did it every time, I hate myself for it. How I couldn't stop her, how she wouldn't stop. I'm weak, I'm nothing, I'll never be that strong man-"

"Kalian, don't say that about yourself." Kumani whispered, her tears falling. Her hand was on my thigh, squeezing it.

"You aren't weak, you are more than nothing. You will always be a strong man." She said, her voice confident like it was the correct answer, the truth.

I looked away, she didn't have to lie. I knew what I was now. Kumani cleared her throat, moving her hand to rub my back, almost soothing me.

"...Do you remember the night of our first event with Mom? We had been glued to her hip all night. We also tasted champagne for the first time. You were crying like a pussy, too afraid to drink at first. Anyway, you had noticed these big kids picking on me. You remember what you did?" she asked with a prideful smile.

I nodded, I remembered. I had hit first never asking any questions. Kumani had and was still a sweetheart, authority over violence. I remembered her protests about being better human beings instead of evil and having respect, it was cute. Even now, she didn't change.

"Mom was pissed." I laughed. Kumani laughed too, nudging me with her shoulder. The memory makes me smile.

"That's my point, you are a fighter, I don't mean just throwing a punch, you are brave. You are strong. You just got dealt a shitty hand." Kumani growing serious.

"I'm afraid, I don't want to be a disappointment. I can't tell them." I said blowing out a breath, I facepalmed. Covering my face with both hands, hiding, well attempting to.

"We'll do it together." Kumani said standing up. Holding out her hand, for me to do the same. Kumani walked us back to the sliding doors. She turned before entering, blocking the way.

"I promise you Kalian, nothing like this will ever happen to you again. That evil bitch will get what's coming to her." Kumani said low and quickly. Her hands found purchase on my shoulders, gripping them tightly assuring me.

So, that's what happened. I told my parents what happened. Luckily, I cried all my tears out. My mother was a sobbing mess, she had clutched my body so close to hers. My Dad phoned the police department, his face unreadable. My stomach was in knots, I didn't know what he was thinking, what he thought of his only son. So, when he joined Mom in the smothering hug. I felt more at ease than I had in a while. All the pain, the regret, and the self-doubt I had been feeling had been numbed.

I knew what filing a report meant, I had to be questioned, trials, testimony...being forced to talk about it over and over again. I knew it would be awful, yet, I knew I couldn't back out now. Especially with my family knowing...Soon, everyone would know.


Maddison's POV

It was the last day of school, meaning winter break began today. I was excited, I wouldn't have to be tutored or worry about cheer for three whole weeks. I could see Alex more, and visit my mom more. I had been smiling since morning.

"Morning Eva." I said walking up to her locker, she was applying lip gloss.

"Hey." she said happily, rubbing her lips together afterward.

Before I could speak, I saw Henry walking up to us. He didn't look pleased and I felt confused. Henry and I were getting close, yes, or at least it seemed that way. We had been texting more, in a friendly way. I'm glad he was accepting me as a friend. But this was still new, Henry never approached me before at school.

"Can I speak to you?" Henry asked quickly

"About?" I asked confused, giving him my full attention.

Henry looked at Eva and then back at me. I could sense his hesitation, and Eva could too apparently. She quickly excused herself and walked in the other direction after closing her locker.

"I- I couldn't go to anyone else." he whispered lowly, I had to lean in to hear.

"What's wrong?" I asked growing anxious.

"You know Kalian Addams right?"

Why was he asking about him? Had he seen the video? Was Phoebe his girlfriend, instead of best friend?

"Yeah." I said hesitantly, he looked worried and conflicted.

Henry suddenly grabbed my wrist, pulling me into an empty room. It was a classroom used for testing.

"She was arrested last night, because of your friend." Henry explained, he sounded angry. He looked angry too.

"I'm not-"

"They're saying Phoebe sexually assaulted him, his parents had a warrant for her," he exclaimed, as he began to pace.

I choked on my spit, Phoebe...Kalian...rape.

"I- I- no. It wasn't that, it was a mutual thing." I said out loud by accident, quickly regretting it.

"What are you talking about?" he asked quickly, still pacing back and forth.

"Can you stop for a second?"

Henry slowed down and came to a stop. He didn't talk either. Neither of us did.

"There was a video that got leaked of them. Having sex, Phoebe was on top, I recognized her highlights." I explained walking in front of him.

"What if it was reversed? You didn't see her, she was throwing up, and she looked scared for her life. What if Kalian..what if your friend did it to her?" he asked squinting his eyes at me.

"Are you implying my friend is a rapist?" I asked suddenly, I couldn't stop the annoyance from bubbling in my chest. I knew Kalian in and out, he wasn't that guy.

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm implying. I don't know him or you well enough to say any different. I know Phoebe isn't a fucked up person." Henry snapped.

"I can't believe you, you won't even get to know me when I try so hard to know you! I am a good person." I argued

"This isn't about us! It's about you sticking up for a rapist because he's your friend. I'm sorry to break it to you but he's a jock. He's known to do fucked up shit."  Henry scoffed rolling his eyes.

"He has a girlfriend, my friend, Eva." I explained as if that would put a stop to the judgment. Henry didn't know Kal and had no right to speak like that. 

Henry let out a long breath and looked away, his eyes becoming shiny. I could tell he was seconds away from crying

"Neither of us knows the truth." I whispered with a frown.

Henry's eyes met mine, and determination shined in them. I've never seen him look like that before.

"Phoebe is on house arrest until the trial begins, after school, I was gonna talk to her, you should come with me. Then make up your mind."  Henry continued to stare at me, his voice pleading.

I was torn, I would be betraying Kal and Eva if I did go see her. Yet, I meant what I said. Neither of us knew the truth. Henry was so sure Kalian was in the wrong. I couldn't exactly plead his case. I bit my lip hard, I would be lying to Eva again. I would be talking to Phoebe, technically...officially knowing her.

"Yeah, I'll go. This doesn't mean I'm taking a side." I said taking his offer, I was afraid this would bite me in the ass later...yet, I would hate myself if I knew Phoebe was the real victim and I had taken the wrong side. I had no choice but to tell Eva, maybe she would tag along.

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