Surprise! The aloof CEO is ac...

By UnePetiteFleurNoire

9.2K 154 21

Xia Huai Zhi had the appearance of a top-tier sweet girl, but at the age of 16, she unexpectedly presented as... More

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Chapter 1 Reunion
Chapter 2 Danger
Chapter 3 Dawn Breaks
Chapter 4 Dreamland
Chapter 5: Lychee
Chapter 6 Truth
Chapter 7: Teasing Him
Chapter 8: Issuing Cards
Chapter 9: Accident
Chapter 10 Awkwardness
Chapter 11: Patting the Head
Chapter 12: Joyful
Chapter 13: Holding Hands
Chapter 14: Teasing.
Chapter 15: Difficult to Marry
Chapter 16: Irritable
Chapter 17 Conjecture
Chapter 19: Cut Off
Chapter 20 White Rabbit
Chapter 21: Enchantment
Chapter 22 Decision
Chapter 23 In the Rain
Chapter 24: Jealousy
Chapter 25: Hooked
Chapter 26 Drunkard
Chapter 27: Villains
Chapter 28: Peppermint
Chapter 29 Suppression
Chapter 30: Marking
Chapter 31: Hit You
Chapter 32 New Year's Eve
Chapter 33 Warning
Chapter 34 Ignition
Chapter 35 Bullying (Part 1)
Chapter 36 Biting People (Second Update)
Chapter 37: Diamond Ring
Chapter 38 Relaxation
Chapter 39 Disappearance
Chapter 40 Plunder
Chapter 41: Past Events
Chapter 42 Reunion
Chapter 43 Learning
Chapter 44: Deep Affection
Chapter 45 Courage
Chapter 46: Pregnancy
Chapter 47: At the Edge of the Abyss
Chapter 48: Crowd
Chapter 49: Heavy Rain
Chapter 50: Going Home

Chapter 18 Terrifying

150 5 1
By UnePetiteFleurNoire

On Saturday afternoon, Fu Lin sent her an address as promised. It was a restaurant very close to their school.

She didn't even need to take a taxi. She just had to turn left out of the school gate and walk a few hundred meters to get there. It was very convenient.

She couldn't help but start to think -

Was Fu Lin intentionally taking care of her?

After putting the pen in her bag, she couldn't wait to set off. She wore the clothes she had specially chosen that day, pink, which matched her current mood.

Halfway there, she began to feel nervous. After all, this was the first time she had experienced something like this.

But it didn't matter. Practice makes perfect, and she was quite confident in herself.

Most people who knew her thought she was very likable, and this friend should like her too.

After adjusting her smile, Xia Huai Zhi took a deep breath and pushed open the door to the private room. There were two men sitting inside, one was Fu Lin, and the other must be the "friend".

When he saw her come in, Fu Lin just glanced at her lightly and said, "You're here. "That friend was very enthusiastic towards her, smiling at her all the time. He wore glasses and a khaki-colored woolen scarf around his neck, looking very refined.

Under the influence of the other's friendliness, Xia Huai Zhi no longer felt restrained and greeted him openly, "Hello, my name is Xia Huai Zhi. I study at Nangang University and I am Fu Lin's good friend."

"Hello, my name is Ye Feng Qiu. I also graduated from Nangang University," Ye Feng Qiu adjusted his glasses, "I'm not Fu Lin's good friend, just a regular friend."

Can you say such things in front of the person involved?

Xia Huai Zhi glanced at Fu Lin and found that he had no reaction to the phrase "regular friend."

. . . maybe this is just their way of getting along.

Seeing that they looked about the same age, Xia Huai Zhi guessed, "Are you two classmates?"


Ye Feng Qiu covered his mouth and laughed, "If you say that, Fu Lin will be angry."

"Huh? Why?"

"I'm turning thirty this year, about eight years older than him."

Ye Fengqiu enjoys watching the excitement, "Fu Lin, it seems like we look like peers."

Fu Lin ignored him and turned his head in another direction with disdain.

Seeing Xia Huaizhi's embarrassed expression, Ye Fengqiu decided to end the joke: "We did attend the same school, but at that time I was pursuing a Ph. D. while he was an undergraduate. If you say we were classmates, it's not entirely wrong."

"A Ph. D. ! Impressive!" Xia Huaizhi's face lit up with a smile, "Then you're my senior."

Upon hearing this, Fu Lin reflexively turned his head, exuding a cold aura.

Ye Fengqiu joked, "Looks like someone has a problem with that."

Xia Huaizhi instantly understood and her heart began to beat faster.

"Then I'll call you senior."

"That's fine, but it's better to call me by my name. "Ye Fengqiu poured some juice into a paper cup and handed it to Xia Huaizhi, "Have some first. The food may take a while to arrive. Take a look at the menu. If there's anything you like that we haven't ordered, feel free to add it."

"Don't be polite. Fu Lin is treating us this time. He's got money."

Xia Huaizhi flipped through the menu and skipped over the expensive delicacies, ordering a simple braised chicken leg.

There was no way around it. She just liked this dish better.

After ordering, Xia Huaizhi took out a pen gift box from her bag, "Senior Ye, this is a gift for you."

"Thank you," Ye Fengqiu was flattered, "To be honest, I didn't prepare a gift for you. . . I'll make it up to you next time we meet."

Xia Huaizhi shook her head, "It's okay. Everyone has different habits."

Ye Fengqiu put away the gift box and turned to Fu Lin with a provocative smile -

I have something, and you don't.

But Fu Lin didn't even look at him, completely ignoring him. Xia Huai Zhi took a sip of the fruit juice, which tasted sweet like oranges, and she liked it very much.

Seeing that the other two hadn't drunk any, she put down her cup and asked, "Aren't you drinking? It's quite good."

Ye Fengqiu replied, "It was specially made for you. We don't like sweet things."

"I see."

Since that was the case, she would drink a few more cups, as she didn't have to save any for anyone else.

The result of this was that by the time her favorite chicken leg was brought out, she was already 80% full.

"I can't eat anymore. I'm counting on you guys."

Xia Huai Zhi leaned back in her chair and quietly watched Fu Lin eat with his head down. Ye Fengqiu's gaze jumped between the two of them, and she suddenly wanted to say something, but the words got stuck in her throat.

Forget it.

When they had eaten enough, Fu Lin stood up and said, "It's a bit stuffy in here. I'm going outside for some fresh air. "Xia Huai Zhi stood up and said, "I'll go too!"

She was worried about not finding an opportunity to give the "Turtle Grass" as a gift, but now the opportunity had come to her and she had to seize it tightly.

So she followed Fu Lin all the way to the restaurant. Fu Lin looked like he had been spiced and his face was a little red, which looked strangely cute in her eyes.

"Senior, I have something to give you."

Fu Lin looked at her and asked, "Do I have something for you too?"

"Of course! It wouldn't be complete without yours."

She took out the ornament from her pocket and said, "This 'Turtle Grass' was customized before I knew you had a turtle. It's quite a coincidence."

Fu Lin took the ornament and thanked her before putting it in his pocket.

"It looks a lot like my turtle at home."

"Really?" Xia Huai Zhi smiled, "That's great!"

Because they couldn't stay outside for too long and neglect their duties, they only stayed outside for a few minutes. When they returned to the private room, Xia Huai Zhi noticed that her paper cup, which she had used to drink juice, was missing.

"The waiter just took it away," Ye Feng Qiu laughed. "If you need another one, I'll go get it."

"No need, I've already finished the juice."

After a few quiet minutes, she felt like she could eat some more. So she ate another chicken leg and completely ended the lunch.

Fu Lin and Ye Feng Qiu had also eaten enough and were planning to pay and leave. This meal didn't cost much, and it was even less significant for Fu Lin.

Ye Feng Qiu expressed some regret about this, "Ah, we didn't get to fleece the fat sheep, I'm not happy."

Xia Huai Zhi didn't care. Even if they were at a five-star hotel, she probably still wanted to eat chicken legs the most.

Outside the restaurant, Fu Lin said to her, "I'll take you back to school."

She declined politely, "No need, it's only a few minutes' walk away, very close."

"Anyway, I have to pass by your school gate." "Okay then. . . thank you!"

Fu Lin didn't drive his sports car today, he drove an off-road vehicle. The three of them got in the car together, with Fu Lin and Ye Fengqiu sitting in the front and Xia Huaizhi sitting alone in the back.

She curiously asked, "Do you two live very close to each other?"

"Well, we're neighbors' neighbors, so I plan to hitch a ride with him," Ye Fengqiu laughed.

In the time it took to say a few words, Xia Huaizhi arrived at her destination. She quickly got out of the car, smiling and saying goodbye to the people inside.

Ye Fengqiu waved to her and said, "See you next time," while Fu Lin simply said "bye" shortly, without much expression on his face.

These two friends seemed really different, but their relationship seemed good.

So. . . even though Fu Lin and she were different in personality, they should be able to get along well!

She had more confidence in their future.

After the off-road vehicle started again, Ye Fengqiu put away the smile that had been hanging on her face for a long time and took a long breath. Fu Lin sneered, "You are really hypocritical."

"I'm not hypocritical," Ye Fengqiu retorted, "You can't think that I'm pretending just because I'm not smiling brightly in front of you."

"Who wouldn't smile at a lovely little girl. . . oh, except for you. But you're just not smiling on the surface, I bet you're already laughing in your heart."

"I'm not talking about smiling."

When they encountered a red light, Fu Lin stopped the car and said, "It's because your intentions are impure, yet you keep saying things like 'see you next time' repeatedly. Don't you feel guilty?"

Ye Fengqiu frowned, "If you weren't too afraid to ask her gender, would I be like this?"

After speaking, he took out a sealed bag from his backpack, which contained a flattened paper cup.

"Drive as fast as you can, the pheromones we collect are already in trace amounts, if we go any slower we won't be able to detect them."

Fu Lin said coldly, "Truly hypocritical."

Although he cursed Ye Fengqiu, he knew himself well enough to know that he wasn't any better. Knowing what Ye Fengqiu wanted to do, but still cooperating to make an appointment with Xia Huaizhi, how could he not be hypocritical?

Thinking of the meeting gift that Xia Huaizhi had carefully prepared for Ye Fengqiu. . .

The green light came on, and he stopped thinking and drove straight towards the direction of the laboratory.

Because she was so happy, Xia Huaizhi told her sister about meeting a friend and discussed whether or not to be honest with their parents.

Although she was already of legal marriage age, she still felt like a child in front of her parents and was embarrassed to talk about love.

In addition, her sister had not yet married, and there was no precedent in the family, so she did not know what her parents' attitude would be.

[A Rabbit Branch]: So conflicted!

[Mu Chun]: Has he given you a definite answer?

[Mu Chun]: If not, you can wait until you confirm your relationship before saying anything.

[Mu Chun]: If you tell your parents, but in the end you don't end up together, I suspect your parents will go beat him up. [A rabbit branch]: Are you sure about your answer. . . no / feeling wronged

[A rabbit branch]: But I think he should have already accepted me in his heart, he just can't say it because of his personality.

[A rabbit branch]: Think about it, would you bring someone you don't like to meet your friends? You wouldn't, right!

[Mu Chun]: That's true. But confirming a relationship doesn't require saying a bunch of cheesy words. Even just saying "okay" is enough. There's no situation where you can't say it because of your personality.

[Mu Chun]: Let's wait a bit longer, wait for him to make a statement.

[A rabbit branch]: Okay. . . / crying

Although what my sister said is true. . .

But there's no rush. Based on the current situation, it shouldn't be too long.

With a third person present during this meeting, she couldn't express herself well. The next time she meets Fu Lin alone, she must make everything clear and get a definite answer.

She placed the rabbit flower ornament on the bedside and fell into a deep sleep.

While feeding his turtle at home, Fu Lin received a phone call.

"Fu Lin, come over right away, I have some bad news to tell you."

"Is it urgent? If it is, just tell me over the phone."

The other person replied, "It's not urgent, but it's very important for you. It's better to talk face to face."

Fu Lin hung up the phone, quickly put away the turtle food, and took the car keys from the drawer.

Twenty minutes later, he arrived at Ye Fengqiu's laboratory.

Ye Fengqiu handed him a test report and said, "Fu Lin, you're done for."

Fu Lin didn't take it seriously until he saw the data on the test report. His hand trembled uncontrollably, and the test report fell to the ground.

"Is. . . is it what I thought?"

"Yes. "Ye Fengqiu's expression was solemn, "She is a top-notch Alpha, one in a million, with a terrifyingly high level of pheromones. And the matching rate of your pheromones is also terrifyingly high."

He picked up the detection report from the ground, "It's this number, 99. 999%, and that's because the system only displays up to three decimal places. In reality. . . it should be infinitely close to 100%."

Fu Lin was stunned, "How could this be?"

"The phenomenon is not the most terrifying thing. Do you know what's terrifying? It's the consequences it brings."

Ye Fengqiu took a deep breath, "For example, have you ever smelled her pheromones? That's why you think you can't perceive them."


"But the truth is, the reason you experienced those abnormal situations is precisely because you perceived her pheromones."

"Do you know? In her case, the concentration of pheromones doesn't need to be high enough to smell. Even if it's just a tiny bit, it can have a huge impact on you."

Fu Lin felt himself becoming unsteady and grabbed the edge of the table with his hand.

"You can imagine what you'll become when you smell her pheromones one day. . . "Fu Lin interrupted him, "You don't need to say it, I understand."

"Wait, let me finish."

Ye Fengqiu asked, "When you're with her, do you sometimes feel like you can't resist her will, and you do whatever she says?"

Fu Lin closed his eyes and went through the fragments of his time with Xia Huai Zhi, then came to a conclusion, "I have that feeling."

"Because her pheromones make you instinctively want to obey. It's not an exaggeration to say that if she wants to, she can completely control you."

"I already know all of this. . . there's no need to say it again."

Fu Lin's temples began to throb.

He had witnessed an Omega completely controlled by an Alpha, and the scene was very terrifying, becoming a nightmare he wanted to escape from for the rest of his life.

That Omega was none other than his mother.

Ye Fengqiu also knew this.

"Okay, I won't say anything."

Ye Fengqiu threw the test report back on the table and said, "From an objective point of view, if you want to maintain a normal life, you'd better stay away from her."

"You should know that your cute little rabbit is a thousand times more dangerous to you than a wolf."

Author's note:

"I'm so anxious, hurry up and get together, ah!"

"In order to make them get together quickly, I can only write quickly. "

Note: Unrevised

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