Sparks Fly | ✓

By gracaxcix

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Hendrichs is an egotistical man hiring a skilled mechanic for his automotive shop, more specifically a male m... More



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By gracaxcix

"I know I invited you, but I actually did not think that you would pull up." Annalise shrieked, placing her half closed fist against her mouth at the sight of Shanae walking out of the doors of JFK's arrivals terminal. The excitement on her face as her eyes remained on Shane, pulled a smile out of Shane. She slightly raised her hand, wiggling her fingers as a greeting to Annalise.

"Ms. Annalise not Anna, what's going on? Your girl is in the apple city..."She paused, laughing at herself, "I mean the big apple! Hey girl." She responded, matching Annalise's energy which surprised Annalise, but what surprised her further was when Shane opened up her one arm, allowing Annalise to come in for a hug.

"I don't know, something about you is different - and I like it a lot." Annalise commented, taking the white and chic suitcase that Shane had been holding.

"Just say that you like that I'm being super friendly with you." Shane chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully.

"I won't even front like I don't like the energy...what brought it on? I mean, I didn't want to ask over text, because all of a sudden you started responding to my messages within a few minutes, and not after three working days."

They started making their way out of the airport, Annalise leading the way to her car.

"A few minutes is a lie," she scoffed, "Even as healed as I can be, I will never text back that quickly. Maybe an hour interval at the very least."

"You get what I mean though! Then you left Haines City? I was surprised when you texted me that." She took out her key fob, and automatically opened the trunk to pearly white suv porsche.

"I guess I had a lot of growing up to do, and Haines City wasn't going to help me do that." Shane shrugged, "Love the Porsche though, rich girl things. Love to see it." She stood to the side, watching Annalise put her luggage in the back, before she pressed a button on the inside, and the door to the trunk lowered itself to a soft close.

"Purr." Shane hyped the car and Annalise up. "Like it's giving rich girl forreal..."

A wide grin sat on Annalise's face. "I guess it's the perks of accepting my dad's offer, gotta make myself happy somehow. Want to drive it?"

"Would love to! But I'm not driving in New York, I don't have the, zero patience." Shane answered, walking around the car, then hoping into the passenger's seat.

"You just have to know the times to travel, otherwise it's not that bad. You kinda get used to it." She smiled, "Back to you though, I never actually thought I'd see the day you'd leave Haines City. You wanted to prove Hendrichs so badly, did you guys leave it on good terms? Like was he cocky about you leaving? Was he happy? Or he'd gotten over the bet?"

Shane couldn't help the smirk that climbed onto her face, and soft shaking of her head before she turned up the music in Annalise's car. "You are still stuck in history sis. The bet died a million years ago, we were good coworkers now. When I left, it was okay really. Just a normal parting of ways."

She took out her phone, going to the person they were talking about's chat.


She bit the corner of her lip, trying to suppress a smile after reading his text message. It was simple, yet it told her so many different things – it brought out so many emotions out of her heart, emotions he'd cultivated throughout the remainder of the month.

Yes sir. You have permission
to stop worrying now🫡

As if he had been waiting on the phone for her to respond, the gray bubbles immediately started dancing on her screen. She bit the inside of her cheek to further try and suppress the smile that was begging to show itself on her face.

😂👀 don't know who you're
talking to with that tone young

Glad to hear that you made it safely.

You know very well that
I'm talking to you😌. I'm sure that
you are just itching for me to drop into Chicago.


That's good to hear, I love that. I also must be stuck in history when it comes to other things in your life, because that smile on your face while texting tells me something." She smirked, bringing her car to life.

"That part of my life is still in the oven, not ready to be broadcasted to the world. Don't worry though, you'll be the first to know." She didn't take her eyes off her phone as she watched the bubbles dance on her screen again.

She absolutely loved that Hendrichs never took time to respond to her text messages. The type of energy he was on made her feel like the queen that she definitely was - because she'd never had a man who prioritized communicating with her in the way that Hendrichs did.

Since he'd come to see her in Boston, he never let a day pass by without sending a message, and calling in the evening - even if it was just a call to let Shane know that he was dog tired, and would properly talk to her the following day.

Quite frankly, I'm dreading
your return🙃 it's been drama free
since you left.

😙keep that same energy
when you bump into me in 'your city'
and I don't tell you.

The gag is...I have your bike
parked in my garage😎 so who
has the power here?

God gave me legs to walk,
keep the bike, I don't need it.

"You're killing me here with the never ending smiles." Annalise groaned, a slight giggle leaving her mouth. "I'm not gonna tell anyone. Who's got you smiling like that?"

Shane immediately locked her screen, feeling the petty rising up in her. Though this was playful banter between herself and Hendrichs, she definitely wanted him to chase after her now. Beg for her attention - since he wanted to be saucy.

"I'm talking to a guy. We'll call him Bob for now. We've been talking for like a month or something. That's all I'm saying. I've got my phone on do not disturb now though - tell me about you. Catch me up to your life. What's going on with Annalise?" She leaned against the headrest of her seat, facing Annalise so she could observe her facial expressions.

"Last question before I talk about I know Bob?" The smirk continuously grew on Annalise's face, and Shane could only shake her head at her curiosity. It's not that she didn't want to tell Annalise, she just didn't see the need to tell her. It was really on a need to know basis.

"Yes you know Bob." Shane answered truthfully, "Is there a Bob in your life?"

"No!! I need to know. Is it Logan?" Annalise asked again, completely dodging Shane's question.

"You said that was your last question. I'm not answering any other Bob-related questions."

"Fair..." she pouted with a small sigh. "I don't have boy luck, in case you hadn't noticed, haven't had a Bob in ages."

"Lies! You're so pretty though!" Shane responded, watching the slight sadness that now covered Annalise's face.

"Apparently not to the men that walk on the face of this planet..." she breathed again, "but it's all good. All in due time. Maybe I'll have my parents finally arrange my marriage like they initially planned to."

"Wait! You were gonna be in an arranged marriage?" Shane's eyes widened.

"Yes ma'am. If I had not refused, today would be my wedding. The guy my sister is marrying is not bad looking at all, very very fine." A small smile came onto her face, then quickly faded, "I mean, not even Logan found me attractive. Didn't matter how well we got along."

"It doesn't mean you're ugly at all Liz. It just means that's not your person. You cannot afford to rate yourself as unattractive because you're not pulling the men you find attractive. Sometimes it's not even about good looks but your confidence, and sometimes that's just God's protection. You don't want to date just any Tom, Dick, and Harry because they are fine, yet they are breaking your heart." She advised, tucking her loose loc behind her ear.

"With Logan...I think he's drawn to girls who aren't reserved - if I can use that word. I think he wants someone who will match his energy, be it the flirting, the goofy, the serious, all things. In another lifetime, I'd totally date a Logan, but in this lifetime - as good looking as he is, I don't find him attractive. So you can find someone good looking, but still not want to be with them. You get what I'm saying?"

"In this lifetime, Logan would want to be with you though." Annalise commented, letting Shane know her observations.

"I know. I don't, though. Doesn't mean he's not a great person...I mean, he's one of my closest friends. I flirt with him at times, but it would never go there." She shrugged, kind of glad that they were having this conversation.

"Hendrichs. That's Bob?"

"Don't flip the switch now. Just because Logan doesn't see you in the same light that you did - does not take away from the beauty that you are. You shouldn't even settle for an arranged marriage. Your person is out there, you'll meet them."

"I hear you...but it's Hendrichs, right?"

"Just accept that I'll tell you when I'm ready. I don't want to get annoyed." She sighed, drawing her last bit of patience so she could respond to Annalise with kindness.

"If you really feel desperate for a man, just get onto Hinge. Someone I know tells me that there are some good looking people on the app looking for serious relationships. Everyone's path isn't the same." She took out her phone, and unlocked it when she saw that her screen was without any notifications.

She rolled her eyes when she saw that her message had been left on read. She knew that he was matching her petty, and she couldn't help the small smile that came onto her face. She shook her head, and maneuvered her way to Lena's chat.

Tell your knucklehead of
a brother to stop being petty and
respond to my message.
Thank you🤗

"I'll see what to do." She sighed, and then the music filled up the space in the car.

I know I wanted to know
things, but I'm tired of being
your middle ground. It's giving

Thank you love bug 😙

She smiled, knowing that she was taking a screenshot and sending it to Hendrichs at that very moment. In one of their FaceTime conversations where Lena forced her way into it since the two were at their parent's house on that particular night, they'd decided that whenever they wore their petty boots, Lena would be the white flag without the one party feeling like they were losing their pride. Lena was the safe word.

It didn't take long before Shane's phone vibrated, a smile climbing on her face.

For the record, I just know I
have you wrapped around my

And you mine😝
I'll see you tomorrow morning.

Tomorrow?!?! What about
my FaceTime?🧐

I'll send a video. I just know
I'll be tired.😢

You better🫵🏾! With your fine

She smiled, hearting the message as she felt her heart become so warm with every text message he sent back. If she wasn't careful, she'd really end up falling for this man, head first at that. She just wasn't sure if she was ready for that.



Ahh!" Helena screamed, running toward Shane with her arms wide open. Over the past month that she'd been away, they'd gotten closer over text, and phone calls. That was the only reason why she'd been who Shane had trusted with the information that she'd be flying right back to Chicago after the wedding was over.

"My fighter! My girl!" Shane greeted her, as they collided into each other's arms. They swayed from side to side, her luggage falling to the ground.

"The way I've missed you! I've got so much to tell you!" Helena responded, squeezing her one last time, before she picked up one of the bags that was laying on the floor.

"I've missed you and your spiciness as well. Do tell! I'm always ready to sip the tea sis." She swiftly responded, excitement genuinely on her face.

"I don't think you're ready for this one sis. It's a whole lot of tea for sure."

"Do tell!" She encouraged her to share, following her out of the airport with a smile.

"Firstly, did I tell you that Ms. Marie broke up with Michael, and started going out with another man in like the space of a week? I'm like, ladyy, I didn't know you had that in you?" she laughed, shaking her head.

"I know you lying! Why didn't you text me this?" Shane gasped, pausing for a moment.

"Because I wanted to tell you in person please! My jaw literally dropped, I almost felt sorry for Michael."

"Oh my days! Is that why Hendrichs was telling me that the guy signed up for therapy? I was like, not Michael?"

"Hmm. Definitely Michael, then your man was busy having dinner with Kim Possible. He told me you gave him the green lights, I said my girl Shanae is probably not trying to be clingy — because why are you giving green lights for this?" A very stale face settled on her face as she looked at Shane.

She laughed, shaking her head. "Firstly, stop calling your brother my man, because last time I checked - he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend."

"No, but -" Lena tried to justify her words, but Shane cut her off.

"Secondly, if he wants to be best friends with Kim K, then I have no issues. I know I had issues before, but he's done such a good job of reassuring me in the past few weeks - so we're good." She smiled, freely letting her know. She loved that she'd found someone that she could freely talk to about Hendrichs, even if that person was practically his sister.

"You told me that he basically claimed you as soon as you touch Chicago grounds, so..." she suggestively raised her eyebrow, a smirk growing on her face.

"I don't care what he said, I never agreed.  I only said we would see, so I can't be held to that." She shrugged, waiting as Helena opened the door to her black Mercedes. She smiled remembering that it was in this car that the vibes switched between herself and Hendrichs.

"Yet you're here with me, trying to surprise him." She raised an eyebrow, and heat traveled up Shane's cheeks.

"He flew into Boston to see me, of course I'm gonna fly in early to see his reaction. Are you sure he's not working at the office?" she questioned, moving to the passenger side of the car.

"He's home. Quick heads up that Amaru stays with him now, but he's with Logan for the weekend." Helena mentioned, turning the ignition of the car on.

"Wonder why Hendrichs didn't say anything to me." She softly responded, leaning into her seat.

"He probably didn't want to trigger you, or something." She tried to justify his omission.

"No, I get that. Still, I would have loved to know. I mean he did mention that Amaru was back at Haines City, he could have mentioned it then." She sighed, clearing it out of her head

"I hope your mood is not ruined now?" She asked, with a still small voice.

"Not yet, I'm trying not to get to that point. Just have to keep reminding myself that I shouldn't get upset with him - that's being entitled.

"Think a little bit of some music will help?" she questioned, turning the sound on.

"Yes ma'am, thank you." Shane glanced Lena's way, a smile on her face as leaned back into the seat, and closed her eyes. Giveōn's honey-dripping vocals encapsulated the car, Still Your Best being the song of choice.

"His voice will forever have me in a chokehold." Shane groaned, before softly singing along to the song.

"Dude! I absolutely love that I discovered him before everyone found him. His voice is something entirely apart! Could easily rate him one of my favorite singers. Over CB, and I know Hendrichs will have my head for that."

Shane threw her hand over her mouth, laughing. "I forever tell him that he's so in love with Chris, but he denies it."

"I need sensual RnB, and Chris just doesn't give that anymore. He gives sexy time." Lena complained.

"For a man who's not doing sexy time, he sure does love sexy time music." Shane teased, a giggle leaving her mouth.

"I don't need to know that, and I'm not commenting on that — thank you very much."

"Girl, that wasn't even PG, that was All." She playfully rolled her eyes, a small smile playing at her lips.

"I don't want to hear about my brother when it comes to that regard. Thank you very much." She reemphasized, and Shane couldn't help but laugh again.

"But you're busy telling me about how Anthony is busy leaving you flustered. Hot and bothered." Shane looked at her sideways, a teasing smile on her face.

"I hope you're not telling Hayes about that too, cause I'm ready to risk it all for Anthony. And Anthony isn't your brother."

"I mean you've sent me his picture, but I'd love to meet him in person — before things get serious. Need to approve by the vibes madam." Shane softly laughed, happy that Helena had opened herself up to finding love somewhere else, and had signed up for Hinge.

She'd hit it off with Anthony, who was a business consultant, and based in Chicago as well. She'd gone as far as sharing screenshots of some of their conversations to Shane, and the vibes from the texts were simply phenomenal.

"All that matters is I've met him, and he's as fine as his profile." She blushed, and Shane couldn't help but to smile at Lena being this smitten.

"I can't wait to be a fly on the wall when you tell H that you met a man off the internet." She smiled.

"He better be supportive, because I've been pushing for yall in the office lovers. Even if it's against policy."

"I'm not in the office anymore." Shane defended herself.

"But you were busy making out in the office."

"Don't get spicy."

"I'm not even being spicy though!" She laughed, shaking her head.

Shane chose to ignore the line of conversation, closing her eyes again. Her heartbeat slowly became so audible in her ears as they drove into Hendrichs' neighborhood. She wasn't nervous, but she felt so anxious for some reason.

Maybe because they'd gotten so close and personal over the phone — she didn't know what to expect in person. She stared out the window, not sure how everything would go because she hadn't planned things out that far.

Eventually, they drove to the front of his gate — Helena lowering the window to punch in the code.

"Yall close like that?" Shane asked, really surprised that Helena had access to his place.

"Definitely. He has keys to my place, vice versa. We're literally one person." She shrugged, as if it wasn't something to fuss over.

"I could never do that with Lukas, like him having access to my place? It'll be a cold day in hell." She scoffed, shaking her head.

"How else are we going to surprise your man girl? He probably knows I used the code to enter his place, but he's not suspicious. He'll be proper surprised." She smiled, and drove into his place as soon as the gate had fully opened up.

Shane slid down her seat a little when she saw him opening the door in his black tight-fit t-shirt, and black sweats. He looked so damn good to her, she couldn't help the natural smile that climbed onto her face.

"Chile, if he could see the blush on your face right now. Very embarrassing to the feminist society Shane." Helena shook her head, not bothering to hide her laugh. She parked right outside his garage door, then looked at Shane.

"Are you planning on coming out of the car?"

Shane shook her head, her nerves crippling her.

"Girl, you like him that badly?" She grinned. "I could have never guessed this would be you."

"Leave me alone." She softly chuckled, covering her eyes. "Go out without me, I'll come out. Give me a moment."

"You know he'll see that it's you, right?" She shook her head, stepping out before Hendrichs came to see what was taking her so long.

Shane let out a breath, quite embarrassed that she really liked Hendrichs like this. She really couldn't blame herself because he'd been so consistent, and all about her even when she wasn't in the same space as him.

"Stop being a lover girl sis. You're a city girl –but then again, not really." She whispered to herself. She sighed, letting out two short breaths before stepping out of the car as well.

She could hear Helena laughing with her brother already.

"Go get some snacks I brought please, I'm gonna go sit for now."

She groaned. She knew what Lena was trying to do, and she didn't know how she felt about it.

"You left your car without your paper bag, and you want me to go get it? That's abuse." He complained. She could imagine him rolling his eyes, but still making his way to the car – because he was sweet like that.

"Why do that when I have a brother to carry things for me?" She heard Lena respond, though her voice wasn't as loud.

"I hate you!" Hendrichs yelled, and she awkwardly stood where he'd immediately see her.

"You'll definitely love me!" Lena yelled back, and she had to bite her lip to prevent the laughter that so desperately wanted to escape her lips.

She could hear him walk, and then she saw him first before his eyes rested on her — then he froze.

"Hi. Surprise." She softly greeted, a smile on her face.

"Oh wow." He smiled, taking a step back. "I don't even know what to say."

"You surprised?" She lifted an eyebrow.

"Damn surprised. Why didn't you say? Talkin' about I'll send you a video, I can't call." He rolled his eyes, walking toward her.

"I wanted to get you back, I'm in your city now." She grinned, stepping into his arms. He slightly lifted her from the ground, a small laugh escaping his lips.

"You in my city huh?" He slowly placed her on the ground, holding onto her cheek. "Hi."

"Hi." She responded with a small voice, their eyes locked on each other. His arm remained around her waist, and hers around his neck.

"I'm still so speechless, and I always have a lot of say." His eyes held a glimmer of joy, his voice so damn husky.

"I missed you." She told him, and instead of responding, he claimed her lips gently — softly waiting for her to join. He felt like it had been years since he last kissed her lips, and so he quenched that hunger that had been slowly growing within him.

She was back, and his to have.


Good morning ✨
I really apologize for taking so long to update. I've got an internship I've been doing, so all my free time is taken up lately.

Trying to finish this book in this month of June. I'll try my very best to update in the next three days again ❤️✨

I'd love to know your thoughts though?

Thank you for reading.
Please Vote. Comment. Share.

till next time🥂

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