In The Shadow of Love // Seba...

By Alohamora00

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After a perfect end to 5th year and a fantastic summer, the Slytherin trio is stronger than ever, you kept in... More

Chapter 1 - Welcome back to Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - Don't get too comfortable
Chapter 3 - The first of many
Chapter 4 - A trip down memory lane
Chapter 5 - An Unfriendly Welcome
Visuals ✨
Chapter 6 - A mix of emotions
Chapter 7 - Sebastian Sallow
Chapter 8 - You Have My Word
Chapter 9 - Sparks Fly
Author Note!
Chapter 10 - Getting Along
Chapter 11 - A rose between two thorns
Chapter 12 - It was only a matter of time
Chapter 13 - The Plan
Chapter 14 - It's all or nothing
Chapter 15 - You're not doing enough
Chapter 16 - Peaks and Troughs
Chapter 17 - Letting Loose
Chapter 18 - I have to do this
Chapter 19 - Are we too late?
Chapter 20 - Emotions are high
Chapter 21 - The Perfect Moment
Chapter 23 - One last moment of solace
Chapter 24 - The final battle

Chapter 22 - Christmas Break

87 2 0
By Alohamora00

Ominis POV

We ventured into Hogsmeade, opting to spend our Christmas break at Hogwarts. With the intention of exchanging gifts and celebrating together, we decided to explore the village. The morning greeted us with a picturesque sight of snow-covered streets and buildings, accompanied by a biting chill in the air.

Our group split briefly as Samantha and I entered Honeydukes to find something for y/n and Theo. The store overwhelmed us with its wide array of delectable treats, captivating us from top to bottom, the place was heaving with families and students who were also doing their Christmas shopping. 

Samantha, holding up a box of sweets, asked, "How about these?" I raised an eyebrow, unable to see what she was referring to, and reminded her, "Sorry, love, I can't see. What are they?"

With a tinge of embarrassment, she explained, "They're Berties Potts Every Flavour Beans!" I laughed, empathising with her lapse in memory. Being blind since birth, I have honed various skills to navigate daily life, but I still manage to surprise Samantha with my abilities every now and then. 

Chuckling, I replied, "I'm not sure about those. Some of the flavors are quite repulsive."

"But that's part of the fun," she insisted, convinced that they were the perfect choice.

"I trust your judgment," I simply responded. We gathered a few other presents for Samantha's family and proceeded to the cashier, who kindly offered to gift-wrap them, saving us the trouble later on.

"Are you both ready for the next shop?" y/n asked, joining us by the entrance, Theo's hands already filled with bags. 

"Can Theo handle any more bags?" Samantha chuckled, observing the poor boy struggling with the load from just one shop. It came as no surprise though. During all our adventures last year, y/n would constantly pause to open random chests, often discovering galleons and peculiar clothing items from who knows where that she would later sell to shop owners in nearby hamlets.

"He's alright, Samantha. Shall we go and find something for the boys?" she asked, brimming with excitement. Samantha agreed, and with a kiss goodbye, they happily skipped off to explore the numerous shops they were bound to visit.

"I suppose we should also get something for them," I suggested. We were both hesitant to continue, but we knew it was necessary to get them presents. Otherwise, they would unleash their fury upon us later, and honestly, it wasn't worth the argument.

We strolled along the cobblestone streets, searching for a shop to enter. "Do you have any idea what you're getting, Samantha?" Theo sighed, his eyes scanning the shop windows.

"I'm thinking of getting jewelry. Something nice and sentimental never goes wrong," I chuckled. "What about you?" I inquired, returning the question.

"To be honest, I have no idea. I've only known her for a few months, but I can't imagine she's an easy person to buy for," Theo replied, shaking his head. We continued walking until we stumbled upon a jewelry shop. Upon entering, the lady behind the counter greeted us warmly and offered her assistance, which we gladly accepted.

"How about this?" the lady presented a silver necklace, featuring a small oval pendant with a beautiful deep blue stone. I took it from her and delicately ran my fingers over it, attempting to get a sense of its appearance.

"It's perfect, mate," Theo chimed in, doing his best to describe it to me. He explained to the lady behind the counter that I couldn't see, prompting her immediate apology as she proceeded to explain the properties of the stone.

"This Lapis Lazuli helps foster strong relationships and instills confidence," she explained. "I'll take it," I replied, a smile gracing my face. The cashier wrapped up my gift and handed it to me in a small yet exquisite bag.

"Do you wan to go and find us a seat in the Three Broomsticks? I'll be over in a second I want my present to y/n to be a surprise" Theo suggested, I nodded in agreement and made my way over the road to secure a seat and a round of butter beer's.



After hours of shopping, burdened with more bags than we could handle, Samantha and I finally arrived at the last shop of the day. I led us down a dimly lit alleyway to a small, specialised establishment recommended by none other than Imelda.

"What is this place?" Samantha asked anxiously as we entered through the door. The room was tiny, with a glass counter at the front and a few ornaments on display, emanating an eerie vibe.

"Ah, my dear, welcome to Secret Sorcery," the elderly gentleman behind the counter announced. "It's the only shop in Hogsmeade that offers truly enchanting items and gifts." Samantha's eyes widened with curiosity as she began exploring the shelves.

"What can I assist you with?" the old man kindly inquired. I approached the counter and started examining its contents.

"I'm in need of a small pendant capable of holding a pensive memory," I replied softly.

"I know just the thing!" he exclaimed with excitement before disappearing into the backroom. I watched as he rummaged through his shelves, pulling out an assortment of boxes. "Ah! Here it is!" he called out from afar, returning to the shop and placing a small open box on the counter.

I picked it up and carefully examined the item—a delicate silver chain with a snake pendant. Upon closer inspection, I noticed its eyes were tinted glass. Holding it up to the light, I studied it intently.

"When one looks through the snake's eyes, they can relive any memories stored within," the shopkeeper explained. I smiled at him and said, "I love it!" while handing him the necklace.

"Okay, when you're ready, simply extract the memory you wish to add with your wand and tap it into the pendant," he further explained. I took out my wand and extracted a very specific memory, then carefully tapped it against the snake's eyes. A beam of light burst from within, quickly fading away before my eyes.

I handed the man some galleons as he wrapped up my gift and we headed on our way to meet the boys in the Three Broomsticks. 


As soon as we returned from Hogsmeade, I made a beeline for my dormitory to unload the burdensome bags. Upon reaching my room, I spotted my owl perched on its stand, holding a letter in its beak. I approached him cautiously, taking the letter from him and swiftly scanning its contents.


When you have a moment can you please meet me in my office. 

- Professor Weasley 

I stared at the note in utter confusion. It was the Christmas break—what could possibly be so pressing? Hastily, I changed into more comfortable clothes and made my way directly to Professor Weasley's office.

"You wanted to see me, Professor?" I asked as I entered the room. Professor Weasley looked up from her desk and gestured for me to come closer. I took a seat in front of her, my heart pounding with anticipation for her response.

"I've received information from an external source confirming that Harlow is indeed planning an attack on Hogwarts. Rumor has it that he's been aggressively recruiting for his army in preparation," she began to explain.

My heart sank, and a wave of realisation washed over me. Amidst the blissful whirlwind of recent events, I had completely forgotten about Harlow and his looming return. It was inevitable, but we were far from prepared.

"What do you suggest we do?" I asked, my tone filled with worry.

"Speak with the keepers. I've done what I can to fortify the castle for now and have alerted the other professors. However, only you and the keepers possess the knowledge to secure the repository in case of infiltration," she replied. I looked at her with deep concern but nodded in agreement.

"Thank you, Professor. I'll make my way there immediately," I responded, my lips pressed tightly together. I headed towards the map chamber, my hands clammy and my heart racing. The realisation hit me heavily—we were far from done with this battle.


I stood there, caught in the intense exchange between the two keepers. Persival, his portrait filled with conviction, argued for the destruction of the repistory. Charles, on the other hand, seemed desperate to find an alternative solution. Anxious, I flickered my gaze between them, uncertain of whose side to take.

"She cannot protect it alone. We cannot risk even a trace of it falling into the wrong hands," Persival explained forcefully. "Y/n, you must do this. It is the only way to safeguard the wizarding world from descending into complete anarchy. No one truly comprehends the power held within this magic," he continued, emphasising the gravity of the situation.

I looked at the keepers, grappling with the weight of their words. The responsibility of deciding the repository's fate fell upon me, and it was clear that the decision held profound consequences for the future of our world.

With trembling lips, I mustered the courage to speak, desperately hoping for an alternative solution. "A-and there's no other way it can be destroyed?" I asked nervously, clinging to a glimmer of hope. Deep down, I prayed that there was another path to take.

"Indeed, it is the only way," Percival replied firmly, his tone laced with sympathy. The weight of the decision pressed upon me as I looked at all four towering keepers, awaiting my response. Lowering my head, I released a heavy sigh before lifting my gaze and swallowing hard.

"I'll do it," I said shakily, reluctantly agreeing to a task I never anticipated. Despite my apprehension, the lives of those I held dear were at stake. If sacrificing the repository meant their safety, then it was a sacrifice worth making.

With bittersweet farewells to the keepers, I hastened my way to the castle's main entrance. As if the situation couldn't worsen, there was only one person who could assist me in completing this daunting task. Filled with anger, I forcefully tossed down some floo powder and declared my desired destination, "Feldcroft."


Sebastian POV

I stood there in complete shock as I opened the door to find her standing before me. "Y/n?!" I managed to utter, my voice filled with surprise and confusion.

"Can I come in or -"

"Yes, of course," I interjected hastily, realising that my lingering in the doorway had left her exposed to the bitter cold of the Christmas air. She brushed past me and positioned herself in the middle of the room, her hands clasped tightly together. "I'm so happy to see you! I wanted to talk to you," I continued, my words brimming with hope.

"Sebastian, I'm not here to make amends," she replied bluntly. My heart sank, the anticipation of rekindling our relationship suddenly shattered. I looked at her with a saddened expression, struggling to process her words.

"Oh, I thought -" I began to reply, my voice trailing off.

"No, I'm with Theo now..." She spoke awkwardly, and a wave of anger washed over me. I knew they had grown close, and deep down, I anticipated that they would eventually become a couple. Still, her announcement cut through me like a sharp blade.

"So, why are you here?" I asked, my tone laced with frustration, crossing my arms over my chest as I rolled my eyes.

"I need a favour," y/n replied nervously, biting her nails. I observed her, anger and hurt still coursing through me, unsure of why I should lend her a helping hand.

"And why would I help you?" I scrunched my face, my pain still evident.

"Because, if you ever want my forgiveness for everything that has happened, then this is the only way I'll allow it," she snapped back, her words carrying a firm resolve. My face softened, realising that whatever she needed from me held significant importance.

"Go on," I said in a softer tone, my curiosity now piqued.

She began to explain her conversation with the Keepers and the specific task she required my assistance with. I couldn't believe what she was asking of me. My heart raced as I paced back and fourth, gripping my head tightly in my hands.

"Y/n, I can't do that," I said, filled with worry.

"Sebastian, you have to," she pleaded. I halted in my tracks, looking directly at her.

"Why can't someone else do it? Why does it have to be me?" I asked, my face filled with confusion.

"Because you are the only one who truly understands the gravity of the situation. You have seen it firsthand," she began to explain, desperation creeping into her voice. "Please, Sebastian, I need you to do this, not just for me but for your future, for Anne's!" She implored, tears welling up in her eyes.

I stared at her for a moment, my mouth agape, unsure of how to respond. As I contemplated the consequences of not fulfilling her request, I realised that a great responsibility now rested upon both of us.

"Fine," I seethed through my teeth. Y/n's eyes widened with surprise at my acceptance.

"Really?" She questioned, a glimmer of hope evident in her voice.

"Yes, but only as a last resort, right?" I clarified, ensuring that the action she asked of me would be taken only if all other options failed.

"Yes... Thank you!" She rushed forward and enveloped me in a hug. Reluctantly, I hugged her back, leaning into the embrace, savouring what could be our last moment like this before she vanished from my life once again.

Y/n abruptly withdrew her grasp and firmly took hold of my arm, causing nervousness to surge through me. I watched in anticipation as she brandished her wand, hovering it over our linked arms. "Y/n, what are you doing?" I asked, my voice trembling with unease.

"I'm sorry, Sebastian, but we must make this an unbreakable promise. If you don't follow through with this, Anne won't be able to return to Hogwarts. It's the only way I can ensure that you'll go through with this," she stated resolutely.

"What?" I questioned, frustration welling up within me.

"We can wager something worse if you prefer," she suggested, her eyebrows furrowing in response to the gravity of the situation. I simply nodded, silently agreeing, and observed as y/n uttered the incantation, causing ropes to bind our arms while beams of light enveloped us.

After a few intense minutes, the deal was sealed. Y/n released her grip on me and cast a worried yet appreciative gaze my way. "Thank you," she whispered softly, leaning in to place a tender kiss on my cheek before pulling away.

"I'll send you an owl when the time comes," she declared, her lips pressed tightly together. With that, she turned on her heels and walked out the door. I brought my hand up to the spot where she had kissed me, watching her fade into the distance. My mind raced with many thoughts, leaving me utterly speechless as I stood alone in the doorway of my home.


Theo POV 

After tirelessly searching for y/n around the castle for the past few hours, I returned to my dormitory defeated, ready to spend the evening engrossed in a book. Just as I settled in, the door burst open, revealing a panicked and breathless y/n.

"Where have you been?" I asked, my annoyance tinged with concern. Without uttering a word, she grabbed me by the arm and began dragging me towards the common room. I abandoned my book on the bed and followed her, my curiosity intensifying.

"Y/n, what's going on?" I pressed, the frustration seeping into my tone. We continued walking, her grip unwavering as I trailed behind her.

"I went to see Sebastian. I'll explain when we find Ominis and Samantha," she finally revealed, her gaze fixed ahead without turning to face me. In that instant, I halted, pulling her back and spinning her around to face me.

"What?" I demanded, my anger fully ignited.

"Ah, y/n, there you are. We've been searching for you all afternoon," Ominis interjected, interrupting our tense exchange as he and Samantha approached. Sensing the urgency, y/n pivoted and huddled with them, exchanging quick words.

"Undercroft, now," she stated bluntly. Confusion painted our faces, but we didn't question her directive and followed her lead, making our way to the undercroft as she had requested.


The door to the undercroft closed with a resounding thud, enclosing us in its solemn atmosphere. All eyes were fixed on y/n, waiting anxiously for her to reveal what's going on.

"It's Harlow," she began, her voice filled with urgency. "Professor Weasley sent me an owl with alarming news, and then I had to go and see the keepers -." Her words rushed out, punctuated by her ragged breaths and visible panic.

Sensing her distress, I stepped forward and gently grasped both of her arms. "Slow down, princess. Take a moment," I soothed, locking eyes with her to convey my concern. She met my gaze and began taking deep breaths, gradually calming herself. I released my hold, giving her the space she needed.

"Alright, now tell us everything," I urged, giving her the floor to share her knowledge.

"Professor Weasley sent me an owl, so I went to see her the second we got back and she told me that Harlow is planning on attacking Hogwarts soon. She advised me to consult the keepers, and they stressed that if things go awry, the repository must be destroyed," she explained in a steadier tone, her hands gripping her hair at the sides of her head.

Ominis, Samantha, and I exchanged worried glances before refocusing our attention on y/n. "What does this have to do with seeing Sebastian?" I asked, maintaining a calm demeanor, though both Ominis and Samantha looked startled by my question.

"We need his help. I made an unbreakable promise with him," she admitted nervously.

"What promise?" I probed, my frustration tinged with disappointment that she hadn't come to us first.

"I...I can't say," she replied awkwardly.

"Why didn't you come to us?" I inquired, wanting to understand her reasoning.

"Because, as much as I hate to admit it, he's the only one who understands the significance of my request, and I know he would do it for me," she responded, hesitant to disclose more. "Just trust me, please," she implored.

I approached her, enveloping her in a comforting embrace and planting a tender kiss on her forehead. "Of course, we trust you," I whispered softly, eliciting a small, grateful smile from her.

Ominis interjected, breaking the tender moment. "Do we know when the attack will occur?"

"No, so we have to be prepared," y/n replied, her voice trembling with anxiety.

A heavy silence enveloped the room as we absorbed the weight of the revelation. Concern gnawed at me as I contemplated the unbreakable promise between y/n and Sebastian. While I trusted her implicitly, I couldn't shake the worry that she had once again placed herself in harm's way. She had a tendency to sacrifice herself for the greater good, and it weighed heavily on my heart...

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