Celestia [Sesshomaru fanficti...

By Slowmmo334

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The Great Dog Prince was a force to be feared with. His lust for power and merciless killing was well known t... More



308 18 2
By Slowmmo334

The slumbering realm was a desolate wasteland, a graveyard of blood and fire. 

Lifeless bodies surrounded me, their countenances marred by horrifying injuries that rendered them unidentifiable. I regressed into a state of childhood, stationed amidst the cadavers as if I were the focal point of a macabre ceremony—a sacrificial offering, perhaps?

This unprecedented dream unfolded before me: the moon donned an otherworldly hue, a devilish shade of red I had yet to witness. And in a stark departure from my usual composure, an insidious fear gnawed at the nape of my neck and traced its icy tendrils down my spine. The monstrous entity loomed ever closer, emitting a menacing growl from its saliva-drenched maw. Desperately, I attempted to mobilize my body, to flee from the encroaching demon's presence, but my efforts were in vain. It wasn't mere fear that had numbed my senses and rendered my legs immobile; it was a profound paralysis that shackled me, defying my fervent commands to escape.

'Hellfire...dark fire....hellfire...dark fire...'

His relentless repetition of those words pierced my consciousness like an agonizing chant, unraveling a sense of familiarity buried deep within my subconscious. Those words, those specific names—they echoed with a haunting resonance. Where had I encountered them before? As his voice intensified, my heartbeat crescendoed, its echoes reverberating through the blood-soaked earth. An ethereal vapor that once enshrouded his hand transformed into a tangible sword, enveloped in a thick cloak of inky darkness. A single eye emerged on the hilt of the blade, fixating upon me with eager expectation, yearning for an action that would deem me deserving of its lethal strike. Yet there I remained, immobilized and consumed by terror, an unwilling participant in this sinister tableau. 

'Foolish girl.'

The voice emanating from the sword bore chilling darkness, its echoes constricting the air and casting an icy grip upon my surroundings. Even within the realm of this dream, I struggled to draw breath, as if the very atmosphere had grown tight and suffocating.

'You shouldn't have returned.'

The demon raised the sword, ready to strike me down. 

'This time, I'll make sure you never do'.

As the descending sword neared, the scene abruptly shifted, enveloping me in a blinding light that erased the macabre tableau. In its wake, the radiant glow revealed a serene expanse of clear skies. I drew in a deep breath, my lungs exalting the arrival of oxygen, infusing life into my pulsing arteries.

"You're awake!"

My vision, initially hazy, gradually sharpened, revealing Rin peering down at me with a mixture of concern and relief. "Thank goodness," she whispered, her voice a gentle caress. "You stopped breathing for a moment there."

Her remark startled me. Had I truly been suffocating? Reluctantly, I lifted my head from the improvised pile of leaves that served as my makeshift pillow. Rin remained by my side, her brows furrowed in genuine worry.

"Did you have another nightmare, Yuna-san?"

I tried to suppress a shudder. We had only started traveling together two days ago,  but it always felt strange to be addressed so respectfully. I had to remind myself repeatedly that the norms of this era placed greater emphasis on seniority than the modern world, or rather, the time from which I had traveled. It was a struggle to fully grasp the realization that I had been transported back to the feudal era. I barely knew anything about this time period; history never was my greatest strength. Rin had been patient in acquainting me with essential details, like acknowledging the existence of the supernatural creatures I had encountered in childhood stories or recognizing Sesshomaru as a formidable demon — a daiyokai, as they were often referred to.

"Here." Rin offered me a cup of water. "I boiled some from the nearby river a while ago."

I expressed my gratitude and eagerly consumed the water, the parched sensation in my throat abating with each gulp. I hadn't realized how thirsty I was until the refreshing, tepid liquid graced my tongue. The morning air held a tranquil ambiance, neither oppressively hot nor chilly, devoid of the stifling humidity that permeated Tokyo's summers. It was a serene morning, calming my tense shoulders as Rin refilled my cup once more. She informed me that Sesshomaru had departed a few minutes prior to my awakening, likely engaged in scanning the perimeter or engrossed in his own ruminations—a habitual pattern, particularly during nights when the full moon adorned the sky. Personally, I found it intriguing; no one else seemed to possess the same fascination with the moon as I did.

"Hey, Rin."

The young girl redirected her attention from A-Un, the two-headed dragon that served as Sesshomaru's loyal companion and a creature I still struggled to remember was herbivorous, to focus on me.

"Care for a bath?"

Most children Rin's age hated bath time—myself included, along with Kagome. Even Sota still detested reminders to shower every now and then. But the little girl reveled in the river, delighting in playful splashes and infectious giggles. As for me, the water brought a calming essence to my skin, cleaning my body of the lingering odors and grime accumulated since my arrival. As grateful as I was for the overdue bath, I couldn't say the same for my clothes. While traces of man-eating monsters were gone from the fabrics, the tears and holes from my journey through the woods were permanent.

A distant cry pierced the air, drawing our attention skyward. It was Jaken, riding atop A-Un. Jaken and I had only briefly encountered each other since I joined their party, but he had already proven to be a vexatious imp — his shrill voice and nagging tone drilling into my skull like a persistent headache. I braced myself for another round of scolding, but his lecture was abruptly cut short upon catching sight of our bathing, despite the water discreetly concealing us from neck to toe. He immediately shielded his eyes with his arms.

"You fools! What in the world do you think you're doing?!"

"Bathing, obviously," Rin quipped, her audacity eliciting a suppressed chuckle from me. For someone so small, she had guts bigger than mine. 

"Couldn't you two have found a more private place to bathe?!"

I arched an eyebrow. "You're the one who barged into our privacy unannounced, you know."

"Silence!" he hissed, retreating to the safety of A-Un's saddle. From there, he pulled out a colorful length of fabric, tossing it near the river's edge.

"A kimono?"

"Did you truly believe we would allow you to continue wearing such abominable attire?" Jaken questioned, his eyes still firmly shut. "In order to follow Sesshomaru-sama, one must maintain a certain level of presentability!" And presentable it was. As I emerged from the river, I carefully examined the kimono, marveling at its craftsmanship. Scarlet blossoms adorned the sleeves and lower hem, offering a vision of elegance. Admittedly, it would take some time to adjust to traveling in a kimono, but it was a far better option than my ragged clothes.

"Thank you, Jaken," I acknowledged, gazing at the green-scaled demon.

"Just shut up and get dressed!"

When we got back to our campsite, Sesshomaru was already there, waiting for us. He did not look happy. 

Then again, when did he ever? 

Since joining them, Rin and Jaken had regaled me about their master: a prince of an elusive kingdom nestled within the Western pavilion of Japan - a castle veiled from human eyes, accessible only to those with demon blood or granted permission. He stood as the sole heir to the dynasty, his worthiness for the throne tested across countless centuries. As for Sesshomaru's missing arm, that remained a mystery yet to be unveiled.

Witnessing Sesshomaru's disapproving countenance, Jaken immediately prostrated himself, his head bobbing frantically while beads of sweat cascaded down his brow like rain after a drought.

"Please forgive our tardiness, Sesshomaru-sama. The ignorant woman refused to leave the river despite my repeated orders for her and Rin to hasten."

Sesshomaru's gaze bore down upon his subordinate. "And you allowed her to order you like that?"

Caught off guard, Jaken stumbled over his words. "I... umm... well... you see..."

Rin and I couldn't help but stifle our laughter behind him, noting the bulging veins pulsating around his ample head. Sesshomaru moved past Jaken and positioned himself before us, his eyes fixating on me, piercingly.

"I will not tolerate any further delays from you," he said. "Should it happen again, I will leave you behind."

I averted my gaze, refraining from engaging in a futile challenge against his veiled threat. With a sigh, I offered a dismissive wave of my arm.

"Fine." I conceded before making my way toward A-Un, who happily grazed in the grass, blissfully unaware of the tension. Jaken's shrill voice pierced the air. "How dare you show disrespect to His Royal Highness?! Apologize at once!" 

I ignored him.

"Why, you little—" 

"That is enough, Jaken." Sesshomaru intervened as the slight raise in his usual stoic tone sent a shiver down my spine. I figured I pushed the boundaries a bit too far.

"Let's move," Sesshomaru announced, and A-Un growled softly, nudging their snouts toward their back. I swallowed nervously, hesitant to mount the dragon. Rin's hand found mine, and with a reassuring grin, I gathered the courage to climb onto the beast. We embarked on a journey that seemed to stretch for endless hours. Even as the scorching sun cooled into a pool of darkness, Sesshomaru showed no signs of stopping. I marveled at the unwavering stamina of both A-Un and Jaken, although the latter began grunting occasionally in the last hour.

Finally, Sesshomaru brought us to a halt at the top of a hill, where the vast expanse of tall grasses spread before us. I gazed ahead, captivated by the front-seat view of the moon, feeling a sense of comfort gradually enveloping me. I missed the solace of the halo sphere, but I couldn't help but wonder why Sesshomaru would lead us to this open prairie. Wouldn't we be more vulnerable to predators this way?

"It's his scent," Sesshomaru spoke as if he had overheard my silent pondering. Jaken sniffed the air, his expression turning distressed.


Confusion flickered across my face. Was it customary in this era to give such horrifying names to their children? A sudden powerful gust of wind erupted, sending the imp flying and causing a sleeping Rin to be jolted off A-Un's saddle. I caught her in time before her head could hit the ground, and gently placed her beside A-Un's front leg. As the wind subsided, a woman materialized before us, clad in a white and crimson patterned robe.

"Yo," she greeted Sesshomaru. Jaken, taken aback by her informal greeting, was about to unleash another scolding remark, but he held his tongue when the strange woman continued to speak.

"It has been a long time, Sesshomaru. I assumed it was Naraku's scent that led you here."

The prince grunted. "Wind sorceress Kagura, I recall?"

Sorceress? I might as well believe the tooth fairy and Jack Frost at this point.

Kagura regarded Sesshomaru with an amused expression as if flattered that a handsome prince had remembered her name. But that fleeting sense of satisfaction dissipated quickly when Sesshomaru tightened his grip on the hilt of his demonic blade, Tokijin. Kagura frowned. "Take your hand off your sword, Sesshomaru. I did not come here to fight." She approached him, closing the distance between them. "I'm here to offer you a deal."

Now it was Sesshomaru's turn to look intrigued. "And what sort of deal from Naraku's flesh would interest me?"

Kagura extended her palm, revealing tiny crystal shards that emitted a pink glow.

"The Shikon jewel shards," Sesshomaru realized.

Kagira nodded. "Even a minuscule fragment of the jewel would grant you unimaginable abilities. Here's my proposition, Sesshomaru: I will give you these jewel shards, and in return, you will kill Naraku."

Jaken gasped, shocked by the audacity of the sorceress's request.

"Free me from his grip," she continued. "You possess the power to do it, and once you slay him, all the Shikon jewel shards he possesses will be yours." An evil grin spread across her face. "Imagine the power you could wield; you would be unstoppable."

Sesshomaru's gaze remained unwavering. "Do you intend to betray Naraku?"

Kagura scoffed. "It's not as if I ever desired to be under his command." She straightened her back, a glimmer of hope shining in her scarlet eyes. "So, what do you say, Sesshomaru? Teaming up with me doesn't sound like such a bad idea." But as quickly as the offer was presented, the prince dismissed it without hesitation. 

"Unfortunately, I hold no interest in the jewels, nor do I share your concerns about Naraku. If you wish to be free from his control, then use the shards yourself and eliminate Naraku on your own." His words cut through the air like a chilling winter breeze, undeterred by the fiery glare Kagura directed at him.

"Do you fear Naraku?" She hissed through gritted teeth.

"I'm stating that I am under no obligation to assist you."

I winced at his response. Rejection was never an enjoyable experience. Yet, the irony was not lost on me. By taking me in, wasn't Sesshomaru already helping me find my way back home?

"If you lack the resolve to act alone, sorceress, don't even consider betrayal from the start."

"Coward!" Kagura spat. "And you dare call yourself a man!"Her gaze shifted away from Sesshomaru and landed on me, her crimson eyes piercing into my blue ones.

"I see you have welcomed another human." Kagura plucked a feather from her neatly-tied bun, which expanded into a boat-sized ride. "I have misjudged you, Sesshomaru."

As soon as her silhouette vanished, Rin woke up, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to wake herself fully. "Did I miss anything?" she asked, oblivious to the weighty conversation that had just taken place. Jaken's murmurs faded into the background as Sesshomaru stepped away from the cliff's edge, followed by A-Un and the imp. The silence lingered until a low growl erupted from my stomach. I blushed, instinctively placing a hand over my belly. Sesshomaru and Jaken glanced at me, unamused, while Rin couldn't help but giggle.

"You seem to get hungry pretty quickly," she remarked.

"Sorry," I mumbled, feeling slightly embarrassed. Rin shook her head reassuringly. "No need to worry. I remember seeing some berries on our way here. We can go back and get some. It's not too far." She informed Jaken and Sesshomaru before taking hold of A-Un's reins and leading us in the direction of the berries. I held onto the saddle tightly as the dragon took flight. Heights were never my strong suit, and riding a dragon with only a child to hold onto didn't help calm my nerves. Luckily, it didn't take us long to find the luscious fruits adorning the overgrown bushes like festive decorations. Rin eagerly grabbed a handful and began devouring them as if it was her last meal. Apparently, I wasn't the only one feeling ravenous.

"Hey, Rin," I called out, plucking a red berry and popping it into my mouth. The young girl turned to look at me, her mouth full of berries and stained with indigo juice. The sight almost made me snort.

"What exactly is a sacred jewel shard? And who is this Naraku person?" I asked, curiosity piqued.

Swallowing her food, Rin replied, "Rin isn't entirely sure. Rin has only heard Jaken-sama mention once that the Shikon jewel shards are extremely powerful. Even a single shard can enhance your power by this much!" She demonstrated with wide outstretched arms. "Rin doesn't know much about Naraku either, but Lord Sesshomaru has been tracking him down even before Rin joined."

I nodded, gaining some understanding. It seemed that whoever Naraku was, he posed a substantial threat. As I was about to reach for another berry, Rin spoke again.

"Yuna-san, what's your family like?"

"My family?" I repeated, taken aback by the question.

Rin nodded eagerly.

A warm smile spread across my face as I thought of them. It would take more than a single night to recount all the memories and love I shared with them. So, I summed it up with one word.

"A blessing," I said, emphasizing the profound gratitude I felt toward the Higurashis. "I'm not related to them by blood—I was adopted when I was a baby—but they raised me as if I had always been their own." And I missed them dearly.

"What about you, Rin? Where is your family now?" I inquired, genuinely curious.

A shadow crossed Rin's face, and the spark in her eyes dimmed. It was evident that I had touched on a sensitive topic. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to," I quickly added, sensing her discomfort. Could she also be an orphan?

"My family was killed," Rin revealed, shocking me with her candidness. "We were traveling one morning in search of food when a group of bandits attacked us. They murdered my father, mother, and brother right before me. I was lucky enough to survive by climbing a nearby tree." A somber silence settled over the forest as we mourned Rin's lost family. Facing demons and danger was one thing, but witnessing the brutal slaughter of your loved ones at such a young age was unimaginable.

"I still have nightmares about it sometimes," Rin continued, her voice filled with a mix of pain and resilience. "But ever since Lord Sesshomaru saved me, the nightmares have gotten better and better."

"He saved you from the bandits?" I asked, amazed by the depth of Sesshomaru's actions.

Rin shook her head. "The day after the attack, I found my way back to our village, but..." She paused, her voice trembling with lingering trauma. She hugged her knees tightly, attempting to find the strength to finish her sentence, but the memories were still too raw, too painful. Instinctively, I placed my hand on her head, offering comfort. She seemed surprised at first but soon relaxed, understanding the gesture was meant to soothe.

"My mom used to pat my head when I was sad," Rin smiled, finding solace in the familiar gesture.

"So does mine," I replied, grateful that we could share a connection of comfort. I waited patiently, allowing her to continue when she was ready.

"One day, a tribe of wolf demons attacked our village, killing everyone, including me."

Disbelief and astonishment painted my face. "You... died?"

Rin nodded. "Sesshomaru-sama's sword, the one he always carries but never uses, brought me back to life!" My jaw dropped. A sword with the power to resurrect the dead? "How is that even possible?" I wondered aloud, amazed by the limitless capabilities of this era.

Rin shrugged, her innocence shining through. "I'm not entirely sure. All I know is that I owe my life to Sesshomaru-sama, and I hope I can stay with him forever and ever!" Her cheerful demeanor returned, but I remained sitting, captivated by the revelations. There was more to Sesshomaru than his cold exterior and the world I found myself in held wonders beyond imagination. The night couldn't get any more surprising, could it?

Suddenly, a rustling sound emerged from the trees behind us. Before either of us could react, a massive arm snatched me from the ground. Our screams pierced the once-quiet night.


The force exerted on my body was overwhelming. My screams faded into feeble whimpers as stars danced in my vision. I tried to call out to Rin, urging her to run, but the grip on me was too tight. Darkness enveloped my senses, and my consciousness slipped away.


The repulsive stench of the cyclops assaulted Sesshomaru's senses even before the girls' screams reached his ears. Reacting swiftly, he soared through the air, his blade already drawn, and delivered a powerful strike to the giant beast, leaving a deep gash across its cheek.

"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin exclaimed in relief as the prince gracefully descended before her.

"Leave this place," he commanded. "You will only hinder me."

"But Yuna-san-"

"I will handle her," he interjected. "Go."

Rin hesitated briefly, knowing that she would only be a burden in the midst of the battle. She hurriedly sought out Jaken and A-Un, silently praying for the safe return of Sesshomaru and Yuna.

Sesshomaru unsheathed Tokijin and charged at the demon once again, but the cyclops proved more cunning than he had anticipated. Swiftly, it shielded itself with the hand that held Yuna, narrowly avoiding harm from Sesshomaru's blade. An incredulous scoff escaped his lips. If brute strength wouldn't prevail, perhaps speed and agility would be his key to victory. Taking a deep breath, he focused his energy. With lightning speed, he struck the cyclops with tremendous force, targeting its belly. The blow weakened the demon's grip on Yuna, launching her into the air. Sesshomaru swiftly caught her and gently placed her back on the ground, positioning her safely away from the ongoing battle. A quick assessment of her condition revealed no severe injuries, but bruises were sure to surface by morning. His attention then returned to the cyclops.

If looks alone could kill, the cyclops would crumble to the ground, lifeless as a ragged doll. Roaring in fury, it hurled boulders in Sesshomaru's direction. With agility and precision, he evaded each projectile, mindful of Yuna's unconscious form as he landed. Tokijin was unsheathed once more, his demonic energy surging through the blade. The silver metal shimmered, crackling with electric sparks along its edge. Thunder crackled in the air, forming a cerulean dragon behind Sesshomaru.

"Dragon strike!" he commanded.

In response, the dragon descended upon the ground with devastating force, unleashing a cataclysmic burst of azure lightning that razed everything in its path, including the one-eyed demon. With a final cry, the cyclops disintegrated into fragments.

As the thunderous clouds dissipated, Sesshomaru approached the small pile of ash that remained in place of the fallen monster. A disquieting churn stirred within his gut. Cyclopes were rare creatures, usually confined to the far eastern reaches of Japan. Furthermore, they were solitary beings who preferred to remain unseen rather than make a scene. His brow furrowed in contemplation. Something had led the demon to their location. But what? Sesshomaru's gaze shifted to Yuna, still unconscious despite the chaos that had unfolded.

"So that is why..." he murmured, finally understanding the scent she carried.


"I feel pathetic."  I deserved the eye roll Jaken gave me.

"Barely three days and you are an even greater burden than Rin," he said. His remark led to a series of arguments between Rin and Jaken. I didn't stick long enough to find who'd win the pointless debate. I sought refuge at the nearby river and sat beside the cataracts that muffled my sobs. I never cried often growing up. As the eldest, it was natural for me to act as the tough one of the bunch - to play the role of the protector and caretaker of my younger siblings. It had been that way since Dad died. Mom told me I would be a great mother one day, too. But all the more did moments like this make me realize, I had forced myself to grow up too quickly. I was just a girl, barely sixteen, and had found myself lost in a world I didn't belong in.

"I just want to go home," I whispered to myself, hoping whatever deity existed above the clouds would hear my quiet plea. If demons existed, surely they do too.

"Pathetic." A sudden voice spoke behind me. I sighed. Was it also too much to ask to be left alone?

"Are you here to prove Jaken's point?" I didn't bother to look at Sesshomaru.

"I'm surprised you allowed a harmless creature like him to affect you so."

"He's right though, isn't he?" That I was nothing more but a weak and helpless child.

"Only if you remain here to sulk."

I scoffed. What else was I supposed to do? Both he and Jaken weren't exactly the warmest or most welcoming people to be around. Rin was a kid, although she was bright for her age, and A-Un was nothing but an oversized scaly puppy.

"Why are you here, Sesshomaru?"

"We're heading out," he answered.

"And you still want me around?" I tried not to sound too surprised. Sesshomaru narrowed his eyes at me. "I have no desire for you to be around; that decision is entirely up to you."

I didn't really have much of a choice. I would be more likely to survive to get back home if I stuck around, but what if the same thing could happen again? What if I put Rin in danger again? What if a bigger, more menacing demon catches me again? What if Sesshomaru failed to rescue me? But then I recalled the way he handled the ghouls, the cunningness of his skills, and the tenacity of his movements. One would think he was dancing if it weren't for the blood and corpses plaguing the dance floor. Ruthless and merciless. That was the field I was playing in, whether I liked it or not. I wasn't given a choice, but I did want to live. As I heard his feet shuffle to leave, I called out after him.


The first time I asked for help, Sesshomaru rejected me without hesitation. I wouldn't be surprised if he were to reject what I was about to ask from him, but it was worth a try.

"Can you teach me how to fight?"

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