Gryffindor Princess and the P...

By snow_potter

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Hope Dumbledore is a witch! And a unique one at that. Hope will be entering her third year at Hogwarts school... More

Chapter One: Summer Holidays
Chapter Two: The Second Encounter
Chapter Three: The Phone Booth
Chapter Four: Living at Malfoy Manor
Chapter Five: The Leaky Cauldron
Chapter Six: The Hogwarts Express
Chapter Seven: Hippogriffs
Chapter Eight: Facing a Boggart
Chapter Nine: Quidditch
Chapter Ten: The Dementors
Chapter Eleven: Breath
Chapter Twelve: Christmas
Chapter Thirteen: Private Lessons
Chapter Fifteen: Starting a Joke Shop
Chapter Sixteen: The Quidditch Final
Chapter Seventeen: Third Year Exams
Chapter Eighteen: The Shrieking Shack
Chapter Nineteen: Peter Pettigrew
Chapter Twenty: What really happened
Chapter Twenty One: The Escape
Chapter Twenty Two: Confundus Charms
Chapter Twenty Three: The Time Turner
Chapter Twenty Four: Order of Merlin revoked

Chapter Fourteen: Gryffindor Versus Ravenclaw

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By snow_potter

It appeared that Hope had missed quite the fight while in her lessons yesterday. According to Ron Scabbers was now missing and he was convinced that Crookshanks had finally managed to snuff him out. Hermione however simply scoffed at these accusations and suggested that Ron should look under things.

She was furious for the rest of the next few days she would go on about how he's never liked Crookshanks and that he had no real proof that Crookshanks had done anything at all to his rat.

Unfortunately Harry had tried to point out to Hermione that all the evidence had pointed towards Crookshanks eating Scabbers and that he was sure he'd done it.

"Of course you'd take his side", she'd snapped, "first the Firebolt now Scabbers! Everything's my fault! Leave me alone Harry I've got a lot of work to do."

While Hope did believe that Ron had always been very unfair to Crookshanks, he did seem to be taking the loss of his rat rather hard.

"Come on, Ron, you were always saying how boring Scabbers was", said Fred, in an attempt to cheer him up, "he's been off-colour for ages, he was wasting away. It was probably better for him to be snuffed out quick - I bet he didn't feel a thing."

"Fred!", Said Ginny.

"All he did was eat and sleep, you said it yourself", said George.

"He bit Goyle for us once", Ron said, miserably, "remember Harry?"

"His finest hour", said Fred, unable to keep a straight face, "let the scar on Goyle's finger stand as a lasting tribute to his memory- oh come on Ron get yourself down to Hogsmeade and buy a new rat, what's the point of moaning."

"Fred!", Said Hope.

Harry had been given his Firebolt back by McGonagall so that evening the team took turns riding it during practice. The broom was fast that Harry was almost just a blur of red and gold zooming around the quidditch pitch.

Alica Spinnet had turned up to practice as well, fully dressed in quidditch gear. Everyone on the team had seemed excited to see her and were more than keen to let her practice with them. As they were running a practice game Wood suggested that Hope go and sit with Ron and watched how the Chasers interacted with each other.

"It'll be good to see how their supposed to work together properly", he told her, "see how they know where the other player is going to be before they even get there."

She huffed off rather angrily and sat up in the stands with Ron. He hadn't said anything when she'd sat down, having a good idea of what had happened. She watched the team go through their practice, no one came over to call her back, and she made no attempt to rejoin. Alica was cheering and whooping wildly with the team as they played, she spent an awful lot of time hanging around George Weasley as well which didn't seem to improve Hopes mood.

Finally the practice ended and the team grouped up to talk. Hope was still up in the stands. Feeling rather fed up and finished with quidditch practice for the night, Hope told Ron she felt sick and that she was going to go to bed. She stomped off the stands taking the stair case at the back, so as not to continue seeing her team mates.

Feeling far to pent up to actually go to bed she decided to go for a walk around the grounds. Dragging her broom behind her she set off around the lake, kicking at pebbles and watching them fly into the water.

As she approached the Womping Willow (the tree that Ron and Harry had hit with a flying car the previous year) she noticed a large shape outlined in the darkness. It was hard to make it out but she could just seem to see the outline of what looked to be a very large shaggy dog. The dog raised it's head into the air and gave a sniff. Menacingly it's yellow glowing eyes turned to look straight at her.

It snarled showing off its large pointed teeth. She froze where she stood, trying to remember if it was best to run away from a dog or play dead. It stared at her for what seemed like hours, she hardly dared to breath as it looked at her. It seemed to be studying her, as if she was a face he'd seen before but couldn't quite remember where from.

Finally the dog turned it's head away from her and trotted back towards the Womping Willow. Still feeling as if she could hardly breath Hope dashed back to the castle as fast as she was willing to go, without breaking into a run.

When she made it to the Common Room she dashed upstairs, only sparing a glance at the Weasley twins, who'd both stood up when she'd entered. She rushed to Hermione, who'd been reading on her bed, and pushed the book out of her hands.

"I think I just saw Professor Lupin", she panted, now realizing quite how tired she was.

"You... Saw Professor Lupin? Is he on Patrol tonight?"

"No... I - I think I saw him... As a werewolf", she whispered the last word, despite that no one else was in the room with them.

Hermione's mouth fell open.

"Did you really?", She gasped, "what did it look like."

"Like a great big dog", she told her, "bigger than any dog I've ever seen. And it had great big yellow eyes and huge teeth."

She told Hermione about the entire interaction she'd had with the werewolf.

"How terrifying", Hermione said, "well I'm glad your okay. Professor Lupin must have taken his potion or I doubt you'd have been able to walk away."

"Thank goodness for Professor Snape."

She got undressed and climbed into bed. Still feeling her heart racing from earlier she opened the window and sat infront of it on a reading chair. She cool breeze helped her to relax and she felt herself calming down. As she looked out she couldn't help but watch the stars and the beautifully bright crescent moon.

The next morning the school was a buz. Gryffindor versus Ravenclaw. Hope had hardly been able to sleep that night, and she'd awoken far earlier than anyone else in the dormitory. She'd gone to breakfast early hoping to eat before anyone else arrived, but found that many people clearly were too excited to sleep either.

Soon enough Harry came down, carrying his Firebolt in hand. This attracted nearly everyone from all over the hall to come over the them and examine it.

"Sure you can manage that broom, Potter", Draco Malfoy had arrived, Crabbe and Goyle right behind him.

"Yeah, reckon so", Harry said casually.

"Got plenty of special features, hasn't it?", Malfoy had a look of malicious intent on his face, "shame it doesn't come with a parachute - in case you get too near another Dementor."

"Shut up Malfoy", Hope said, "why do you have to be such a prick? We all know your just Jealous."

"Jealous?", Malfoy scoffed, "of what? Having a feinting fit every time a Dementor gets near me? Or of sneaking onto the quidditch team by being the headmasters daughter?"

Hope felt herself grow hot.

"Maybe you should try attaching an extra arm to your broom, Malfoy", said Harry, "that could catch the snitch for you."

The Gryffindor team laughed loudly and Malfoy stalked away, his eyes narrowed.

"Don't listen to that git", Fred Weasley leaned over to her, from the other side of the table, "we all know your talent is what got you on the team."

"Being Dumbledore's daughters got nothing to do with it", George agreed.

As Hope looked over at him she saw Alica once again at his side, but this time she saw their hands intertwined sitting on the table, and suddenly got the urge to be sick.

The weather for this game was absolutely perfect. There wasn't a cloud in sight and the sun was shining brighter than ever.

"You know what we've got to do", said Wood, as they all prepared to leave the locker rooms, "if we lose this match, we're out of the running, just - just fly like you did in practice yesterday, and we'll be okay."

They walked out onto the pitch listening to the thunderous roaring of the crowd eager to watch the match. She walked next to the other chasers, neither seemed to be particularly interested in talking to her.

They lined up in front of the Ravenclaw chasers as the captains shook hands. Michael Corner, a boy in her year, flashed a smile at her before mounting his broom. She heard one of the Weasley twins scoff behind her.

"And their off!" Lee Jordan roared.

Hope flew down the pitch as Angelina Johnson grabbed the quaffle and tossed it to Katie Bell. Katie dodged one of the chasers on the Ravenclaw team and hurtled down field towards the goal. Hope swerved to avoid a bludger and dove as Katie tossed the quaffle to her and it fell to low. She managed to scoop it up but was now flying much further down that the goal post. She willed her broom back upwards and threw the quaffle towards Katie who tried to grab it but Micheal dove forwards and snatched it away.

"Corners got the Quaffle now! He dodges Dumbledore and Johnson! What a move he's really going all out here and - Oohh hit by a bludger from the Gryffindor beaters, excellent play! But Ravenclaw pick it up again! They swoop down toward the end goal! Excellent save by Wood! Dumbledores got the Quaffle. She absolutely blisters past the Ravenclaw team! She passes to Bell! She scores! Ten nothing to Gryffindor."

The Gryffindor supporters screamed and whooped in delight as they did a victory lap of the field. The play continued on. They managed to score four more goals while Ravenclaw only scored three giving them a twenty point advantage.

"Potters spotted the snitch! He's going for it! Ooohh cut off by the Ravenclaw chaser Cho Chang!"

"Don't be a Gentleman Harry!" Wood yelled, "knock her off her broom!"

The game continued and Hope began to get tired. The hot sun was making it hard to see and it was clear everyone was starting to feel fatigued.

"Enough Harry!" She called, "just catch the snitch already so I can have a shower!"

"You think I'm not trying!"

She grabbed the Quaffle from Angelina and sped toward the goal post. Micheal dove towards her, his hand outstretched ready to take the Quaffle. She tried to dodge to the side at the last moment, but he moved too and the tip of his broom ramed into her shoulder. She screamed in pain and dropped the Quaffle. Her shoulder remained bent backwards, far past what was natural. Breathing heavily she collapsed off her broom onto her knees, not daring to touch her shoulder. Micheal landed beside her apologising over and over. She heard the whistle blast and Madam Hooch came down to check on her, Wood beside her.

The pain was so great she felt sure she was going to pass out as the three people turned into a swimming crowd in front of her.

"Let's get you to Madam Pompfrey" said a red headed lump.

"Alicia!" She heard someone call, "we need you!"

She shook her head, hard, and the lumps turned back into people. Alicia Spinnet was running towards them broom in hand. Fred and Harry were in front of her, and helped her up, being careful not to touch her shoulder.

She walked to the side of the pitch where Madam Pompfrey was waiting with a stretcher.

"Dangerous sport" she said, "I don't know how Dumbledore could allow a student to participate in something like this."

Hope didn't really listen as Madam Promprey continued talking. Instead she was watching the match. The game had restarted and the Gryffindor team already had possession of the Quaffle. This time when Katie threw the Quaffle Alicia was already diving for it, and was able to pull up and keep going with ease.

Harry suddenly pulled out into a steep dive, Cho Chang on his heels. But Harry was too fast. He grabbed the snitch and pulled up, a huge smile plastered on his face.

The party in the Gryffindor common room was set to be the largest one Hope had ever seen. Madam Pomprey had set her shoulder right in a matter of minutes and Micheal Corner had been waiting for her eager to apologise once again.

He walked her back up to the castle still feverishly apologising. Once she'd assured him she held no I'll feeling and that her shoulder was absolute fine they began discussing the quidditch match.

"I had no idea you were such a good flier Dumbledore", he said, "I mean I saw you at the match against Hufflepuff, but seeing it today was totally different. How long have you been flying for ?"

"Only since the summer holidays", she told him, "When I was staying with the Malfoys they had this -"

"The Malfoys?", Micheal repeated, "I had no idea you were friends with him? Aren't he and Potter in some sort of arch enemy rivalry?"

"I wouldn't say friends" she replied, "he's my cousin you see."

"How awful" said Micheal, "I would hate being related to that slimy git."

Hope suddenly wished the journey back to the common room was shorter.

"Not that it's your fault of course" Micheal said hastily, "I'm sure he's probably much better to you than everyone else."

"He's not", Hope said flatly.

She said goodbye to Micheal and walked the rest of the way back to the common room alone. Inside there was food and loud music and people celebrating everywhere. Harry was surrounded by people telling him what a wonderful job he'd done. She found Hermione in the corner of the room books spread out everywhere trying to read a rather large one.

"Did you come to the match?", Hope asked, having to yell over the crowd.

"Of course I did", Hermione replied, "I though you were great. But I've got to finish four hundred pages of this for our muggle studies test this Monday!"

"Hermione we were assigned to read that book ages ago. What's going on? Your never this disorganized."

"Oh I know", sighed and finally looked up from her book, "It's just with all the subjects I'm taking it's difficult to find time for all the workload."

"Did you even come to the match?", Harry had now come over to them.

"Of course she did", Hope said.

"Well then why aren't you two enjoying the festivities. Come have some food."

"He doesn't want me to", Hermione glanced over at Ron.

At that moment Ron said loudly.

"If Scabbers hadn't just been eaten he could've had some of those Fudge Flies. He used to really like them."

Hermione burst into tears and rushed up to the girls dormitories sobbing.

"Do you have to be such as arse Ronald?", Hope glared at him.

"Can't you give her a break?", Harry asked.

"No", Ron said flatly, "she's not even acting like she's sorry - she'll never admit she's wrong, Hermione. She's acting like Scabbers has gone on vacation or something."

Not feeling like watching Alica and George dancing together any longer Hope retreated early to bed, where she found Hermione already asleep.

She felt as if she'd just managed to get herself to sleep when she heard a loud yell and nearly fell out of bed. Instinctively, she grabbed her wand and rushed down stairs. The common room was empty when she arrived, only the dying embers of the fireplace illuminated the room. She saw the portrait hole swinging shut, as someone had just left it. Suddenly Harry, Ron and the rest of the third year boys appeared from the staircase to the boys dormitory.

"What's going on?", She asked them at once. All of them were rather pale, Ron in particular.

"Are you sure you weren't dreaming, Ron?", Harry asked.

"I'm telling you I saw him!"

"What's all the noise?" Many of the other girls came down from the stairs now.

"Excellent, are we carrying on?", Fred Weasley rubbed his hands together.

"Everyone back upstairs!", Percy Weasley hurried in, pinning his Head Boy badge to his pajamas.

"Perce - Sirius Black!", Ron said faintly, "in our dormitory! With a knife! Woke me up!"

The common room went silent.

"Nonsense!", Said Percy, "just a nightmare Ron -"

"I'm telling you -"

"Now, really, enough's enough!"

Professor McGonagall appeared in the portrait hole, staring furiously around.

"I too am delighted Gryffindor won the match, but this is getting ridiculous. Percy - I expect better of you."

"I certainly didn't authorise this!", Said Percy indignatly, "My brother Ron had a nightmare. I was just telling them all to go back to bed."


McGonagall went pale.

"Don't be ridiculous, Weasley, how could he possibly have gotten though the portrait hole?", She said.

"No he's telling the truth", Hope spoke up, feeling the eyes of the entire house staring at her, "I saw him too."

"You-", McGonagall's eyes widened, she marched outside and stood infront of Sir Cadogan. The whole common room listened with bated breath, "did you just let a man enter Gryffindor Tower?"

"Certainly, good lady!", Cried Sir Cadogan.

"You - you did?", There was a stunned silence, "but - but the password!"

"He had 'em!", Sir Cadogan said proudly, "the whole week's, my lady! Read em' off a little piece of paper!"

Professor climbed back throught the portrait hole, white as a sheet.

"Which person", she said, her voice shaking, "which foolish person wrote down this week's passwords and left them lying around?"

There was a silence. And slowly. A trembling Neville Longbottom raised his hand into the air.

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