My Strict Professor Husband (...

By Daydreamers1319

765K 44.3K 44.7K

This is the story of a innocent college boy and his super strict professor husband. Both of them are complete... More

Chapter -1
Chapter - 2
Chapter - 4
Chapter - 5
Chapter - 6
Chapter - 7
Chapter - 8
Chapter - 9
Chapter - 10
Author's Note
Author's Note :
Author's Note
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Author's Note ( Birthdays ๐ŸŽ‚)
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Author's Note :
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Author's Birthday (19th June)
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
100K + reads Q/A
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Author's Note
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapters 82
Chapter 83
Happy New Year 2024
Chapter 84
Chapter 85
Chapter 86
Chapter 87
Chapter 88
Happy 1st Anniversary ๐Ÿฅณ
Chapter 89
Chapter 90
Chapter 91
Chapter 92
Chapter 93
Chapter 94
Chapter 95
Chapter 96
Chapter 97
Chapter 98
Chapter 99
Chapter 100
Chapter 101
Author's Note
Chapter 102
Chapter 103
Chapter 104
Chapter 105
Chapter 106
Chapter 107
Chapter 108
Chapters 109
Chapter 110
Chapter 111
Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰ & Author's B'day
Chapter 112
Chapter 113
Congratulations ๐ŸŽ‰
Chapter 114
Chapter 115
Chapter 116
Chapter 117
Chapter 118
Chapter 119
Chapter 120
Chapter 121
Chapter 122

Chapter 30

5.5K 292 566
By Daydreamers1319

  A/N  POV  : 

Yoongi and Tae both made their partners happy by their surprise . Yoongi's surprise was Cute and Adorable  just like Jimin 🐣 Whereas Tae's surprise was Romanticjust like Kook wants .

Both JiKook were very happy to get their surprise .

Jimin happily had his healthy food dinner without any complaints because he was very happy to get Chimmy . Due to happiness , even healthy food seemed like the most tastiest food to him .

On the other hand with Taekook , Tae took Kook in his room while picking him bridal style . Let's see what happens next to them ?

In Tae's room :

Tae dropped Kook on his bed and went to take shower 🚿 .

( Of course he hast to take shower . I don't think I need to explain the reason . You all are enough mature to know 😉 . But our naughty Bunny has other plans in his mind . He wants to tease Tae . So he called Tae's mom to complain about him. )

  OTP  : 

Kook (whispering tone) : Hello Eomma !

T/M (big smile) : Hello Kookie ! How are you my little Bun ?

Kook (whispered) : I'm fine Eomma . I misssssssssssssssss you sooooo much .

T/M : Awwww Eomma miss you too baby .

Kook (whispered) : Eomma are you sleeping ?

T/M : No baby , here is day . Did you forget ?

Kook (whispered) : Ohhhh Yeah I forgot .

T/M : It's ok Son , But why are you whispering ?

Kook (whispered) : Because Tae Tae is taking shower .

T/M : So ?

Kook (whispered) : So , I don't want he listens to our conversation . Our conversation is top secret . Shhh don't tell this to anyone .

T/M (smile at his cute baby behaviour) : Ohhhh ok I will not tell this to anyone . Tell me what happened ?

Kook (whispered) : Eomma I wanna do a complaint about Tae Tae .

T/M : Complaint ? Now what that useless Prof did ? Did he scold or punish you without any reason ? Tell me if he did anything like this . I will not spare him .

Kook (whispered) : Nooooo Nooooo Eomma . He didn't did anything like this .

T/M : Then what he did ?

Kook (whispered) : Tell him everything except today's Romantic Dinner Date .

T/M : How dare he to do this to my cute , little , .......

Kook (whispered) : Eomma ..... Innocent too .

T/M : Yeah Yeah innocent too . How dare he to do this to my Cute , Little , Innocent , Baby , Bun ?

Kook (whispered) : Eomma I want you do this with him .

T/M : What Son ? Tell me what you want ? I will do according to you .

Kook (whispered) : Then listen what you have to do ? ( He tell her his whole plan )

T/M : Perfect .

Kook (whispered) : Ok Eomma now I cut the call . Love you ❤️

T/M : Love you too Son . Take care of yourself .❤️

  Call Ended 

  Time skipped after 10 mins :

Tae came into his room and saw Kook was giggling .

Tae (while wiping his hairs with towel) : What happened Kook ? Why are you giggling ?

Kook : No... Nothing.... Can't I giggle ?

Tae : No , you can but without any reason.... don't you think it strange ?

Kook : No , not for me .

Tae : Ok . Now go and take shower . Then sleep we have college tomorrow . (throwed his wet towel on Kook's face)

Kook (made disgusting face) : Ewwww 🤢 Why you throw your dirty towel on me ?

Tae (widened his eyes) : Dirty towel ! I just wipe my hairs with this . You never said this when .... Cut off

Kook : Yeah it's dirty now .

Tae (evil smirk 😏 ) : Then let me make you full dirty ..... (start coming towards him)

Kook (screamed) : have to take shower . (ran from there while shouting)

Tae (smiled) : He is so cute .

( After taking the bath . Kook came there and they both slept together while cuddling . )

  Time skip at Morning :

In Jikook's College :

JiKook were in their class . It's their last lecture before the Lunch break . Let's see what happens with them .

Jimin : Kookie what happened Yesterday ?

Kook : Yesterday 🤔🤔🤔 Nothing happened to Yesterday . But why are you asking ?

Jimin : I mean You and Sir , solve your matter ?

Kook : Ohhh that ! Yeah we solved . He took me to the Romantic Dinner date . So , I forgive him .

Jimin : That's Good .

( Bell rings indicating to end the Lecture . )

Prof : So , class this lecture is end here . We will discuss it's process in next class . Don't forget to do your assignments .

( Prof left the class )

Kook (yawn) : What a boring lecture !

Jimin : Yeah true .

Kook : Come Chim let's have some Ramen 🍜 🍜 for today's lunch . I haven't eaten for a long time .

Jimin (sad pout) : I can't eat Kookie .

Kook (confused) : Can't eat but why ? Ramen noodle is your favourite right ?

Jimin : Yeah it's my favourite but Yoon strictly told me to not eat anything unhealthy . You know I haven't eaten Ramen noodles  🍜 since I've been living with him . 😭😭😭😭😭

Kook (angry) : Don't worry Chim . I will buy lots of Ramen 🍜🍜🍜 for you . Just come with me .

Jimin : But Yoon .......

( He hold Jimin's hand and start dragging him towards the Cafeteria for their Lunch . )

  In the Cafeteria  : 

He dragged Jimin in Cafeteria and made him sit on the empty chair and went to buy their lunch . He came back with Ramen noodles 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜 and gave them to Jimin . Jimin's eyes start shining to see them and his mouth start watering by just their smell . 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

Jimin (started eating) : It's so delicious . I can finish all of these by myself .

Kook : You are that much hungry ?

Jimin : I only eat various types of grasses and weird types of juices . I hate all of those things .

Kook (mad) : Then why did you eat that ? You should have refused . He can't force you to eat .

Jimin : No Kook , you again took him wrong . He didn't force me . Usually he cook delicious delicious food for me but yesterday I had stomachache so he gave me only healthy food to eat and you know he himself eat that healthy food too .

Kook (more mad) : You are my Bestie or his ?

Jimin : Is this something to ask? Of course I'm your one an only Bestie .

Kook : Then why you take his side ? I don't like him . (big pout)

( This is a true story . I got many little sis . So there is a girl , super cute . Whenever I talked with any other girl nicely or gave others nicknames . She got jealous and always said “ Now you don't love me , go and talk with your ......... (nickname) , Why you gave her nickname ? You are only my Unnie .” She got jealous so cutely . She is 18+ but behave like 8 yrs but only in front of me . I'm sure you all must be experienced this type of situation . )

Jimin : Kookie I forgot to tell you one thing .

Kook (😒) : What ?

Jimin : Yesterday , I get a new friend .

Kook : New friend ?

Jimin : Yeah New friend .

Kook : Is he cute ?

Jimin (while eating) : Yeah he is super cute . I am so happy to get him . You know I hugged him Yesterday and now he will always stay with me in my new home (Yoonmin Mansion) .

( He was talking without even realising his each word made our Jealous Bunny 🐰 more jealous and angry. )

Kook (gritting teeth)  : What did you say ?

Jimin (focus on his Ramen 🍜) : I said now onwards he lives with me in my new home . I'm so excited to do my assignments with him . He is soooo cute .

Kook (snatched Jimin's chopsticks from his hand and put them close to his throat) : You do what ? (said in anger)

( Finally Jimin saw his angry Bunny 🐰 who was ready to kill him anytime .  Seeing him like this he gulped hard and said )

Jimin : Why so angry ?

Kook : Why so angry huh ? You Park Smol Jimin ! You will throw him out from your home . Did it clear ?

Jimin : Ye....Yeah ...... But whom ?

Kook : Your so called new friend with whom you wanna do your assignments .

Jimin : Ohhh you are talking about him ...... But why you wanna throw him ? He doesn't have anyone except me . Please let him stay with me .

Kook : No ..... Never ......

Jimin : But please look at him just for once . I'm sure you will also love him .

Kook : No .... I'm not interested ?

( Jimin forcefully made him see the pic . )

(Kook got shocked to see the pic . In this pic Jimin was with big Chimmy .)

Kook (widened his eyes) : You were talking about him ?

Jimin : Yeah I'm talking about him . Yesterday , Yoon brought this for me and not even this he renovated the Living Room just like before .

Kook (nervously laugh) : Oh...Okey ... Okey.... I thought you made...

Jimin : You thought I made a new friend . How can you think this ? Yoon never allow anyone to live in our home . It's his rule “ Strangers not allow in home . ”

Kook (in mind) : Very good rule, Scary Cat 😺 .

Jimin : You Know how many rules he imposed on me ?

Kook : 10-15 maybe .

Jimin : There are total 45 rules . 15 rules in each 3 catagory . On the first day at night , he told me to follow all the 45 rules . You know I wrote all the 45 rules in my Diary .

Kook : Don't worry Chim . He only told this to scare you .

Jimin : No Kook he is very serious about his each and every rules .

( They both are chit chatting with each other without realising that Someone is watching them and clicking their pics . )

Time skipped after the Lunch break  :

Jikook were attending the class . They both were forgot about their mini exam which were held before their vacation . And today is the result day .

Prof : So class today is your result day . Your result have been put on the notice board . Don't forget to check .

Jikook (look at eachother) : RESULT !

( They both went to Notice Board to check their result respectively . Well they both know they didn't did well in their exams so result must be bad . )

Jimin : Kook why are you taking so much time to check out results ? Don't tell me we were fail .

Kook : Chim we aren't fail . But just get passing marks . I think professor just pass us . I'm very scared now . 😨 Sir will definitely punish me hard . Last time he gave me warning that if I ever get less marks then he will punish me in worst way . And I have got 50 marks less than previous exam .

Jimin : You have Eomma (Tae's mom) to save you from Sir's anger but look at me . I don't have anyone to save me . Yoon will probably kill me . Last time it was Professor's mistake that's why he let me go but this time I can't even imagine what will he do with me .

( They both sat on nearby seats and thinking the way to get out from this situation . Just then a boy came to them and start teasing them . )

Mark : Hey poor boy (Jimin) ! Why are you sad ? (touched Jimin's face)

Kook (removed his hand from Jimin's face) : Stay in your limits Mark . (warned him)

Mark : I'm not talking to you . Then why are you interfering between us ?

(Kook was ready to throw his hand on him but Jimin stopped him .) 

Jimin : Leave him Kook .

Mark : Hey poor boy tell me what happened ? Did you again get less marks ? (laughing)

Jimin : You don't need to worry about my marks Rich boy . Everyone knows how you get good marks .

Mark : What did you say ?

Jimin : Exactly what you listen .

Mark : You....You.....

Kook (comes in between) : Yes .... Tell .... What you ?

Mark : Look Kook , I don't have any problem with you . So , move aside . I only want that poor boy who start talking so much .

Kook : And what if I don't ?

Mark : Then I don't have any other option .

(He start walking to Jimin but Kook punch 👊 him on his face and his nose started bleeding . Jimin wasn't less than Kook . Instead of stopping him he also start fighting with him . They both were beating Mark mercilessly . Mark fights back but he was alone and Jikook were two . Jikook also get little scratches but Mark's face were bleeding . They beated him till he passed out . Just then a boy ran to them and said )

Boy : Jimin ..... Kook...... Principal Sir was calling both of you in his office .

Jikook : Oh ok Thank you . We will meet him . Thanks for informing us .

( Jikook left from there and went to Principal Office . )

  At Principal's Office : 

They knocked the door and asked the permission before entering inside . After getting permission they both get inside and stand in front for him (Principal) . They both were looking so innocent . Nobody can say that just few mins ago they mercilessly beated a boy .

Jimin : Sir , You call us ?

Principal : Yeah . Tell me what's wrong with you two ?

Jimin : I didn't understand Sir , What are you talking about ?

Principal (angry) : Don't act innocently , I'm talking about your result .

Kook : We are really sorry Sir , It never happen again .

Jimin : Yes Sir , We are really really sorry .

Principal : You said this last time also . Jimin I already called Mr. Min . He will be here in anytime . Jungkook call your parents and told them to come here . I wanna talk to them .

Kook : But Sir , my parents are living in abroad .

Principal : Then call your Guardian and tell him to meet me .

Kook : But Sir , he is very busy . He can't meet you .

Principal : I don't want to listen any excuse . This time I wanna meet him face to face .

( Taekook are in secret relationship . Nobody knows about their relationship except their family and Jimin . Principal and other professor only heard Tae's voice . They usually complained about Kook by phone and Tae also talked with them by changing his voice . )

There is a clause “ Professor and Student can't be in relationship . ”

Kook : But Sir , please try to understand......Cut off

??? : I'm his guardian .

Jikook (shocked) : YOU !


  Questions :

1 . How's the Chapter ?

2 . What did Kook say to Tae's Mom?

3 . Who clicked Pics of JiKook ?

4 . Who said he is Kook's guardian ?

5 . After the punishment what should Yoongi do ? Comfort Jimin or ignore him ?


  Word  Counts  :  2811

  Author's  Note  :  

That's it for today . I hope you all like it . I got many suggestions for Jimin's punishment . Some of you want Yoongi will punish Jimin , some want Yoongi don't hurt Jimin . If Yoongi will not punish Jimin then how will story run ?

I wrote this book according to my imagination . I'm not a professional writer. I can't write perfect story sorry . I write what I think it would be perfect for story . Sometimes I changed some lines / story according to your suggestion and pics I got .

I really wanna apologize to all of you . I promise you to publish Chapter 30 on 9th June and I didn't published . I'm really really sorry for your inconvenience .

But just think from my POV . I wrote 2.8 - 3 K + words . Don't I deserve 140 votes for my story ? I have 157 followers . Is it that hard for you all ?

If I didn't set the target then nobody vote for the story . I know some of you always vote even without reading the story . I'm really thankful for you . I know how much you love the story . Just look at previous Chapters Views almost every Chapter cross 1K + views but votes are just 150-160 . They never vote if they got the Chapter without any struggle .

Votes and comments helps the book to reach in Trending list . If people don't know about the book then how can they read ? Right ????

I have to be selfish . I have to think about myself too . It's Summer Vacation time . After doing this much hard work I deserve something in return too . If you think I'm lying then you can write 1k words story . You will know by yourself how much hard it to write almost 2.8 - 3K + words . Please try to understand me too . I don't wanna see anyone sad . I hope you all support me like you did before .

See this ☝️ I published Chapter 29 on “Thursday Jan 1 , 1970 .” Seriously 😳 What's wrong with Wattpad ? In 1970 my Mom wasn't born 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Now it's fine . Wattpad correct his mistake . When I publish this Chapter then go and Check on my profile . It shows the exactly same date . 😂

We will meet on 12th June on Samaaraa’s B'day . Till then please Vote for the story and keep commenting . I really miss those days when you all keep reminding me that Target is completed when I gonna update next chapter. Take care of yourself . Love you all ❤️

Target : 125 Votes .

If you like the story then please Vote for the story . Follow me 🔪.

Thanks for reading 💜

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