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By jisungiespace

6K 383 854

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257 27 69
By jisungiespace

All these shooting stars in the dark~

17th May, 2023.

7:45 a.m.

Yiseul got out of the attached bathroom after brushing her teeth. Next, she tidied the bed and got out of Jaehyun's bedroom in her pajamas of heart prints. "Good morning cupcake!", a very happy Jaehyun greeted her from the open kitchen.

"Good morning, Yiseul!" Winwin's head turned back as he was sitting on the bar stool.

The brother quickly came out of the kitchen with a plate of pancakes. A small candle was lit up on it. The Chinese male began to clap his hands too as both of them began to sing, "Happy Birthday to you~ Happy Birthday to-"

But they had to stop midway because the birthday girl herself blew out the candle in a hurry and sat down on the stool.

"Yah! Jung Yiseul!" He bit his lower lip in sudden anger. "I woke up so early just to make this Mickey Mouse pancake only for you to ruin the moment." He started sulking.

The girl patted his cheek. "Okay! Okay! But give me the pancakes! I am hungry."

Jaehyun kept the plate infront of her, passing her a fork and a knife. "Sorry. Maybe it's not like how Mom used to make."

The newly-turned twenty-year old stared at the food on the plate. It brought back so many happy memories when she didn't know the real meaning of life. "Oppa, today is gonna be a great day." A mischievous smile was playing on her face.

"Right! 'Cause it's your birthday~", he said as if singing an opera.

"Congratulations on turning twenty, Yiseul!", Winwin exclaimed.

She just nodded, putting a piece of pancake in her mouth. "Winwin- No sunbae!"

"No need to be so formal. Winwin is okay." He grinned.

It was today she got a good glimpse of his face. 'How can someone be so cute? Like what the hell!'

"Uh do you want to say something?"

"What do you do for a living?"

"Lawyer. I am a lawyer."

"Winwin may look like a quiet person but there's something always going on in his head." Jaehyun pointed at his head.


"Yiseul-ah, it's my first time celebrating your birthday. Tell me what you need, I will buy it for you as a gift."

"Really? Then, can you buy me a knife?" The ravenette kept a straight face while the two friends shared a terrified look.

"What would you do with it?", the Korean male asked.

She clicked her tongue, moving her thumb infront of her neck gesturing she wanted to cut a neck or two. Silence prevailed in the apartment for a while. "Thanks, oppa for the breakfast." She got up and walked to the bedroom.

Winwin exhaled out and blinked his eyes multiple times. "Whoa! That gave me chills."

Jaehyun nodded in agreement with wide eyes which quickly softened. "Our Yiseul went through a lot for the past few years. I feel guilty to not be there with her, not being able to complete the duty of an elder brother. I was mostly away from home because of my studies." He deeply sighed.

"Jaehyun-ah, do you think she is going through some trauma? I heard from you that your sister was really close to your mother. May be that's why her death left a scar in Yiseul's life."

"You think so?"

The Chinese man ran to his room and returned with a card. "Take this. This doctor is from my hometown but currently practicing in Seoul. He is a great therapist. You should take Yiseul to him."

Jaehyun received the card and read the name of the doctor. "Qian Kun. Okay, thanks Win."


Yiseul entered the university campus but this time with much confidence.

"Look, look! There she comes."
"I can't believe her. Did she really challenge Celestial?"
"She must be crazy to do so?"

"Why? I think she is so brave", Nabi said to the group of students gossiping. She hopped to the senior girl with a big grin. "Yiseul!"

'There she comes again.' The said girl mentally rolled her eyes. "Shouldn't you call me sunbaenim? I am a senior to you."

"Oh I am sorry. I thought we could be close."

"I never thought so."

"Fine." Her lips pursed into a thin line. "...Sunbae, I am excited. What are you gonna challenge them in?"

"You will see. But can you shut your damn mouth and just leave me alone?" Her tone sounded really rude.

Nabi stopped on her tracks, feeling hurt and saw her retreating figure. 'Why is she like this?' Suddenly, she felt a knock on her head from the back and turned around with an annoyed face. "Oh oppa?"

The tanned boy with his colourless spects on stood infront her with narrowed eyes. "Lee Nabi, isn't that my hoodie?"

The younger looked at the garment she was wearing and answered, "No."

"It is! I have been searching for it for a week. I even asked you two days."

"Uhh..." She was at a loss of words and that's when, her eyes fell on someone behind him. "Oh Ryujin sunbae!"

"This trick is not gonna work on me. You will return my hoodie today after we get back home. You are always stealing my clothes." He was practically scolding her.

"Captain!" A feminine voice echoed in his ears as he turned his head back.

"Oh it was really you."

Nabi blew a flying kiss in gratitude at the short-haired girl and fled. Ryujin giggled back.

Donghyuck looked infront and saw that his sister was out of sight as he let out a sigh. "Yes Ryujin." He faced her.

"Captain, after our first class, we need to talk to the Student Council regarding the fest."

"Ah~ Right! Okay, meet me infront of their office room."


He was about to turn around when the female called him again. "Captain!"


"Last time, you gave me a treat. Next time, I'll treat you." She beamed at him.

He chuckled lightly and said, "I like it. See you soon."

She waved her hand and stood there, mentally cursing herself. 'Ugh Shin Ryujin! Why can't you just tell him that you like him? What's wrong with me?' She frustratedly ran her fingers through her hair.


Yiseul was minding her own business in the lecture hall, listening to some songs of her all-time favourite singer, Taylor Swift. Her head was down and eyes were shut as a way to escape from this cruel world. She felt someone sitting beside her but she could hardly care about it. Out of the blue, that someone pulled out her earbud. She groaned in annoyance and raised her head up only to see the honey-skinned guy. "You again?"

Donghyuck replied, "Professor is already here."

The ravenette looked infront to see the teacher getting ready to start the class. She then, snatched her earbud back and put both of them in the case. "There are many empty seats. Why do you sit beside me?

"I used to sit here before you came too", he simply answered.

She scoffed. "Weirdo." The girl began to take out her notebook.

"Excuse me?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Why are you all siblings so annoying? Ugh!"

Feeling bad, he shifted to the extreme corner of the desk. The gaze of her eyes was quite intimidating. Her aura felt so dark. 'She is always in a bad mood. Why am I scared of her? It's best to avoid her.'

The class went on and ended after one hour. The students stood up arranging their things when a voice reached his ears. Donghyuck slowly turned towards his right and saw the long-haired girl. "Can you help me with something?"

It was almost unbelievable for him that she spoke to him first. "Help? How can I help you?"

"How can I join the community page of this university?"


"This bitch! Ugh! What does she think of herself?", Haechan asked when he read the new post on his phone- 'Celestial, come to the gym room at 4 p.m. sharp. Other students are also invited to join.' Being frustrated, he raised his hand to throw the phone but stopped immediately remembering how costly it was.

"She challenged us. Like us?" Renjun was in utter disbelief.

"It's the first time someone challenged us", Jeno said.

"Do you think she got training for Bridge? How can she get good in cards in less than a week?", the Chinese asked.

"She was already good at it. Maybe not like us but yeah", the youngest one said.

"Jaemin, are you siding with her?", the tanned male questioned.

"It's not like that. We should be worried now."

The muscular guy scoffed. "Why? You think we will lose to her? In Bridge?"

"No. How are you so sure that she will be challenging us in Bridge?"

"He got a point", Haechan said.

That's when the door of the band room opened after a knock. "Haechanie, are you free now?"

The blonde girl with a high ponytail stood at the door.

"Yujin, what are you doing here?"

"First of all, it's Yunjin. Second, what happened to you? You didn't reply to my texts since yesterday", she said, being annoyed.

"Uh sorry. But you see I am busy. We are having a band meeting."

The girl named Yunjin eyed the rest of the members and sighed exasperatedly. "Okay. Talk to me later." The door was slammed close.

Haechan rolled his eyes and got up only to sit on another stool with his guitar.

"Dude, do you really forget her name everytime?", Renjun asked, being amused.

"Not like she is very important to me. And I don't forget, just get confused since the last girl I hooked up with was named Yujin."

"But what are we gonna do with this Yiseul girl?", Jaemin asked.

"Face her... and defeat her."


The door of the physics lab creaked open as a face peeked in. "Mark? Are you there?"

The said male stopped turned back and smiled broadly. "Jisungie! Come inside."

Jisung skipped beside him and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Just writing a thesis."

"Why did you call me though?"

"Actually it wasn't me. Chenle-"

"Ahh huh!!! Got you!!!" The Chinese boy jumped out of his hiding spot which was behind the table and caught Jisung's arm.

"Z-Zhong Chenle?", he stuttered.

"But what's going on?", the oldest asked in confusion.

"This guy destroyed my Stephen Curry jersey and had been running away from me since yesterday."

"Sorry Ji. I can't save you today." The Canadian flashed an apologetic look.

"Park Jisung!"

"Uh I am sorry, Chenle. Really really sorry!" The youngest shut his eyes closed.

"Fine. I can buy another jersey but please don't avoid me. I need you." The dark brown-haired boy patted his friend's shoulder.

Jisung opened his one eye to see whether he was acting or not. When he realized the other was being genuine, he faced his properly. "Sorry, Chenle. I really feel bad. It was your favourite."

"I can buy one anytime. Not like it was signed by Stephen Curry himself. If it was, you would have been dead by now", he said with a smiley face but it did sound like a threat.

Mark put his arms around the two and squeezed them as if they were his own babies. "Leave us! Mark!", the bestfriends shouted.

The physics student pulled away and asked in excitement, "Guys, let's go to the gym."

"Oh! Celestial versus Jung Yiseul? You are talking about that?", Chenle asked.

Jisung's eyebrows raised too. "That's a hot topic in the campus right now."

"So, what are we waiting for?" The oldest proceeded towards the door.

"But your thesis?", the silver-haired boy asked.

"Thesis can be written afterwards but this is once in a lifetime."

✯¸.•'*¨'*•✿ ✯ ✿•*'¨*'•.¸✯

By now, all the bleachers of the gym room were almost occupied by the students. A female figure could be seen at the center of the big room sitting on a chair, a table and another empty chair infront of her. She was silently waiting for the band to come.

On the other hand, Donghyuck also went up on the bleachers trying to find himself a seat when he felt a pull on his arm. It was none other than his bestfriend, Mark. "Dude, you are here?"

The brunette sat down beside Jisung. "Uh yeah."

"I thought you aren't interested in these", Chenle commented.

"Right. But I don't have any class now. So, I decided to come here. To kill time."

The three of them nodded, believing their friend's words.

Donghyuck's eyes remained fixed on the quiet girl.

Soon, four silhouettes came in view at the gateway as they walked in. Their entry was powerful enough as their fangirls and even boys started screaming their names. Haechan led his bandmates to the center and stood infront of the young girl.

"Lee Jeno, why are you so handsome?!!"
"Na Jaemin!!! Ahhhh!!!"
"Renjun, so cool!!!"
"Lee Haechan!!! That face of yours ahhh!!!"
"Celestial!!! Fighting!!!"

"Well done. You finally came." Her voice sounded amusing.

"Jung Yiseul, what do you want?", Renjun asked with a straight face.

The said girl picked out a paper from her bag and showed it to them. "This contract will have no value after this game."

"Did you enter our band room?", Jaemin asked, a little bit shocked.

"You don't know but I am good at sneaking in." She chuckled playfully and put the paper in her bag as she took a long thin box and kept it on the table.

"What is this?", Jeno questioned her.

"When you challenged me, I had to play Bridge. This time I challenged you guys, so you have to play whatever it is in this box."

"Okay. Cut the crap and now open it", Haechan ordered.

Yiseul did so, satisfied to see their shocked faces. "The game which has been played for more than 1400 years... Chess."

The four boys looked at each other in tension.

"Why? None of you can't play chess?"

Renjun stepped forward. "It's not like that. I will play."

"You can play chess?", Jaemin asked.

"I used to play."

"Are you confident?", Haechan asked.

"No way I am gonna lose to her." One could see his eyes glowing in fire of energy. He needed to win this match for the sake of his band. The Chinese took the empty chair as both of them started arranging their pieces. Renjun was the white player while Yiseul was the black one. Two of them positioned themselves, totally focused now.

"I have one condition."

"What is it?", Jaemin inquired.

"If I win, Lee Haechan has to apologize to me."

"What?!", he exclaimed.

"Why? You scared."

"Not at all. I trust my friend. Okay, I accept this condition."

Jeno announced to the audience, "The game is starting now!"

As the game continued, the atmosphere also became quite intense. None moved their eyes from the chess board. By now, he had lost two pawns while she had lost two pawns and a knight. The match went on as both of them kept losing their pieces. "You know? In chess, if you find a good move, you should find a better one", the male said as she lost one rook.

Her lips remained sealed, sweat popping on her forehead as she continued playing. Two minutes later, she observed the chess board and one corner of her lips curled up. "The irony of chess is that the queen holds more power than the king", the twenty-year old finally spoke up. She looked at the tanned make right behind her opponent, square in the eye. The girl leaned on her chair as her hand picked up the black queen and dropped the white king. "Checkmate."

Renjun remained seated, too stunned to speak. He lost. His friends rushed to see what happened. Haechan looked at her with wide eyes.

Murmurs could be heard since people couldn't see the result. They were puzzled on what was going on. A student asked in a loud voice, "Who won?"

Although embarrassed, Jeno declared, "Jung Yiseul won!!!"

Shhe looked happy as she took out the contract and ripped it infront of everyone. "Apologize."

The black-haired guy looked at Jeno and Jaemin who just shrugged their shoulders.

"I am sorry", he said loud enough for everyone to hear. He bowed at 90° and stayed in that position, too embarrassed to face her.

"This contract was useless in the first place. And how stupid I was to let your blackmail work on me", she said to Haechan. She walked upto him, patted his back and whispered, "You are nothing infront of me. If you want to torture people, do it in the right away, you weakling... Oh yes thanks for the birthday gift." She picked up her bag and started walking away.

The whole anticipated audience went silent for a while before Nabi stood up with a big smile and clapped her hands. "Yiseul, you are so cool!!!", she screamed.

Seeing his sister who was sitting far away, Donghyuck started clapping too and soon everyone was cheering for her. Yiseul exited the gym, all those voices echoing in her ears. She was proud of herself after a long time. Haechan stood straight, clenching his hands and glaring holes at her back.


The Captain of Eunoia went over to the vending machine to buy himself a Yakult drink when he noticed someone's ID card. He picked it up and wiped off the dust and saw the photo of a familiar face. "Jung Yiseul?" He looked around and again at the card when something caught his eyes- the date of birth. 'Today is her birthday?'

Running around the campus, he came to the spot where he thought he could find her and that's exactly where she was- leaning against the age of the old wooden bridge over the pond. The sun was setting down and her hair was blowing in the wind; it was the same. He quietly walked upto her, glancing at the pond. Seconds later, he extended his hand. "Sorry, I know you told me to stay away from you but I found your ID card. You should be more careful to not lose it again."

She took and kept it in her purse and again continued staring at the water.

Donghyuck felt awkward to not receive a 'thank you' but still stood there in silence. "Uhh happy birthday!"

Yiseul glanced at the older male.

'Her stare is also scary.' He quickly explained, "Um I saw it on your card like- I didn't mean to but- uh you know..."


'Did I hear her right? She said thanks?' Donghyuck rubbed his nape in disbelief. She said one word but with no emotion, not even a single smile. "You're welcome. Have a great birthday. I mean the day is almost over though."

"No, I thanked you for the other day. I guess coming here, I lost myself. Thanks for those words you told me." Her voice was monotone.

His lips parted an inch as he fixed his glasses. Suddenly, he felt overwhelmed. The boy extended the Yakult drink towards her. Yiseul stared at the tiny bottle and back into his eyes before walking past him, going away. The brunette turned around, shaking his head. "Still rude."

Long chapters>>>>

I fell down the other day and got several deep cuts on my feet. I can't even walk properly. Why am I so clumsy?! 😭

Favourite cartoon from childhood?

Thank you~

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