A Hybrid's Retribution (Old)

By Obsidian-Ace

12.7K 431 266

(Special thanks to jackrip for the commissioned artwork) Fighting the losing fight, humanity's downfall is ap... More

Waste of Medicine
Old Friends New Plans
Deals and Drinks
The Demon's Daughters
Before the Storm
An Agreement
Grim Skies
A Day at the Docks
Off The Grid
Shopping Free
History and Madness
Finally Free?
Pleasant Conversations
Old artwork


310 17 11
By Obsidian-Ace

Two weeks had long passed as both Hector and Noah arrived on the shores of the abandoned world. Since then, neither had talked outside of helping fix mechanical issues, and answering the recurring questions; how the other slept, what they would decide to eat from the supplies they had left, and the like.

Conversation had dulled as spending endless amounts of time eventually led to nothing left to discuss. They talked about what they could have done had they stayed back stateside, and about what they would do after they got home.

Hector wanted nothing big, he planned to return to the Shattered Ace and pick up a job as a bartender. Spending countless hours with the patrons would keep him entertained and maybe he'd get himself a few drinks while he was at it.

Noah did laugh as he believed that all Hector wanted was a place that wouldn't kick him out for having a few stiff drinks. He, on the other hand, wasn't so sure on his decision. He wasn't old enough to really know what he desired, so he chose to stick with Hector until he got a better idea of what options were available.

Around midday the two of them stumbled upon the outskirts of the Bavarian Alps and the two decided to camp out in the abandoned broadcasting facility that damnian had directed them to about a week prior, since then they've heard nothing from their friend.

The place was in complete disarray as overturned desks and computers decorated the floor. Hector got to setting up the sleeping bags on an open patch of floor while Noah snooped around. Military documents could be found left and right all of which said the same thing, 'evacuation'.

Noah guessed that the evacuation order was broadcasted here for the region. Hence the documents and some scattered military grade containers. He was busy reading over the old orders when Hector made his way over to him.

"Hey." He greeted with a wave.

"What do you need, Hec?"

"I want you to go find some working comms equipment. We're gonna see if anybody is still out here."

Noah was skeptical; he knew that any people out there would lay low to avoid trouble, and communication via radio was a death sentence.

"You sure about that? Seems kinda stupid the more you think about it."

Hector pulled out the phone and shook it lightly between two fingers. "I said the same thing but Damian is convinced that not everyone made it out. That someone has to be out here."

Noah held his arms out and backed away slowly. "Alright Hector, I'll go look! Jeez..."

"Thank you Noah. And don't worry about any anthros listening in. Frequency should be encrypted."

"What are you going to do in the meantime?"

Hector removed his backpack from his back and let it slide to the ground. "I'm gonna get nice and comfy and see what we have left food-wise."

"Yeah, sure." Noah responded with an annoyed tone slipping through a subtle smile.

Noah left the room and began making his rounds, peeking in each room briefly. Most rooms he passed were nothing more than offices with the occasional desk. It was after ten minutes of wandering around that he finally stumbled upon what he was looking for.

Opening the door into what he believed to be another office he was met with four radios stacked on a mostly empty table. A territorial map was on the wall behind it presenting the surrounding areas. To the left and right were two medium sized servers and wiring that led into the walls.

"Perfect." Noah approached the table as he readied his own radio. "Hey Hector, I found a few."

"They work?" His voice sounded a little static following through.

Noah looked over them and concluded that all they needed was power, other than that microphones and headphones were already hooked up.

"They should, but they need a little juice."

"Sounds good, let me just..."

An engine sound was barely audible as the lights above slowly flickered on. Noah chuckled to himself as the power was restored.

"Good timing, thanks."

"No problem, now get on then, see if we can get a signal out." Hector ordered.

"Sir yes sir." Noah responded very sarcastically.

Noah inspected the available switches, throwing one or two to get a small static to sound. Right after he found the hand held microphone dangling off the side of the table still wired to the device.

Taking the microphone into his hand he pressed down the button on the side and took a small breath.

"This is Highlander Zero-Three broadcasting in the blind, is anyone out there?"

The radio responded with static. Noah flicked a few more switches and began to turn a dial in an attempt to boost the signal.

"I say again, this is Highlander Zero-Three in the blind is anyone reading?" He called out once more.

Noah was met with more static, disappointment started to set in. Noah already expected to not hear anyone respond but hearing nothing but static had also reawakened a sense of dread. A feeling he hadn't felt since the bridge.

"Is anyone listening?" He asked, setting the dial to the max.

Another wave of static. Noah was just about ready to give up on the damned thing when finally the static stopped.

"Yes, can you hear me?" A male voice responded. Noah's face lit up with surprise as an eager feeling took hold. Hector had just walked in the room behind him and shared the same grin.

"Give it here." Hector ordered as he approached the table.

Noah got out of the way immediately and left Hector the radio. Hector took Noah's seat and picked up the handheld microphone.

"Who am I speaking to?"

The other voice didn't respond immediately, presuming that the voice wasn't sure whether or not to trust them Hector decided to take a slower approach.

"This is a military encrypted channel. I assure you, the freaks ain't listening. Can you tell me your name?" He hoped to ease the voice on the other end.

"How can I trust you?" A different voice came through, more nasally in comparison.

"My name is Captain Hector Reid, I am what remains of the Highlander division."

The radio didn't go to static but the voice didn't respond. The seconds ticked by before the radio sparked to life again.

"The name's Carter. Carter Richardson."

"Good to make your acquaintance Carter. Can you tell me where you are? And how many people are with you?"

"My squad has taken up a position at an abandoned outpost, just outside of occupied territory."

Hector's grin widened even more. Not only have they found other survivors but they were likely combat trained.

"Are you all military?" He asked.

"You could say."

"How many of you are there?"

"Counting myself... Four." The voice answered. "Where are you, Captain Reid?"

Hesitance manifested. Hector and Noah shared a look, the mutual understanding coming between them. So far it had been easy, it was time to err the side of caution.

"I'm located at another outpost just a few miles outside of the anthro border." He said.

"How many are under your command, Captain?" The voice shot right after he answered, a little too eager.

"Just one..." He said, a pit beginning to form.

"Are you lying?"

Hector and Noah shared another look before Hector clicked the handheld microphone.


"I would certainly hope you're not, Captain Reid."

"I can promise you, my friend is the only other man here."

"Only two of you?" The voice sounded as if they were smiling, like moments before they weren't just threatening them.

"Yes." Hector answered.

Noah busied himself around the room inspecting the many papers and maps along the walls and tables. One of the many papers he came across was a blueprint. He recognized it almost instantly as the schematics for the radio they were using.


Hector took his attention briefly away from the voice for Noah; he was eager to keep working with Richardson.

"What is it?"

"They're close." He answered, shoving the schematics in front of his eyes.

Hector quickly took the paper and compared the two quickly while the voice seemed to slowly lose its patience. Clear as day the radio was for close proximity, leaving clear sound for a maximum of four hundred kilometers. Their voices were crystal-clear.

Noah looked back at the map revealing the locations of nearby outposts and F.O.B.'s. Only a few possible locations could pick up the signal, but just one was in the four hundred kilometer range.

"Captain Reid, come in!" The voice demanded.

"You haven't told me the whole truth." Hector simply replied into the microphone.

"What are you talking about?" The voice responded.

Noah placed his index finger just below the outpost's position. Hector nodded as he glanced at it before clicking the microphone once more.

"You told me that you were stationed at a base outside of occupied territory."

"Yeah, that's the truth."

"You didn't tell me you were in the alps."

The voice went silent. Not a single word was spoken by either party. Noah eventually removed the radio from Hector's loose grasp and clicked the button.

"Listen, we're not here to fight you. We're here because my friend and I have some unfinished business regarding a real asshole."

The voice still said nothing. From the lack of static, Noah knew they were still listening.

"But it's not gonna be easy alone, and judging by how small your group is you probably need help as well, seeing as there's only four of you... Or have you been lying this whole time?"

With that Noah finished his statement and placed the radio down. Hector nodded at him acknowledging his wisdom during the conversation. "Wouldn't have expected that from you."

"Wasn't hard. Just gotta state the facts." He replied.

"Who's your target?" A heavier voice responded, to Hector and Noah it almost sounded Russian.

"Johnathan Blackburn." Hector said.

The radio went back to being silent. Hector guessed that the group on the other end were probably discussing their insanity of having the idea of going after him.

"We'll help you, but first we need to meet up. Personally."

"We'll come to you. Hold your position, we'll arrive within the day."

"Understood, Reid. See you soon."

And with that final statement the radio went to static as the line went dead. Hector and Noah shared a small moment as the two high-fived in celebration.

The two quickly made their way outside and back into a chop-top they had 'borrowed' from an abandoned shop a few days prior.

The drive was scenic as per the new usual while they admired the mountainous terrain around them. Beautiful rock faces were only accompanied by the foliage atop the mountains while green grass and hills filled the valleys. Of course it wouldn't be perfect as the occasional group of structures they'd pass would be in ruin. Vines and other plants were already growing rampant on what remained.

Noah opened up the last bottled water and downed half its contents before offering the other half to Hector which he drank over the course of the drive. The sun was in the process of setting, and their supply of food was nearing its end.

"Here's hoping they have food." Noah said as the compound appeared in view

Hector pulled off the road and parked the chop-top behind a series of bushes and vegetation on a hill just about three kilometers away.

"You know the drill." Hector spoke.

Noah nodded and exited the jeep. Even though they had agreed to meet the group it would be safer for the pair if they scouted the area before waltzing in like they owned the place.

Adorning their masks, the pair set off towards the compound while avoiding any dangerous lines of sight. As they got closer it became rather  apparent that the facility had been overwhelmed and nearly obliterated. Most of the walls and fences that would be protecting the perimeter were either damaged or reduced to pieces. On the brighter side some of the buildings seemed to remain intact.

"Let's see if anyone's home." Hector activated his helmet's built-in communications relay.

"Hello, Richardson? Do you copy?"

"Yes, are you nearing us yet?"

Noah and Hector pressed forward and were only a couple dozen yards from the remnants of the front gate. Noah hunched down and watched their surroundings, while Hector continued.


"Understood. We're stationed in the main structure next to the observation tower."

"Copy. We're Oscar Mike." Hector said, ending the conversation.

The duo crossed the destroyed area, carefully maneuvering over debris and corpses alike. Some hailed to Blackburn, while others were human.

"Damn... I wish they could've got out." Noah spoke as they passed a heavy armored body covered in flies.

"Same here, buddy." Hector replied.

Turning the last coroner of the road the base of the observation tower was in sight along with a storage hanger. Hector slung his rifle over his shoulder and raised a hand to his temple.

"We're just outside the building, mind opening the door?"

Noah stood at Hector's side and let his rifle hang in front of him from the strap on his shoulder.

"Before I do that I've got a question for you." The voice responded.

"What would that be?"

"Have you heard that old saying?"

"What one? Why are you being so cryptic?" Hector questioned his suspicion arising.

"The enemy of my enemy is my friend." The voice answered.

"Yeah, what does that have to do with anything?"

"There is a mutual interest in both of our parties. You want Blackburn dead. We want to expose him."

"Get to the point." Hector insisted.

"We're not human, Captain."

Noah's heart skipped a beat, as did Hector as the realization set in. Both understood exactly what it meant. In synchronization they raised their weapons towards the door intending to unload, before the radio crackled again.

"Before you make a rash decision, think this through."

"Oh I think we've thought this through." Hector responded furiously. "Have you any idea of what your kind has stolen from mine!"

"I understand your frustration, but remaining calm is in your best interests." A different voice spoke.

"Oh I'll calm down, when I'm done pissing on your pelt!" He continued harshly.

The voice remained silent for a while as Hector and Noah stood outside the building awaiting for the doors to open. But instead a new voice emerged onto the radio.

"You really want to try to fight your best shot at Blackburn? We can blend in with the general public and get you closer than you could ever get yourself."

The voice sounded feminine but it wasn't the same as the other they had spoken to hours prior. Noah's grip on his rifle loosened as the statement stuck with him. Even with his animosity filled grudge on anthros, he knew that they had little chance of getting close without having to remain out of sight. With the help of these monsters maybe he'd get closer to getting rid of the one he hated most.

Noah's rifle was no longer pointed at the door but rather down on the ground. "Damn it."

"Noah, do not buy into it. They'll kill us the moment they see a chance." Hector warned.

"We're damned if we do and damned if we don't, at least with them we stand a better chance!"


Hector glared over his shoulder at the novice. The blank mask hid his expression, but underneath was as serious as serious could be. Hector was on the verge of demanding that he raise his weapon.

"Do you want to kill 'em or not, Hector?!" Noah said, cutting him off.

"Don't they des-"

"Not them! Him!" Noah was nearly shouting. It all had been simply too much, and the time for considering alternate options had come.

Hector stood in silence. Of course he wanted to kill Blackburn; it was the whole reason for returning. Hector gave up concluding arguing with the kid any longer would be a waste of time. He lowered his rifle storming off in a circle cursing all the while.

"You done?"

"I swear if this is a trap..." He muttered in response.

"Lay your weapons down."

Noah pushed past him and walked closer to the sealed door. He lowered his weapon to the ground and backed away a few steps. Hector hesitated a moment before following suit.

"Opening the door. Don't get any ideas."

Hector already had more than a few.

The doors creaked open similar to a garage, as they did the last bit of sunlight illuminated what was behind them. Two leopards, a wolf, and a dragon emerged from the building all wearing normal clothing. Hector had imagined military standard issue or uniforms not Levi's and T-shirts.

"Mav." The wolf spoke.

The dragon moved first collecting their rifles and holding one in each hand by the guard rail. After he returned to the others things seemed to settle down.

"Alright, come on in you two. It's getting dark."


I know it's not a big chapter but I didn't want to go too long with out an update.

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