His Curse

By disrespectfully_his

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By disrespectfully_his

He was done for.

I walked down the proud hallway of Jujutu Tech with a proud smirk on my face.This entire week,filled with nothing but stress on trying to get Megumi to talk more,wondering if Yuji is safe and seeing that bastards face everywhere,I finally got him.

Toji Isagi was a criminal aside from the Jujutsu World and that meant a lot.He could cause unwanted problems and because he has been in jail,attract unwanted curses.Jujutsu Tech,by law and safety of the kids is to hire low profiled staff so that the environment could be made safe.

Had they employed me to do the task,we wouldn't of had a petty mess up like this.I might seem a bit too dramatic but it was for the safety of our school.

And so,because I solemnly swore to serve and protect,Toji Isagi needed to be fired.

It was the perfect plan even though he might just hate me in the end.I didn't care though,I had what I needed to rid this prestigious school from unnecessary cracks in the wall.A crack that will undoubtedly grow and fester yet another rat infestation.I was done with him and in actual fact,I was doing him a favor.He'd be paid out,able to live his life somewhere nicer much faster.

I'd get the retaliation I needed and he would leave,bank account full and he wouldn't have to mop the floors every now and then.If you look at it the way I do,I was helping him.

There was no downside to this.At least not one where I have to concern myself with.

Walking down the quiet hallway,my smile only seemed to widen.In my own little mind-bubble that only grew the more satisfied I felt until I stopped dead in my tracks and watch the growing bubble dissolve into thin air.

Standing in the hallway was Toji,deep in argument with Ijichi himself-he was Jujutsu Tech's one and only Assistant Director and each sorceres personal driver.Although,I didn't make use of him and liked my privacy so I opt for the bus but Satoru practically exploited the man.I was unable to pay attention to that.All because of the little girl,tucked away behind him and holding his hand while she looked around in awe.

I froze,the little girl was anything short from adorable.So small,she barely reached his thigh,her soft brown her tied into pigtails that cascades over her little shoulders.She wore a bright pink dress,held a godforsaken yet burnt teddybare in her flailing hand and dark green rain boots.It wasn't even raining but it only made it cuter.

She seemed so uninterested and unbothered by the harsh argument.

"..I couldn't leave her alone at home and I can't afford a fucking nanny yet so ya better find a place where she can goddamn play or some shit.While I wax ya fucking floors ofcourse."

"Listen young man," Ijichi speaks,fixing his glasses as he glanced down at the little girl. "This is a prestigious school not a daycare-" his words halted in his throat,Toji's eyes turning into slits as he took a dangerous step forward.

"She's five years old for Christ sake.If ya worried about her shitting on ya golden floors it ain't gonna happen.Just find a place where she can be for one day until I find a nanny," his hand tightened around the little girls and it only drew her attention up to him.The smallest frown found the most adorable face,a small pout pulling on her lips. "One.day."

Ijichi finally sighed one last time and out of habit,fixed his glasses once again.He pinched his nose and looked at the little girl,his eyes only taking in what mine have been all this time.She reminded me so much of a doll and her eyes,the brownest and most innocent yet only made the guilt spiral in my stomach.

Ijichi gave in,looked up and gave a small smile.He was clearly mesmerized by her big doe eyes and just as he smiled,his eyes widened.She truly was mini Cinderella,stealing the hearts of many. "Alright," he decides and clears his throat. "I'm sure we can figure something out."

"Still thinking about the amazing anal you were gifted with?" Mei Mei's voice rung my ears.I yelped softly,whipping my head to look at her with a soft grin on her face. "You're jumpy," her eyes traveled down the length of my body,taking in the thin cotton covering my legs and the pencil skirt hugging my hips. "And wearing pantyhose?"

I nod up at her and glance down at the familiar pencil skirt. "I wanted to try this on.It's been lying around in my closet so I might as well make use of it."

"Odd," she stared at me,suspicion clear in her voice which only made me raise a brow.

"How so?" I say.

"You just never wear something like this unless you're leaving Tokyo for a business meeting," I roll my eyes and turn back to the scene before me.

"I was just looking.." I trailed off,turning back to the scene before me and listened off to what Ijichi proposed to Toji.

"Damn," Mei Mei speaks and follows my gaze. "The hot janitor has a kid," I nod my head in approval of what she says and for some odd reason,it only made me uncomfortable. I allowed a guy to bend me over his kitchen counter and fuck me mercilessly,all the while his daughter was curled up in his bedroom. "She's cute and looks nothing like him though."

I ignore what she says and watch as Toji nods in approval of Ijicji and then slowly turns toward the little girl.He kneels down before her and slowly brings his hands up,taking me by surprise.He began signing to her and my eyes slowly widened. "The fucker knows how to sign too," she groans,Im sure her eyes rolls back and for some reason I couldnt agree more.Men who could sign were something else. "What is he saying to her?"

Because of my knowledge of psychology,the course required me to take on ASL as part of its curriculum requirements. "His telling her that they'd be separated for a while and that she shouldn't be afraid of the people around her," I glance at Mei and clear my throat.Shifting uncomfortable she nudges me to continue. "Ijichi allowed her to spend the day in my class.."

"One less annoying kid to babysit," Mei Mei chuckled and smiled in admiration. "She's a mute [First Name].I'm a heartless bitch but even I can agree that she is precious," she certainly is.

"He just promised that he'd try to check on her as often as he can," I heard my own voice drop an octave lower,barely above a whisper but I knew she heard me. "He called her a princess," an I felt an uncomfortable churn in the pits of my gutt.

"Brownie points for Jujutsu Tech's hot janitor," she chuckled and crossed her arms over her chest,staring intensely just as I have. "I'd bang him but I don't have the time."

"You never have time," I say.

"Got my mind on the money and the money on my mind baby," she winks and replies instead.Just as she turns on her heel to leave,Toji's eyes catch mine and my breath hitches.

Her back faced mine as she walked away but I was too eager to leave,to get away from him. "Lucky you're spending your day with that cutie," it was Mei Mei's final words before she turned the hallway corner but I was more concerned over something else.

After all the planning I had gone through to expose Toji to the counsel,to make him pay for ruining my life in every sense.It all melted away as I stared at the little girl.I realized in one dumb,horrific moment that he had responsibilities and a family to take care of.Had I turned him into the counsel he'd probably be sitting without a job and the little girl by his side would have to suffer for my cruel actions.

She was innocent from head to toe and kind of  like what Mei Mei said,I might be a bitch but I can draw the line at some point.I wouldn't make an innocent child suffer and so instead I took a deep breath,tore my guilty gaze away from his lingering one and made my way to my classroom.


A small smile graced my lips,cupping my chin as I stared down at the pure innocence staring up at Panda in bewilderment. He picked her up,helping her crawl onto his back while she lovingly hugged him.

Anri,that was her name.She was a mute so I often had to sign to help her out but other than that,she was more than stoked at the amount of difference surrounding her.

If it wasn't Maki's spear,pulling down Inunaki's scarf from his mouth or playing with a doll Nobaru made for her,it was definitely the amount of paint and paper she distracted herself with.But Panda took the cake,he got most of the attention and with all this week's stress,it's nice to see that they'd let loose with a child.

"Alright that's enough," I slowly stand up,clearing my throat and addressing them seriously. "Class is dismissed for the day so go back to your dorms."

"But this one over here is too cute," Panda announces,staring up at Imani with a pout.

"Hey you heard Sensei," Maki grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder,glancing at the kid. "She's cute and all but we need the rest.I won't let any kid distract us."

"Maki you can't be so mean toward her.She's just a cute baby," Nobaru cooes and just as Maki grabbed Panda's arm,she scoffed when Inumaki agreed with a soft 'salmon'.

"Jesus,she's deaf and can't even hear me," gasps erupted throughout the class and I stiffled a laugh.

Maki and her dark humor.

"That's enough.Everyone to your dorms and refraine from staying up late," I watched as they slowly left with a grumble,Maki leaving with a little smirk on her face. "And please check on Megumi!"

"It's really not our fault his sick," I hear Nobaru call out and shake my head in disdain.Turning back to the classroom,it was only Panda who set Imani down and parted ways with a pout but before he could leave,I called out his name and watch him slowly turn toward me.

"You can play with her in the garden just for a little bit," his eyes light up as I speak and he rushes back to Anri. "Please play carefully and notify me immediately when anything goes wrong."

He gives a curt nod before picking her up and dashing out of the class.

Now I sit alone,in my solitude.A deep sigh leaves my lips and my eyes slowly shutter closed.My body felt stiff and knowing I needed a full body massage was not enough motivation.That damn place was too good to refuse but they were all the way on the other side of town.

I didn't have the time and neither did I have the energy.I was too worried for Satoru and Yuji because none of them contacted me,no text or even one of Satoru's stupid smirking emoji's.

"Where is she?" my head whips at the deep baritone voice echoing throughout my classroom.

I sucked in a breath and looked up at him.I don't think I could ever get used to his intense eyes,the constant clench of his strong jaw and his deep cheekbones. His eyes drilled into my own,his hand tightening around the broom he held but it was always the eyes.He looked as if he wanted to punch me,maybe burn me a little.

The thought alone makes me aroused but I shove it far away.Shove it right up my ass so when I leave for my toilet break it would go down with a fucking flush.

God,where are my thoughts going?

"How did you get in here?" I clear my throat,keeping my voice stern as I raise a brow.I tried not to glare. "I do not allow unauthorized peoples in my classroom and frankly,I clean it up myself."

He raised his hand,a card and keys dangling between his fingers. "Janitor privileges."

"They gave you keys to all the rooms," I scoff and tried not staring up in disgust. "They're out of their fucking minds.Why don't they just give you the keys to our safe just to save you the trouble."

"Well," there's amusement in his voice and just as he moves further into the classroom,I immediately stand up. "I'm already on probation princess and I have no intention on going back to prison again."

"Again?" my eyes narrow down on him just as I round my desk and lean against it.I crossed my arms over my chest and keep my eyes trained on him.I wouldn't take my eyes off him for a second,I didn't trust him.

Toji didn't reply,all he did was give me a unimpressed yet amused grin and reached down to empty the classroom trash can. "Where's Anri?" the question came again.

"She's safe," I speak but he scoffs. "You don't think so?"

"I know so," his reply was quick and just as he turned his head toward me,I watched his eyes trail up my pantyhose covered legs,the pencil skirt hugging my hips and the shirt that hugged my breast.

I clear my throat again,raise a brow and narrow my eyes at him. "I didn't know you had a daughter and that's quite concerning.You actually being held responsible for looking after a child."

"You saying that I'm an unfit father?" his eyes narrow as he slowly stands to his full height,the deltoids of his muscles finally relaxing after cleaning out the trashcan. "You don't know shit ma."

"I do know that you're a criminal and if a child is in your care then yes,that does make you an unfit father," we share the same look,my eyes narrowing in on his own just as I uncross my arms and square my shoulders.He was walking toward me,untying the straps to his gloves.

"Yeah well then your privelaged ass would be happy to know that she ain't my kid," his boots hit the ground,turning the air around me into nothing but pure density.My heartbeat raged but I stood my ground and looked up at him.I wouldn't allow him to intimidate me further or sink deeper into my skin.

"Are you indirectly telling me that you kidnapped a child," he threw his gloves aside,they landed onto one of the desks and just as he stepped foot infront of me,I took in a deep breath. "I have every right on taking that child away from you."

"I dare ya," his jaw is clenched and his chest heaves just a little bit but I could see the flash of annoyance in his eyes.He stared down at me while I stared up at him,my neck beginning to ache but I could care less.Not when he looked down at me with that familiar look,that look of superiority and something extra.

I hated it.

I hated him.

"If you touch her,I'll rip your fucking balls off," my jaw is clenched as the fire burnt brighter in the very pits of my stomach.I stared up at him,the forestry trying its best to captivate me and although it slowly succeeded,I'd still fight. "Believe that."

"She belongs to me," my stomach sunk and the familiar throb only intensified.A growl escaped his throat and his hands slammed on either side of me,caging me in at my own desk.He was provoking me but I'm going to fight it.I won't stop.

I'd fight because I don't think it's Anri we're talking about anymore.

"She belongs to nobody," I speak,my voice sounding weaker than I wanted it to.Then what I anticipated.

"My property," our lips are inches from one another.His familiar smokey yet minty breath fanned my face,his lips brushing against mine as my chest heaved with something a little too near to lust. "And nobody touches my property," his eyes drops down to my lips and his tongue jolts out,licking at the gnarly scar at the corner of his mouth.

"She has the right to her own choices," his body heat radiated off of him and onto me.

"Fuck her choices," and then his lips were on mine and his hands cupped my ass.I was hoisted up,my legs finding his torso and my hands running through his hair,kissing him deeply when he sets me down onto my desk.A soft moan leaves my lips but he drank it up,his tongue shoving into my mouth and sucking at my own.

I tightened my legs around his torso,bringing him nearer and gripping his hair.Our heads moved either side,deepening the kiss that was anything but sweet.Even his tongue was cunning and as his lips left mine and found the crook of my neck,I threw my head back. "Don't you dare leave any hickies again," I was breathless as I spoke,pulling him nearer and opening my legs wider for him. "I had to wear a turtle neck the last time."

His chuckle was deep,placing needy kisses at my neck but I could feel all he wanted to do was bite at me.Sink his teeth in my flesh and drink up every moan that left my throat. "The door,it's not locked," my head was lolled backward,his hips digging into the place I needed him the most.

"Your pissy students left to their dorms," he whispers in my ear,biting at the shell of my ear and placing a kiss behind it.I shivered. "That old man was taken home by someone called Ishiji-"

"Ijichi," I cut him off.

"Whatever," his nails dug into my ass,holding me against his growing cock yet teasing the burning skin at my neck. "We're the only ones here other than the damn security," Toji pulls away and stares at me,his scar only adding to the evilness of his smirk. "And besides,I know ya get horny enough when someone might just catch us."

"Fuck you," I curse at him and stare at him with a heaving chest.

He only rolled his eyes. "Lay down and let me lick ya pussy."

My eyes widened and before I could comprehend exactly what he was saying,I was shoved into my desk,lying onto of all my scattered notes and files.He spread my legs open,tugged at my pencil skirt and slowly pulled the thin pantyhose from my legs. "H-Hold on-" I was shut up with one look from him.

My jaw tightened,staring down at his kneeling form,making himself comfortable between my legs and taking hold of my inner thighs,throwing them over his shoulders."Not a word from that annoying fucking mouth,"he speaks,my pantyhose thrown to one side just as he situates his face right at my aching mound.He takes a deep breath,taking in the scent of my arousel as he smells my pussy. "Fuck."

I threw my head back,cheeks and chest burning at the sight of what he just did.It made me flustered in different kinds of ways and just when I thought he'd drive me to the edge of insanity,he tugged me closer,jotting out his tongue and licking right over the bud of my clothed clit. "Stop teasing me," I whimper out,eyes narrowed on him because I hated the fact that he could make me sound so weak.

"But all you've been doing is teasing me," his voice is low,amusement laced and filled with so much lust.He stared up at me from between my thighs,his tongue running across his top teeth,adding to the sinister of his scar. "Don't act like ya haven't been wearing this pencil skirt because of me."

"This happens to be my favorite pencil skirt," I grit out,whining out like a bitch in heat when his tongue swirled over my bud,teasing at it,tasting my arousel that seeped in from my blue lacy thong. "I don't know what you're getting at.." I trail off,my lip caught between my teeth as the throbbing turned into a dull burn.

"Oh don't be such a prude," he bared his teeth at me,lowering his head one more time and biting at the hem of my thong but not before his crude words caused my cheeks to redden even more. "I'd watch ya ass bounce all day in this tight piece of shit," my underwear had been pulled off from my legs by nothing but his teeth,all the way off my ankles as it dropped to the floor.

"I'm not a prude you fucking-" I slapped a hand over my mouth,eyes wide as he spat down on my pussy.His saliva mixed with my thick arousel had my clit twitching in anticipation and before a scream could leave my throat,his mouth was where I needed him the most. "Toji," I whisper breathlessly,my head falling back as I stared up at the ceiling.

I felt every swirl,felt his tongue mix in his saliva and my arousel,felt him trace my clit and felt him nibble at my pussy lips.I tried my best to hold back,tried my hardest to keep myself from yelling out loudly and just when I felt myself slip,I bit down onto my fist.

"We both know you're a prude baby," he sneakers,holding up my thighs just as my hips lift and drinking from my pussy,drinking up my nectar.Toji growled against me,staring up at me like a rabid dog just as he clamped his jaw and sucked roughly.My eyes rolled back,my arms held me up for leverage but even they gave in.

"Fuck yes!" I whisper yell,moan loud enough for him to hear me.I was laid down onto my desk,legs spread wide open and thrown over his shoulders while he ate me better than a deciple at the last dinner.I was no religious woman but- "Jesus keep doing that," I felt his tongue swirl at my clit and slowly sink himself into my slit,imposing in on my mound and swirling his long,thick tongue into my pussy. "Fuck..me"

My mouth fell open and I felt my hand creep up to my breast,the other taking a hold of his head and shoving him deeper into me.My nails raked down his skull,holding him in place while my hips moved to the rhythm of his tongue. "This pussy is as sweet as it is tight," he whispered,gobbling up my pussy juices and spitting down onto it.He was merciless,ate me messy and ran his tongue all over my burning mound.

My breath shortened,my mouth fell into a wide O and the familiar sensation built up within my stomach.This was what I wanted these past few weeks.For my stomach to coil,my pussy to churn,my heart to thump and my thighs to shake.These past few weeks I've been trying to mimick the same release Toji gave me but it was clear as day now.

Only he could give me the release I desperately needed.

It would only ever be him..

"Toji!" I shut my eyes,braced myself for the heart shattering orgasm that would fill me in seconds.A smile stretched across my lips and I watched him in anticipation,the build up slowly beginning. "Fuck you're gonna make me cūm."

"How badly do ya wanna cūm baby?" He asks and my head drifts to the side,staring down at him while he pulled one of my pussy lips between his teeth.

"So bad," my moan is drawn out and I stare at him through lidded eyes.Lust clouding my judgement.

He plunges his tongue deeper into my pussy,sucking at my clit while he moves rhythmically inside of me.I loved every second of it.Loved how eating my pussy was second nature to him,loved how he stared up at me the same way I stared down at him.Loved how it was me he was kneeling before and I loved just how quickly he could make me cūm.

My eyes widened,chest heaved when I felt my clit twitch but just before I could even begin to double over,he pulls away.Toji holds my thighs in place and gives one last spit to my swollen clit.He slowly stands while I stare up at him,a deep frown pulling on my face. "What the fuck are-" he cuts me off.

"Get down from ya desk," his face is stoic as he speaks.I watched him lick at his lips,tasting my arousel and quickly grabbing his gloves and the broom against the wall.I wanted to ask what he was doing,leaving me half naked on my desk while his saliva dripped from my pussy and onto my paperwork.I wanted to ask him so many things,the burn never easing but as he turned around,he beat me to it. "And try not to break a nail," those were his last words before my classroom door was shut.

He left.


Sorrows sorrows

Might update this weekend instead,just a small notice and the little pic I've added was just for funzies. I will add more.

I do not own that amazing work of art,all rights reserved for another artist.

Not my own work and their Instagram is at the bottom so be sure to check and follow.

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