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                         [First Name]

"Fuck," a soft grunt escaped Toji's mouth just as I spread his thighs wider and tried my best not to dig my fingers into his skin.He shuddered above me,his head falling back when I handled him too rough. "Slower [First Name] it ain't going anywhere."

"Speak for yourself.It's so damn big," flinging my hair to the side,a annoyed grunt left my mouth too.I found it impossible to get anything done when he was both too wide and too large but nonetheless I managed to push him back at his chest and growl out. "Sit still and let me do it.I'm already on my knees for you."

"Alright just-" I watched his eyes roll back and his bottom lip disappear between his teeth.A soft curse left his mouth again as I ripped the final skin graft off and stared at the massive third degree burn embedded into his skin.This was going to leave a nasty scar from his inner thigh all the way to his outer and as I spread his thighs further apart -to keep him from closing them- I grabbed the disinfectant.

"Quit being a baby," rolling my eyes in annoyance,I dabbed the large piece of cotton wool over his burn while he tried his best not to sound like the baby I've come to learn he is.I was careful but I was not gentle because he didn't deserve it.

"Who fucking taught you how to clean a wound," he scoffed and held the throw pillows against his chest,getting comfortable to the slight sting the disinfectant left.It had been a week since his been here and my house had never been the same ever since.

Men,no wonder they needed woman in their lives because these fuckers had no coordination,direction and a sense of fucking house pride.He used the coasters but didn't throw his beer bottles away,he never hung the towels up after his shower and he magically assumed that using my toothbrush holder was okay.Like a lost puppy he limped his way through my home while I practically took care of him as if he were a child.

"You're going to be a bad mother oneday," I listened to him whisper above from me and then I shoved my fingers into his burnt skin filled with ointment.His painful hiss brought me nothing but satisfaction.

"Because you'll be a good father right," I raised a brow and watched him chuckle. "I bet you'll pack your kid lunches,tuck her into bed and surprise her on every birthday," I didn't hide my scoff.

"What makes you think I'll have a daughter?" he asked.

"Men like you always land up with a little girl," I responded. "It's literally science."

"Nah I prefer a boy," for a second I watched those green emerald eyes of his tell me something he kept close to his heart,an emotion passed through him.I could've sworn it was something close to longing but he quickly masked his expression with his usual mundane look. "So he could be my exact replica."

"Another Toji," I drawled out my response.I never thought I'd hear him speak about wanting a child,let alone a son and for some reason and for some reason,a slight unease crept beneath my skin. "The world would be in total chaos."

"As if the world needs another smart mouth," he taunted and stared down at me with the faintest smile.It wasn't there but it definitely could be. "A mother that isn't gentle at all."

"Ah yes, because if you had to be gentle you'd definitely need a For Dummies book right?" wiping the excess ointment from my hands I shook my head in disbelief. "You're anything but a gentle man," I couldn't help scoff again,turning my head to grab the fresh gauze and bandage but cold fingers wrapped around my chin almost instantly. Mocking hands brushed my skin ever so softly and turned me forward to face him.This time he was so near,near enough for me to get a whiff of his masculine scent with the lingering smell of a cigarette barely beneath it.His eyes that held so much wonder,glanced down to my lips just as I sucked in a breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 21, 2023 ⏰

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