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                       [First Name]

"-time wasting all because you wanted to take them to the beach," his annoyingly screechy voice rung my ears so loud for a second I thought my eardrum burst.I was so used to being treated like the fifteen year old I was years ago that I'd become immune to his unnecessary yelling.The Higher Ups always had me by the balls and never failed to ruin my day for me,even when I wasn't working.

I was pretty pissed before we arrived.I had a schedule for everything I did,a perfectly laid out plan that involved being on time and waiting two hours for Nobara at the mall was not included.I knew I was going to be a shitty mother-not complete shit but shit enougy-so just as I did before,I took a deep breath and responded lightly. "Yes sir-"

He cut me off before I could get anything out. "You're overstepping a boundary here [Last Name] and I'll see to it that you get punished for it," I simply rolled my eyes at his words,my eyes still closed.I was hallfway through drifting off to sleep before he called but my eyes remained closed.

"Punished for taking my students out to the beach after they performed well," it definitely didn't sound like a question and if it did,it only made him seem more ridiculous. "I think they deserve it."

"What they deserve is more training and more missions.Especially that Itadori kid-Sukuna's vessel being so casually exposed is a weakness for this institute.Do you understand girl," a soft sigh escaped my lips as I rolled on my back and allowed for the hot sun to warm me up.

"Yes sir," all I wanted was to relax and this old man couldn't even give me that.

"Good," he scoffs but not before mumbling to himself about how I was going to run this institute to the ground.He finally put down the phone and I threw my own to the side,a exasperated sigh leaving my lips.Rummaging through one of my many bags,I fished out one of my books and skipped to where I ended.

A book on ancient marcial arts and the instructions of a student,how to truly master it.I've been studying it for the a while now and although only learned afew rules,I just couldn't get enough.So engrossed in the authors words,my excitement scurried away when a dark shadow loomed over me while I read.

I should've been more upset because it was him but I was more upset at the fact that he blocked my sun. "You're ruining my tan janitor," without having to look at him,I already knew the culprit.

"You steal my beer and I steal your sun," he casually speaks and I pull my eyes from my book,staring forward with a blank look. "We're even."

"Is that so?" I scoff and rolled over,staring at the ocean before me without giving him so much as a glance. "Well then now is your cue to leave.Get out of the way," when he stayed put I sat up and pulled the sunglasses from my face,my mood turned even more sour.

He was watching me.

"Must be shitty when ya own boss doesn't even like ya," he raised a amused brow,arms folded as he stared at me.I simply scoffed and watched him drop down onto his haunches and crouch. "What a shame."

"What's a shame is a grown man licking up ass every chance he gets," I rolled my eyes and grabbed the suntan lotion from one of my bags.

"Peanut butter and jelly baby," he smirked,that annoying scar only causing more of a mischievous affect.I felt my jaw twitch and my hands tighten around the lotion cap and immediately snap it off by accident.Everything he represented pissed me off and the more I find myself trying to avoid him the more he angers me. "It's better than having to prove ya'self all the time."

"Is that how you magically moved into the dorms," I glanced at him and tossed the bottle cap to the side.Any sand that managed to get on my legs I whisked off.Anything to distract me from him. "And somehow successfully landed a job at a very prestigious school."

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