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The school bell rung and my admin period is over but that clearly wasn't enough to shake Mei Mei off because she just wouldn't let it slide.

"No I am done talking about this Mei," I say and grab my files and lunch bag,stepping out of the classroom and making my way to my next class. "I've said enough so whatever information you're looking for,you can ask Satoru."

"You probably told him half assed lies or nothing at all," she groans and catches up to me,a pep in her step.Not once did she take her eyes off me. "We're supposed to be friends so just tell me goddamit."

"No," I was persistent,kept my head up high and didnt give her the time of day.She'd see just how serious I am and stop pressing.

"Alright at least let me know if he had a big dick or if he went in gloved-oh my God does he have a turtle neck," her smile was bright as she spoke and I frowned and gave her a laugh out of disbelief.

"What the hell is a turtle neck Mei?" I watched her grab the shirt she wore and bring it up to her face,hiding half of it with a mischievous look in her eye.It only made me laugh more but instead of entertaining her,I turned the corner and groaned. "I'm not telling you anything."

"My girl went all the way to Low Point so I have to know if the fresh dick was really that good.Your vagina is basically a ancient artifact," Mei Mei commented,a look of thought on her face as she twirled the loose strands of her hair.

"Can we please not talk about this right now," I hiss at her,my head snapping to look around.We turned the next corner and I instantly hit her side,a janitor mopping the floors of the Jujutsu Tech halls. "Shut up Mei."

Our eyes fell on him,the janitor suit looked abit too tight for his unusually large shoulders and I could see the deltoids of his arms flexing beneath his janitor suit.Dark hair poked from the cap he wore but it wasn't the physique that took me back.It was his aura,so dark and demeaning I had no idea who he was yet everything about him felt so familiar.

"Who the hell is that.." she trails off,eyeing the man before us.He had a deep scowl on his face and just as he stood up right,holding the mop in his hands,his lazy eyes turned to us.I felt a jab to my stomach,my body turning rigid as I took in those familiar eyes,drank up that smokey aura projecting from him and stared at the strikingly familiar scar in the corner of his mouth.

It was him.

"Way to go Jujutsu Tech," Mei sneakers and finally turns to me,cornering me against the wall. "Hey I'm not done with you."

"Mei.." I spoke breathlessly and gulped.My mind is elsewhere because the same man that nearly fucked my soul into the abyss,was the same man mopping the hallway of the school that I worked at.My eyes beat uncontrollably as I glance between his stare and Mei Mei.

His eyebrow was raised.

"Just tell me because I won't let you off the hook [Last Name]," her sultry eyes narrows down on me and for a second there I felt caged.Just like he caged me in those many days ago.I square my shoulders. "At least tell me if the sex was good?"

Splattering,my head felt lighter and for some reason my cheeks burned unnaturally pink.I tried hiding my face so he couldn't see me, but it didn't matter,not when he was right there and not when he could hear everything. "I told you, can we please not do this."

"Fine,I'll come over tonight then," she was taller than me so she basically towered but I didn't let her intimidate me.The situation was just really awkward and embarrassing right now.

"You don't even know where I live," I muse.

"Just like Satoru found a way,so can I," she responds.

"How do you even know that," I stared up at her in bewilderment and her knowing look already had me rolling my eyes. "He knew where I lived a long time ago," her nod only made me groan.

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