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                         [First Name]

I practically ran for the hills.I rushed from the dormatries,down the familiar pathway and headed straight for the conference room.I was already so late for the morning meeting and just when I checked my watch,my stomach dropped.

I missed the meeting.

"Fuck fuck fuck," I muttered,sharp inhales of breath as I sped walked down the hallway.Yoshinobu is going to hand me my ass and do it infront of everyone.


I turned a sharp corner,beelined for the room and just as I opened the door,I instantly bowed my head,out of customs ofcourse.Nothing out of respect. "I'm sorry I'm late sir," my shoulders relaxed,pulling my lips into a thin line as I stared at the ground.I hate sucking up to people. "It has been a busy morning."

"Well that's one painful sight," his familiar voice,though this time relaxed,hit my ears.I slowly raised my head,staring at Satoru who practically  laid in his seat,legs spread while he watched me. "Thought I taught you better.What a shame,tsk tsk."

While he shook his head in disbelief I was overcome with emotion.Relief,worry,stress,anger?

He caused me so much headache since the moment he left but even now it was him that sat casually in his seat.As if he did nothing wrong. "Have a seat,the games are starting," Yoshinobu snarls at me,his head shaking in disappointment and embarrassment infront of the entire counsel.I blinked uncontrollably,my eyes darting to everyone across the room until they finally met Satoru's again.Although covered by a blindfold,I could tell he was staring and just as I stepped forward,ready to head for my seat,she sits down.

"Pay attention Gojo,we don't need more inconveniences today," her sharp and pressed tone shot through the air like a cold blade in the middle of the night.Her stare was poised,shoulders squared as she stared forward and looked at the large TV screens.

"If you wanted my attention Utahime, you should've just said so hmm," he reached forward to poke her cheek,playfully staring at her and just when she was about to swat his hand away,he twisted his wrist over her own and pushed her hand away instead.The move was so swift and calculated he barely tried.

"It's starting!" someone yelled and I snapped out of my daze from watching them.My nails pulled from the middle of my palm from clenching them too tight and I made a beeline for the back seats.

"Being able to tolerate you is a gift,I don't know how the people at Jujustu Tech is able to do it," she speaks up again and scoff,glancing at Satoru and turning forward.

"Spend enough time around me and you'll see just how easier it gets," he tilts his head,watching as the game starts. "But you always weak so I guess I'll just have to go easy on you."

She had nothing to say to him only the clenching and uncleching of her jaw that I was able to see.I was unable to feel intimidated by anyone and if I did I'd immediately straighten myself out.It was true what she said,one needed tolerance to be able to be around Satoru Gojo and the sole fact that I haven't seen him in weeks,one of my students died and that he didn't have the balls to even look at me pissed me off.

I glared daggers in the back of his head for the rest of the game,the large TV only showcasing one member at the time.I paid attention to the most of it but Satoru and Utahime banter had gone so back and forth,I couldn't possibly stay focused.It pissed me off that she thought she could walk into my city and act as if she owned the place.

She was strong and I'd give her that but we never got along and I don't think we'd ever.We were too alike and our egos always got the best of us.I didn't care as long as she stayed in her lane and I did mine.

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