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It's the first thing they taught us the moment we stepped foot onto Jujutsu property.The program was designed for gifted individuals to form an alliance amongst each other and rid a world filled with disease,we know this to be curses.

My name is [First Name][Last Name] and my first day at Kyoto Metropolitan Curse Technical College was exactly five years ago,mopping the floors and attending to damage on the training grounds after every sparring from students.I was approached by a man with absolutely no credentials but a keen eye for fighting spirit and talent like no other,those were his words at the time and I believed nothing that came from his lying mouth.

Two months into my Jujutsu journey and I witnessed life changing situations.While I stood by idly,waiting for the students to finish up practice,I learnt different techniques,teaching myself because nobody else would.At the time,the counsel saw me as nothing but a liability to the school and that the person who brought me here broke every rule in the book.

I was ridiculed and looked down upon,the orphan mopping the floors felt like bigger shit than bigger shit itself.And so,like any other underdog film,I worked my way to the top and quickly became a student of this elite school.The best of the best attended and even though I had classmates,I was still treated like an outcast.

The student who didn't belong.

Gojo and Geto must've been the only two fuckers willing enough to stick around and want my company and even after Geto fucked up wholeheartedly,Gojo stuck around.He quickly became my closest friend and after five years,working alongside the whitehead goof,I finally became a teacher at Jujutsu Tech.

Safe to say I worked hard for what I wanted and nobody could take that away from me.I stayed rooted and despite the school being run by a overly judgemental and finger-up-their-ass-counsel,I'd never betray them.

It wasn't for the counsel anyway.It was for the oath I made five tears ago,to lay my life on the line for the protection of mankind and most importantly,for the kids I taught everyday.

"Deep,concentrated stare," I blink myself out of my trance at the familiar sound of his overly cheerful voice. "Aimelessly staring outside of a window," Satoru's teasing didn't stop,not as he took the seat  across from me and not as he laced his hands together,leaning his chin onto his wedged fingers. "I think I've made a new discovery."

Hand it to Satoru Gojo,a grown man that is able to make or break your day or brighten or dampen your mood.

"And what might that discovery be Sensei," I finally turned my full attention to him,a wide smile on my face as I watched his eyes close,a mischievous smile on his face.

"You're in love," he playfully laughed out and swung his head from side to side.I let out a laugh myself and watched him lean in closer,my hand instantly cupping his forehead.

"And you're sick," I was quick enough to flick his forehead and watch him sit back,cross his arms over his broad chest and smirk down at me.I looked up,stared into those vibrant and electrifying blues of his,taking in the exquisiteness of it.His white eyelashes seemed non existent but it only extenuated his eyes further.My bestfriend was one gorgeous motherfucker but I'd never fail at not telling him that.

It'll only feed into his fat ego.

"It is a shame,you'd never find someone as compatible as me," he pushed his fluffy hair back,natural white strands fell before his eyes while he took hold of my chopsticks and lazily messed in my salad bowl. "I do wonder what you'd behave like when you find someone."

"Why," I grimace and hit his hands,quickly shutting my salad bowl but not before he managed to steal a piece of lettuce,biting into it.I wiped my mouth and grabbed some tissue paper,cleaning my hands.My next class started in the next ten minutes.I needed to be presentable.

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