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"Six minutes and twenty nine seconds left before this session ends and you haven't said a word," I raise a brow and stared at my very stubborn student.He looked at me with indifference,the stare so unusually familiar I shifted in my seat uncomfortably.

Megumi sat with his fingers enlaced,hands clasped and a single eyebrow lifted.I had broken the silence just minutes ago and held my own,our staring competition lasting longer than I expected.The kid didn't crack and the thought almost made me smile. "And I was just about to ask how long before this torture ends," his voice echoed throughout the quiet classroom.

"You do realize the more you resist to talk the least likely it is for you to participate in this years games," my eyelids begged me to have them blink but I only dug my fingers into my arms,the blank look we shared so similar but even then,I didn't give up.I was going to win. " I'll have to send you to the Hashi and I don't think you'd like that one bit Mr.Fushiguro."

"Don't call me that," he snapped and narrowed his eyes but not blinking,never blinking. "That's my father so go back to referring to me as Megumi," his jaw clenches as he speaks and I let the notion sink in.One of my most respectful students disrespected me and just that made me anxiously bite my lip.

Megumi hated speaking about his father.


"You don't like being referred to as a Fushiguro," I state,not ask and lean forward into my desk.I stared at my student opposite me and ran my eyes from his own down to the hand now clenching and unclenching into a tight ball. "I think your father will be disappointed."

"My father is a good for nothing piece of shit.He doesn't care for anything other than himself so your assumption is undoubtedly false," if possible,I watched Megumi tightened his jaw harsher and slowly sat back.His reply was fast,interjecting the moment those words left my mouth. "I am no Fushiguro."

"You're no pure blooded Fushiguro," I correct him.

"I'm Megumi.Just Megumi," he says and with a exasperated sigh,I watched him sit back and listened to him.He turns his head,looking away from me and I return the favor with a winning smirk.

"Why," I ask.

"You just won't give up do you?" he answers.

"I can be equally persistent as I am persuasive," it earns me a soft chuckle just as I watched him slump into the comfortable seat from opposite me.Megumi and I sit in silence for the next couple of minutes but after that,he speaks up again.

"I don't doubt that for a second," I listen to him mumble,crossing my leg over the other and raise a brow at the boy.He was staring at me,his casual indifference look plastered but something so close to sadness flashed in the very corner of his eyes. "He wasn't around much."

I tilt my head,encouraging him to continue and so with a deep clearing of his throat,did he. "He wasn't around at at all when I was living with him.I was cast away,brought to Gojo Sensei and he took care of me ever since."

"I'm aware of what happened Megumi.I'd like to know how this made you feel?" He scoffed at me and shook his head in disbelief instead. "Just give me something kid."

There was a pause and then there wasn't. "I feel nothing."

I casually roll my eyes."You're nineteen years old.You never knew your mother and the only person you loved and depended on dropped you off at the feet of a man you barely knew," I raise a brow and stare at his clenched hand again.His position was calm but deep down I know what I was asking was causing him to unravel feelings he buried deep within.I could sense his inner turmoil. "You want reason and you miss him."

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