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                         [First Name]

"No," I practically growled out,my eyes narrowing on the old fuck himself while he sat confortably in his office.

"This is not up for discussion.I told you what would happen if you disobeyed me and now we have half of the school burnt to a crisp and a intruder managed to get the veil down," he looked up at me,his hands stroking his beard while he stared at me with a familiar hate.His been looking at me with those burning eyes ever since the day I stepped foot on Jujutsu property. "Toji Isagi will be living with you till he is healed and till it is safe."

"His a non-sorcerer and I don't trust him.Besides Satoru, his not allowed to even know where I live and doesn't this go against all Jujustu laws," I was riling myself up and I had every right to do so.I was a teacher,I had to protect my students and although I failed,that wouldn't mean I'd take a random person into my home.

"This isn't up for discussion!" he yelled at me and I reeled back,staring down at him while he shook his head in disappointment. "He tried saving one of our students and got hurt in the process.He is our responsibility and I will not put another life in jeapordy because one of my employees is acting like a burden again."

"I'm the one acting like a burden-" before I could get anything out,he cut me off by slamming his hands on the table.

"You always have been goddamit!" I clamped my jaw and grinded my molars to stop me from saying something I really didn't want to. So instead I placed my hands behind my back,raised my chin and took the damn heat. "You took them out to the beach,how stupid of you.Had they been on the premises they could have protected this school and I can guarantee you that Toji Isagi wouldn't be near all this mess."

Ofcourse,they're blaming me.

His blaming me because I've always been his target and I don't think I'll ever stop being it.

"I understand sir," it came out just as bored as I was from this conversation.

"You will take him in and make sure he gets healed.You are to house him,feed him-hell I don't care if he needs help taking a shit.You just make sure it's up to standard.Your job is to serve and protect and if you can't do that then I'll start questioning the entire counsel to why it is that you're still here," he scoffed and waved me off.How I wanted to haul him over his own desk and shove my fists down his throat but instead I dug my fingernails into the palm of my hands and without bowing my head,I walked out.

Fixing the towel around my waist,I pushed my damp hair aside and didn't spare Satoru a moments glance as he fell in step with me.He was still wearing those shorts of his,pulling his shades to his head and pulling his arm over my shoulders. "He really doesn't like you."

"I have to house a non-sorcerer," I glanced at him,picking up what little pride I had and holding my head high. "And he thinks all of this is my fault. "

"You did suggest the beach?" I could hear his annoying sneakering and like the little fly he was,I shoved him off and scoffed.

"They deserved it and you know that," I scoffed and stared ahead with nothing but bile brewing in the depths of my stomach. "I swear to the Almighty that one day I'm going to skin that dicksack of an old man alive."

Letting my intrusive thoughts take over,I mumbled over and over of all the gruesome ways I'd kill that discoloured and degenerated asshole back there but before I could even get to the good parts and before Satoru tried any funny shit,I looked up at him and glared,watched the large smile with wrong intentions fall.

"Thanks by the way," then I pushed him to the side and gave him the cold shoulder. "You were really a big help in there."

"Oh come on you know I had your back," walking backward because it was his thing when we were alone,he stuck his hands into his shorts pocket and shrugged. "Besides you're [First Name] and you can handle some lousey counsel members."

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