His Curse

By disrespectfully_his

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By disrespectfully_his

The school bell rung and my admin period is over but that clearly wasn't enough to shake Mei Mei off because she just wouldn't let it slide.

"No I am done talking about this Mei," I say and grab my files and lunch bag,stepping out of the classroom and making my way to my next class. "I've said enough so whatever information you're looking for,you can ask Satoru."

"You probably told him half assed lies or nothing at all," she groans and catches up to me,a pep in her step.Not once did she take her eyes off me. "We're supposed to be friends so just tell me goddamit."

"No," I was persistent,kept my head up high and didnt give her the time of day.She'd see just how serious I am and stop pressing.

"Alright at least let me know if he had a big dick or if he went in gloved-oh my God does he have a turtle neck," her smile was bright as she spoke and I frowned and gave her a laugh out of disbelief.

"What the hell is a turtle neck Mei?" I watched her grab the shirt she wore and bring it up to her face,hiding half of it with a mischievous look in her eye.It only made me laugh more but instead of entertaining her,I turned the corner and groaned. "I'm not telling you anything."

"My girl went all the way to Low Point so I have to know if the fresh dick was really that good.Your vagina is basically a ancient artifact," Mei Mei commented,a look of thought on her face as she twirled the loose strands of her hair.

"Can we please not talk about this right now," I hiss at her,my head snapping to look around.We turned the next corner and I instantly hit her side,a janitor mopping the floors of the Jujutsu Tech halls. "Shut up Mei."

Our eyes fell on him,the janitor suit looked abit too tight for his unusually large shoulders and I could see the deltoids of his arms flexing beneath his janitor suit.Dark hair poked from the cap he wore but it wasn't the physique that took me back.It was his aura,so dark and demeaning I had no idea who he was yet everything about him felt so familiar.

"Who the hell is that.." she trails off,eyeing the man before us.He had a deep scowl on his face and just as he stood up right,holding the mop in his hands,his lazy eyes turned to us.I felt a jab to my stomach,my body turning rigid as I took in those familiar eyes,drank up that smokey aura projecting from him and stared at the strikingly familiar scar in the corner of his mouth.

It was him.

"Way to go Jujutsu Tech," Mei sneakers and finally turns to me,cornering me against the wall. "Hey I'm not done with you."

"Mei.." I spoke breathlessly and gulped.My mind is elsewhere because the same man that nearly fucked my soul into the abyss,was the same man mopping the hallway of the school that I worked at.My eyes beat uncontrollably as I glance between his stare and Mei Mei.

His eyebrow was raised.

"Just tell me because I won't let you off the hook [Last Name]," her sultry eyes narrows down on me and for a second there I felt caged.Just like he caged me in those many days ago.I square my shoulders. "At least tell me if the sex was good?"

Splattering,my head felt lighter and for some reason my cheeks burned unnaturally pink.I tried hiding my face so he couldn't see me, but it didn't matter,not when he was right there and not when he could hear everything. "I told you, can we please not do this."

"Fine,I'll come over tonight then," she was taller than me so she basically towered but I didn't let her intimidate me.The situation was just really awkward and embarrassing right now.

"You don't even know where I live," I muse.

"Just like Satoru found a way,so can I," she responds.

"How do you even know that," I stared up at her in bewilderment and her knowing look already had me rolling my eyes. "He knew where I lived a long time ago," her nod only made me groan.

"So why won't you just tell me then?"

"Because!" I protest. "It's none of your business!I just don't want to talk about it!"

"So the sex is bad then?"

"What?No,that's not-" she cut me off.

"So it's good then?Is he a gentleman or is he a real Tarzan in the sheets?" I pull a face at her words and her eyes widen. "There wasn't any sheets to begin with huh?"

I was blushing crimson red at this point. "Please can we just drop this topic?" my eyes darted to him and I was so sure that he deliberately lingered within ear range just so he could over hear everything we were saying.His lips were pursed,perhaps to stop himself from smirking.I've never wanted the ground to swallow me up as much as I do now.

"I'm not letting this rest until I get at least something," Mei Mei demanded with a little grin,taking in my blushing cheeks as she crossed her arms over her chest. "Just tell me if it was awesome.I noticed you have this lighthearted aura around you and you even smiled just thinking about it.I mean look at you-you're blushing!"

"Pipe down," I hiss again.

"Could it be from receiving some extra powerful sex,perfectly doled out,wet orgasms that-" I cut her off.

"Alright!Okay!It was mind-blowing!" I confess,using the files in my arms to cover my face.For the first time in my life,my cheeks had burnt up this much and I couldn't face the world after this.Here I am,a grown woman squealing like a school girl who just saw her crush. "Are you happy now?"

He certainly looked to be.

"Yes," she giggled and pulled the file away.Mei Mei gave me one pat to the cheek and smiled in triumph,stepping back. "I want to know more.Thick and long or fat and short," she walked backwards,still holding my gaze as a crazy smile pulled on her face. "Anal maybe?"

"Mei!" I yell and she spins on her heel,walking down the hallway with her deep laughter following.It wasn't till I was sure she was gone that I take him in,staring at him who continued to mop the floors.

He didn't say anything,just kept his head down and continued to do his work.But for some reason that only pissed me off,just a little bit.He was acting as if I didn't exist and so I'd do the same.I gave myself a pep talk,building up the courage to walk past him and head to my class.There was nothing to it.

You can do this [First Name] ,after reassuring myself one last time,I trek forward and make my way past him.My heart thumbed against it's cages and I didn't get far before I heard his deep voice echoe throughout the quiet hallway. "I should've fucked that stick right out of your ass."

I stop dead in my tracks,my shaky breath following soon after. "Wonder if it's as tight as ya pussy," he speaks again and I cringe at how loud he sounds.

I shut my eyes and gulped before slowly turning around.Like a hit to the stomach,there he was.He leaned against the wall,clutched the mop tighter and widened his smirk. "Mind-blowing huh?"

My grip tightened around the files I carried and I felt the same tension ignite between the two of us.I didn't think I'd have to look up at him ever again but here he was,casually staring down at me with a egotistical look wiped on his face. "This is my work space so I'd appreciate it if you'd carry on about your day and pretend like we never happened."

"We?" He raised a brow and stared at me. "There ain't no we."

My jaw tightened and I cringe at how it sounded. "Pretend like it never happened."

"Pretend what never happened?" he mused and my face turned sour.

"You know damn well what I'm talking about," my teeth grit against one another and I narrow my eyes on him.I won't say it,his only trying to embarrass me.

"Nah," a sickening laugh,the same one from how I remembered it to be rung my ears and my stomach flipped over backward.He glanced to his right and then turned his gaze back to me. "I don't,maybe ya could refresh my memory."

"This is my job," I hiss and take a step forward. "You will not jeopardize my reputation by opening your mouth.Do you understand," as those words left my mouth a deep rumble came right from his throat.His pectorals flexed as he growled at me and I jumped back just slightly,schooling my face so he wouldn't know how affected I felt.The sound shot straight to my pussy. "I asked you a question."

"Scared someone might just find out who exactly it is you fucked," he raised a brow and squared his shoulders.He was doing it to intimidate me but I wouldn't allow anymore of that.I did the interrogating so I stepped forward once again and squared my own shoulders,staring up at him with a knowing look and a fire burning in my eyes. "Is it because I'm the janitor or because ya couldn't take my cock.."

He trails off and leans forward,his green forestry burning my stomach. "How would that look for ya reputation?"

"If you're asking If I'm embarrassed by you then yes I am," my eyes narrow up at him,holding the files flush against my heaving stomach.Annoyance flashed in his eyes and I felt my heart flutter at that.I wanted him to feel every sickening emotion he made me feel and if it meant getting into his personal space to prove my  point then I'd so exactly that. "I wouldn't want anyone to know that I had someone like you even touch me."

"I thought we've been over this princess," he steps forward once more and I quickly rotate my body to dodge any sort of grazing from him.My back had faced the wall but I was too busy getting into his face. "I thought ya liked getting fucked by an incompetent criminal."

His familiar smokey scent filled my nostrils,spices and masculinity causing my head to go hazy.His skin was cold that night but the heat that radiated off of him at this momemt might just deter me. "I will have you fired if you do so much as touch me."

"You didn't hire me ma," his boots hit the ground one more time and before I knew it,he had me pressed up against the wall.Memories of that night in his kitchen replayed in my head,his broad chest caging me in while I was wedged between his cabinet and his fridge.He was anything but gentle and had no concern if I was comfortable or not just like he had no concern that anyone might just walk past. "You ain't got shit on me."

"I'm on the counsel," my head is tipped back and my skin crawls with goosebumps.Annoyance and the forbidden arousel is slowly itching to be let out but I wouldn't spare him anything any longer.I had a class to get to. "I can do what I want."

"Oh yeah," he whispers and leans into me,his eyes dropping down to my lips for a brief second.

"Yeah.." I gulp and nod just to solidify it."I don't want you near me," I can taste his smokers breath mixed with a fair amount of mint.It drives me crazy,his aura,his scent.Everything about him brings up the same emotions from that fateful night. Just being in his presence made me feel sated.

We stare at each other for the longest time.His green inferno lures me in to the point where I feel myself lean in. "That doesn't change the fact that ya still breathing so heavily princess."

"I could say the same for you," my eyes darts down to his lips,the scar adding to his sex appeal.I wanted my lips on his,his tongue dominating my mouth again and sucking my soul out from my own throat.

"My closet ain't too far away baby," his voice is deep and rustic,the sound of promise and the idea of me being taken into his closet sounded thrilling for a second.Forced to keep my mouth shut so nobody could hear me while he fucked my pussy lazy into the abyss.

Just as those words left his mouth,the sound of Panda's familiar laughter echoed throughout the hallway.I let out a shaky breath,slight fear waking me up from my trance until I duck underneath his thick arm and slowly stumbled back.

He catches my arm,stopping me from tripping over myself.He stared at me with that same unfiltered look,emotionless.Our eyes meet,mine filled with spiking nerves. "Hell will freeze over before I let you touch me again," I say and spin on my heel,quickly making my way down the hallway.I tried not turning back to look a him,tried not seeming too rattled but how could I not?

My skin burnt like a blazed fire,my clothes suddenly became too constricting,the hallway closed in on me and my pussy throbbed for a man I swear would never touch me again.I have to stay away from him.

His fucking dangerous..


what a whore.

you still don't even know his name.

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