inquisitormaster stories

Von yournotsolocalgalpal

5.8K 65 454

leave your suggestions anywhere im always happy to write them. I do try my best with them and would love it i... Mehr

High School Murder- charluca
We All Die In The End- Soraxx
among us game- aluca
Not a oneshot but tysm
the beginning- levight
confession- aluca
The Beginning part 2.- lucight
Taxi Driver- Soraxx
jealousy- Aluca
The Horror Game- Charlight
Unrequinted Love- Charlex
dinner date- Liaxx
Just a little sneek peek
Valentines day- Platonic Alevi
brotherhood- Platonic Luca and levi
How are you here?- Luclight
I'm sorry your short- Levaxx
Ice-cream- Alevi
Soras cousin- Soraxx
The better colour- Luclight
Cookie dough- Luclight
time travel- just sora
date?- Liaxx
How are you here? pt.2- Luclight
Babys- soraxx
parenting- soraxx
heartbreak- levight
discontinued untill further notice.
envious of your love- charlight
you sick badstard- platonic luca and levi? (pt.2 of envious of your love)
the argument- levi and luca (as brothers) + levight and luclight
the end of an era

Why Would You Do that- Levight

207 1 26
Von yournotsolocalgalpal

Light was just a normal school boy when he was in primary school. Gradually through the years things started going downhill for him. People would bully him constantly telling him to kill himslef or that he was fat,ugly,unwanted, irrelevant and all of this plus so much more got to his head so much that it caused him to develop depression and anxiety. His sister Alex was the only one who knew as she was like a parental figure to him since their father left when their mother died, though Light was only young and it was several years ago he remembers it still even now that he's 16. Alex tried to help him as best she could but nothing worked. Light would always say he's fine but he cut himself when she wasn't around. He'd say he was fine but he constantly smoked behind her back. He'd say he was fine but he faked an ID just to get alcohol to drink it at night when she was asleep. All of this Alex never knew because Light refused to tell her. This went on for months before Light finally snapped and went downstairs drunk to go get some cocaine from the little cabinet his dad stored it in. He grabbed some and turned around where he saw Alex sternly looking at him. She took the drug away from him and sent him to bed with a glass of water, the morning won't look so good for Light.

In the Morning
Light walked downstairs in anticipation to what Alex might say to him. She sat him on the couch opposite her then began to talk.

Alex: Light.. I know what your going through is hard but you need to talk to me. You getting drunk and doing drugs isn't a way to solve that. Is there anything else you've done?

Light sighed but answered her question by showing her his scar covered arms and legs. Alex let out a loud gasp and covered her mouth. She kept looking from the scars to his eyes back and forth before finally pulling him into a hug and crying into his shoulder. She kept telling him that she was sorry and that she wished he had told her sooner and she pleaded him to stop but all that Light did was stare at the wall infront of him emotionless. He eventually spoke.

Light: Alex why are you crying? You shouldn't be crying none of this is your fault.

Alex: I'm crying because my baby brother is putting himslef through so much pain and I never even knew. How long have you been doing this?

Light: about 1 1/2 years
Alex: Oh Light.. how long since you last cut?
Light: 5 hours.

After that Light got up and grabbed his bag for school. While he was walking the same boy group that bullys him constantly came from all sides of him forming a ring around the poor boy. The four of them pushed Light around eachother going back and forth between them untill one of them, whos name is alvin, doesn't catch Light so he falls to the ground head first, like teenage boys do they didn't want to get caught so they ran away from the scene. Light stood up with a bloodied nose and a cut on his head though he just carried on walking to school like nothing happened.

At School
Light walked up to his locker to grab his things when his only friends Luca and his brother Levi came walking up to him.

Luca: Oh my god Light what happened?
Light: Nothing i fell walking to school.
Levi: Lets take you to the nurses office.

Despite not wanting to go Light went with them. The nurse treated his head and cleaned up his nose then sent him to his first class of the day. At break those same boys Alvin, Jerome, Daniel and Dillen came up to him whilst he was putting his things away. Jerome pushed Light into his locker causing him to fall onto the floor after. The oldest of the four Dillen spoke to Light.

Dillen- Are you aware why we're here?
Jerome- If you aren't maybe we should show you.
Light- No i don't know why your here. If your here for your own free punching bag just do it already.
Alvin- Boys.Should we teach him a lesson?

Two of the four picked light up by the arms and dragged him into the boys changing rooms. All four started to hit him untill Levi found them beating up Light. Levi had a crush on Light though he had never said anything about it to anyone not even luca. Levi fought the four boys away before taking Light back to the medical again. Light was sent home because of his inguries and Alex came to pick him up. She told him she was going to make him move schools but decided not to after Light was protesting profusely to the idea.

One week later
Light hadn't shown at school all week so Levi ran to his house to check on him. Levi banged on the door before Alex finally opened it.

Alex- Levi what're you do-

Levi shoved past her and ran upstairs to Lights room. Levis phone was buzzing from Lucas calls but he didn't care. Levi knocked on Lights door whilst opening it and saw Light sat on the floor, knees in his chest, drinking a bottle of vodka (AN- bros going strong). Levi swiftly moved to him taking away the bottle from his hands. Levi couldn't hold his love away anymore it was too hard and he kissed Light then pulled away but Light dragged him back and kissed him again. Levi continued to kiss him for what felt like years even though he had a thought in the back of his head telling him he shouldn't carry on as Light was clearly drunk yet he did anyway. After they finally pulled away Levi told him he had to go but Light grabbed his wrist to make him stop. Levi turned around to let Light speak.

Light- Levi i'm not drunk you know.
Levi- W-well uhh how do we know that.
Light- I get drunk a lot I know when I am or not.
Levi- Is there anything else you'd like to say?
Light- Just that I love you and I think we should date.
Levi- What if I said I had the exact same idea?
Light- Then we date dummy.
Levi- Okay. We date. We're dating now.

*************Time skipppp***************
A lot of time has passed since Light and Levi became the official Levight and things were great until things started getting bad again. People started telling Light to kill himslef again but this time it only got worse since they found out he was gay and was dating Levi. At first people were cool with it before they found out the person he was dating was Levi. After that everyone kept telling Light he wasn't good enough for Levi and they should break up and that he was way out of Levis league. They also went to Levi and said the same things but he never listened to them and would much rather comfort his boyfriend who was in self doubt and dispair. Not only was he upset over the fact that people didn't support of his relationship with Levi just because it was Levi it was also the fact that Alex had completely iced him out. They had gotten into an argument over their parents and Lights self harming issues and after that Light felt guilty but Alex had chosen to ignore him which made him feel like absolute shit. His sister, mother figure and best freind had gone cold on him. It was the worst feeling in the world. He started to drink more than half a bottle of alcohol a night and instead drinking two, he had managed to finally get the drugs he'd been trying to use for weeks now and he'd been cutting more deeply too. This went on for two whole months before one day at school he had went to a toilet stall at break to cut himself after those bullys harrassed him again. He told Luca and Levi not to go with them but they did anyway. Light had cut so much and so deep he kept bleeding everywhere, he didn't know what to do then he had passed out. Levi was the first to see and started breaking down the toilet stall door to get to him. Luca called an ambulance whilst this was happening Levi had gotten to Light he pressed paper towels on his arms and legs to stop the bleeding then Lights heartrate slowed down rapidly.

Levi: LUCA WHERES THE AMBULANCE? -tears filled his eyes-
Luca: I-I don't know its not here yet.

Then the flashing red and blue lights appeared through the windows across the hall and Luca bolted towards the front door to tell the paramedics where Light was. Levi was freaking out and the two insisted to get in the ambulance with him and so they did.

The three made it to the hospital but Light was still unresponsive. As soon as the ambulance pulled into the parking area Light was rushed out to be treated. Levi and Luca had to stay in the waiting room untill they were told otherwise but when they were they wished they hadn't heard the news at all. Levi broke down in tears and Luca hugged him whilst crying himself. After Lucas voice had calmed down a bit since the tears he called Alex to come to the hospital to tell her about what happened.

Alex: What. What happened to my baby brother.
Luca: He went to the bathroom and there- there was blood coming and Levi tried to stop it but his heart- heart rate slowed down and we came here but he- he didn't m-make it.

Alex took a second to process what had just been said to her then she shoved past everyone trying to see her brother but none of the doctors would let him be seen.

A day before the funeral
Levi, Luca and Alex were all together after the Light incident, none of them left eachothers side and all comforted one another. Alex thought this was her fault, Levi thought it was his and Luca wished he had known to help him.

Then there was a knock at the door. Alex slugishly got up to answer the door and there stood Light himself, not a cosplayer, not a lookalike, it was Light. He was alive, Alex dove in for a hug then pulling away and asked him how he was alive after the doctors said he was dead. Light explained that he had been presumed dead then when he was helped properly by a more qualified doctor he was saved. They wanted to call to tell you but he said not too as he wanted to surprise them.

Levi and Luca heard the commotion then so went to go see what it was all about and when they saw Light stood at the door their eyes lit up for the first time in a week. Levi ran to Light snd gave him a kiss and the worlds longest hug. He didn't care how he was still alive he just cared that he had Light back. Luca stood there sheepishly waiting for his turn to give Light a hug as you know they were best friends. Light and Levi finally stopped hugging and it was Lucas turn. They hugged for a bit before they all sat down and talked about what happened that day. Alex started to tear up, she hadn't meant to cause he brother so much harm but yet she did, she broke a promise to herself that day she decided to stop talking to him. She only came to that decision to protect him from anything harmful she could say to make things worse yet she had done so by trying not to. Light told her it was okay and that he understood. Though he was not fully recovered he was trying, he knows who will truly be there for him if anything were to happen again.

TWO FUCKING THOUSAND AND 57 WORDS THAT WAS YOUR ACC SHITTING MY DICK IT WAS SO LONG BRO. I loved writing this sm. Requested by @lynisyourmom


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