Redemption || Oberyn Martell

By Krazy_Kupid

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The Red Viper and the Tempest. An unlikely match from the beginning. A moment of attraction, fleeting and m... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVI
Chapter XVII
Chapter XIX
Chapter XX
Chapter XXI
Chapter XXII
Chapter XXIII
Chapter XXIV
Chapter XXV
Chapter XXVI
Chapter XXVII
Chapter XXVIII
Chapter XXIX
Chapter XXX
Chapter XXXI
Chapter XXXII
Chapter XXXIII
Chapter XXXIV
Chapter XXXV
Chapter XXXVI
Chapter XXXVII
Chapter XXXIX
Chapter XL

Chapter XVIII

2.6K 167 19
By Krazy_Kupid

[XVIII.] Tempestuous

Cassandra had been raised in the treacherous court of King's Landing and somehow, even now she could not help but despise it. 

She was dressed in a gown of gold and black silk, the colors of her house serving as a reminder to all of who she was. Still, others did not need such a reminder when they whispered behind her back of all that she had gone through.

She would have to be deaf and blind not to notice how people looked at her with pity, no doubt spreading rumors about what the king had done to her and what the veil hid. At present, she could see some of them whisper among themselves, gazes directly pointed at her. 

If it weren't for her agreement with Robert, she would have marched straight out of the keep to look for Owain. She knew that he was worried about her, as he always had been. Surely he and Ned have spoken about her with the way they met her eyes in between each lord that swore fealty. 

After the third lord came to kneel before her brother, Cassandra found herself tuning out the events taking place in the throneroom, choosing instead to observe the changes being made. After Robert had arrived, he commanded for all relics that represented the Targaryens to be removed and burned. 

The black banners with the red dragons, the dragon skulls, and the dusty suits of black armor were either destroyed or hidden so deep within the castle that no one would ever think about unearthing them ever again.

What took their place were tapestries depicting hunts and beasts being slain by great knights wearing Baratheon colors. Great stags with leering horns replaced the dragon skulls, mundane beasts of majesty replacing their predecessors. 

The dragons were defeated by the stag. The Targaryen dynasty was over and the Baratheons had taken power. 

It should have brought her some satisfaction but it only made her feel exhausted. What she wanted was a chance to speak to Elia, to Ashara. Anyone at all who would tell her the truth, not the pretty lies everyone around her had been feeding her.

She was distracted from her thoughts when a tall man with golden hair stepped forward, a domineering air around him. Ser Jaime, who stood beside her, tensed upon seeing the man. From their similarities, she could deduce that the man who stepped forward was his father. 

Tywin Lannister, the same man who had led his troops to pillage and sack King's Landing, to attack innocent people while the Mad King tortured people inside. He may share some similarities with his son but the fact remained that Jaime saved her life. 

"House Lannister pledges allegiance to you, King Robert Baratheon, first of his name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm." Lord Tywin announced, kneeling before her brother, a posture unfitting the man himself. 

"Rise, Lord Tywin." Robert gestured, his eyes stoic but his form towering. Lord Arryn stood at his right, having been named Hand of the King and Ned stood at his left as an adviser. Her brother continued, his words clearly rehearsed through gritted teeth. "I must thank you for your actions in seizing the capital." 

"Of course, my house's loyalty is to you, my king." Lord Tywin answered, his tone commanding the presence of all other lords present within the room.

Robert leaned forward from his seat on the Iron Throne, his tone curious. "Such loyalty merits reward. What could I grant you, my lord?" 

Lord Tywin began, his eyes directed toward where Jaime stood. "My son, Ser Jaime Lannister has broken his vows as a Kingsguard." 

"Yes, he has." Robert nodded, already understanding what it is the other man wanted, not that he wished to fulfill such a request. He had heard from Ned the state in which he found the Mad King. Knowing that a knight of the Kingsguard was capable of betraying his vows just like that

"I ask for a royal pardon. Dismiss him from the Kingsguard if you must. Allow him to return to Casterly Rock where he would one day be Warden of the West, loyal to your crown." Lord Tywin continued, making his request sound more like a command. 

Cassandra watched as Ned leaned over to her brother, murmuring hushed words as he stared intensely at the knight who stood by her side. Lord Arryn responded with advice of his own, seemingly contradicting that of the other man with the looks of frustration exchanged between them. 

Cassandra turned to Jaime, offering him a reassuring smile. Being the closest in age and having gone through much together had made them close but after he had saved her life, she was grateful to the young knight in more ways than one. 

After leveling the man with a thoughtful expression, Robert declared. "Your son, Ser Jaime Lannister shall receive a pardon from the crown," 

"Thank you, Your Grace." Lord Tywin said, glad that he was successful in his venture, only to be disappointed by her brother's next words. 

"He will serve as a knight of the Kingsguard once more where he will be given a chance to make up for his past actions." Robert finished, giving the man a look that left no room for questions. 

Lord Tywin looked as if he wanted to say more, his cold eyes piercing through her brother. If looks could kill, Robert would be skewered but as it is, he was a warrior in every way and he would not change his mind. 

"Of course." Lord Tywin forced out, looking quite unfazed by the indirect refusal of his request. All of a sudden, an inscrutable expression entered his face, an expression that turned her blood cold. "So that no one might question your legitimacy, my final act of fealty." 

With a wave of his hand, everyone at court watched as knights in red and gold carried something wrapped in Lannister cloaks. Only when they were presented at the foot of the throne room did everyone understand what they were. 

Bodies. Blood intermingled with the crimson cloth, already becoming one with how much of it there was. The bodies were too small to be of great warriors or brute rebels. They were of children, small children. 

Strangle gasps escaped the courtiers as they realized whose corpses were presented before the king. The only children who could have made lords question Robert's legitimacy. The only children who had been present at the keep when Lord Tywin attacked King's Landing. 

Cassandra felt her heart stop, her vision blurring for a moment as she registered everything. She felt bile rise up her throat as emotions of horror, disgust, helplessness, and melancholy raged within her. 

How could everyone stay silent as bodies of children were presented before them? How could they stand there and do nothing? How could they live with themselves like this?

Cassandra cried out, pushing past everyone as she moved towards Tywin Lannister, not caring for the scene she was making. "You monster! How could you?!" 

Robert's gaze turned to her, shocked by his sister's actions. She had been a quiet presence in the room until now, her eyes unfocused and wild. It was as if he had forgotten she was there in the first place. "Cassandra!"

Cassandra accused, her fists clenched tightly as she voiced out what everyone should have been thinking. "Those are innocent children! You slaughtered them and present them like some kind of prize!"

"Ned, get her out of here!" Robert commanded, refusing to let his sister descend into such hysterics, especially in front of the bloodthirsty courtiers of King's Landing who only seemed mildly interested in what was happening. 

The young Lord of Winterfell descended the steps to stop Cassandra before she reached Lord Tywin, capturing her around the waist and ignoring her continued tirade. He gently but firmly led her through the throngs of people who shot her looks of pity. Gods, she hated it. 

Once they were out of the throne room, she pushed away from him. Hurt filled Ned's eyes for a second before it was once again gone, replaced by concern. "Cassandra-"

"No! Nothing you say can make any of this alright! You knew, didn't you? You knew! That's why you haven't said a single word!" Cassandra gasped out, bitterness lacing her tone as she realized all of his diversion tactics, preventing her from asking more. What a fool she had been. 

"Please listen." Ned pleaded with her, begging her to understand that he only wanted to help her. But she was done listening to his lies. 

Not wanting to speak a word to him any longer, Cassandra turned from Ned as tears fell from her eyes, running from him and ignoring his voice calling out for her. The grief hit her now that the anger had passed, leaving her heart torn as she felt absolutely unworthy of her life. 

Little Aegon who had been but an infant, a baby she had sung to on nights when he was restless. Rhaenys who had called her aunt, who she had watched be born into this world. The child she had helped raise, reading her stories, and braiding her raven hair. They were both murdered. 

That meant Elia too was gone. One of her dearest friends was dead and she had not known about it, had been ignorant to their cries of help within the keep while she had been so convinced they were alright. 

Cassandra pressed a hand to her chest as she ducked into an alcove, falling to the stone floor as her sobs consumed her completely. 

It was all her fault. 


Cassandra found herself staring at the sea. 

The gardens welcomed a reprieve from the leering eyes of the court. If the rumors had followed her after the altercation with the Mad King, they were nothing compared to what came after the events at the throne room. 

The Cassandra before all this would have been distraught over her sullied reputation but now, she found she didn't care. There were more important things to worry over than silk dresses and gossip. Far more important things as she now knew. 

Weeks after the events of the throne room, Ned had written to Robert that Lyanna Stark had died. They had been too late to save her. The girl who had been the reason for all this, dead just like hundreds and thousands of innocents. 

Cassandra had pitied her in the past but now, she was only angry. She was angry at Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark. She was angry at the people of the court for moving on so quickly. She was angry at Ned and her brother for everything else. 

Despair and rage were a terrible combination, leaving her feeling worse and worse every day. She was constantly trapped in a loop of nightmares, whispers, and darkness. What a life, it was. 

Then again, wasn't it what she deserved? 

She reached out to pluck a flower from the plant in front of her, staring down at its white petals. It only reminded her of her brother's upcoming nuptials to none other than Cersei Lannister. She was as horrible as Ashara had described. She almost felt sorry for her brother. 

Almost as if summoned by her turbulent thoughts, she heard footsteps coming to a stop in front of her. Looking up, she spotted familiar golden hair and red silks, making her suppress a sigh. Though she looked very much like her twin, Cersei seemed to have gotten all the negative qualities. 

"Lady Cassandra, you're supposed to be inside." Cersei Lannister whined, her hands on her hips as she looked at her. 

"Why would that be, Lady Cersei?" Cassandra sighed, not even bothering to look at the other woman. 

"The dressmaker is here for the wedding and you must be inside for the fitting. My father will be sparing no expense. Only the best for the future king and queen of the realm." Cersei explained, a prideful smile on her lips as she thought of all the jealous girls who would be forced to attend by their families. 

Knowing that there would be no getting out of this, Cassandra only forced a smile as she stood from the stone bench, leaving behind the flower. "Very well, I'll be there shortly." 

"Definitely a dress without a veil. For my wedding to the king, I will have only the best. It will be a better wedding than the last one." Cersei wrinkled her nose as if recalling the past wedding brought her distaste. "Hopefully, it will end better too." 

"What did you say?" Cassandra paused in her steps, turning to glare. 

"Exactly what I mean. My wedding shall be better than Prince Rhaegar's and that Dornish cunt." Cersei smirked,  daring her to question. "A wedding for a true king and queen." 

Cassandra uttered through gritted teeth, her fists clenching at her sides and her knuckles turning white. "Elia Martell would have been a better queen than you could ever hope to be." 

"Not when she's lying lifeless somewhere in the keep." Cersei sneered, letting out a cruel laugh as if she just said the funniest joke in all of Westeros. 

Now, growing up, Cassandra was taught to be respectful, to be obedient, and kind. She was taught that even though she might not agree with what another person was saying, she must still smile and look away. 

However lately, she found that not everything she was taught was right. She was done being respectful and understanding. She was done. 

That was what was going through her mind when she drew her arm back and leveled a punch straight at Cersei Lannister's smug face. 


Hello everyone! That was super satisfying :> This chapter is definitely leading up to the finale of Act I and I'm really excited since we will be seeing more of Oberyn then. I don't wanna spill more so that you can be surprised so I will leave it at that. Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!

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