The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem...

By Karen1291429

40.5K 1.1K 150

Anastasia Volkova, a rare beauty, orphan, raised in Russia. Trained to be manipulative, heartless, seductive... More

The Beginning
The Invitation
Welcome to New York
The Met Gala
Reality Check
It's Always About Him
Fears and Courage
It's a Date?
Conversations and Margaritas
Pool Party
Pool Party 2
Lie to Me
Walk of Shame
The Trial
Welcome to L.A
I Dare You
Forget and Move on
Ms. & Mr. Hollywood
What if?
Convolution / Complications
Good Girl Era Gone Bad
We're back, baby
Sincere words
Off we go
Dรฉjร  vu
Show Time
Do dreams come true...?

Dark Thoughts

853 26 1
By Karen1291429

Scarlett's POV

The last couple of days have been insane. I haven't seen Anastasia in a few and we have barely spoken. She's been busy, she says. After the verdict, I texted her and told her I wanted to meet but she said she couldn't. I talked to Lizzie since she was the last person that had seen her and said she seemed fine. Ekaterina wasn't exactly open about talking about Anastasia for some reason. I'm trying not to overthink but I'm leaving to L.A. tomorrow morning and I haven't had the chance to tell her.

I picked up my phone and dialed her number, hoping she would answer. Ring. Ring. Ring. I thought she wasn't going to pick up when I heard her coldly say "Anastasia Volkova speaking, did you get the information I asked for?". Surprised by her reply, I noticed she hadn't checked who had called her "Hey, Anastasia, it's Scarlett" I said. "Oh, Scarlett. I'm sorry darling. I thought you were someone else" her tone changed completely to the gently one I'm used to. "Don't worry, I was calling because I wanted to see you and talk to you about something. We've both been busy and I miss you" I said sincerely. "Yes, I'm sorry about that детка. Sure, would you like to have dinner together?". "Yes, yes I would love to" I replied excited about seeing her again. "Brilliant. I'll pick you up at your place at 6" she said. "Oh, actually I came to visit Lizzie and her sisters so maybe pick me up at their place?" After the trial began, I wasn't entirely sure where Colin would stay so I went back to their place since they offered. "Yeah, sure. I'll see you soon gorgeous". "Okay, see you soon". Anastasia hung up. She sounds off. Maybe something happened. I'll try to talk to her about it later.

— Hours Later —

Anastasia's POV

I've been trying to research everything I can about the men Lizzie had mentioned. Ekaterina seems to worry about my well-being but I'm fine. We have been fighting a bit which doesn't help either.


"Анастасия Я беспокоюсь о тебе. Я понимаю, что ты беспокоишься об этих людях, но я боюсь, что это до тебя доберется. В прошлый раз такое случилось... (Anastasia I am worried about you. I get that you are worried about those men but I am scared it will get to you. Last time something like this happened...)" the lawyer said. Anastasia exploded "В последний раз что!? Я сделал то, что было необходимо! Я не вернусь и я, конечно, не позволю им причинить тебе боль или кому-то, кто мне дорог. (Last time what!? I did what was necessary! I won't go back and I, for sure, won't let them hurt you, or anyone I care about)". Ekaterina raised her voice as well "И я недоучу, но то, что я выйду на бойню, не принесет тебе и никому пользы! (And I understand but going out on a killing spring will not do you or anyone any good!)". "ЕСЛИ ЭТО НЕОБХОДИМО, Я УБЬЮ СТОЛЬКО ЛЮДЕЙ, СКОЛЬКО СОЧТУ НУЖНЫМ. Я НЕ ВЕРНУСЬ И НЕ СМОГУ ВЕРНУТЬСЯ. Они заплатят за то, что они сделали с нами, со мной. (IF THAT'S WHAT'S NECESSARY I WILL KILL AS MANY PEOPLE AS I SEE FIT. I WILL NOT AND CANNOT GO BACK. They will pay for what they did to us, to me)" the model said with poison in her voice, exiting the flat and slamming the door on her way out.

End of  Throwback

I was happy that Scarlett had called. I haven't told her that I'll be leaving by the end of the week to L.A. to work so that's something I'll mention. I talked to Ina and explained that Scarlett and I will be having dinner here and she offered to leave for a few to give us some space. I don't like fighting with Ina, she's my everything, but she's doesn't understand why I'm so scared. She knows but she didn't go through what I went through. It changes you. It breaks you. It made me angry, numb. The only thing that gave me joy for was killing. Seeing those who were bad, begging for their life while I stood there looking at their agonizing faces. Seeing the life run out of them. My knife and my own hands with dripping blood, having them suffer as much as I had suffered. I was lost back then. I barely felt human. No remorse. No pain. No fear.

Ina's right. I need to stop. I can't be that monster again, not when I have so much to lose. But it scares me to have something to lose. It had always been Ina and I, and although I have always been scared of losing her, adding more people to that list, makes it even scarier. Scarlett has a child, I can't let anything happen to them. And Lizzie, we have gotten closer lately. They don't know anything and how could I explain to them I was a monster? I know seeing Scarlett will help, maybe that's what I need. To remember what it's like to feel normal.

It was time to pick up Scarlett, she had told me to pick her up at the twin's place. I drove there with Alexei and Dimitri in a separate car. Once I parked, I texted the beautiful actress and told her I was waiting for her. To my surprise, someone opened the door of the car and it was Lizzie "Heyy" she greeted with a big smile. "Hi baby, I'm waiting for Scar" I told the green eye girl while giving her a hug. "Yes, she's almost ready. I just wanted to come and tell you quickly how grateful I am. You were so kind to let me stay with you and Ina, I'll be staying with my sisters tonight but I'll come back at your place tomorrow if that's alright with you?" she explained. "Yes, of course. Whatever you need, beautiful. When is Robbie coming back? You must miss him" I asked remembering the husband was supposed to be in town already. "Oh he came back yesterday, but he left earlier today" Elizabeth seemed sad but not about him leaving... "Is everything alright?" I asked worried. She looked down to her hands so I lifted her chin up and caressed her cheek in a comforting manner. "Yes, yes, anyway we'll talk later. I'll stay with you so we'll have all the time in the world to talk. Scarlett must be coming any second so I'll leave you to it" she tried to pretend like everything was fine. "Sure" I didn't want to seem pushy, she was about to leave the car when I took her and and told her one last time "If you need anything call", she smiled again "You have a beautiful smile, love. Goodnight" I finished. "Goodnight, Tia" she left with that smile, and I chuckled when I heard the nickname. First time she calls me Tia, she's getting comfortable. Good, because only a handful of people get to call me that.

I waited a few more minutes before the door opened again, this time it was her. "Hey, sexy" I flirted. "Anastasia..." Scarlett smirked. She closed the door behind her and as soon as the lights inside the car turned off, she came closer; she put her hand around my neck and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "I missed you" I said. "I missed you too" she said and bit her lower lip. "You ready?" I asked waiting for a confirmation, she nodded and off we went. Once we got to my place, I opened the door for her and she entered the lounge area. She sat down on the couch and I went to the kitchen for 2 glasses and a bottle of wine. I went back to the lounge and sat down next to her, poured the wine and sat comfortably on my couch. She laid her head on my shoulder and with a sighed began speaking "I want to talk to you about something". My curiosity was peaked but not in a good way "What is it?". I kept a serious demeanor. "I haven't been fully honest with you...about Colin. He uhm he..." I sat straight now, hearing his name. I remained silent waiting for her to explain, I didn't want to jump to any conclusion. "I- I don't even know where to start" Scarlett took a deep breath "Before I met you, him and I already had issues, we used to fight all the time, he wasn't nice to Rose and I knew the relationship wasn't healthy but I always hoped he would go back to be the man I had first married years ago. That was until I met you, that night at the Gala, you...", "I charmed you? Swept you off your feet?" I tried to lighten the mood. She smiled lightly. "Yeah, pretty much. Unfortunately, Colin noticed. You and I stayed in touch, and the more we talked the angrier he got. I never thought he would hurt me until that night". When I heard those words, it brought me back to the institute, to those men who hurt me too. I felt anger but I wanted to hear it from her, I needed a confirmation before... My train of thought was interrupted by her words "He hit me, I tried to fight him but I couldn't. I thought he would-" I couldn't hear it anymore. My blood boils. Those feelings I keep trying to avoid, resurface: hatred, pure hatred, and anger. I will kill him but first, she needs me. "Hey, you're okay. You're safe and he will never ever lay a finger on you, ever again. I promise" I hugged her and comforted her.  I tried to remain cool for her but I knew next time I saw him, I would make sure he'd pay for what he did to her.

Scarlett's POV

After I told Anastasia what Colin had done, we decided to have dinner. She didn't pressure or asked too much, which I appreciated, although she seemed mad. Not at me but at him. I've never seen her like that. I noticed she tried to hide it but it was as if something inside of her would've changed when she heard me say he hurt me. She tried to do as much as she could to make me comfortable, I could see she was trying hard. While eating, I talked to her about the trial, how I was now divorce and how I wanted to keep fighting until I was done with him. I, also, mentioned that I would be leaving the next day to L.A. to go back to work. I needed to continue my life. She said it would be perfect because she was going to work there the following week. She was very understanding of everything, like always. I keep thinking it's all a dream and she'll leave me but she keeps showing up. I just hope to never wake up from this dream.

Thank you for your suggestions. I am taking them under consideration!

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