My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


2.5K 67 1
By ayemem215

"Objection your honor badgering the witness" I say calmly but assertive.


"That's why you wanted to get Mr. Robbins caught so you could get a hefty paycheck. Correct?"

"Objection! Your honor come on." I say gesturing my hands to the prosecutor. The prosecutor just turns to be with a stupid smirk. I'd like to wipe that smirk off his face.

"Will both counsels approach." The judge says.

We both walk up there and all you can hear is the clack of my heels and his stupid suit pants swishing away.

"Does the prosecution have any other leads rather than bribery?" The judge asks.

"Y-yes we do. But Uh well that's the main point of this suit." He rambles off.

"Your honor she is 16 years old. Please let's get her off of the stand and roll in closing arguments. They have nothing else and I can't stand to watch him pester a young girl." I say rolling my eyes and huffing out a little breath towards him.

"She's right Dan. This is enough." The judge says. "You may go back."

"Sam. Lopez you may step down now. This concludes the testimonies. You may say your closing sentence. Mr. Franklin you may start.

He stands up and walks around the little table with the plaintiff and his assistant and stands infromt of the jury.
"I hope you can see how much suffering this man has been through enough. He lost his family and job and soon to lose his house and car. He made a mistake but he's clearly losing now. Winning this would clear his name of wrong doings and maybe give him the chance at getting his life back." He says and stands there for a second before walking off and sitting down.

I approach them next and give them all a small smile.
"First I want to say thank you for being here and sitting through all these long days. Now my client Sarah is only 16 years old. She's already been through a police investigation, and has been the talk of her school for months. I know I would want this to be over with by now but no, she can't. Because Mr. Scooter decided he was going to sue the 16 year old girl he tried to lure into his house and potentially rape. Oh did he make a mistake when he sent multiple nude pictures to her. And sure maybe she flirted back and exchanged a picture but she was under the influence that he was the same age. That's not fair to Ms Lopez who was just engaging in harmful teenager love stories. We've talked about the pictures" I say turning around and winking to her. Her face immediately turns red. "So rest assured she will never send even a selfie again. But she doesn't deserved to be suid for something HE did." I say pointing at him. "Again thank you for your time. I hope this is an easy decision for you all." I end with and walk back to my table. I give Sarah a little shoulder squeeze and sit back down.

The judge excuses us so the jury can deliberate and we walk to the small office next door to wait. I expect it to be quick, this case was set and stone.
"Hey I'm going to grab a soda do you want anything!" I ask to Sarah and Billie. Billie is franctically cleaning up a bunch of papers that fell onto the table from her breoefcase and she just looks up quickly with a nod no and keeps shoving papers into the bag.
"Sure same as you please" Sarah says and I walk out of the room down the hall to find a vending machine. When I turn right I almost bump into someone but I stop myself and say "oops sorry" anyway.

"Oh no I'm sorry I need to watch wher- y/n?" The female voice says.

"Nikki!?" I say excited to see the woman standing in front of me.

"Holy balls it is you!! I haven't seen you since graduation! How are you!!" Nikki bellows in my ear as she wraps me in a hug bouncing slightly.

"I'm great! I'm working for Luther's on 5th street. With Anna Cotour. How are you!? What are you up to?" I ask wondering

"We'll I'm an assistant district attorney now for queens" and I gasp "I know right!" She says and we both laugh. "Actually I saw you slip out and thought I might try to find you because I'm working on a case and I could use your help." Nikki says.

"Oh yeah? Well you could call Anna and we'll schedule a meeting?" I ask confused why she's asking me.

"I kind of wanted to do this off the books?" She says hesitantly.

"Oh oh umm well you gotta give me more than that Nikki" I say wondering what she's getting at.

As if the gods above know I'm not already short on time Billie comes running around the corner nearly crashing into us but manages not to. She's holding her chest breathing deeply and looking at me.

"Yes Billie?" I say gesturing her to hurry and say what she needs to.

"Jury's done. We gotta go." She finally gets out. And I nod so she runs away.

"Gimme your number. I'll call you to set a meeting up?" Nikki says while shoving her phone into my chest.

I put my number in and she smiles back at me when I hand the phone back.
"It was nice to see you again. I'll try and catch you at the end of this but if not. I'll call you" she says sweetly and give me a quick hug.

"Yep you have my number so" I say quickly walking back to the court room


"Honey I'm home" I shout as I walk into the living room only to be met with no one there but Rhonda in my kitchen.

"Rhonda what are you doing here?" I ask her.

"We'll I just came to grab some of my knives. I'm going to Maui and need to take them with me. Their knives suck" she says laughing.

"I'm so glad you're finally going out to explore. I'm going to miss you" I state walking closer to the kitchen.

"Oh you hush I'll always be here for you. And I'll still cook for your dinners and events! Besides you have so much fun cooking with your little family now. I would quit if you made me stay!" She says and I laugh at her.

"Still gonna miss you!" I say a little louder as I head to walk upstairs. "Have you seen Scarlett?"

"Not since I've been here at 4!" She shouts back.

Hmm it's 5:15. I thought she'd be back now but maybe her meeting ran long. I decide to get a quick workout in not knowing when she will be back but that will take some frustration out from losing this case. I still can't wrap my head around it but the jury voted against my client and now she will have to pay him $120,000. Which is impossible for a 16 year old. And her family. As I walk downstairs I tell Rhonda I'll be in the gym and she says she's just leaving anyway and I keep walking to the garage . Finally inside the gym I get into my favorite machine and start running.

Running is a hobby I picked up when I was young. I loved running which was where my love for sports came from. But being a model and not having time for it molded me into a stress runner. If I was having a bad day o would go for a jog and I instantly felt calmer. It became something I liked to do after long shoots of standing in one or two places all day. Coincidentally enough it's what made me who I am, because who knew what would've happened if I didn't run that day.

I end my running to move over to work my legs. I do some squat presses and practice my box jumps. I end it with a little core workout to keep my abs because I've been slacking lately. As I get to the last set of 20 I feel the burn.
"18...19...20." I huff out and collapse back on the mat. As I'm laying there trying to catch my breath my phone pings.

Unknown: hey it was great seeing you today!
Unknown: maybe we can meet up tomorrow?
Unknown: I'd love to see you again :)

That must be Nikki. I quickly save her number in my phone but get an incoming call from Scarlett.

"Hello" I say into the phone.

"Hey hun I see your car but I can't find you anywhere. Are you home?" She asks sounding confused.

"I'm in the basement. I'm done I'm coming right up" I say as I grab my water and walk up the stairs to the garage.

"Oh ofcourse I forgot to check there." I hear her say and hear a door opening in the back ground. When I reach the garage she's standing at the other door that leads into the kitchen. I hang up the phone and walk closer to her.

"Hey" I say when I reach her and wrap her into a hug.

"Hi baby" she says kissing my head since it's stuffed into her neck. I just breath in her scent a minute. Missing her.

"Sorry I was back late. Ran into some problems with the shipping and Kate was almost going to have a breakdown. But we figured it out" she says explaining where she was.

"I'm sorry that happened but I'm glad you fixed it. And yeah I was a little worried when the house was empty when I got back...we'll not empty cause Rhonda was here." I say

"Oh how is she doing. She hasn't been here in a while what happened?" She asks

"Nothing happened per say but cooking with you and rose have become a favorite part of my day and she noticed that so she's just stepping back a little. She's gonna explore a little and hang with her sisters in Hawaii." I say explaining a little.

"As much as I'll miss her it makes my heart jump that you love cooking with me." She says sweetly.

"Anything for you babe. I love our quality time." I say pushing us into the kitchen a little so I can go and shower. I leave my phone on the kitchen counter and help Scar pull out some things to prepare dinner.

"Wait for me I'm gonna shower quick and I'll be back to help." I say sweetly.

I run upstairs and quickly strip. I hop into the shower and start to wash my hair. What is it about washing hair and thinking? It's like your body just say hey let's overthink while we scrub our scalps.

I start thinking about how much I am dreading tomorrow. I'm going to have to sit around all my parents friends and hear stories about how great they were and how much they loved to help people. It sucks them not being here. And oh god I'm gonna have to see my sister. Maybe she won't come and I won't have to deal with that. Atleast I'll have MK and Ash and Lizzie there and with Scarlett by my side I think I will actually be ok.
Scarlett's POV
I start to prep the chicken breasts and season them when I hear a ping! I wash and dry my hands really quick and find my phone in my purse.
*no new messages*

Okay not my phone. Then I see y/ns phone on the counter. I'm not looking at her phone. I trust her I do. As I walk past it it goes off again, and I freeze in my spot. I glance down toward the phone but only can who it's from not what the message says.

Nikki: Unlock to read message

Who's Nikki? That name just sounds.. I don't know. Slutty? That's mean I need to stop. I pick her phone up just out of habit and think. I haven't heard her talk about a Nikki anytime she talks about the office or court house. Who could she be?

I decide to just ask her when she gets out of the shower so before I put her phone back down I swipe the message away to clear it, out of habit of doing that with my phone, and it all of a sudden opens. I guess she never had a password. But unfortunately it opens directly to the message and I see everything she said.
Nikki: hey it was great seeing you today!
Nikki: maybe we can meet up tomorrow?
Nikki: I'd love to see you again :)
Nikki: sorry just wanted to say can't meet up tomorrow. But need to see you asap please let me know.

'Fuck. How can I be so stupid? I have to say I didn't take Lizzie and the twins seriously when they said she was a one night type of girl. But she asked me to be her girlfriend. I really thought all those feelings we shared were real.' I think to myself.
I get out of the shower and throw a r shirt and sweatpants on. I walk downstairs and see Scar waiting for me at the kitchen Island just scrolling on her phone.

"Okay I smell good now, I feel a a tad bit better and I'm hungry. Ready? What do you want to make?" I ask clapping my hands together.

"Uh whatever you want" she says putting the phone down and turning to the fridge.

"Okay how about chicken and rice?" I suggest.

"I'm not even hungry y/n. You can make something if you are in just gonna go to bed." Scarlett says not making eye contact and walking out of the kitchen while slamming the fridge shut.

"Bed? It's 6:30? What's wrong?" I ask her following slowly behind her.

"I'm tired. Am I not allowed to be tired!?" She practically yells back.

"Woah okay. I don't need the attitude I'm stressed enough with tomorrow. Go to bed. I'll be there later." I say having enough of this awful feeling in my chest. She just rolls her eyes and walks upstairs not saying anything else.

What did I do? I think as I walk to my office. I sit down at my desk and go through my emails just trying to get my mind on something else. 10 minutes later I see Scar out of my peripheral vision zoom past my office towards the front of the house. I exit my office sticking my head out looking towards her and see her putting her shoes on. What the?

"Scar what's up where you going?" I ask slightly scared slightly confused.

"Lizzie's. Or wel the twins. I can't be here." She rushes out.

"What why? What's wrong?" I ask again

"Why? Why y/n? Why string me along all this time, why ask to be girlfriends if you were just going to play me behind my back!" She shouts at me.

"I trusted you. I- I can't believe I fell for someone like you!" She huffs out frustrated.

"What are you talking about?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"Where were you today? We're you really at the courthouse? Or were you with Nikki?" She asks and a lightbulb goes off in my head.

"You went through my phone?" I say to her.

"It went off when you were in the shower. I didn't mean to open it but you don't have a passcode so when I went to just swipe it away it opened. And I saw you were with her today. Was it nice seeing her too!? Yeah I'm sure it was." She seethes.

"Scar if you let me get a word in I cou-" I try to say before being cut off again.

"No. You don't get to say anything I could see it with my own eyes." She yells again. She goes to grab her keys but I grab them first.

"Just hear me out first then if you still don't like what I have to say you could leave." I practically beg. Please don't make me get on my knees.

"Fine." She says rolling her eyes.

"Yes I did see Nikki today, but at the courthouse. I went to law school with her. We literally graduated together. She's been married since I met her and has 2 boys. She asked for my number today to ask for some off the book help from me. I actually wanted to invite you to the meeting because o wanted you two to meet. I get you've had a rough time in relationships but it's wasn't right to go through my phone. I haven't given you a reason not to trust me have I?" I ask genuinely

She looks up at me and I can see the embarrassed state of her and I almost feel bad.
"No you haven't. I just saw a woman's name and then saw her texts and kind of just saw red." She admits.

"I can see that. Baby do You really think I would mess up the best thing that's happened to me?"I ask so serious.

"I don't know" she says looking down again

"Scar, baby, sugar pie. Please look at me" I say trying to make her laugh

She lifts her head with a small smile.

"You are the most amazing talented person in the world. I am so damn lucky to be able to even be considered a part of your life. You make me feel like the happiest person alive. You make my days better and my nights cooler. You take my breath away Scar. I would never do anything to hurt you like that. Especially all you've done for me. Please believe me when I say this next thing." I walk closer to her. Her eyes already boring into my soul with tears threatening to fall.
"I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I was really afraid to say this but I'm afraid if I keep waiting I'll lose you. And I can't lose you."

"You mean that?" She asks now fully crying.

"With all my heart." I say right away.

"I love you too y/n. And I feel the same about you. Before you, my world was upside down. It was hectic and scary and not a life I wanted to live. But after meeting you, it's been nothing but joy. You flipped my world right side up and I can't ever repay you for that. But I can love you. And I do. I do so much. The way you make me feel is indescribable. And they way you treat Rose is the most amazing and adorable thing I've seen. I love watching her laugh and play with you. It's my favorite sight." She says and it makes my stomach flip with butterflies.

I don't let her continue talking because I smash my lips against hers. I grab the. BAck of her head and push her as close as possible to me. I snake my other arm in the pocket of her jeans on her ass and squeeze when my hand dips into it. She moans into my mouth and I play with her tongue a little with my tongue. I pull away and grip her hips. While staring into her eyes I say "please talk to me if you ever think something like this again. Or for any reason. Please talk to me." I say softly hoping it doesn't come off mean.

"I'm so sorry baby. I will. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you know why?" I say teasingly

"Why" she says rolling her eyes.

"Because you love me." I say with the cheesiest grin ever.

"I do, so much." She says and I can't help but kiss her again.


A/n: if you've read this far already thank you!

Any suggestions or criticism is appreciated!!


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