OMEGA (Kaisoo)

By sugarwtter

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When kyungsoo escaped the abuse of his latest pack he finds it difficult accepting that the pack he stumbled... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5 Axe
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 Kill or be killed
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter: 14
Chapter 15 The Pack
Chapter 16 Part of the Pack
Chapter 17
Chapter 18 School
Chapter 19
Chapter 20 Jay
Chapter 21 Temper
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26 Shared Night
Chapter 27 justice Js
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 29 chanyeol
Chapter 31 busted
Chapter 32 Eujin
Chapter 33 waterfall
Chapter 34
Chapter 35 TentTalks
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Craving him

Chapter 30: Return

89 3 2
By sugarwtter


Recap :
- jongin made kyungsoo join an after school club thing with jay "called the js"( basically doing things for other students and getting paid forbit in return)
- they got a job to find a purse of a girl
- following leads they at the end had to get it bsck from 'the markler' (a traffiker of the black market)
- the markler is a perv who tried to get into kyungsoos pants but they escaoe just intime.

- jongin told sojoon what happened
- sojoon decides kyungsoo should go to therapy
- kyungsoo is pissed that jongin snitched


Jongin inhaled, restlessly turning around on the bed to look at the empty space beside him.
He'd nearly forgotten what it was like to sleep without the omega besides him.
Not that he hadnt struggled with sleeping alone before but ever since he did the favour of letting the boy share his bed, he'd found a sense of comfort in not being alone at night.

He sat up to lean over his lifted knees glancing over to the window with a sigh. He shouldn't have a problem with this.

Kyungsoo had only spent a few nights in his bed afterall, with an open door as sojoon had ordered and even then at nights he'd still wake up to kyungsoo turning or moving around until jongin reached his arm out to hold him still and allow their sleep to continue.
He remembered fighting the urge at first until he grew annoyed by putting up the blanket, they younger had kicked off over and over again that at last he'd just reached around him and he thought perhaps if the omega woke up he would be met with a punch or a kick but after the first night kyungsoo hadn't mentioned it and in the second night he hadn't either despite both knowing of the other being awake.

The third night kyungsoo had actively given into it and though Neither of them wouldve admitted it. Jongin shock his head, he wouldnt dare to confess they had cuddled and he enjoyed it. But he couldnt deny it. He liked holding onto him. It gave him a sense of security he hadnt really felt before. Hed blamed the insticts of a beta toward and omega but he knew even then thaz it was a lie. Truth was to his disgust, he might just start to find a liking to the omega.

Jongin moved the blanket off his legs to walk over to the window and look outside, down the house and to the grass, not surprised his eyes landed on the said omega from where he sat and watched the moon.

The beta, clenched his jaw in tought. Looking elsewhere. he'd go down and tell him to stop being a sulky child but the last time he attempted to even say something he'd been shut down and glared at. He figured it would only trigger him further and perhaps they would find themselves in a fight till one draws blood on the other again.

Kyungsoo blamed him for having to go to a therapist and he blamed him for having snarked and he was stubborn enoigh to hold a grudge strong enough to shut out any sort of explanation or consideration for his side. It almost pissed the beta off himself because despite the reaction he felt he did right and hed do the same decision of telling sojoon again because he'd already made the wrong choice by letting the omega tag along to begin with.

He shouldve known it wasnt like the usual things they do where they climb up a roof to pick something out of a window or tree or tell someone to pay back the money or even deliever out cheat notes.
He should've stopped it the moment he heard the markers name.

part of him just liked seeing kyungsoo like he was back then and he liked being with him while he was like that. Truth was that they worked well as a team in battle, they worked well together when they had a mission to follow. It gave jongin a kick he hadnt felt before and he enjoyed it too much to realize how bad it was for the omega. He was selfish and it nearly cost-

He shock his head, it wasnt that great. It was just a thrill and he liked watching kyungsoo- he liked feeling like they were on the same level. He liked knowing that the omega could handle himself and if it came down to it had his back. Or did he?

Hand brushing through his hair, jongin turned away from the window. He flopped back to the bed suddenly exhausted afterall.

He didnt know what exactly what was the reason he just knew he enjoyed seeing him.


" hey hey " a girl peaked up besides jongin in the library and he turned to her with a frown
" haven't seen each other for a while, what're readin' "

He only looked at her at first before back onto the Gap between the books on the shelves, giving away a view on kyungsoo sorting his history books out.
" mh?" She asked again and his eyes dropped to the book he'd been holding, opened somewhere in the middle, pretentiously.
" just something random, what do you want?" He closed it and put it back annoyed.

She pressed her lips together lifting the book she'd been holding up to him firther to his eye level " you were right.. the romance is boring and cliché.. and I wasted my time"
Jongin took a moment to look at the title of the book but only frowned irritated.
" I'm sorry you're name again?" He squinted and she gaped at him offended while he turned back to glance through the gaps of the books on the shelves.

" Yuna? We've talked.. several times here ? You complained about having to watch your out of control omega ? I complained about my brother's being immature ?"

" oh.." he looked away from kyungsoo and back at her, frown faded as he glanced over her short and bright bleached hair " right.. you changed hairstyles"

She smiled twirling a hair strand " Yup.. " her finger pointed at him in disbelief" that's why you didn't recognize me? Really?"

He didnt answer but instead only looked more pver her. There was something else different about her, somehow he couldnt see and didnt really bother to ask for. Not that he really coul when she asked
" you have any book recommendations?"

He shock his head " no.. not really " his eyes moved bsck to the gap to see the omega having closed a book rather gently but his deadly blank expression and the sound of his heartbeat having spiked momentarily showed that the boy much rather wouldve liked to stab and then burn it.
Jongin smirked at the thought and the omega closed his eyes clenching his jaw before turning to the next book as his heartbeat calmed.

" I thought you liked books ?" She titled her head but he just shrugg his shoulder with a sigh.
" yeah but I don't like discussing anything I read with anyone.. it's sort of a I dont care about your opinion kind of thing."

" yet you discussed this with me ?" She pointed at the book and he finally glanced back to her to shake his head with a little huff.
" are you asking for horrible books or good ones because feel free to look at my list of diappointments "

She laughed at him and someone hushed her as they passed by, making her cover her mouth and jongin saw kyungsoo turn their way momentarily before continuing to stack his books angrily but quietly.

" listen, I heard your joining the art club soon, I'm actually building this little treehouse for one of the schools partnerships, I could use a bit of help and was wondering if youd like to help out ? You'd have a great picture of your first artwork submission aswell ? And we could grab some icecream afterward ?"

He thought for a moment, not long enough to make her anxious but long enough to make her stand on her tippy toes and lift her eyebrows pleadingly. He smiled faintly before nodding with a shrugg " yeah sure, when ?"

" this saturday ?"
She squinted carefully and in question.

He nodded again, looking through the gap as he noticed the omega shift and move away from the table witht he pile of books.
" we'll be there "

Hed expected a happy reaction of her but it seemed she hesitated before chuckling at last.
" y-yeah ok, ok.. erm see you then I guess "

Confused jongin glanced after her as she turned away and finally left. One of the weirder girls he had encountered in this school. He still couldn't quite tell if he was annoyed or unbothered by her. It was nice to complain about kungsoo to someone who wouldn't defend him from time to time but now, he'd rather not have too much of her emergy around.

Much later once he sat in the cafeteria he'd almost forgotten about her to begin with until finally remembering the conversation and opening it up at his table. Hed assumed his pack had been on board either way even if they werent he was going to go with whoever was then.

" idiot " eujin pushed his head back by his forehead and he frowned looking back at her in confusion.
" excuse me ?"

" she clearly wanted a date, stupid "
She pointed her spoon at him frustrated but he just frowned over to chanyeol in defeat.
" why ? "

Eujin rolled her eyes as jay and kyungsoo also arrived by the table with their food trays, unwillingly listening in.
" probably because youre so charming and handsome?" her voice was pitched in a patronizing way before she poked his head again in a scolding manner " I dont know why, someone like you seems exhausting to like "

" Will you just stop " he grumbled, rubbing the space over his forehead shed been poking. Hed remembered thinking she was lucky that she was part of his pack otherwise they wouldve long murdered each other.

" I dont know I can see why? Jongin the typical bad boy every girl wishes for right? And its not the first time hed gtten hit on, usually your just better at scaring them off" chanyeol shrugg his shoulders and eujin couldnt help but laugh at him " you're so cute channie"

He looked back at her nervously but she only shock her head swallowing her food amused
" we arent in some teen drama, believe it or not most girls are people with feelings too and appreciate a nice and polite person 10 times more than a rude douchebag "

" are you mad at me or something ?" Jongin finally turned more to her in question and she smiled at him innocently.
" I actually am. " she nodded pointing her fork at him "I see how you are ever since you started going to the library before class, you're more alive, you talk more and you dont have the grumpy expression as much anymore you actually laugh these days and say more thing other thsn fuck off a day. She seems good for you but here you are being stupid"

" or maybe shy" jay joined the teasing as he chewed his food with a smirk" some of us dont got the rizz, right?" His arm nudged kyungsoo but the boy only shrugg umbothered.

Jongin sighed looking up annoyed
" I dont care about her, so i didnt think she would want this kind of thing. She just asked for help so i said fine. You gonna come now or not?"

" I mean we all like icecream " chanyeol shrugg his shoulders.

" we could all bring dates and then it wouldnt be awkward, kyungsoo and i-" " no" kyungsoo answered with a full mouth eyes still glued to a paper he held so the beta trailed off pressing his lips together " -ofcorse"

Jongin looked at the 2 now, he noticed that he omega had glanced at him, not glared but just looked a moment ago. He noted that tthe omega looked tired today even in the library this morning when he was sorting his books he was slower.

He must've went to therapy the day before, he concluded drifting off in thoughts when jay talked about an icecrem shop instead, causing an uproar of dicussion on his opinion at the table.

But kyungsoo was quiet, looking down even as he seemed finished with his paper he just glanced at his food halfway finished and leaned back.

Jongin narrowed his eyes, looking onto the table as he focused on his hearing, listening in on the unsteady heartbeat kyungsoo carried once more.

Hed noticed it recently, whenever they ate he'd noticed the omegas heart become unsteady and his eyes roaming the room. Ever since he went to therapy it was a common thing to happen and he noticed sojoon being aware of it too. Hed catch him hold his hand while eating or afterwards and hed catch him giving the boy looks that signed things he didnt know the meaning of and only assumed were in reassuring or comforting manner.

Sometimes when he sojoon left the table to clean and kyungsoo still sat, jongin wondered what they talked about in therapy. What things kyungsoo was confessing and talking about.

Then as he looked up when the omegas heartbeat spiked, his eyes had Widened and he sat up straighter, Looking over to the cafeteria doors where jongin followed his gaze as the rest of the betas on the table to set sight on the 2 familar betas having walked through, smiling at a couple of students they passed.
The twins joined the food stand to get their meals and jongin stood up with a strict frown as they looked over to them.

" what the fuck" jay exhaled.

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