In The Shadow of Love // Seba...

Por Alohamora00

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After a perfect end to 5th year and a fantastic summer, the Slytherin trio is stronger than ever, you kept in... Más

Chapter 1 - Welcome back to Hogwarts
Chapter 2 - Don't get too comfortable
Chapter 3 - The first of many
Chapter 4 - A trip down memory lane
Chapter 5 - An Unfriendly Welcome
Visuals ✨
Chapter 6 - A mix of emotions
Chapter 7 - Sebastian Sallow
Chapter 8 - You Have My Word
Chapter 9 - Sparks Fly
Author Note!
Chapter 10 - Getting Along
Chapter 11 - A rose between two thorns
Chapter 12 - It was only a matter of time
Chapter 13 - The Plan
Chapter 14 - It's all or nothing
Chapter 16 - Peaks and Troughs
Chapter 17 - Letting Loose
Chapter 18 - I have to do this
Chapter 19 - Are we too late?
Chapter 20 - Emotions are high
Chapter 21 - The Perfect Moment
Chapter 22 - Christmas Break
Chapter 23 - One last moment of solace
Chapter 24 - The final battle

Chapter 15 - You're not doing enough

129 3 0
Por Alohamora00


The past two weeks had blurred together, leaving me feeling both physically and mentally drained from my extended stay in the hospital wing. The aftermath of Harlow's attack had taken its toll, but I found solace in knowing that everyone had emerged from the ordeal alive and well. Today marked my long-awaited release, and while the healing process had been arduous, with the constant questioning from professors and staring at the same four walls, I was ready to leave with a glimmer of hope.

As I prepared to depart, the nurse approached me "take these pills three times a day for the next week, that should fight off any remaining infections". Grateful for her care, I nodded and expressed my thanks, acknowledging the dedication she had shown during my recovery. Gathering my belongings, I stood up, ready to make my way back to the dormitory.

To my surprise, familiar voices greeted me from behind, and I turned around to find Ominis, Samantha, and Theo standing in the middle of the room. A surge of joy washed over me, prompting me to rush towards them, embracing each of them tightly.

"What are you all doing here?" I exclaimed, unable to contain my excitement at their unexpected presence.

"Did you honestly think we would miss your discharge?" Samantha responded, a warm chuckle escaping her lips. I had grown fond of her during my time in the hospital wing, appreciating her kindness and the way she cared for Ominis, the pair of them visited me often, bringing treats and disclosing any school gossip. 

However, it was Theo who caught my attention, his eyes shimmering with unshed tears. Without hesitation, I wrapped my arms around him, offering a comforting embrace. Confusion etched my features as he whispered his gratitude into my ear.

"Thank you," he uttered, his voice tinged with emotion.

Pulling away slightly, I furrowed my brows, seeking an explanation. "Thank you? For what?" I inquired, a mix of concern and curiosity in my voice.

He struggled to hold back tears, his voice quivering as he revealed the truth. "If you hadn't taken that hit for me, I wouldn't be here today," he confessed, a single tear now tracing its path down his cheek.

A rush of realisation washed over me, and I stood there, grappling with the weight of Theo's words. In that moment, the gravity of my sacrifice struck me, and tears welled up in my own eyes. Wordlessly, I reached out, gently wiping away his tear, conveying my understanding, gratitude, and the unspoken bond that had formed between us.

"And I would do it again," I murmured softly, a small chuckle escaping me. Theo had been incredibly kind during my recovery, spending the initial days together until his own discharge. After that, he faithfully visited me every single day, diligently helping me with schoolwork and assignments, ensuring I didn't fall behind.

With a mixture of concern and curiosity, I queried, "Where's Sebastian, by the way?" Casting my gaze upon the trio before me, I observed their exchanged glances and lowered heads. Sebastian's appearances had been scarce, occurring only once or twice, and his presence had often been accompanied by silence.

"I-I..." Theo began to respond.

"It's alright, Theo. Let me handle this," Ominis interjected, placing a reassuring hand on Theo's shoulder. "Go with Samantha, we'll meet up as planned," he added softly. Theo nodded, bidding me farewell with a hug before departing with Samantha.

"Ominis, what's happening?" I questioned hurriedly, the nervousness palpable in my voice.

"Come, we need to talk," Ominis replied, extending his arm for me to link mine with his. I took hold of his arm, and together we walked toward the herbology gardens.

Ominis POV

I guided  y/n towards the herbology gardens, her affinity for this serene space, where tranquility and calmness was the perfect place to take her. After being confined to the hospital for an extended period, a breath of fresh air would undoubtedly do her good.

"Ominis, please, what's happening?" she pleaded, taking a seat on a nearby bench. I settled down beside her, gathering my thoughts with a shaky breath before speaking.

"It's happening again, y/n," I began, and she met my words with a perplexed gaze.

"I'm not sure I follow," she replied innocently.

"He's become obsessed with finding a cure for Anne. Our plan to deliver Harlow didn't materialise, and now..."

"He's taken it upon himself once more," y/n interrupted, her expression filled with sorrow and disappointment.

"Exactly," I replied simply, understanding her perspective.

"That explains why he hasn't come to visit me, then," she responded softly, her voice filled with a tinge of sadness.

"He hasn't been attending classes either. No one has seen him long enough to even talk to him... I tried my best, y/n, but you know how he can be," I sighed, feeling the weight of the situation.

"It's alright, Ominis. I understand," she comforted me, offering a brief smile. "Where is he?" she asked, her determination clear in her eyes.

"Y/n, I don't think it's a good idea for you to see him right now. You've just been released from the hospital," I suggested, concern lacing my voice.

"It's me, Ominis. If anyone can reach out to him, it's me. I really need to see him," she pleaded, her eyes wide with determination.

"Fine. He's in the undercroft, but y/n, I want to give you a warning," I said, feeling defeated. There was no way she would back down or listen to any of my advice.

"Thank you, Ominis," she replied, jumping up from her seat. She gently placed her hand on my shoulder and planted a kiss on my cheek before hastily making her way to find Sebastian. I let out a deep breath, gathering myself before rising to my feet. 

I needed to meet Samantha and Theo, informing them to delay y/n's welcome back surprise, and somehow make my way to the undercroft before things unfolded any further...



With a flick of my wand, the ancient undercroft door began to creak open, its rusty cogs grinding into motion. Descending the stairs, I found Sebastian standing in front of the towering wall of parchment, his hands defiantly on his hips. As I approached him, my heart raced in my chest, the tension mounting. I had no idea what words would escape my lips, or what he was going to be like but I was extremely happy to see him. 

"There you are," I said softly, my hands clasped together in front of me. Sebastian slowly turned around, his eyes widening at the sight of me.

"You're... out of the hospital?" he asked, confusion seeping into his tone as weariness consumed his features.

"Well, hello to you too," I responded sarcastically, taking a step towards him. I reached out, intending to give him a comforting hug, but he hesitantly wrapped his arms around me before quickly pulling away again.

"I'm sorry, I just... I've almost found a way to cure Anne. I need to get back to work," he said, redirecting his attention back to the wall.

"Sebastian, you need to stop. You can't let yourself fall into this trap again," I expressed, my voice filled with concern as I placed my hand on his shoulder. Suddenly, I felt him tense up, his emotions shifting to anger and frustration as he forcefully pushed my hand away.

"Enough!" Sebastian exclaimed, his voice laced with pent-up frustration. "You don't understand what's at stake here. I can't just sit around and do nothing while Anne suffers. You wouldn't get it."

His words hit me like a wave, stinging with a mix of disappointment and hurt. I took a step back, my eyes filling with tears. "Sebastian, I've always supported you, always stood by your side. I care about Anne too, but this isn't the way to handle things. We're a team, remember?"

Suddenly, the cogs of the undercroft door turned again, and loud footsteps hurried down the stairs. Ominis, Theo, and Samantha stood behind us, witnessing the escalating confrontation.

"A team? You don't give a shit about Anne, you never have!" Sebastian shouted, his voice filled with rage as he invaded my personal space. Instinctively, I backed up into a nearby pillar, feeling my breath grow heavy as fear and anger surged within me.

"How dare you!" I shouted back, my voice trembling with a mix of fear and defiance. "I have supported every reckless idea you've had. I even cast Imperio on Ominis for you!" Theo and Samantha turned to Ominis, their eyes filled with confusion, but he reassured them with a subtle nod, indicating that he would explain later. Their attention returned to the tense standoff unfolding before them.

"Well, it's not enough, y/n. You're not doing enough!" Sebastian's voice boomed, his frustration echoing through the undercroft. "You promised me Harlow would reverse the curse, but you let him slip away. This is all your fault!" He towered over me now, barely an inch away from physical contact.

My heart sank as his words pierced through me, the pain of his accusation cutting just as deeply as the first time he uttered those words. Disbelief washed over me, unable to comprehend how someone who claimed to love me could say such hurtful things, not just once, but twice.

"Yeah? Well, fuck you!" I seethed through gritted teeth, pushing him away from me with a surge of determination. Storming out of the undercroft, I forcefully pushed past the others, making my way up the stairs in a whirlwind of emotions.

Sebastian POV

My anger burned as I watched y/n storm out of the undercroft. Fuelled by pure rage, I unleashed my frustration by kicking a nearby pot, sending it crashing into the wall beside me. The impact echoed through the room, but it did little to alleviate the turmoil within me.

"You really are a bloody idiot," Ominis finally spoke up, his voice laced with exasperation. Slowly, I lifted my gaze to meet his, my anger still simmering beneath the surface.

"Sod off, Ominis," I snapped, rolling my eyes at him before taking a seat on a nearby chair. I wanted nothing more than to wallow in my anger and frustration.

"No, you need to hear this," Ominis retorted firmly, refusing to let me dismiss his words. He motioned for Theo to go after y/n and ensure her well-being. As Theo hurriedly left the undercroft, it left me alone with Ominis and Samantha.

"You need to snap out of this, Sebastian," Ominis continued, his tone stern. "Just because we aren't devoting every waking moment to finding a cure for Anne doesn't mean we don't care. We all risked our lives, not just for y/n, but for you as well. You know that."

I scoffed dismissively. "She has the power to take away pain, and she chooses not to. It's clear she doesn't care."

"You saw the pensive memory, Sebastian. You know that using ancient magic to relieve her pain isn't the right path. She bears a tremendous responsibility as one of the keepers to protect this magic," Ominis responded, his voice steady and unwavering.

"I-I guess you're right," I conceded, my frustration giving way to a sense of defeat.

"This girl has put her life on the line for you since the moment she met you, and she's never stopped. And now, you're on the verge of losing her," Ominis stated firmly, his words cutting through my confusion.

"Lose her?" I asked, genuine confusion clouding my features. "We argue all the time. This will blow over," I asserted, attempting to regain my confidence.

"No, Sebastian. You didn't even visit her in the hospital when she almost died," Ominis stated matter-of-factly, his words hanging in the air with a weight I couldn't ignore.

The realisation hit me like a punch to the gut. I had allowed my stubbornness and obsession to blind me from the one person who had been there for me through thick and thin. Regret washed over me, mingling with the remnants of anger and frustration.

"Shit, I need to go after her" I muttered with remorse, I couldn't let my foolishness cost me the person who meant the world to me. 

"No, both of you need to cool off," Ominis interjected, his voice firm but calm. "I suggest you come back to the dorm with us for the night," he continued, addressing me directly. Then, he turned to Samantha, seeking her agreement.

"Of course," Samantha responded, her confusion of the entire situation evident, but her trust in Ominis unwavering. I nodded in agreement, realising that a change of scenery and some time away from the tense atmosphere would do me some good. Reluctantly, I followed Ominis and Samantha as we made our way back to the Slytherin common room.

As we walked in silence, my mind was filled with a mixture of frustration, regret, and a longing to resolve the conflict with y/n. Perhaps Ominis was right—taking a step back and giving her some space is what she needs right now, despite that being the last thing I wanted. 


Theo POV 

I sprinted towards the astronomy tower, my heart pounding in my chest. It was the one place I knew she would seek solace and find a moment of calm. As I reached the top of the stairs, I saw her huddled in a corner, her body trembling with sobs, her head buried between her knees. Without uttering a word, I settled down beside her, enveloping her in a gentle embrace, my arm draped protectively around her.

"It's all my fault, Theo," she choked out through her tears, her voice filled with anguish. She rested her head on my chest, seeking comfort in our proximity. I tightened my hold around her, offering reassurance.

"Hey, hey, no it isn't," I murmured softly, my voice laced with empathy. "You can't blame yourself, you're alive that's all that matters."

She looked up at me, her eyes swollen and red from crying, searching for a glimmer of hope amidst her pain. I wiped away a tear gently from her cheek, meeting her gaze with unwavering support.

"I know you care, y/n," I continued, my voice steady. "You've shown it time and time again. But sometimes, emotions get the better of us. We say things we don't mean. He clearly isn't in his right mind at the moment". 

I held back the torrent of words bubbling within me, refraining from unleashing a barrage of insults aimed at Sebastian and proclaiming that y/n deserved someone far better. In that moment, what she needed was not criticism, but a friend who would stand by her side. And that's precisely the role I intended to fulfill.

"Thank you, Theo," she whispered softly, adjusting her posture beside me by sitting upright and crossing her legs. A hint of curiosity danced in her eyes as she posed the question, "Why are you being so kind about him?"

A small laugh escaped my lips, carrying with it a tinge of understanding. "Because, y/n," I replied, a warmth enveloping my voice, "no one wants to hear about how much of a dick the person they love is being."

Her laughter intertwined with mine, creating a brief yet cherished exchange. Witnessing her smile, even if it was fleeting, brought me a profound sense of fulfillment. In the midst of the burdens she carried, I found solace in knowing that I could bring a glimmer of joy to her life with everything that's being going on. 

She extended her arm, her palm open and expectant. I arched an eyebrow, regarding her with a hint of amusement, before reaching into my pocket. "You really ought to start buying your own," I remarked, shaking my head in mock disapproval. I retrieved a pack of cigarettes and handed it to her with a touch of aggression.

"They're just not the same when they're your own," she replied nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders. I observed intently as she placed the cigarette between her lips and effortlessly ignited it. Every time I looked at her, I couldn't help but be captivated by her presence. Her hair cascaded flawlessly down her back, her eyes shimmered with innocence, yet there was an enigmatic and dark allure about her. If only she weren't in love with someone else...

"Theo?" she called out, snapping me back to reality and away from my thoughts.

"Huh?" I responded, momentarily confused.

"I asked how you're holding up," she repeated, furrowing her eyebrows with concern.

"Oh, sorry. Yeah, I'm fine," I replied, chuckling softly to myself.

"Thank you, by the way, for helping me keep up with my studies," she spoke softly, gratitude lacing her words. I gazed at her and offered a warm smile.

"Of course. Can't have you falling behind. You're already dim enough as it is," I jested, prompting her to react with a wide-mouthed expression of disbelief. She swiftly punched me in the arm, causing me to wince at the unexpected pain.

"You can be so rude, Riddle," she laughed, rolling her eyes at me.

"So, what's this I hear about you casting Imperio on Ominis?" I inquired, my curiosity piqued. Y/n's eyes widened in surprise as I caught her off guard with the question.

"Last year, I helped Sebastian in his search for a relic he believed could cure his sister. Ominis ended up following us without realising it, and, well, you know how he is when it comes to dark magic," she began explaining.

"Go on," I urged, eager to hear the rest.

"Well, he didn't want Sebastian to take the relic, and we didn't want to engage in a fight with him. So, I managed to convince him to let me cast Imperio on him, allowing us to escape," she continued, my face displaying evident shock. "He gave me permission before you say anything," she quickly added.

"Okay, okay. And I'm guessing the relic didn't help?" I asked, seeking further clarification.

"I'm not entirely sure if it would have. I met Sebastian later in the catacombs after Ominis sent me an owl. When I arrived, he was already using the relic to control the inferi. His uncle destroyed it before we could test it on Anne," y/n explained.

"His uncle?" I questioned, utterly captivated by the story y/n was unfolding.

"Shit, I shouldn't have said anything... Promise me you won't breathe a word to anyone, especially Ominis and Sebastian?" Y/n panicked, fearful that she had divulged something she shouldn't have.

"I promise," I responded with a wide grin, extending my pinky finger toward her. She intertwined hers with mine.

"Sebastian's uncle vehemently opposed the idea of finding a cure. Once he got wind of what we were doing, he hurried to stop us. After he destroyed the relic, Sebastian completely lost control. But, to be fair, if he hadn't intervened first, he might have killed me..." Y/n continued to recount.

"So, he killed his uncle?" I asked, taken aback by the revelation.

"Yes, but we never reported it to the Ministry, so you mustn't breathe a word to anyone," she said firmly.

"Well, fuck, I thought I had my fair share of issues..." I exclaimed, taken aback by her story. A moment of silence hung in the air before I reached for a cigarette, placing one between my lips. Without hesitation, I offered one to y/n before she even had a chance to ask, and she accepted. We shifted our positions, now standing and leaning against the balcony railings.

"Merlin! I just remembered," she suddenly exclaimed.

"What?" I asked, my expression filled with curiosity.

"We missed our first Quidditch game," she replied. I couldn't help but laugh at the unexpected change of topic. This girl always manages to surprise me.

"We certainly did. We'll have to catch the next one over the weekend," I suggested, taking a drag from my cigarette.

"It's a date," she joyfully replied. Oh, how I wished it was an actual date...

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