I Believe- Carlisle Cullen Tw...

By Braveclementine2

26.4K 791 67

Davina Mikelson is not your average girl. Moving to Forks from Kentucky after a tragic incident in her past l... More

Preface 1
Forks High School- A Living Hell
Offended and Again
Acceptance and Headaches
Meeting the Doctor
Well, That Went Well
La Push and Port Angeles
An Attack and a Kiss
Date Night
Meeting the Family. Oh and of course- We make some Lovely Enemies
I Get into Awkward Confrontations with Strangers and I Make a Stupid Decision
I Decide to Be an Idiot. Oh Wait-
Epilogue: This is Not the Beginning
Preface 2
What Great Fun
Scars, Tattoos, and Fainting. Not Quite in That Order
That's a Fucking Tragedy Sweetheart
Volterra and Volturi
Fights, Apologies, and Deals
Preface 3
Family Loyalty vs Secrets
The Visit and More Secrets
Victoria Tries Killing Me With a Soccer Ball
Carlisle Vs. Lord
The Council Meeting
What Do you Mean the Wedding is Still Going On?
Graduation Party
The Fight, the Volturi, and the Telekinetic. Oh my!
Preface 4
Bella's Wedding and My Funeral
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
Jacob's Declaration
Betrayal Hurts like a Bitch. Think I'd Be Used to it By Now
A Night of Imprinting
Bella's Transformation and My Children Hate My Thoughts
Stupidity and Love Are the Same Thing
Honeymoon 2
Fantastic. We're so Screwed
We Get Some Help
Alistair Leaves, Christmas Comes, and We Throw the Biggest Party Ever
Epilogue Again

Niklaus Scares us Shitless

303 14 0
By Braveclementine2

I just stared for a moment. It had settled back into quiet, everyone watching the two of them cross the field.

Aro let out an exaggerated- in my opinion- gasp upon seeing her.

"Alice." Edward whispered.

"Alice!" Aro gasped.

Alice glanced at us for one long glance before turning her attention to Aro. She was still wearing the same clothes that she had worn when she'd left- so was Jasper- though they looked brand new.

Jasper didn't even look at us, his spine straight with nerves. I wished I could comfort him, comfort both of them. I shifted on my feet uneasily, leaning into Carlisle a little.

And then, a few of the guards were moving, Felix stopping Alice from getting to close to Aro. Two hooded figures moved, their faces hidden and Caius moved to the side.

"My dear, dear Alice, we're so glad to see you here, after all." Aro said joyfully.

"I have evidence the child won't be a risk to our kind." Alice said, trying to talk to Aro while one of the guard kept a hand to her throat.

Carlisle took a few steps forward, away from me. I hesitated, not entirely sure what he was planning. Surely he wouldn't move against them.

"Let me show you." Alice draped her arm over the shoulder of Felix.

"Brother?" Caius said sharply.

Aro held her hand out and Alice shoved past the others. One of them slapped Jasper across the face and I hissed, standing by Carlisle's side now. Carlisle threw his arm out, stopping me from going any further, my eyes seething in rage.

Jasper struggled in the guards arms, Felix turning his back on them. I could feel horror pulsating through my veins. I readied myself, hands with palms down to the snow, ready to sweep vampires off their feet.

Aro took her hand. I felt a strange warmth go through me, blinding me for just a second and I stared around, confused. Everyone else was staring around too, even the witnesses and Volturi. But no one seemed to know the cause behind it- as both sides were equally confused- and nothing happened except turning our attention back to Alice and Aro.

"It doesn't matter what I show you. Even when you see." Alice said angrily, yanking her hand out of Aro's. "You still won't change your decision." Alice turned to face Bella and said, 'Now.'

And then Bella was turned towards Jacob and Jacob lunged past Benjamin and Tia, sprinting away.

"Get them." Caius ordered Santiago.

Alice turned around, doing a ninja flip, sending Aro high into the air.

I gasped, knowing that we had just started war.

Aro landed on his feet as I watched Garrett's eyes widen, Kebi grabbing Amun's arm, and Carlisle's own horrified expression out of the corner of my eye.

Everyone was suddenly lunging forward as Alice went to run, two guards grabbing her.

"Take her away." Aro demanded in a cold voice.

"Let her go!" Carlisle demanded and before I could even comprehend what was happening, he was charging over the snow towards Aro.

I had frozen, watching with wide eyes. What was he doing?

Two black hooded vampires came out to meet him but Carlisle swept them off their feet easily, making way for Alice.

Carlisle lunged for the two that were holding Alice, flying high into the air. Aro clashed with him and then his body fell. Aro's hand- holding Carlisle's head.

A scream ripped from me, worse than I had ever screamed before.

I found myself running now as the torch was being lit. If I could stop the torch from falling on Carlisle's body, I could put him together at the end of this.

I called up a snowstorm as I ran, aware that the others were slowly moving behind me, getting ready to join me. Sam had snarled, his pack moving into motion. The snow storm threw the holder of the torch high into the air, landing on top of some other vampires, effectively setting the rest of them on fire. They started to burn alive.

I grinned, victorious until Caius deftly threw Carlisle's body on top of the pile, his head too.

Pain ripped through my body as I clashed with the first vampire that dared get in my way.

I could see the other people fighting too. I could see Jasper and Rosalie taking down vampires themselves, ripping heads off of the bodies. The wolves clashed in too, tearing into the vampires like they were nothing.

Garrett let out a battle cry as he sent a vampire off his feet.

Leah and Seth worked together as well, taking down another witness vampire.

Edward and Demetri were starting to fight.

Jane turned her power on Jasper, but Bella was there, using her power to block Jane's.

I ripped another head off, biting furiously into the neck like a wolf. I could feel anger consuming my body.

Alec tackled Bella, taking her down so that Jasper was free for Jane's picking.

Jasper cried out in pain, Felix grabbed him, and Demetri ripped his head off.

I growled, leaping for Demetri and we tangled on the ground.

"For what it's worth." Demetri said sympathetically as my hands pressed into his neck and his hands had my own neck in them. "I am sorry about Carlisle."

And in that moment, we let go at the same time, knowing we couldn't kill each other. We both slowly backed away and turned for other targets.

Bella kicked out at Alec, sending him backwards while she fell on her own ass. Emmett was destroying everyone who tested him and turned his attention on Alec, eyes narrowing.

Emmett growled, running for Alec who ran straight at him as well. He took Alec down, pinning him to the icy surface. Emmett pressed his foot into Alec's neck before tugging his body away from his head. Then he threw his body away from his head for Jane to see.

Alice escaped at that moment, pulling another flip move and pulling the arms straight from her captors.

Tanya and Kate worked as a duo, kneeing vampires in the face before ripping their heads off, flinging bodies every which way- Kate electrocuting them too.

I was trying to make my way to Aro. I was going to kill him with my bare hands. I was going to burn him to ashes and paint my face with them in memory of Carlisle. My beautiful Carlisle.

Demetri and Edward were both fighting now and I was really hoping I didn't regret letting Demetri go.

Another vampire flew through the air, Seth colliding with him, ripping his head off in a messy fashion.

And then Jane was standing over him, making him cry and whimper in pain, his legs buckling underneath him.

I snarled, ripping another head off tossing it towards the bonfire that was starting to appear. I ran for Seth before another vampire snuck up behind him, crushing his ribs. Seth let out a whimper, and fell to the ice, dead.

Leah knew immediately, whining as she finished off one of her kills, howling in the air in sorrow.

That did it for me.

I let out a terrible scream before suddenly- I was no longer human. I was a wolf now. I lunged, ripping one of the vampires heads off it's body. And then I lunged for Jane in hatred, sending her flying backwards into the crowd of vampires. I stalked forward, glaring.

All around us, our family was being beaten. Three of them had hands on Bella, Edward was being punched into the ground, Garrett was on his knees.

So, Benjamin did the only thing he thought he could do- He yelled and slammed his fist into the Earth.

A dividing line suddenly opened up in the Earth's crust, causing vampires to fall in. Two of the ones that had been holding Bella fell through and she kicked the last one in. I skittered away, my mind panicking, unsure of how to become human again.

I whined in fear.


Sam! Help me! I begged.

It's all right. Just stay calm. Accept it.

I lunged for another vampire, knocking him into the crevice that Benjamin had created. There was lava down below. Instant death upon falling.

It suddenly became the strategy to simply knock them in. Wolves working together to kick them in, before backing away from the edge.

I could suddenly see from the perspective of several wolves. There was Embry, fighting alongside Bree against Felix. Emmett and Rosalie were helping them too, fighting a few other vampires. Quil and Jared were working together. Leah was taking down another vampire. I could feel her sorrow of losing Seth. It was ten times my own.

And then there was Esme. Her and an enemy vampire were clinging to the snowy edge. It seemed he was trying to push her off- even though he was behind her- in hopes that he could get over the edge.

Marcel struggled with three vampires trying to hold him down as he tried to get to Esme. He punched one in the face, the others trying to rip his head off until Bree launched herself at him, detaching the vampires head.

And suddenly, Leah was there, leaping the gap to pull him off of Esme.

NO! my mind shouted and I raced for the crevice, suddenly turning human, trying to grab Leah's fur, her leg, her tail, anything to pull her back up.

I had failed, watching as her somewhat white fur disappeared into the lava. I screamed in despair, while helping Esme over the ridge.

Meanwhile, Edward had nearly fallen down the hole himself before leaping upwards and displacing Demetri's head from his body.

I felt a new type of anger wash over me as Alice started to stalk Jane with the help of Bella. It was a quiet fury as I leapt the crevice, making my way directly for Aro, Caius, Marcus, and the few that stood by their side.

Jane ran as Alice approached her until Alice landed in front of her, cutting her off, grabbing her by the throat and making her kneel. I watched, through my own rage, as Sam approached her stealthily.

Alice dragged Jane to meet Sam where Jane met her end.

I saw Aro shove his hand and Caius went to run for Tanya.

I finally released all the water that I had collected and it swept through the camp as I stood my ground. It picked up every enemy, leaving the wolves and our friends alone. Amun's mouth dropped at my power. Benjamin grinned.

Soon, all of the leftover Volturi were left in a ball of water floating just slightly above the ravine. Their eyes were wide with fright. Caius looked rather angry. I churned the water, letting it rip and tear apart their bodies with fury. I left Caius, Marcus, and Aro alone, leaving them to float in the middle while the water on the outside tore apart the other Volturi and witnesses on the outside.

And then I tilted my head, moving the ball- with a little difficulty- above solid ground and everyone looked at me.

"Vlad?" I asked.

"Yes?" Vlad asked, a grin going over his face.

The water opened up to show narrow channels that Vladimir and Stefan could intercept.

"They're all yours." I said.

Vladimir and Stefan made very quick work of dismantling Aro, Caius, and Marcus, relishing their work.

Soon, all of the Volturi were left in pieces and we scooped all of them up, putting them into the fire.

And then, there was that light in our eyes again and I stumbled, looking around.

Carlisle stood next to me, looking shaken. As did everyone else, including the Volturi.

Our kids were here, Seth and Leah were here, still alive, though they looked rather disturbed like everyone else.

Aro was still standing there, Alice in front of him. He looked the most shaken, probably because he hadn't expected to die.

I finally saw what had happened. Niklaus had used his ability to read minds to see the vision inside Alice's head. Then, he had used Renesmee's method of showing through amplification. That way, we had all seen it.

Without even bothering to see if what had happened would happen anyways, I wrapped my arms around Carlisle tightly. I was shaking and his arms were just as tight around me. "It's okay. I'm right here. And you were. . .amazing just so you know." He whispered in my ear.

Aro stared at us. We stared back at him.

"Now you know." Alice finally broke the silence. "That's your future. Unless you decide on another course."

Jane looked very much like she wanted to interject and say she did want another course. Demetri looked a little abashed as we locked eyes, nodding to me slightly. Now everyone knew that we would both have left each other alone.

"We cannot alter our course. The child still poses a grave threat." Caius interjected and I almost laughed.

He had seen all of that- and yet he still wanted to fight?

"But what if you were sure she could remain concealed from the human world?" Edward interjected. "Could we leave in peace?"

"Of course. But that cannot be known." Caius said.

I wondered if he had a death wish.

"Actually, it can." Edward said as Alice started to walk away.

Three more figures started to walk across the snow. Barefoot, both of them. The male was not wearing a shirt or pants. They were some sort of Indian, and they were certainly dressed like it. The other was dressed more like Senna and Zafrina and I realized this must be the Kachiri that was mentioned every so often.

Kachiri stopped when they reached her sisters, but the other two continued to walk on.

I tried to figure out what they had to do with the child- and then I noticed the male had a strange heartbeat that matched Renesmee's. His eyes were also brown.

"This is Huilen and her nephew, Nahuel." Alice introduced.

"Speak, Huilen. Give us the witness you were brought to bear." Aro commanded.

"I am Huilen. A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful- too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her. As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched. She told me when she was sure her dark angels' child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away- I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared of her, hunting for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to save her life before I killed the monster."

"But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones- and loved him still. I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish- and I agreed. He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far- the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping."

It sounded almost sweet. It also made me wonder if Samuel and Niklaus were venomous.

"I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the children here."

Huilen bowed her head, moving backwards a little.

Aro's lips were pursed and he stared at Nahuel with curiosity, "Nahuel, you are one hundred and fifty years old?"

"Give or take a decade. We don't keep track." He said. His voice was not as heavily accented as Huilens.

"And you reached maturity at what age?"

"About seven years after my birth, more or less, I was full grown."

"You have not changed since then?"

"Not that I've noticed." Nahuel said.

I would have my children forever.

"And your diet?"

"Mostly blood, but some human food, too. I can survive on either."

"You were able to create an immortal?"

"Yes, but none of the rest can."

There was a shocked murmur, not only between ourselves, but between the Volturi and also their witnesses.

"The rest?" Aro questioned quickly.

"My sisters." Nahuel said with a shrug as though it were normal.

"Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more." Aro said, his curiosity not sated.

I snuggled into Carlisle's arms, "If this does come to a fight, don't leave my side like that."

"I won't." Carlisle swore. "I promise."

"My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death. He was pleased to find me. He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had. He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance. . . who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested in making a chance. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back."

"Your father's name?" Caius asked.

"Joham. He considers himself a scientists. He thinks he's creating a new super-race."

Caius turned to Bella, "Your daughter, is she venomous?"

"No." Bella responded.

Caius turned to me and Carlisle next and our arms tightened around each other automatically, "And your children?"

"No." I said firmly even though I truly didn't know the answer.

Caius looked to Aro. Aro wouldn't look at Caius, absorbed in his own thoughts most likely. He stared at Carlisle, and then me. Then Edward and then Bella. Caius literally growled and said, "We take care of the aberrations here, and then follow it south."

"Brother. There appears to be no danger. This is an unusual development, but I see no threat. These half-vampire children are much like us, it appears." Aro conceded.

"They are not all half-vampire." Caius pointed out, his eyes darting to me. I gritted my teeth. We were never going to win.

Aro studied Carlisle and I for a long moment and then said, "There is no danger."

"And this Joham? This immortal so fond of experimentation?" Caius demanded, eyes bulging like he'd thought Aro had gone soft. I wondered if he'd even paid attention to the fact that I let Vlad and Stefan kill him in a little water bubble.

"Perhaps we should speak with him." Aro assented.

"Stop Joham if you will. But leave my sisters be, they are innocent." Nahuel said in a flat voice.

Aro nodded.

"Dear ones. There is no danger here. We will not fight. . . today." Aro said.

Caius was the first to leave, storming away through the crowd. Jane and the others were quick to follow, although Marcus and Aro remained for a moment later. Suddenly, they were all gone with vampiric speed, leaving the field empty of any enemies.

"We have them on the run, now is the time to attack." Vladimir said.

"Not today." Carlisle said, swinging me off my feet to give me the biggest kiss he'd ever given me in public. "I love you so fucking much."

"I love you too." I murmured, kissing him back.

He put me back on my feet and I clapped Vlad on the shoulder, "But it was almost satisfying seeing it play out in the head, no?"

Vlad grinned, "You are one powerful woman, that's for sure."

"You are all fools!" Stefan complained, "The Volturi might be gone, but they will never forget what happened here."

Carlisle just smiled, a few people laughed, and then he pulled me in for another kiss. The two Romanians were gone almost immediately.

I let go of Carlisle, hugging Seth and Leah tightly around their fluffy necks, "I am so glad you two aren't dead." I muttered.

They both nudged me with wet noses. Caroline and Samuel were by their side in an instant, throwing their small arms around them.

I searched out Marcel and Bree before finding Sam who was reigning his pack in so they could go home. He stopped when he saw me and became human. I flung my arms around him, burying my face into the crook of his neck.

"You're alright Davina." Sam said softly.

"What colour was I?" I questioned.

"White. Pure white. White as the snow, maybe whiter." Sam whispered. "There's never been a white wolf like that before." He paused and then added, "Then again, there has never been a pure black wolf before either."

I smirked, "Yin and yang brother."

"Do you think they'll come again?" Sam asked quietly.

"Yes." I said honestly, "But hopefully by that time, there won't even be a pack here and we'll have moved somewhere else. So you won't have to worry about this ever again."

Sam's eyes were sad as he brushed his thumb over my cheek, "I wish I could always protect you."

"I don't think she needs protection." Benjamin said from behind me. "That was some pretty wicked stuff."

I turned away from Sam slightly to grin at Benjamin and Tia. I jerked my chin a little, "What do you know. Amun stayed."

"And he survived." Benjamin pointed out.

I turned back to Sam, kissing his cheek, "I'll come down to the Rez when everything has calmed down, alright?"

He nodded, becoming a wolf once more as the other wolves started to head out.

I turned back to Benjamin. "You know," I said, smirking slightly, "You're pretty cute Ben."

"Oh really?" Ben asked with a grin.

I had long established with Tia that I had no romantic feelings for Ben and was simply teasing him.

"Yeah, but you know what?"


"I think you'd look better with yellow eyes."

Ben grinned, "Well, I think we might just give it a try." He pulled Tia to his side and I smiled gently.

"Good." I said. "Maybe everyone here will try and go for some yellow eyes."

"Maybe." Benjamin said, looking around.

Suddenly- everything felt lighter.

I pulled Tia in for a hug, and then Benjamin. "I hope we get to see each other some day. Under better circumstances of course."

"Likewise." Tia said softly.

"Well maybe we can all have one big happy Christmas get together every year." Garrett said, strutting over with Kate on his arm.

"I see you finally got yourself a girl." I quipped.

"She's not British." Garrett pointed out.

I grinned, shaking my head.

I could tell Carlisle was eavesdropping and I did an exaggerated sigh and said, "I so wish Vladimir had stayed. . . so many things I wanted to talk to him about."

Carlisle was there in a flash, arms wrapped around my waist, lips on the side of my neck, "You're horrible, you know that?"

I grinned, leaning into his embrace, "I know."


The next day I was down with Sam and the others at the beach. The six new werewolves that had joined were Christian, Clayton, Shaun, Raoul, Colby, and Ian. I was glad for their help yesterday.

But I mostly spent my time with Sam, Jared, Paul, Embry, Quil, Seth, and Leah. What I liked to call 'the original pack'.

I found that I could turn into a werewolf if I desired and that I had quite a bit of control over it. I doubted I would ever turn again.

It was a lazy afternoon. The kids were running on the beach. Seth, Leah, and Quil watched with anxious eyes, but they really only needed to worry about Claire. Caroline, Samuel, and Niklaus didn't fall.

Meanwhile, I rested against Sam peacefully. I probably could've fallen asleep if I wasn't so worried about something magically happening to my kids.

And right on cue, Niklaus turned into a puppy like werewolf. The others heads spun to me.

I shrugged, "He can mimic anyones super power once he touches them. He's been bragging about this one all last night when he found out he could do it."

"What about the other two?" Leah asked with both curiosity and fear. "Will they be able to turn?"

"Maybe when they get older." I said, resting back against Sam. He wrapped an arm around me, his warmth was comforting. His familiarity was relieving.

I thought back to my first day in Forks. Innocently wishing I could be a vampire and werewolf hybrid, becoming friends with the Cullens first before they moved into the 'kid' zone for me. Meeting Carlisle, so determined to hate him because of Karen and yet- we were married with three kids now.

I chuckled and Sam looked down at me. "What?"

"Just thinking." I whispered.

Sam looked back out over the ocean, "Me too." 

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