I Believe- Carlisle Cullen Tw...

By Braveclementine2

26.4K 791 67

Davina Mikelson is not your average girl. Moving to Forks from Kentucky after a tragic incident in her past l... More

Preface 1
Forks High School- A Living Hell
Offended and Again
Acceptance and Headaches
Meeting the Doctor
Well, That Went Well
La Push and Port Angeles
An Attack and a Kiss
Date Night
Meeting the Family. Oh and of course- We make some Lovely Enemies
I Get into Awkward Confrontations with Strangers and I Make a Stupid Decision
I Decide to Be an Idiot. Oh Wait-
Epilogue: This is Not the Beginning
Preface 2
What Great Fun
Scars, Tattoos, and Fainting. Not Quite in That Order
That's a Fucking Tragedy Sweetheart
Volterra and Volturi
Fights, Apologies, and Deals
Preface 3
Family Loyalty vs Secrets
The Visit and More Secrets
Victoria Tries Killing Me With a Soccer Ball
Carlisle Vs. Lord
The Council Meeting
What Do you Mean the Wedding is Still Going On?
Graduation Party
The Fight, the Volturi, and the Telekinetic. Oh my!
Preface 4
Bella's Wedding and My Funeral
Gonna Give All My Secrets Aw-a-ay
Betrayal Hurts like a Bitch. Think I'd Be Used to it By Now
A Night of Imprinting
Bella's Transformation and My Children Hate My Thoughts
Stupidity and Love Are the Same Thing
Honeymoon 2
Fantastic. We're so Screwed
We Get Some Help
Alistair Leaves, Christmas Comes, and We Throw the Biggest Party Ever
Niklaus Scares us Shitless
Epilogue Again

Jacob's Declaration

340 14 0
By Braveclementine2

Davina P.O.V.

I was playing soccer on the beach in La Push with most of the other werewolf members. It was a relatively cloudy day, but it didn't make it any less enjoyable. It had been around two-ish weeks since I had become a vampire, two-ish weeks since Edward and Bella had gone on their honeymoon, and two-ish weeks where our triplets had gone from looking like newborns to looking like they were around four or five months old.

I kicked the soccer ball lightly, sending it towards Jared. I was really hoping to score a goal, but I had also promised not to completely use my vampire senses so here I was, missing scores and gritting my teeth, getting annoyed easily.

I did feel a little bad though. Jacob, Embry, and Seth were sitting on a log by themselves. Jared, Paul, Leah, and Sam were either playing soccer with me and each other, or kissing up on their girls; Kim, Rachel, and Emily. Quil was squatting by the waters' edge with Claire.

"Maybe they'll say she was in a car crash." Jacob's voice was quiet and I wasn't entirely sure that the werewolves could hear him, but I definitely could.

I knew immediately he was talking about Bella and I missed the soccer ball completely, hissing under my breath as Paul crowed.

"Or tripped and fell off a cliff." Jacob continued as I chased the ball, sending it back to Jared. I knew he was thinking about what the Cullens, my family, was going to tell Charlie.

"Keep it in play! Keep it in play!" Paul chuckled and I kicked the ball at his shins. A quick glance over my shoulder showed that Seth and Embry's faces were sympathetic towards Jacob.

Leah kicked the ball hard, sending it into Sam's hands across the beach. I nodded to her, smirking.

"At least I'll get one thing out of it." Jacob continued.

"No you won't." Sam called, pausing in the game, glaring at Jacob as I came to a stop completely, my face dropping. Sam looked at me before looking back at Seth, Jacob, and Embry, "Cullens are not a danger to the town or the tribe."

Leah came to stand by Jacob and I drifted closer. "Well, he's either going to kill her or change her." Jacob said. "And the treaty says. . ."

"I say, Jacob." Sam was using his alpha wolf voice now. "I say."

Sam looked at me and then at Leah before looking away, tossing the ball to Jared. I no longer felt like playing and neither did Leah.

"You know, if you wanted things different, you should've become alpha." Embry said.

I shot him a look and he raised his hands apologetically. "I don't mean about going to war, I just mean about the Bella decision."

"Turning it down seemed like a good idea at the time." Jacob muttered.

"Jake, you really think you could kill Bella if she became a vampire?" Seth questioned. "I know I can't kill Mom."

"Neither could I." Embry said very quickly and I gave him a half- smile.

"No." Leah interrupted, sitting down on the other side of Jacob. I remained standing, staring out at the ocean. It felt like it was calling to me. "make one of us do it, then hold a grudge against us."

"Ah shut up Leah." Jacob snarled.

"Jake." I chastised.

"Would you just get over it?" Leah demanded, "It's not like you've imprinted on her."

We all glanced over at the guys who had settled down, holding their girls in their arms. Well, Quil was still squatting next to Claire. But the others were settled in each others laps, arms around the neck, kissing each other, eating food, feeding each other. It made me long for Carlisle and I crossed my arms, almost hugging them across my chest.

I needed to go home. But I liked being so close to the ocean.

"At least they seem happy." Seth commented.

Leah glanced over, hurt crashing over her face at Sam and Emily. I looked away, wishing I could do something about her pain.

"Yeah, some people are just lucky I guess." Embry said.

"Lucky?" Jacob scoffed. "None of them belong to themselves anymore. And the sickest part is, their genes tell them they're happy about it."

"Least if you imprinted on someone, you'd finally forget about Bella." Leah offered as I put a finger to her shoulder, not wanting to startle her with a whole hand. We all glanced over again to see Sam and Emily kissing each other. "I mean, being any kind of happy is better than being miserable."

"You guys will all find someone." I said softly. "I promise."

Jacob snorted, "What? You're happy?"

"Yeah, I am." I said softly.

"I don't believe that!" Jacob said, getting to his feet and I took a step back, shocked at his anger. "HOW THE HELL COULD YOU BE HAPPY!"

His shouting had attracted the others attention. Sam and Emily broke away from their kiss.

I scoffed, "What are you talking about?"

'Don't get angry. Don't hurt him.'

"I mean." Jacob spat the words and Seth was up by Jacob's shoulder as he towered over me. I held my ground, not backing off. "Everyone around you dies. You parents. The Army. Your kids. Harry! And now Bella. How can you possibly be fucking happy?"

"Jacob!" Sam snapped, getting to his feet.

But I stumbled backwards, turning, and then fleeing.

Sam P.O.V.

"What the hell was that?" I asked angrily at Jacob.

Jacob glared back at me unfazed, "Well it's true! Everyone around her either dies or gets turned into vampires! And she's bringing Bella down with her!"

"Don't talk about mom like that okay, don't talk about her like that." Seth begged, taking one of Jacob's arms.

"Don't ever badmouth Davina again, you hear me?" I snarled.

Jacob scoffed, shaking off one of Seth's arms, storming away.

I knew the Bella thing would be hard on Jacob. He loved her and she loved the Cullen boy. But Jacob needed to stop thinking she was a victim. She was choosing vampire-hood the same way that Davina had said she would eventually change it. But this was still no reason to take it out on Davina.

I knew what would happen if Jacob attacked the Cullens. Davina wouldn't fight. She would get hurt instead, trying to step between Jacob and anyone he attacked. Not even fighting, just pushing them away from each other.

I imagined her-

"Sam?" Seth asked quietly.

I snapped out of my thinking, looking at the little boy.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Can I go after Mom?"

I blinked. "I don't know Seth. She has wonderful self-control but she's upset right now and I don't know if you want to get close to her at the moment."

Seth wasn't usually the one to break rules, but I could feel that he really wanted to today. I sighed, "Go. But be careful."

Seth nodded, trotting away before becoming a sandy werewolf and running.

"Of course you just let him go off to a house of werewolves by himself." Leah snapped and I closed my eyes, wishing she wasn't here. "Mom might be good, her husband might be good, but that doesn't mean the rest of them are."

She was still beautiful, not matter what, and I still loved her deep down inside, which just made things worse for the both of us. She glared at me with hateful eyes, storming away the way Jacob had gone.

I sighed. So much for a nice beach day.

Carlisle P.O.V.

I got off the phone with Bella and Edward, looking around at everyone- minus Davina, Rosalie, and Emmett- who were waiting to figure out what had happened.

"She's pregnant. . . at least that's the conclusion as of now. They aren't sure." I stated. "They're coming back home."

"What!" Alice asked, gasping.

My eyes sought Esme's and I gave her the slightest of nods.

"We're all going to meet them at the airport, take her back to the house." I sighed.

"What about her father?" Bree asked.

"We could tell him they're extending their vacation." Jasper suggested.

I nodded, "That sounds good."

Alice frowned suddenly and looked at me, "Mom's home. She's upset."

"I'll go to her." I murmured, "Prepare Rose and Emmett for the news when they get here."

I darted out of the house and found Esme following me. I stopped for a moment.

"I told you." Esme whispered.

I sighed, "I know."

"So what are you going to do about it?" Esme asked.

I hesitated, "Whatever Edward and Bella want, I suppose. Not everyone wants kids and Edward seemed pretty animated that he wanted it out of her."

"I can't imagine Bella would want that." Esme warned.

I thought about it, "I don't know. But these kids. . . the word of Bella's kid will get out to the Quileute wolves. I need to see their reaction before I start telling everyone that mine and Davina's kids are still alive, alright?"

Esme hesitated and then nodded, "I need to go back to Marcel. Do you think. . . "

"I can handle my wife, sister." I smirked slightly.

Esme laughed quietly and then she was gone, back to the house.

As I got closer to the house, I noticed the werewolf stink around it but tried not to think to much of it. She was allowed on their lands, I was sure she allowed one or two to come here- though I wished it wasn't our house so much as it would probably take a while to get the horrid smell out.

Seth was the one who stepped out the door, smiling when he saw me. "Hey Dr. Cullen! Mom's inside. She was a little upset, Jacob said something. . . rude to her. But I think she's better now and I'm sure she wants to see you."

"Thank you Seth." I said with an easy smile. This young werewolf was far more likable than the others and really, the smell wasn't that bad.

Seth ran a few paces before becoming a wolf and leaping away. I darted through the door and found Davina in the room with the kids.

"Does Seth know. . ."

Davina shook her head, "No."

I relaxed a little. "So. . . he said Jacob was rude to you?"

A flicker of pain crossed her angelic face and it made Lord want to rise up and go beat the crap out of Jacob. Or just end his life.

"He said everyone dies around me and I'm bringing Bella down with me." She whispered. "He's right."

I enveloped her in a hug. "He's not right."

"Really?" Davina laughed but it wasn't the laugh I had loved the first time I'd heard it. It was bitter. "Name one person in my life who isn't dead. My parents. The Soldiers. Joshua. Bree. Marcel. . ."

"Sam." I whispered, "Seth."

"But their werewolves, it doesn't count." Davina murmured.

I sighed. "I know."

Davina swallowed, turning to me, kissing softly along my jawline. "I love you so much Carlisle."

My dead heart always managed to do flips whenever she said that.

"I love you too my beloved." I murmured softly, running my fingers along her jaw. Her lips flickered into a smile, setting lovely Caroline down into her crib.

"The bed hasn't been used in. . . thirteen and a half hours." She murmured, kissing down my neck to the collarbone. "I think it needs warming."

"Agreed." I purred, scooping her up into my arms and disappearing in the other room.

~One week Later~
Davina P.O.V.

I stood, leaning against a tree, making sure that I was in Billy's sights. I had my eyes closed, wondering what the packs reaction was going to be. There were so many different ways they would react.

Of course, I wasn't entirely sure what kind of sickness she had. Carlisle had said he would get back to me in a few days. He seemed a little out of it, not knowing what it was. He said he had his suspicions that she might not actually be sick, but until he knew, he wasn't coming to our house or letting me go between the houses, lest he be wrong and it was contagious. He didn't want our children to be infected.

I knew Jacob would be in a state if Sam decided not to attack the pack. I had heard the howls rip through the forest. Billy knew this too, which was why he was waiting out here for Jacob.

I melted away for a second when Jacob appeared out of the trees.

"Got a minute, Jake?" Billy asked while Jacob sniffed the air.

Jacob was going to walk straight past Billy before Billy continued and said, "C'mon kid. At least help me inside."

"Since when do you need help, old man?" Jacob asked.

"My arms are tired. I pushed myself all the way here from Sue's."

"It's downhill. You coast the whole way." Jacob corrected.

"Caught me." Billy said as Jacob rolled the chair up into the living room. I came out of the shadows as Billy continued, "Think I got up to about thirty miles per hour. It was great."

I chuckled quietly while Jacob said, "You're gonna wreck that chair, you know. And then you'll be dragging yourself around by your elbows."

"Not a chance. It'll be your job to carry me."

"You won't be going many places."

"Any food left?"

"You got me. Paul was here all day, though, so probably not."

"Have to start hiding the groceries if we're gonna avoid starvation."

"I can cook for you." I offered quietly, leaning against the doorway of the house. "I don't mind."

Billy smiled at me but Jacob's eyes were full of hate, "What are you doing here?"

I sighed and said quietly, "I knew you'd be upset so I came to see what I could do to help."

Jacob snorted, "Help? You can't help! You're letting her become a monster like you!"

"Jacob!" Billy snapped.

I held out a peaceful hand to Billy. "Jacob, I-"

Jacob towered over me but I stood my ground. I sighed, "Look-"

And the next thing I knew, I was flying out of the house. I spun in the air, landing on my feet. It hadn't hurt, but it had shocked me. I guess Carlisle and I were about to find out if my skin was indestructible or not.

"I was going to attack the Cullens." Jacob growled, "But I guess I could just start with you."

I shook my head, pleading, "Jacob you don't have to do this."

Because I wasn't going to protect myself. I just wasn't. I couldn't hurt Jacob, even with him wanting to kill me. He was in pain. He was in love. I remembered wanting to wrap my hands around Azim's throat during the trial and choke the life out of him.

Jacob became the large red wolf that I remembered and I felt my skin start to tingle with nerves. I remembered this as my enemy, but I would not defend myself.

"Jacob, please." I begged as Billy rolled himself out of house, calling Jacob's name. "Bella-"

Jacob leaped in the air and I darted to the side as he crashed in the sand. He growled at me, snapping his large teeth.

I was growing angry and I was trying to push it down. "BELLA ISN'T BECOMING A VAMPIRE!"

Jacob hesitated. I took this as a chance to say, "She truly is sick Jacob. I don't know the details. I'm. . . not a normal vampire so Carlisle won't let me near her until he finds out if she's contagious or not. He isn't sure if I can get sick or not since I have so many other human characteristics."

Jacob was human in a minute. "Where is she?"

"At the main house." I murmured.

Jacob was gone, taking his motorcycle, riding away.

I sighed, looking at Billy, "I'm sorry."

Billy shook his head, "I'm sorry."

I ran a hand through my hair. "I should go back to my house."

"You really don't know what Bella is sick with?" Billy asked hesitantly.

I shook my head, "No. I haven't seen any of the others- not even Carlisle- in the past week."

Billy nodded.

I nodded and then was gone. I really needed to go hunting.

Sam P.O.V.

I sighed in relief when Davina had said that. I was furious with Jacob for trying to kill her and they could all feel it. No one touched Davina.

~A Few Hours Later~

We had stayed in wolf form, spread out as we waited for Jacob to come back. And when he did, there was nothing that we were expecting.

Bella Swan was pregnant with a vampires' child.

We could hear the gist of everything. The blond vampires' protection of the child, Carlisle's reluctance to let it live, Marcel and the younger newer vampire girls' aversion to the child. Alice's hatred for it. The big vampire backing Rosalie up- though slightly reluctantly- and the one who could control emotions backing Alice. The other girl, the one who was mated to Marcel was also protective of the child.

Davina was no where to be seen.

The thing was killing Bella from the inside out.

No one knew what it was.

The thoughts started to flow from the other wolves.

How can this be? What does it mean? What will it be?
Not safe. Not right. Dangerous.
Unnatural. Monstrous. An abomination.
We can't allow it.

Everyone was pacing around the clearing that we had settled in and I watched all of them, not thinking myself.

The treaty does not cover this. Paul thought.

This puts everyone in danger, Jared thought, but at the same time, he was trying to push Davina's face away from him.

The thoughts grew louder, urging more towards war with the Cullen clan until Jacob finally said, Wait.

There was a pause for a beat and I thought, There's little time.

But- what are you thinking? You wouldn't attack them for breaking the treaty this afternoon. Now you're planning an ambush, when the treaty is still intact?

This is not something our treaty anticipated. This is a danger to every human in the area. We don't know what kind of creature the Cullens have bred, but we know that it is strong and fast-growing. And it will be too young to follow any treaty. Remember the newborn vampires we fought? Wild, violent, beyond the reach of reason or restraint. Imagine one like that, but protected by the Cullens.

We don't know-

We don't know. And we can't take chances with the unknown in this case. We can only allow the Cullens to exist while we're absolutely sure that they can be trusted not to cause harm. This. . . thing cannot be trusted.

They don't like it anymore than we do.

What about mom? Seth asked.

That put everyone on hold and so Seth continued, showing us the memory of when he had followed her after Jacob had snapped at her. She was sitting outside of a small cabin in the woods, obviously hers and Carlisle's.

'It's not like he isn't right.' She whispered to Seth. 'And I worry sometimes about what Bella's turning will do to Jacob. I think he'll attack Seth. And maybe the pack will follow and maybe they won't. But I can't handle loss anymore Seth. I lose Carlisle or Jasper or any of my other vampire family. . . I might as well just get on my knees and beg Sam to kill me too. I can't live without Carlisle Seth. That's like Sam trying to live without Emily or Jared with Kim. I can't do it. I'll just let them kill me too.'

We can't. Seth whimpered. We can't attack.

Leah was pacing now, thinking about conversations with her and Davina. I swallowed hard, looking at my packs' memories of my sister. Her dancing with Carlisle at the wedding- smiling. Cooking in Emily's kitchen. Teasing Paul. Helping Quil with Claire. Helping Jared plan a date with Kim.

Seth's hurt the most though, bringing up how he remembered her before. In Kentucky. Her brave face she put on, brushing aside hateful notes.

She won't be there. I finally thought. She told Jacob specifically that she's staying in that cabin instead of the main house. She won't even know until it's over.

Yes, let's hurt her like that. Leah snarled. That will definitely go down well when she comes back the next day, kneels in front of you, and asks for you to bite her head off.

Or she'll got to those Italian Vampires. Jacob fretted. The way Edward did when he thought Bella was dead.

We're forgetting about the thing in Bella's stomach. Brady growled fiercely. We can't take the chances!

Then tell them to leave Seth thought.

And inflict the menace on others? When blood drinkers cross our land, we destroy them, no matter where they plan to hunt. We protect everyone we can. I said.

Except Mom Leah argued.

But she's also normal, Embry argued, And she's mine and Sam's sister.

This is crazy. This afternoon you were afraid to put the pack in danger. Jacob said.

This afternoon I didn't know our families were at risk.

I can't believe this! How're you going to kill this creature without killing Bella?

There was silene and Jacob knew the answer. He threw his head back and howled in agony. She's human too! Doesn't our protection apply to her?

She's dying anyways. We'll just shorten the process. Leah replied.

Jacob lunged for Leah. I leaped after Jacob, dragging him back and he howled in pain.

Stop! I ordered and he did. I turned to Leah. You will not be cruel to him, Leah, Bella's sacrifice is a heavy price, and we will all recognize that. It is against everything we stand for to take a human life. Making an exception to that code is a bleak thing. We will all mourn what we do tonight.

I felt the shock go through all of them but Seth was the one who voiced it, Tonight? Sam- I think we should talk about this some more. Consult with the Elders, at least. You can't seriously mean for us to-

We can't afford your tolerance for the Cullens now. There is no time for debate. You will do as you are told, Seth.

Seth's front knees folded as he bowed to me and I felt sick. I prayed that Davina would truly be away. Even if she came to me in the morning, as long as she wasn't there tonight. Tomorrow I could figure out a way to help her.

Seth snorted, but said nothing. But I could hear his thoughts anyways, thinking about what Jacob said about her going to the Italian vampires and how she wanted to die if Carlisle died.

We need the whole pack for this. Jacob, you are our strongest fighter. You will fight with us tonight. I understand that this is hard for you, so you will concentrate on their fighters- Emmett, Jasper, and Marcel Cullen. You don't have to be involved with the. . . other part. Quil and Embry will fight with you. Paul, Jared, and I will take on Edward and Rosalie. I think from the information Jacob has brought us, they will be the ones guarding Bella. Carlisle and Alice will also be close, possibly Esme. Brady, Collin, Seth, and Leah will concentrate on them. Also Bree if she is there as well. Whoever has a clear line on- I couldn't say Bella's name- the creature will take it. Destroying the creature is our first priority.

And if Mom is there? There was so much hostility in Leah's voice and I wished- no stop.

I'll do it. I said heavily.

Yeah don't worry. Leah spat venom and she spat good. She'll let you so it'll be an easy job.

Davina had been the only good part about Leah's transformation. Having a girl there who could understand her. I turned away as the pack made nervous agreement on the entire thing.

I could feel Seth's hurt, betraying his friend- Edward. And I could hear Jacob going over each and every vampire, landing on Carlisle last. That one hurt almost as much as thinking about Davina dead. Because Carlisle was her mate. Maybe even with the rest of the family dead, she might live if she had Carlisle. And that he was human, a doctor, saved lives. Jacob was thinking about how Carlisle might be better than humans and his life was just as worth saving. That Carlisle was just like Davina- wouldn't fight back, even to save his own life, because he wouldn't want us- Davina's other family- to die.

It all hurt.

Pull it together, Jacob. The tribe comes first. I ordered.

I was wrong today, Sam. Jacob was begging.

Your reasons were wrong then. But now we have a duty to fulfill.


I snarled. Yes. There are no loopholes tonight. You, Jacob, are going to fight the Cullens with us. You, with Quil and Embry, will take care of Jasper and Emmett. You are obliged to protect the tribe. That is why you exist. You will perform this obligation.

I had meant it when I said it. 

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