Midnight, The Stars & You

By WestCoast14

58.3K 1.4K 1.1K

Genevieve Chalamet has grown up visiting Paris ever since she could remember. Her father was from Nîmes, but... More



1.7K 41 6
By WestCoast14

Present Day

Ginny felt like she was going to throw up. Her insides were twisting and winding together in a mosh pit of nerves. It didn't help that she was squished in the middle of her brother and Austin in the backseat of Henry's Rolls-Royce Phantom.

The car was silver and reminded Ginny of something her grandpa might have bought... or James Bond. Henry insisted on driving, so Mister Leblanc could get a few hours of sleep before taking them to the grid. Chloe sat in the passenger seat, mindlessly showing off renovations to buildings that Ginny and Timothee had seen as kids.

The brunette could hardly pay attention though. She fiddled with the end of her red dress, wondering if she'd made it too obvious who she was trying to impress. A soft sigh escaped her lips and Austin seemed to notice, unlike the oblivious others. He had his arm thrown behind the headrests, since he was such a lanky guy. He leaned in towards her ear and whispered, "You nervous?"

Ginny chewed her bottom lip, tilting her head to get a better angle of his face. "A little. You?"

"Can I let you in on a secret?" His brown eyes looked like chocolate as a few sun rays twinkled into the window behind him. His iconic side-grin spread across his lips. "I'm always nervous."

Ginny couldn't help but chuckle, causing Chloe to whirl around in her seat. Timothee also glanced at her with a grimace, scrunching his nose up in a contorted expression of disgust. "You're laughing at a grave sight?"

"What!?" Ginny's coffee brown eyes turned more mahogany in embarrassment. She smacked Austin on his shoulder, whilst he belly laughed into his hand. "No, No, I was talking to Austin!"

Chloe narrowed her gaze on Ginny with a frown. "Oh, so I was boring you, was I?"

"No!" Ginny let out an exasperated sigh. "Stop teasing me."

Chloe tried to hide her smile, but failed. Even Henry chuckled to himself, and he'd been quiet most of the ride. Too focused on the dangerous roads. It was hard enough to drive on the streets of Monaco as it was, but the formula one races were unbelievable to think about at the speeds they go. Even watching some races as a child, she was scared they'd run into the wall. She was scared for Charles... not Pierre. Chloe shrugged like it was no big deal. "Sorry, I can't help it. It's like old times, right?"

"For you and Timmy maybe." Ginny shook her head playfully.

"You mean skelly the skeleton?" Chloe reached over and hit the pale boy on his knee.

He grabbed onto his leg and dramatically threw himself over his sister. "Help me! Oh the pain! I'm dying!"

"Shut up." Chloe laughed, turning back around in her seat. She clapped her hands and pointed out the window. "We're here!"

The restaurant almost sat on the edge of a cliff. The outside bricks were painted a creme color that twinkled in the bright sunlight. There were huge, stained-glass windows that allowed passerby's to see into the dining room. The round tables were covered with thick tablecloth that draped over the sides like a wedding dress- elegant and chic.

The waiters and waitresses wore crisp, black, button ups with the sleeves rolled up to their elbows. Ginny watched as one of them poured a glass of wine with one arm behind his back. Henry pulled into a space near the front door and that's when she laid eyes on him for the first time in person for five years.

If Ginny thought she was going to throw up before, she definitely was now. She stared out the windshield, watching as Pierre leaned against the wall with a cigarette in his hand. He was in a crisp, russet, button up that looked like cotton material. It was long sleeve and wrapped around his chest tightly.

He left the collar part unbuttoned, showing off some of his skin. He wore dark shades that showed off Henry's car in the reflection. His hair looked lighter, maybe from the summer, or angle, she wasn't sure. He was the same as he was in her memories, just older and scruffier. Almost-


Don't go there.

Pierre lifted his hand and took a drag from his cigarette. Ginny noticed an expensive watch wrapped around his wrist. He blew out a puff of smoke and dropped the bud on the cement, stepping on top of it with his Armani shoes that matched his black slacks.

"Smoking before practice?" Chloe groaned to no one in particular. "I told him to stop, but he never listens."

"Isn't it a part of French culture to smoke?" Austin asked the group with one of his thin eyebrows raised.

Timothee leaned forward, looking over at him with narrowed eyes. "Are you stereotyping the French?"

Austin blushed in the cheeks. "No, I just always thought..."

"You're not wrong, Elvis." Chloe unbuckled her seatbelt. "Lots of people smoke in France, but Pierre shouldn't because he needs his lungs more than anyone else here. I mean, if he wants a podium."

Ginny held back her chuckle. She was worried it might come out as vomit. Everyone piled out of the car. She heard Henry greeting Pierre with a bro-hug and slap on the back. Elvi- Austin held the door open for her and she slid out of the backseat, quickly fixing her dress in the back as she followed behind Chloe. She watched as Pierre opened his arms wide for her brother. Timothee let out some sort of gurgle laugh that all his fans obsessed over, and took two big strides towards his old friend.



The two of them embraced, and their voices filled the air. "What's up man?"

Pierre leaned back, but kept his friend at arm's length, taking in his appearance. "Je vis ma meilleure vie! Qu'est-ce qui se pause avec toi, mon frére?"

Of course he'd respond in French. That arrogant punk. And of all things to say, 'I'm living my best life' he just loved to brag didn't he? At least he had the common decency to ask what was up with Timothee.

Her brother responded with a chuckle first, nodding his head rapidly in agreement. "Bien! Bien! Je suis heureux de I'apprendre. Je vais bien maintenant que je suis ici. Prêt à s'amuser." (Good! Good! I'm glad to hear that. I'm great now that I'm here. Ready to have a fun time)

Always humble.

Pierre squeezed his shoulder and then shifted to Chloe. Ginny glanced at her shoes for a moment, preparing herself to greet her lifelong bully in just a matter of seconds. She tore her eyes away from the ground, but when she looked up, Pierre was already staring at her over Chloe's shoulder. He'd taken off his sunglasses, having them placed inside his shirt pocket.

His bright sea-green eyes peered into hers, diving into a pool of memories. She felt frozen in place, unable to move as he looked her up and down. It was like a cold bucket of ice had fallen over her body as she felt a spark of tingle rupture her spine. Something fiery flashed across his face, but was soon replaced with a smile as he leaned back to kiss Chloe on both cheeks.

Everyone seemed to stare at Pierre as he walked around Chloe and stood in front of Ginny with an indescribable expression. They all were curious, maybe more Timothee and Chloe, about what he'd do. What she'd do. Pierre cocked his head to the side, opening his arms for a hug. Ginny gritted her teeth, remembering those cursed words.

'What are you going to do Genevieve? Snitch on me to your brother? Be the annoying little sister you are? Run to mommy and daddy?'

Those words were going to be the death of her. For some reason, she couldn't let them go. She stepped into his embrace and recognized his scent. He smelled like mint soap, malt scotch, and had a hint of tobacco still lingering on his clothes. His hair nuzzled her neck and he began to whisper.

"I'm sure you can hit me if you tried hard enough..." He paused, an eery slow-grin creeping onto his lips as they touched her bare shoulder. "I believe in you. I know you want too."

A shiver ran up her body. She let out a quiet scoff from her mouth. "I'd do much more than hit you, Pierre."

"I'd certainly hope so, princess." He leaned back and gave her a kiss on both cheeks. He raised his voice for the rest to hear. "It's so lovely to see you, Ginny. You've been missed."

"I'm happy to be here." She forced a smile towards him.

He took another second to look her over. "Shame you wore red today. I have a feeling I'll be beating Charles in the practice session."

"Red's my favorite color... or have you forgotten?"

Pierre bit the inside of his cheek. "I have not."

He changed the subject by offering a hello to Austin. They shook hands beside Ginny.

"Thank you for having me." Austin patted his arm.

"Anytime." Pierre smiled at him. He turned to everyone else and nodded towards the door. "The rest are waiting inside. Shall we?"

Henry and Chloe led the way as Timothee and Austin followed through the front door. Pierre lingered behind Ginny and she felt tense by his presence. Pierre stood to the side and grabbed the door, holding it open for her.

"Go ahead, my étoile."

Ginny watched him smirk. She wanted to slap it off his face. "Thanks."

She forced herself to shuffle past him. He caught up with her quickly as the hostess led them to the already seated table. Ginny tried to get a glimpse of Charles, but Pierre laid a warm hand against her back, causing her to flinch.

"Don't worry darling, it's just me." He coo'd in her ear.

Ginny side-eyed him, frowning. "That's exactly why I should worry."

"You didn't wear the dress." He commented flatly. "How rude of you."

"Why would I wear it? So you could make fun of me again? Spill red wine all over it for your own personal hoorah?" She crossed her arms close to her chest as they walked.

Pierre kept his hand on her back, rubbing a small circle with his thumb. "I wasn't going too, for your information, but that is a good idea. I'll keep it in mind."

"I'm sure you will." Ginny groaned.

"I'm looking forward to catching up with you." He whispered in her ear. His voice was like velvet, but Ginny knew better than to trust him. "It's been such a long time..."

"Since you got to bully me? Yeah, I know."

Pierre clenched his jaw and dropped his hand from her back. They reached the table and Chloe stepped out of the way, revealing a standing Charles with a bright smile on his lips. He wore a pinkish-brown suit with white stripes going down the fabric. He had a white button up underneath his jacket and matching shoes, which were Air Forces.

He wore some rings on his fingers and a thin watch on his wrist, like Pierre. His skin was tanned like a caramel gelato, with less facial hair than the man beside Ginny. Charles pushed past everyone else and quickly brought Ginny in for a lifted hug. Ginny let out a squeal as he spun her around, but he carefully set her back down on her feet, still hugging her tight to his chest.

"Hello, mon chéri." He kissed her cheek as they embraced.

Ginny felt her insides melt and form butterflies. "Hello, my darling." She replied back in English like she would as a kid. The others were greeting two other people at the table that Ginny wasn't sure she knew. She was too preoccupied with Charles. He leaned back, but held onto her hands.

"I'm so glad you're here! It's so good to see you!" His accent was more predominant since they were in Monaco. "You look stunning!"

"Oh, stop." Ginny blushed, glancing at her feet again.

Charles ducked his head to catch her eyes. "You do! You know I wouldn't lie to you."

"I know." Ginny nodded slowly, looking at him gain with a grin. "You look very handsome."

"Why, thank you." He winked, spinning her around with his hand. She giggled and stumbled a little, but he caught her. They were breathless as a new figure appeared. Charles cleared his throat. "Ginny, you remember my younger brother Arthur, right?"

Ginny couldn't believe how tall he'd grown. He towered over Charles and herself. He looked like such an adult. He looked more like their mom, with a youthful smile and clean-shaven face. He was skinny, but had an athletic build. He smiled brightly at Ginny, leaning in for kisses on the cheek.

"Of course I remember Arthur." Ginny squeezed him as they hugged. "You've gotten so tall. I'm sure you get that a lot."

"I do." He chuckled. "You look beautiful, Ginny. We've all missed you. Especially this one."

Charles blushed and kicked at his brother's feet. Arthur ignored him and continued. "There's so much to talk about."

"Yes!" Ginny agreed.

"We've saved you a seat between us, if that's okay." Charles grinned and laid a hand where Pierre had had his. "But I'll introduce you to Chloe's friends first."

"Okay." Ginny nodded. She caught a glimpse of Pierre sitting at the table already. His eyes followed her as she squeezed through the group with Charles, making way to the new people.

"Sorry to interrupt." Charles said a quick hello under his breath to Chloe. She grabbed a hold of Ginny's shoulder and yanked her away from Charles, who chuckled.

"This is my best friend, Ginny. Ginny, this is Tani Dupont and her boyfriend Lisandro Martinez- he plays for Manchester United."

"Hi." Ginny waved shyly. "Nice to meet you two."

"You as well!" Tani swept her in for a hug. "I've heard so much about you. Ohmygosh, love the dress!"

"Thank you!" Ginny blushed, "I love your skirt."

"It's actually a skort, but no one will notice, right? I feel better knowing I can run away from someone without my ass hanging out."

Ginny laughed at her statement, which was very understandable. Chloe rolled her eyes, "She's crazy, really."

"Really." Tani confirmed. "Lisandro keeps me sane... and out of jail."

Lisandro chuckled, resting his arm around Tani's waist. "I do my best."

"Well, I'm excited to get to know you guys."

"Same here." Tani nodded.

Charles grabbed her arm,  "Let's sit."

Ginny followed him, as the rest slipped into their chairs, towards Arthur's seat by the window. She sat to his right, Charles on her right, then Chloe, Henry, Tani, Lisandro, Pierre, Timothee, and Austin on Arthur's left. Full circle. The waiter came by and took everyone's drink order and then departed.

"What's up Charlie?" Timothee called from across the table.

Charles jutted his chin out at him as a nod hello. "Not much, Timmy. How's it being back in Monaco?"

"Great, man." Timothee smiled wide. "No red for luck?"

Arthur laughed. "He'll be wearing his red sweatpants on the grid. He looks dorky in them."

"But they bring me luck." Charles confirmed. "And I need a hell of a lot of that."

"You do." Pierre agreed with a sly grin. "Charles is falling behind."

"Behind whom?" Charles widened his eyes. "It sure isn't you."

They chuckled, but Ginny caught the quickest sight of Pierre snarling. It was like she was the only one who saw him clearly. He flickered his eyes in her direction, but she averted her own to Charles. "I'll have to take a picture of you in them for my second graders. It'll be a cool tidbit to show my new class in August."

"A teacher?" Charles smiled wide. "Somehow, that truly fits you."

"You think?" She chuckled.

"For sure. But I'll make sure to pose a little silly for them." Charles winked.

Ginny lingered in his gaze for a moment. It was like no time had passed at all. She was happy it wasn't too awkward or weird. She was ready to catch up with Charles and hear all about his career. Austin said something to Charles, taking his attention away from her.

She glanced across the table and found Pierre leaning back in his chair, arms crossed. She wondered what was going on in his mind. What was he thinking? What did he want? She might never know, and that was okay, as long as she had Charles by her side.

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