My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


4.3K 82 0
By ayemem215

I jolt awake breathing a little hard and feel the sweat beads drip from my head. I turn and look at the clock at see the time is 4:47. Ugh, I sigh and relax myself a bit while I turn my head to look at Scarlett. Luckily she's still asleep and didn't seem to hear my nightmare this time. I turn on my side facing away from her to try and just fall back asleep but I can't get comfortable. I turn back on my back and stare up at the ceiling when I start to let the voice in my head come through. You're damaged goods no one will love you. You're lucky you can hold a conversation now without shaking or worrying everyone else is whispering about you, how could you ever hold a relationship. You can't protect her. Just like you didn't protect your parents. And your sister. Fuck this. I quietly but quickly get out of bed and tip toe into my closet. I don't turn the light on afraid to wake Scarlett but I feel around where I know my workout gear is and blindly take a sports bra and bottom. I tip toe back out of the closet and out the bedroom and practically run down the stairs and out the door into my garage. I walk through the garage to a door that leads to my basement. I walk down the dimly lit steps and when I get off the bottom step and my foot hits the ground the LED lights turn on to give the whole room a glow. I quickly strip knowing I'm alone and see I grabbed my black sports bra and hot pink Nike spandex. I guess this will have to do. I grab the remote for my music to play over the speakers but not before I set an alarm for 6:45 so I can make it back and shower before waking Scarlett up. I crank the volume until I hear the bass in my feet and then I start. First I start with 20 min on the treadmill. Just a jog. Then I move over to the weights since today is arms. I pick up two 20s and start my arm workout gradually increasing weight until I hit 50 lbs. after that I lay on the mat to do some crunches while I let my arms cool off a minute. I get through the rest of my workout and glance at the clock. 6:15. Still have some time so let's do what I do best, run. I get set up on the treadmill and start off as a jog. Then slowly I increase my speed. I picture myself running through the woods. Green trees and bushes everywhere. The sun shining perfectly to give the whole forest a glow and up ahead I see a clearing with a piercing green glow coming from just inside it. I start to run faster and faster but no matter how fast I run I can't seem to catch up to it. I can feel my lungs starting to wheeze but I keep pushing myself. I have to see get there. To her. But I can't and before I finally crumble I pull the emergency stop strong on the treadmill and I come to halt gasping for air and immediately realize I'm in my gym again and not that beautiful forest. I put my arms above my head to relax my breathing when my fucking alarm blares through the speakers giving me a damn near heart attack. As I gather my clothes and walk up my steps towards the garage the lights shut off behind me. I open the door and walk through the garage to the other door leading into the kitchen and see Rhonda in the kitchen almost done with breakfast.
"Hey Rhonda how was ur night. And are you ready for today? See I remembered" I say lightly chuckling.
"Yesss girl I've got everything prepped and all ready to go. Short and sweet dinner, two hours tops." She exclaims knowing I'd love to hear that.
My face automatically smiles and the endorphins in my brain are running wild.
"But uh you stink so please get out of here before you make my food spoil." She laughs while pushing me out of the kitchen.
I run up the stairs to my room and tiptoe into the bathroom seeing Scarlett still asleep thankfully. I take the fastest shower of my life 1.knowing I'll take another one later but 2. Because I want to get into bed and snuggle with that beautiful girl in my bed. I towel dry my hair and just put some deodorant on because I can do my skincare when Scar gets up. I slid into bed 5 minutes to 7am. I wrap my arms around the blonde beauty and pull her close into me. Her arm automatically wrap back around while she nuzzles her head in my neck. I slowly draw shapes on her arms and back a little until I feel her shift a bit next to me.
"Please never stop touching me." Her voice raspy and it sends tingles down my body.
"I never will. Your body is a masterpiece I crave to touch every part of it." I whisper in her ear. I gently kiss under heat ear on her enck before placing another kiss little further on her neck. "Now that's an even better way to wake up." She giggles. She leans her head back allowing more access to her neck and start kissing under I hear her moan a little when I reach a certain spot. That much be her sweet spot. I suck ever so lightly and scrape my teeth on it while her grip tightens around my waist bringing me more on top of her.
I pull back while hovering over her. Each arm on either side of her head our faces so close our noses are touching. Her legs wrapped around my waist with me in between them. I glance into her forest eyes and Before I get too lost I kiss her passionately and moan at her taste. We start slow, almost like a song. The intro to the first verse that builds the listener. The kiss starts to get a little steamier as her legs grip me tighter and when our cores make contact we both let out a moan.
"As much as I want to continue this I would need more time that what we have and I'd hate for you to be late to work." I pull back breathless.
"Can I have one more kiss before we get up?" She asks adorably.
I kiss her hard and entwine our tongues a little and when I pull away I hear as if the breath in her lungs come back to her.
"Wow yeah if you don't get up now I will never let you up and I will be calling out of work." She laughs as she nudges me off of her.
We both walk into the bathroom and brush our teeth and do our skin care. She's done in literally 3 minutes while I still have so much left to do.
"I told you to make the switch already. And I'm not just saying it cause it's my company." She winks as she walks out of the bathroom.
When I finally finish my skincare I walk out of the bathroom to see her wearing a pair of my jeans and my favorite Colombia hoodie.
"Woah now, where do you think you're going with that hoodie?" I ask wrapping my arms around her waist and peck her on the temple.
"I told you I needed more clothes. And maybe I stole it because it smelled like you." She shyly admitted.
"Don't worry you can keep it, it looks better on you anyway." I say as I spin her around and lead her out the bedroom
We eat a quick breakfast as Rhonda and Scarlett are talking about skincare and I can see how stsrstruck Rhonda looks. I giggle noticing how Scarlett's doesn't comment on it and just continues the conversation.
"I should be home by 430 what time does the dinner start tonight?" She asks me.
"5:30. And hopefully will be over by 7:30/8." I say silently praying.
"Okay we'll I'm going to head to work. I'll see you later. Can I call you on lunch?" She ask cutely
"Please do." I say as I lean in to kiss her cheek.
She smiles and slightly scrunches her nose up and grabs her keys and a water and walks out the door.
I hear a throat clearing and notice Rhonda smiling to her self
"I swear y/n if you fuck that up I will fuck you up." She laughs.
"Please Rhonda. We're taking it slow. I don't want to mess this up but you know me. I don't deserve to be loved. And this whole thing scares me like you wouldn't believe." I confess.
"Honey I've known you for a while now but please she is perfect for you. Ive never seen you happier. You better stop what that not being deserving of love. You deserve this girl" She hugs me tightly.
"Thanks I know. I just need to get these thoughts out of my head." I say shaking my head.
"I'll be in my office if you need me. The decorators will be here at 2." I yell as I walk into my office.
I start to make a plan of how the dinner will go. I know they will want to discuss the anniversary party. My parents died October 23rd. And every year since they died they had a gala for their charity to raise money. Since my sister and I were separated for some time and last year I finally got her out of the awful foster home and into her own home it will be the first time we both will be at the gala together. We are not that close. Not anymore atleast. I guess I was too afraid to be the reason I lost her too I pretended she didn't exsist. Until I was 21, and working with Anna. I kept an eye out for her once I became apart of the judicial system but before that I had no idea what happened to her after the night she got taken away and I ran away. In her notes it listed an address and at the time I thought it was better for her than with me. I was career driven and hungry for work. Traveling all over with Anna and helping other PD if needed so that's no place for a 16/17 year old. When I eventually ran into her a coffee shop with her friend. She recognized me immediately but turned her face up with a scowl when she saw me. I bought her and her friends a round of coffee on me without saying anything and leaving the coffee shop. She came running after me and told me she didn't need me in her life. I was nothing to her and while I was out living my life she was stuck in awful foster homes being abused. From that day on I worked my ass off getting her out of the home and I finally succeeded a day before she turned 18. I bought her a house in Australia where she wanted to be. She is aspiring to be a model and wants to base out of there. The day I flew with her the there was peaceful but I knew soemthing was up with her. The second she got to the house she turned around and said "you've done enough for me now. I graciously accept your pity towards me in the reward of this lovely house so thank you but I'm going to need you to leave. And please don't contact me unless I contact you. You bring up too many negative feelings and I can't be around you."
I spent the next year drowning myself in alcohol and exercise. Until Anna literally scraped me off the streets and dragged me back to NYC. I'm going to have to tell the board to keep us seperated. I continue my notes until the doorbell rings indicating the decorators are here. I lead them upstairs and explain how I want everything to look. They say ok and get to work. I go shower and pick out an outfit and lay it on my bed. I take my time showering. Shaving every inch of my body. Exfoliating and scrubbing and soaping up my body. I finally finish and jump out of the shower to dry off. And I do my elaborate 20 min skincare. I make a mental note to buy The Outset products. I can just try it out and only 3B minutes I mean cmon. How could I pass it up?
It's about an hour and a half later and I walk up to the roof to see them finalizing the final touches.

(Add some twinkle lights and I'm in)

Simple. Elegant. Good enough. I thank the decorators and pay them. Tipping them extra large. I hear back downstairs into the kitchen and see Rhonda sweating but singing to her playlist.
"Hey Rhonda everything set up upstairs. Can I help with anything?"
"Nope get outta here. Go wait for your girlfriend to get home or something." She says shooing me from the kitchen.
I do just that as I crack open my whiskey and grab a book. I slowly sip a glass of cold whiskey while reading and I guess I lost track of time because I hear the front door open and Scarlett walls in carrying a garment bag.
"Hey hun how was your day?" I say standing up and walking to her wrapping her in a quick hug.
"Great actually. I got of a little early and dragged Lizzie with me to get a new dress for tonight." She says excitedly.
"Aw you didn't have to get all fancy for this. It's just a few family friends that are on the board of my families charity." I say trying to not make it a big deal.
"I figured but I wanted to look good for you." She says cheekily
"Baby you could wear a paper bang and be the best dressed in the room." I quirk out
"Smooth talker and hot. I think I'll keep you." She winks as she playfully jogs upstairs to I assume get ready.
I head upstairs also to start getting dressed and I throw on what I picked out. A plaid blazer with matching capri pants and a white crop top underneath

Like I said just some family friends I haven't seen in like 8 years. The knew me then and I guess I'm the same me now. I walk out of the bedroom to the guest room where Scarlett's been keeping her things. I knock twice and wait for a response.
"Wait don't come in I'm not ready and I want it to be a surprise." She shouts
"Okay I'll be downstairs." I chuckle
She is something else. I head downstairs and grab my whiskey glass and refill it. I sit down at the island this time and scroll through TikTok. I see a couple stupid dances that look fun to try I save for later. Then I hear the heels. I turn my head towards the sound and I'm amazed. She looks absolutely stunning in that little perfect black dress.

Her smile grows at each step she takes down the stairs. I get up and meet her at the bottom step and hold my hand out for.
"Wow. You look stunning." I say mesmerized. She grabs my hand and steps off the last step with the most adorable smile.
"Thank you babes." She says as she leans in for a cheek kiss not wanting to get lipstick on me cheek. "So what can I do? I want to help." She says looking around excitedly.
"We'll we still have about 20 minutes until people are suppose to arrive but I usually just wait for them where ever the dinner will be. So let's grab a drink and head upstairs. I want to show you what it looks like." I say excited to see her reaction to the different setup.
I grab her hand and she smiles the second our hands make contact and I lead her up to the roof. As the door opens the warmer than usual breeze hits us and the way the sun is shining the greenery makes even me suck in a breath. Scarlett walks in front of me alittle looking around at the plants and flowers and the table dressing and when she turns around to find me out eyes connect. My heart feels like it stops beating and it's like an angel was right infromt of me. She had this glow all around her like she was shining and her hair was blowing in the breeze. She looked ethereal. I couldn't help myself but to stare when I realized there was a hand gripping my shoulder tenderly. I snap back into reality when I see she's a lot closer than before and it's her touching me so lovingly.
"Hey honey, thought I lost you for a second." She giggles lightly.
"Sorry you just looked so beautiful Scar. I got a little lost in admiring you." I say shyly.
She has a warm fuzzy smile on and her eyes just a little darker shade of green than usual. Next thing I know her lips are pushed up against mine as her hands snake through my hair pulling me closer. I immediately kiss her back and wrap my arm around her waist. Sliding them a little lower to grab her ass and push her closer with my leg between her legs. We kiss for a couple more seconds before she pulls back and takes a deep breath.
"Sorry you just make me feel so I just had to taste you." She says slightly embarrassed but full of confidence.
"Never apologize for kissing me. And please never stop." I say as I lean in for another kiss.
I give her a quick pet as I lead her to the bar to refill our drinks. The bartender gives me a whiskey and vodka martini and as I'm bringing it back towards Scar the door opens and I'm met with three people I haven't seen in a long time. I place the drinks down on the table and Scarlett stands up and looks at me. I lead her over towards the door not holding hands or anything but she's just a step behind me.
"Holy crap is that Mary and Pete's little y/n?" A woman I recognize as Esther says.
"Hello Esther right? I remember you from pictures." I state. "Welcome to my home. Thank you for coming here to meet me. Before I show you where the dinner will be held I just want to introduce me to my .... Friend. Scarlett." I say motioning them towards the cute blonde standing at my side. Esther reaches her hand out and says "hi dear I'm Esther. This is Bryan, my husband" she says motioning to the bald guy with a belly and dark hair and beard to match. He shakes her hand and smiles. "And this is Billy. Another board member, a very good friend of y/ns parents." She says pointing to the slim and tall blonde guy that smiles goofily at us while shaking her hand. Billy and Bryan both shake my hand too smiling but not saying much. I lead them over the the table and show them that but not before telling them to grab a drink first which they all go to do.
"Hey how you doing sweets?" Scar says rubbing my back a little.
"Slightly freaking but not fully there yet." I laugh out but give her eyes I'm being completely serious.
"Take a deep breath. I know this might be hard but I'm right here with you. Take it slow and at your pace." She says as she taps my chest once and winks. Esther, Bryan and billy all come back and sit down across from me and Scarlett with Esther in the middle. Rhonda comes in before any awkward silence can resume and serves the two appetizers. We all take some before Bryan is the first to say something.
"So y/n I hope it's not weird but I've followed you since we learned you were still alive." He says and Scsrlett kind of flinches a little to look towards me but doesn't make it too obvious.
"And I just wanted to say we are very proud of you. You went through so much hardship and still overcame it. It would be an honor if you could tell a little of your story at the gala next month." He explains. I knew that was coming.
"That's going to be a hard pass. Sorry but your lucky that I will even be there." I state coldly but I don't care. It's my story not theirs.
Scarlett's puts her hand on top my thigh under th table and squeezes a little just showing she's there.
"He doesn't mean harm dear. It's just a lot of the donators are going to have questions and we wouldn't want to speak on something we only know little about." Esther says. I guess now would be the time to explain everything to them but I can't. I can feel my heart racing and my breathing is picking up again. Trying to ground my self I start looking around trying to find blue things. I see a flag in the distance that's blue. But then looking around I can't spot anything blue and start to panic again.  My chest raising and falling quicker now. I guess Scarlett picked up on my breathing and the second she intertwined her fingers with mine and drew little circles on my palm with her finger immediately came back to earth. Her touch calms me down so easily and I'm so thankful for that. I squeeze her hand back and look over to her giving her a small smile and nod.
"Listen, I'm sorry but I'm not ready for that. Then know my parents died in a car crash  They can figure out what happens to kids when they lose both their parents. If my sister wants to share what happened to her she can, which I doubt. I on the other hand will not be sharing." I say as I finish off my whiskey and head to the bar for another drink. Billy comes over after a minute while I'm waiting for my drink and orders an old fashion. 
"I know your sick of the praises so I won't add to them, but just know you have an army behind you. Your sister too. We're all here for you if you need anything." He says genuinely.
"Uh thanks. It's just hard to be reminded of them sometimes." I say.
"I'm sure it is. But when they started this charity they helped so many people around the world. And for you to continue it says a lot about your character. They would be immensely proud." He says as he places a hand on my shoulder.
"Yeah. Again thanks." I say as I grab my drink and head back to the table.
We finish coordinating all the things we need to discuss and I tel them to figure anything else out themselves when it comes to decorating and such. The only thing they got me to agree on was playing a song at the gala. I know exactly what song I'm going to play even though I'm pretty sure I won't be able to finish it. After dessert we finish our drinks and Scarlett and I lead them back downstairs to leave.
"It was great to see you honey. You better pick up the phone the next time I call. If I don't see you sooner see you October 23rd. Lovely to meet you Scarlett. Y/n you have a lovely girlfriend. Don't mess it up." She says winking and walking out before I can comment. Billy and Bryan both shake mine and Scarlett's hands before saying goodbye and following Esther to the car. I close the door and follow Scarlett to the couch and plop down next to her. She scots closer and we just lay next to each other holding one another.
"I know you probably have a lot of questions for me and I promise I'll tell you. But I'm exhausted and kind of talked out. I just want to lay here for a while." I say knowing Scarlett's head is probably racing.
"No problem honey. I'm going to get us some water and turn a movie on." She says stroking my hair before getting up and doing that. I'm not even sure she made it back from the kitchen before I drift off to sleep.

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