Yours Truly, Austin Post - Po...

Par Pepepolly

2.7K 463 53

Ava watches as he pulls Gracie closer to his body and burries he's his face in her blankets, his shoulders sh... Plus



40 7 1
Par Pepepolly

Their time on the yacht comes to an end far too quickly, Ava thinks she would live on the yacht if given a chance and Grayson agrees while Austin chuckles at them. "Well, buckle up. We are going to Ireland now and it's cold there," he says. Grayson groans as he climbs up the jet steps and Ava agrees, she groans too. The jet is full of people again, as always, and Austin is pulled into a meeting with Dre and his team so Ava helps Grayson make necklaces for his grandmothers from the shells they had found on the powder-white beaches of Greece. "Hey, those are cool. I have a new girlfriend, can you make me one to give to her?" Dre asks. Austin snorts.

"You only date LA bitches-"

"Austin Post!" Ava suddenly cuts him off. The jet goes silent as everyone stops what they are doing and stares between Ava and Austin. She suddenly gets a sick feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had not meant to cut him off like that nor had she intended to use his full name like Gracie used to do when she was mad at him. She had just blurted it out without thinking, not wanting him to talk like that in front of Grayson. She readies herself for a telling-off, she had no right to do that and Grayson is not her son so she has no say in how Austin chooses to parent him. But, then Austin's initially shocked face breaks out in a grin. "I am sorry, I should not talk like that in front of Grayson," he says then looks at Grayson.

"Don't repeat what I said."

"So I can't call my girlfriends that?"

"Don't get smart. You can't call anyone that, and girlfriends with an S as in plural?"

"What's a portal?"

"This conversation is not going the way I intended. Don't call people bitches and one girlfriend at a time. One."

"But I am a red-haired hottie-bo-Tottie, Dad."

"Why are you like this? Sit down. Make your necklaces," Austin says hiding his chuckle then walks over to Ava and pulls her to the side. "You ok?" he asks. "I am sorry I said that," she whispers. "Why? I was out of line," Austin says frowning. "I...well I don't know why now," Ava says. Austin hooks his finger under her chin and pulls her up, kissing her lips quickly. "You have a place here, whatever feels natural," he says. Ava nods then goes on her tippy toes and pecks his lips again. Austin raises his eyebrow when she pulls away. "It felt natural," she says with a grin. "Sneaky," Austin chuckles.

Ireland is cold and Grayson has to put his jacket on before he leaves the jet, Austin insists that Ava does too as the wind is icy. Ava gets a warm feeling in her chest, Carter always looked out for her and it feels good to have someone do that again. She likes being looked after. The wet rolling green hills are a stark contrast to the hot sandy beaches of Greece but it's still a beautiful country so, yup - more photos. They are staying at a hotel and it is full of fans as they pull up, the hotel had not expected to have so many fans so they have to wait in the car for a little while the hotel prepares themselves.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Austin suddenly asks Grayson who is plastered to the window with a flat nose. Grayson jumps a little then sits back in his chair. "Those girls must be so cold, they don't even have boots on," he says. Ava looks out and sees about twenty women in tiny skin-tight dresses - everything is popping out. They're certainly very alluring and are holding up signs that say they are single or happy for a one-night stand with Post Malone. Their numbers are sprawled across the bottom of the signs in big black bold writing. Ava feels a wave of insecurity waves over her - oh, that's new.

Once in the hotel, Austin has to dash out for a sound check - jet lag and a grumpy Grayson, who Austin puts to bed, are the reason Ava and Grayson skip sound check. Ava finds herself peeping out the window constantly at the girls below who are shivering in the icy wind but have not moved for hours - signs still held high. She is not happy about them, they put her in a bad mood and she can't sleep so she watches a movie and orders a slice of peach pie - eating her feelings. She might check out the window occasionally during the movie - they are still there.

It's late when she hears the key in the door and then sees a tired Austin walk in.

"Hey, you still awake."


"You ok?"


"You sure?"


Austin sits down on the couch next to her and gives her a pointed look. "It's silly," she says waving her hand. Austin does not say anything but continues to look at her. "It's silly. Just leave it," she says waiving him off again. Austin still says nothing as he continues to look at her, he raises his eyebrows and then stands.

"Ok then, if it's nothing then I am just going to go to bed...want me to close that curtain before I go?"

"I didn't even know it was open."

"Really?" he asks walking to the window, Ava can hear the crowd go wild outside when they see him in the window. "Oh, look, those bootless girls are still here. Ava! I can read their cellphone numbers from here, you got a pen?"

"I am insecure. Ok! There I said it. I am a little insecure," Ava says standing and throwing her arms up in defeat. Austin chuckles and then draws the curtains.

"I thought so."

"It's not funny, Austin."

"It is a little bit funny."

Ava sighs and then slumps back into the couch. "I have been in the fandom. I have heard people talk. Beautiful models line up for you - you could have your pick, no strings attached, just good old fun. Just rows and rows of women. Why wouldn't you? They would treat you like a king - they would worship you. It just makes me feel a little insecure - I can't compete with girls like that."

Austin chuckles and sits down next to her again. "When I was younger, before moving to LA. I told all my friends that I was going to fuck a string of LA bitches. Line them up and snort cocaine off their stomachs and breasts. I had every intention of running around like a loose fucking cannon and even told Tom, that flatmate friend, to get them bitches ready. I wanted them on their backs and ready to go when I arrived. But, then I met Gracie. I fell in love and never fucked an LA bitch, not one...never saw another woman - they were just blank faces. Gracie was the only girl for me. You saw that. After Gracie...still no LA bitches...but there was you. I am just not built that way - even when I wanted to be, I just am not. This Post Malone image is just that - smoke and mirrors, it's all an act, a sales pitch. While the world thought I was spending my Saturday afternoons popping pills and licking champagne off models I was doing nothing of the sort, instead, my Saturday afternoons were spent picking fruit and making pies with my wife...then Saturday afternoons were spent sorting out my son's puzzle cupboard and now my Saturday afternoons are spent lying in the sun with someone I have developed very strong feelings's just the way I am built."

"I am sorry...I know you are like that. I am silly and I should not feel like this."

"It's not silly...Gracie would feel like this too sometimes."

"She did?"

" you want to know how she dealt with it? It might help."


"She would buy them big oversized coats then write a little note - You look cold, put this coat on. Love Posty. They would get so excited and wraps themselves up in the coats I had so thoughtfully given them - problem solved."

"I like that. I think I should do that," Ava laughs. "Do it," Austin says smiling. "It's not silly, Ava, it's ok to feel a little insecure at times...I feel like that too sometimes. You are a beauty, Ava, inside and out - I see how guys look at you. I think it's normal but, please tell me when you do so I can ease your worries. Ok?" he says. "Ok," Ava says then giggles as Austin leans in and kisses her. She is not feeling so insecure anymore. Austin pulls back and then glares at her.


"You taste like peach pie."

"Oh, I was self-soothing with peach pie - it was nowhere near as good as Grayson's."

Austin hums, leaning in and kissing her again then he pulls back and grins at her, wriggling his eyes brows. Ava groans.

"Oh, please don't say it."

"I am going to say it, Ava."

"Please don't."

"It must be said."

"Fine. But, just say it quickly."

Austin grins and leans in closer, "it tastes pretty dam good to me," he says then kisses her again. "Idiot," Ava mumbles into the kiss.

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