The Model (Scarlett J. x Fem...

By Karen1291429

40.6K 1.1K 150

Anastasia Volkova, a rare beauty, orphan, raised in Russia. Trained to be manipulative, heartless, seductive... More

The Beginning
The Invitation
Welcome to New York
The Met Gala
Reality Check
It's Always About Him
Fears and Courage
It's a Date?
Conversations and Margaritas
Pool Party
Pool Party 2
Lie to Me
The Trial
Dark Thoughts
Welcome to L.A
I Dare You
Forget and Move on
Ms. & Mr. Hollywood
What if?
Convolution / Complications
Good Girl Era Gone Bad
We're back, baby
Sincere words
Off we go
Dรฉjร  vu
Show Time
Do dreams come true...?

Walk of Shame

1K 30 4
By Karen1291429

Scarlett's POV

I'm just waking up because I heard my alarm, I'm so tired but so happy at the same time. Last night couldn't have been more perfect. Was it all a dream? I turned around in bed looking for Anastasia but she wasn't there. As soon as I noticed, I quickly sat down. Did she leave? Fuck, she left. She regrets it. Maybe I was horrible at it, maybe she thought about it and just left. I turned my head, trying to look for her in the room but she wasn't anywhere, it was so quiet. Shit. I'm so fucking stupid. Of course she was going to leave me. My eyes started watering, I want to cry. Fuck. How could I've been so naive? I put my hands on my face, trying to not cry, when I heard the door of the room open. I quickly looked up and it was her. She's here. She stayed.

"Darling, hey, hey, are you okay? What's going on?" she approached me quickly and sat down next to me. She was examining me, making sure I wasn't injured. I just smiled at her actions. "детка, what's wrong?" she repeated with that beautiful accent of hers. I looked down, I felt embarrassed to tell her I was crying because I thought she had left me "Nothing, I... I" , "Yes?" with a worried expression she asked. "I thought you had left me" it was barely audible. I whispered. She seemed to have heard despite of it. She lifted my chin and looked at me right in the eyes. "I would never and will never leave you, who would be dumb enough to leave you?", "You'd be surprised" I told her. "Well, they must be brainless" she replied and gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead. Up until then, I hadn't realize she had stolen an oversized T-shirt. She seemed to notice I was staring and stood up and said "Sorry, I took the  liberty to grab some clothes. I should've asked". "No, no don't worry about it. It looks better on you than it looks on me" I said with a smile on my face. She stood up and informed me she was going to be doing breakfast. Once she left, I laid back again in bed and I couldn't stop smiling.

Anastasia's POV

After leaving Scarlett in bed, I went to the kitchen and prepared breakfast for the both of us. I was shocked when she said people had just bailed on her before. Who could be so stupid? She deserves the world. People like her are find to hard, trust me. Some don't know what they have right in front of them, she's fucking gold.

I decided to make some pancakes, a fruit salad and of course coffee. Once I was done, I took a tray and took breakfast to the room, we'll have breakfast in bed.

When Scarlett saw me enter with the tray, she sat down. "Wow, it looks delicious Anastasia" Scarlett kind of shocked of my cooking skills. "Well, thank you. I hope you like it" I said sitting down next to her. She took the first bite and closed her eyes "These are the best pancakes I've ever had". I laughed a little. She then proceeded to drink her coffee "Ugh wow, what did you put in the coffee? It's so good" she turned to look at me and gosh she's adorable. She had a foam mustache. I smiled at her and grabbed a napkin and cleaned the foam out of her face. She blushed. "Thank you" she whispered. "The pleasure is mine, love".

— 10:00 am —

It was time to leave after our wonderful morning together. I had work to do and so had she. I still had her shirt on and she had borrowed me some sweats as well. I had picked up my things and Alexei and Dimitri had a car ready for me. "I wish you didn't have to leave" Scarlett had my hands on hers. "I know I'm wonderful" I said sarcastically. She rolled her eyes and humorously said "Don't ruin the moment". We both laughed and stayed silent for a few seconds. I took a few steps closer to her and kissed her slowly in the lips. "Mhmm" she smiled. "I had a great time too, and I wish I didn't have to leave either" I said to her and continued "Text or call soon, the next date is on me". She bit her lip and agreed. "Alright" I said back. She pulled me towards her and kissed me again, this time more sensually. Her hands running all over my body, giving me goosebumps. Her tongue exploring the inside of my mouth. I slightly moaned. "детка..." I tried to say, but I didn't want to stop either. "детка, I gotta go...". To that, she stopped the kiss, but not before giving me one last peck on the lips. "Okay..." she said out of breath. I took a few steps back and just like that I said my goodbyes and parted. I just heard her close her door.

I am fucking happy. I don't remember when was the last time I felt just happy. She makes me happy. I like that. Once I got downstairs Dimitri and Alexei smirked when they saw me. "Похоже, вам было весело, босс. (Looks like you had fun, boss)" Dimitri teased and pointed at my hickeys. I blushed a little bit, I totally forgot about those. "Вау, она краснеет. Это что-то новое. (Wow, she's blushing. That's new)" Alexei followed. "Да заткнитесь вы оба. (Shut up, both of you)" I said jokingly. We drove back to my place.

As soon as I entered my flat Ekaterina said "Так, так, так, смотрите-ка, кто решил снова появиться и в трениках! По крайней мере, если ты делаешь свою прогулку со стыдом, делай это правильно, не в поту. (Well, well, well, look who decided to show up again, and wearing sweats! Ha, at least if you're doing your walk of shame do it properly, not in sweats)". I guess the teasing won't stop today. I just went inside and said "И тебе доброе утро, милая. (Good morning to you too, honey)". I went to the kitchen for some water. Ekaterina approached and pulled my shirt a bit "Черт, вы ребята действительно прошли весь путь. (Shit, you guys really went all the way in)". "Они что, настолько очевидны? (Are they that obvious?)" I asked. "Ты видел себя в зеркале? (Have you seen yourself in the mirror?)" she asked back almost laughing at my question. Honestly, no I haven't checked. But they can't be that obvious, can they? I went to the closest mirror that was on the lounge and yep, I take it back, they can be that obvious.

Oups... I think I'll have to wear a lot of makeup for the next photo shoot this afternoon. I am supposed to work with Bottega Veneta later today and I'll be traveling in 2 days to L.A for a couple of photo shoots for Max Mara. With everything that happened, I forgot to tell Scarlett that I'll be leaving for a few weeks. I'll try to talk to her tonight and let her know.

Everything has been great so far, in my life, I mean. I can't shake the feelings that there's something off. Earlier, when I left Scarlett's place I felt observed. I feel like something is about to happen but I can't seem to know what or why. Maybe I'm just being paranoid. Nothing's ever simple in my life and the thought of everything going smoothly seems bizarre to me. I was so deep in my thoughts when Ina brought me back to earth, "Анастасия, мне надо идти. (Anastasia, hey, I gotta go)" she said grabbing her things and walking towards the door, "Я не приду на ужин, так что увидимся завтра. я буду работать допоздна. (I won't make it to dinner, so I'll probably see you tomorrow. I'll be working late)"  she finished. "Да, конечно. Осторожнее. Я люблю тебя. (Yeah, sure. Be careful. I love you)" I replied quickly before she got out. I just heard a faint я люблю тебя (I love you) on her way out.

I went upstairs, took a shower and got dressed.
The rest of my day went quite normal. We had a couple of issues covering up the hickeys but nothing a little bit of makeup couldn't fix.

— Evening —

Later that day, I was packing my stuff from the studio the photo shoot had taken place when I received a phone call.

Unexpected. She's never called before. I picked up the phone somewhat worried.


Anastasia! Hey, I'm so sorry,
I hope I'm not bothering. I just
didn't know who else to call.

Hey darling, there's no need to
apologize. What's up?

I- I  ehm * hyperventilating *

Lizzie? Darling? Take a deep
breath. Where are you?

I- I'm a-at the Mandarin

Okay, I'm on my way. I'll stay
on the line with you.

I left the studio and told Dimitri to drive to the hotel.  Once I entered the hotel, I asked Elizabeth her room and went straight to the elevator. Dimitri and Alexei followed right behind. As soon as I got to her room I knocked and told her it was me. I waited a few seconds and she opened the door. She was shaking and she seemed like she had been crying for a few. "Hey, it's okay, it's alright. I'm here" I immediately hugged her and we closed the door leaving Dimitri and Alexei outside, guarding the door. We sat down on the bed and she began crying again on my arms.  After a few minutes she ceased to cry. She slowly lifted her head up and looked at me with those green puffy eyes. "Hey gorgeous, are you feeling better?" I dried a tear she had on her cheek. She slowly nodded. "I'm sorry, I tried to call others but no one picked up. I didn't know who else to call" with an embarrassed expression she explained. I smiled at her and tried to reassure her "You don't ever need to apologize to me, okay? When I said you could call if you needed anything, I meant it. I'm more than honored that you trust me enough to call me". She looked down and I felt her body loosen up. She then laid her head on my shoulder, while my arm was still wrapped around her. "You're quite comfortable" she added. I squeezed her a little bit "I'm glad you find me comfortable", I moved a little bit to a more relaxed positioned and continued "Do you want to talk?". Lizzie exhaled before beginning to explain what had happened "I was walking down the street when 2 people began to follow me. At first, I thought they were fans so I went into a cafe to wait for them to leave since I wasn't feeling great but when I went in, I noticed it was 2 older men with some sort of uniform and they wouldn't leave. So I called a taxi and I came running to my room". Shit, was my first thought. I hope it's not what I think it is. "Did you see their face?" I tried to get more information. "No". When I noticed her getting anxious again I reassured her "It's alright, you're safe now". "What do they want from me?" fearful she questioned. If it is what I think it is, I have to lie to her. I need to talk to Ekaterina, ASAP. "They were probably thieves or something, I don't want you to worry about it. I'll leave Alexei with you" I proposed. "Oh no, you don't have to. He works for you, not me". "Precisely, he works for me and I say he'll stay with you for a few, to make sure you feel safe darling" I lifted her chin with my hand. She bit her lip a little bit and with those puppy eyes agreed. "Thank you, you're a really good friend. Scarlett's really lucky". I looked down for a split second "Thank you, I'm the lucky one". Lizzie smiled and cuddled up to me even more. "So you and Scarlett are official?" I was kind of shocked by the question. Why would she think that? She seemed to have noticed my face and said "You're not great at hiding those hickeys". "Right. Honestly, I'm not sure what we are". "I'm sure you'll figure it out".

I stayed with her for a few and offered her to stay at my place since she felt uneasy staying with Alexei. I told her Ekaterina was staying with me as well but there was more than enough space and she agreed to stay with us for a few, at least until she had to go back to work. We were leaving the hotel when a bunch of paparazzi were already outside waiting for us. For Christ sake. Give the girl a break. Since I'm taller, I hugged her tight covering her face. Alexei and Dimitri making space for us to get to the car parked right in front of the building. I already know with my hickeys and the two of us leaving her hotel together, it will be all over the media. But that's an issue for later. We arrived at my place, Lizzie, the guys and I had dinner, and Lizzie and I stayed on the couch watching movies until we both fell asleep.

Sorry for taking so long to update. I am starting to write the next chapters but I would like to say quickly, I'm more than open to suggestions. So, if you have an idea about where the story could go, please let me know.

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