๐—ฆ๐˜‚๐—ฑ๐—ฑ๐—ฒ๐—ป ๐—ฐ๐—ฒ๐—น๐—ฒ๐—ฏ๐—ฟ๐—ถ๐˜...

By evesully

2.8K 143 135

Slow burn ๐Ÿ”ฅ Sequel to my other book sudden celebrity! :) ๐Ÿค๐ŸŽฅ If you haven't already, I suggest you read "s... More

*Henry and Jamie*
*Chicken parm date*
*heads up*
*the angel and the devil*
*I deserve better*
*luke larabee*
*The Unknown*
*Breaking News*
*plot twist*
*Under the lights*
Betty kisses the Angel
Laugh until you cry
Private celebration!
Can of worms
The scene
Oh girl
The big guns
Delicious moment
Eliminated threat
The return
The breakup
Thought you should know
Ending credits
The movie

*Dinner Date*

90 6 1
By evesully

                 You are practicing your lines with Jamie and it isn't exactly easy.
                                                Can you handle the pressure?

Three hours later...

"I am never going to get the hang of this. There are just too many lines. Not to mention the fact that I have to think about what my face is doing, stage direction and all that. I'm doomed before I even begin." I groaned, frustratedly throwing my script on the wooden bench in between the two of us.
"Nonsense. Do you or do you not have one of the best actors in the world helping you right now?"Jamie said reassuringly, with a smirk.
I rolled my eyes in response and smiled weakly "So humble, Jamie."
"It's true!" Jamie insisted, grabbing the script and placing it back in my hands. "You're going to be fine. You need to relax."
"Speaking of relaxing...." I said with a sigh. "I have my massage appointment in half and hour, so I better run." I added as I packed my belongings and got up to leave.
"Massage appointment?" Jamie asked curiously, getting up from his seat to stop me.
"Donald's consolation gift to me for hiring Henry." I explained with a chuckle.
"He didn't get me a consolation gift. Don't I deserve something too?" He whined which made me giggle.
"Jamie, please. You remind me of a pouting child! If you want to come along, feel free. We probably both could do with a little massage."
"I've got a better idea. Why don't you come back to the hotel... and I'll give you a massage. Better than what you'd get at any salon."Jamie said, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.
"Hmm. I have to say I'm intrigued.  And maybe I'll take you up on that later this week. But this salon already called to confirm and I don't want to leave them hanging." I said as I continued walking away.
"Fine, fine. I'll just come with you while you get your B-massage." He yelled as he ran to catch up to me.
"Let me guess, yours would have been an A." I questioned, raising my eyebrows in curiosity.
"An A+ actually." He corrected.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I chuckled. "Let's go, Romeo." I said, dragging him to our taxi.

After the massage....

Henry 🙄
Hey, lils.
Are you around?

Just got back from my massage.
I'm in my room.
What's going on?

That's sounds nice.
And nothing, just studying my lines.
I was wondering if you and Jamie wanted to get dinner tonight.
I know things have been weird between us....
And I want to squash any of that before we begin filming.

That's a great idea.
I think it would be smart if all of us sat down to talk.

Im glad to see you're on board.
This movie is important to all of us.
And if we don't kill the drama, we'll be our own worst enemies.
I was thinking Ruth's Chris at 8:00?


As i entered the fancy restaurant, i looked around for Jamie and Henry, excited to catch up with them. I spotted them sitting at a table at the far end of the room. However, as I approached them, I noticed something strange. They seemed engrossed in their conversation and hadn't spotted me yet. Curiosity getting the better of me, I eavesdropped on their conversation, pretending to read a menu, wondering what could have them so engrossed.

"Henry." Jamie said through gritted teeth.
"Jamie. It's good to see you." Henry said, ignoring the impoliteness.
Jamie looked around to see if there was any sign of me before responding. "Is it?" In a cold tone.
"Look, can we please try and get along? At least for Lilly's sake?" He questioned.
"For Lilly's sake, yes." Jamie agreed, checking his watch.
"I don't even understand why you're threatened by me. I'm just an average, normal guy."
"That's exactly why I'm threatened by you."
"Quiet, here's lils."

I paused for a moment, considering my options. Should I confront them or play along and see what happens? In the end, I decided to play along, not wanting to spoil the evening. I walked over to our table, putting on my best smile. They noticed me and greeted me warmly, as if nothing was wrong. I sat down and joined in their conversation, pretending not to have heard anything.

"Hey, guys!" I smiled as I slid into the seat opposite the two of them.
"Hey yourself. Where'd you get that outfit?" Jamie complimented as he stared at my silky red dress making my cheeks fluster blush.
"Awh! Thanks Jamie." I added. "You both look handsome. Am I a lucky girl or what?"
"Henry and I are the lucky ones." Jamie continued, smiling at me as the candle light reflected on his chiselled face.
"I second that." Henry stated, whilst looking at the menu.
"Anyway, I'm glad we're doing this. Sitting down and talking about the movie is a great idea. We all need to be on the same page for filming tomorrow." I said, taking a sip of my champagne.
"I've been studying all day. I'm as ready as ill ever be." Henry stated.
Jamie scoffed before responding. "You don't know what your walking into. Filming can be incredibly gruelling. Your asked to do things 20 times in a row. You have to cry or fly off the handle at a moment's notice...and people are constantly changing their minds and inconveniencing you."
"Ugh. Sounds like a blast." I said, sarcastically.
"We can do it. Sounds like working at sully's." Henry joked.
"So true." I giggled.
"Omg! Are you Anna Sophia?!" A young girl asked, smiling excitedly with her phone in her hand.
"In the flesh." I smiled, pointing to myself.
"Omg! It's so nice to meet you! Can I get a picture with you? I don't want to interrupt your dinner or anything but it would mean so much to me." She asked.
"Of course." I answered, snapping a few funny and cute selfies together before handing her phone back to her.
"Ahh! I am going to frame this and put it in my locker! Thank you!" She smiled and returned to sit with her family.
"So I forgot to tell you both...I invited Erica from wardrobe to join us. Henry I know you two weren't supposed to meet until tomorrow... but I figured it would be good to set you up— I mean, introduce you both." Jamie explained.
"Oh um...sure. Hi Erica." Henry replied.
"I've heard wonderful things about you. And woowweee... you are just as handsome as everyone is saying." She giggled.
"Thanks." Henry chuckled.
"Aww Erica, your so sweet. Henry is the nicest guy you'll ever meet. And I know you two will get along fine." I added, playing along with Jamie's plan.
"I hope so."
"Well um.. looks like our table is ready." Jamie said.
I pulled him to the side and whispered. "I see what your doing."
"What?" He said in a confused tone. However I wasn't going to fall for it.
"Your trying to set them up." I stated making Jamie's confused expression quickly turned into a smirk.
"maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps I thought dinner should be a bit more even. Now he has a date..." he paused to grab my hands and his, rubbing his thumb on my knuckles as he whispered "and I have mine."
I gave him a look.
"Okay, fine. I'm hoping they hit it off. Are you happy?" He questioned looking down at me with those eyes. My stomach was doing backflips inside.
"I think I'm just surprised. I'm not worth all this trouble." He smiled.
"That's where your wrong. You see me for who I really am..." he said as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and continued "you make me feel normal and that's worth everything to me."

The next morning...
Okay I'm ready... wait...WHERE THE HELL IS MY SCRIPT?

A/N: Jamie and Lilly in this chapter <33

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