My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

315K 6.7K 819

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


4.8K 110 2
By ayemem215

You're in the back seat of your moms station wagon. Your mom is in the passenger seat playing with the radio and your dad has his hand on the tan steering wheel. You stare out the window as you pick at the tan leather seat cushion your sitting on that has a crack down the middle. Your mom finally picks a song and turns the radio up a little "Here comes Santa Claus, Here comes Santa Claus right down" You hear the horns before you see headlights out of the window and then SCREEECH! BOOM! CRASH! The next thing you remember is opening your eyes but only one would open. Out of your right eye you see your father slouched over the steer wheel and the front windshield is completely smashed. You turn your head a little and see your mother is through the windshield. Her legs are dangling over the dashboard while her upper body is through the windshield laying on top of the hood of the car. The radio still playing faintly in the back ground you remember the once tan interior of the car being covered in red drippy liquid. Your next awoken when what looks like fire fighters are removing you from the car. Your being carried away as your screaming at them to get your parents. "Please don't forget them. Please help! Help!" You feel the firefighter squeeze you tighter not letting you go back and save your parents.
You jolt awake gasping for air. You can feel your heart beating in your head and feel like you're suffocating. You hear murmurs too. Then you realize Scarlett has your body in a koala hug and is whispering in your ears. You finally come to and hear her say "it's okay it's just a dream please wake up"
You manage to tap her arm twice and she finally releases her grip.
"Omg y/n finally you woke up. I'm sorry I tried to wake you gently at first but then you started shaking in your sleep and yelling so I just hugged you tightly hoping you would feel the pressure and wake up." She says scared that she hurt me.
"Scar thank you it's okay I'm okay now." I say not making eye contact and rolling out of bed. "I'm just going to use the bathroom I'll be right back." I say as I walk quickly into the bathroom. I shut the door quietly and run the water. I splash a little on my face and take a swig of mouth wash in my mouth. When I swirl it around for some reason it calms me down. Maybe its the concentration of it that helps clear my mind or it's the smell of the alcohol that I'm craving but I quickly spit it out and dry my mouth and face. I walk back into the room and glance at the clock. 4:47. I'm not going back to sleep but I see that Scarlett is still awake and she's looking right at me.
"Are you going to come back to bed or are you going to just stand there until morning." She says with her sexy raspy morning voice.

I walk to the bed and get in and lay on my back looking up at the ceiling. She scoots her body closer and when her leg touches my leg I feel a shock. Then her arm drapes across my stomach and the butterflies start to flutter and when her head touches my shoulder my whole body starts to tingle. She squeezes a little before she whispers "we don't have to talk about it we can wait until your ready but I'm always here whenever you want to talk." As she drifts back to sleep. After a few minutes her breath evens out and I slip out of her hold and replace myself with a pillow.

I quietly walk out the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. When I'm walking downstairs I see the stove light on but a figure in the kitchen. I tip toe to the wall so I can crouch behind it and peak my head around and when I do the figure jumps and says

"girl I know you are not sneaking around your own damn house." And I release a breath I'm holding.

"Rhonda what are you doing here so early." I ask as I walk closer to her and flip on the main kitchen light.

"I always start my prep this early. Did you forget you have a dinner up on the rooftop tomorrow with the board from your charity." She says nonchalantly. Crap I did forget. Maybe I can push it back.

"And don't even think about pushing it back. The anniversary is coming up and you need to be there this time. They really want your in put y/n." She says smiling at me knowing exactly what I'm thinking.
"Ugh okay fine but only 2 appetizers one entrée and a dessert please. I don't want them here for 5 hours." I say remembering last time it turned into a full blown party with a DJ.
"Oh and I have a guest here now. Her and-" I start to say but am interrupted when Rhonda squeals.
"Girl I can leave. You should've texted me I wouldn't have come so early! What time should I be back?" She ask while grabbing her purse and heading toward the garage door.
"Rhonda, no, stop. She's a client, her and her daughter are staying here for a little. I'm settling her divorce today actually. But I should tell you that it's Scarlett Johansson." I explain.
"No way!" She gasps "I love her!" She says jumping up and down.
"Please be professional. Maybe after I introduce you and she gets to know you you can fan girl but not now please. She's had a hard few days. I want her as comfortable and happy as possible." I state smiling.
"Ok ok you got it boss. So why are you up so early? It's so little early for your workouts isn't it?" She asks concerned.
"Please don't call me boss your old enough to be my mother. And I just needed a glass of water before o work on something things in my office" I state walking to the fridge to accomplish what i was suppose to do in the first place.
"Ok dear just holla if you need me. Breakfast will be ready at 7." She sings the last part while turning back to continue her prep.

I walk into my office with my water bottle in hand and just collapse into my seat. I start thinking about everything. It's crazy how quickly Scarlett and Rose became a part of my thoughts. I care about them so much and my only goal is to see them smile. I love way Rose giggles before she starts belly laughing as if she is trying to hold it in. And the way Scarlett's nose scrunches a little when she laughs hard. It's adorable. I want to keep them safe and happy but it's hard to do when I then remember about Cory. I need to find him before he finds me or worse, my girls. I could never forgive myself if something happened to them. Did I just say my girls? Great add those feelings on top of throwing that damn dinner party tomorrow. Atleast tomorrow is Friday so I'm sure Scarlett can get out of the boring party and go to Lizzie's.
I throw my self into work for the next year hour or so until I hear a knock at the door and see Rose standing there with her little elephant tucked under her arm.
"Hey Rosie, come here. Good morning." I say motioning her to come in. She walks in and when I think she's going to sit on the chair in front of my desk she keeps walking around my desk and gently climbs into my lap. She puts her head on my shoulder and whispers
"Good morning, I had a bad dream and just needed a hug." She says cuddling into me more. I wrap my arms around the small child and squeeze a little.
"I'm sorry sweetheart. Dreams can be scary sometimes but atleast you know it's not real when you wake up." I say quietly while rocking her back and forth.
"I know. It was kind of silly now that I think about it. A clown was chasing me around the carnival. I'm sure he was just trying to be funny but it creeped me out." She says giggling.
I giggle with her loving that she sees the brighter side of things.
"That's a great way to look at it Rosie. I'm going to use that with my own." I say and wink at her. I walk her into the kitchen in my arms and introduce her to Rhonda. They get along right away and she lets Rose help her crack the hogs into a bowl. Before I can move or say something a weight crashes into my side and I almost fall over but manage to catch myself with the island. I turn my head a smudge and see blonde hair and wrap my arms around her and lift her into me more. Her legs wrap around my waist while her arms wrap around my neck. I slide my hands up and down her back before I ask "hey sweetheart everything okay?"
"I woke up to an empty bed and a pillow was replaced by you." She mumbles into my neck. Rose and Rhonda look up and Rhonda has a smirk on her face with those "mhhmmm" eyes and I just roll my eyes.
"Morning Mama! Look we're making eggs!" Rosie shouts over to us.
Scar lifts her head out of my neck and looks at me. "We?" She says as she scrambles out of my arms to stand up properly. She turns around to see Rhonda and Rose working on breaksfast but if of course Rhonda has a smrk on her face.
"Hi I'm sorry I didn't know anyone would be over this early." She says embarrassed.
"Scar this is my cook Rhonda." I say smiling at her.
"A cook? But you can cook?" She laughs.
"I know but usually I'm very busy. I don't have time to cook and i have a lot of dinners here that she cooks for also. Which reminds me.." I say grabbing her hand and leading her to the living room for a second.
"What's your schedule like for the rest of the week?" I ask.
"We'll this morning I don't work until 11:00am so we can finalize the divorce. So I'll have to work late. Until 9pm. And roses father gets her this weekend so he will pick her up from school today and he gets her Friday through Monday. Then just shooting tomorrow from 8-4." She lists out also thinking out loud at the same time.
"Okay so tomorrow night I am suppose to have a dinner here with some board people. It's super boring so I understand if you don't want to join. I just wanted to give you a heads up so you didn't walk into craziness." I explain to her as I gently rub her knuckles.
"Oh wow I would love to sit in if that's okay. I'd love to see a little more into your world." She says with a wink. I feel my face heat up and curse my parents for being so light skinned.
"Okay cool. I'll make sure to add a plate then. Cmon let's go eat." I say and get up and wkait for her to follow. We walk back in the kitchen to see all the breaker on the island like a buffet style and soon realize Rhonda set up a burrito bar.
Scarlett and I make our burritos and head to the table where Rse is already sitting. She's eating her burrito while reading the back of a cereal box. We all eat in silence before Scarlett and Rose get to up and go to drop Rose off at school. As I'm sitting in my office replying to more emails I hear my phone ringing. I look at it and see Anna calling.
"Hey Anna, what's up?" I ask while still replying back to emails.
"Good morning just wanted to confirm you both will be in the judges chambers today so Scarlett can sign the papers." She asks.
"Yep I'm driving her there when she gets back from dropping Rose off." I tell her.
"Sound splendid. I'll see y'all there." She says and hangs up before I can say bye.

I finish up my emails and send Rhonda a text of which appotzers and entree to get for tomorrow and head into my bedroom to get dressed. You hear the front door open and close stick your head out of your door to shout.
"Hey I'm just gettig dressed. We have to leave by 9!" I shout just so she knows.
"Okay I'm going to get ready too. She says back as she's climbing up the stairs. We make eye contact when she gets to the top and I realize I'm in a bra and my suit pants. I see her look down quickly then back up to my eyes and she smirks.
"If you like what you see take a picture." I say before winking
"Hmm I think I might just do that." She rasps out while grabbing her phone. I laugh and quickly close the door. I hear her laugh before her footsteps get farther away indicating she walked into her room. I finish getting ready and pick out a low cut top underneath my blazer because I can.

After adding some jewelry and pirfume I make sure my makeup is on point and I walk out of my room and down the stairs into the living room. I glance at the time and see it's 8:45. Still have time for tea. I walk into the kitchen and make two cups incase Scarlett wants one. As soon as I'm adding my milk and sugar I hear Scarlett before I see her. The click clack of her heels down the stairs and into the living room pull me from stirring and I suck in a breath at the sight.

All white suit with a gorgeous shimmery top. Hair pulled back allowing me to see her beautiful face. And I immediately get lost in those green eyes. Seeing the trees and the leaves blowing in the wind. And the meadows of grass staring right into my soul. I am finally able to pull myself from staring and realize my mouth is ajar. I quickly close it and clear my throat while going back to stirring my tea.
"You look amazing Scar, classy and professional as fuck." I joke.
She laughs as she she says " take a look at your self hun, I can't wait to get back here and take it off of you." She says in her raspy voice softly. I quirk an eyebrow wondering if she knows she said that out loud. "Kidding of course" she quickly says laughing and walking past me and grabbing her tea. I don't let my fuzzy head get to me to much and I shake away those naughty pictures in my head. We finally head out to my truck and get to the courthouse and I lead her to the judges chamber. The whole process is fairly quick. Colin pre signed the papers so his lawyer is just here as a witness. Judge stamps the papers and officially declares the dissolution of marriage. As we are about to leave the courthouse I open the door and we are bombarded by flashes. Someone tipped off the fucking paparazzi. My hand instictly went to the small of her back and guided her to the car. We a made it to the car and I opened her door and guided her inside and closed the door and hurriedly went around to my side and hoped in starting the car and driving out of the parking garage as fast as I could. I didn't realize our hands were intertwined until I relaxed a bit. It felt like home. I dropped her off on set but not before she begged me to tag along. I really couldn't though I had so much work to finish but I promised her I would come on set on Monday. I finally pull up the the law office and head up the floor 23. I walk in say hi to Alyssa and plop down in my office getting ready to finish all this work.

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