My Everything (Scarlett Johan...

By ayemem215

259K 5.7K 719

You're a lawyer who used to be a top model when growing up. You stopped modeling to finish school and start y... More

Wedding Inspo


4.3K 105 3
By ayemem215

I wake up with a weight on my chest and before I freak out I quickly look down and see the blonde hair sprawled across my chest. Then last night comes back to me. I didn't think she would stay in here all night but I'm glad she did. I didn't even have a nightmare last night. I glance at the clock and see it's 6:55. Crap I guess I'll work out later. I carefully untangle myself from Scarlett's grip and head into the bathroom to do my skincare and quickly wash my body in the shower. I still have a few minutes u til they have to wake up so I run downstairs and get started on some breakfast. Cooking breakfast is my favorite thing to do. The only meal I enjoy cooking. I whip up some eggs toast and bacon and cut up some strawberries and put everything in a plate and put it on the table. I make my way upstairs and check on Tose first. I creak open the door and she looks like she's just waking up. I peak my head in a little more and whisper "good morning Rosie, I made some breakfast I'm just going to wake your mom up." She yawns and nods her head as she gets up and makes her way to the bathroom. I walk into my room and see the bigger blonde laid like a starfish on my bed. I chuckle thinking it was good I got up earlier or else I'd be stuck on that.
"Hey sweetie, it's time to wake up. It's 7 and I want you guys to have enough time to eat breakfast." I whisper as I stroke her cheek and head gently waking her up. Slowly her eyes open and she smiles at me. "
"Morning y/n" she rasps out and I can feel the heat forming between my legs.
"Hi sweets, help yourself to anything in my bathroom I'm just gonna help rose downstairs since I know she's up. Meet us down there." I smile as I let her wake up a little more and head downstairs. I walk downstairs and see Rose at the table serving herself some eggs and berries. "Hey, what can I get you to drink? Juice water milk?" I ask her. "Can I have orange juice please?" She asks so politely "ofcourse sweetie" I say as I make my way into the kitchen. After I grab the oj and a couple more glasses I bring it to the table. Scarlet comes down at the same time and smiles at me as she sits.
"Ya know, you have some fancy shmancy skin care up there but I have a great 3 step routine that will do all that to your face but cut your time down in half." She taunts raising her eyebrows playfully.
"Hmm can I have some samples and try them out. My skin is very sensitive." I state knowing my skin can get so red and dry at times.
"Ofcourse I'll hook you up, and it's made for every skin type so I know you're going to love it!" She says excitedly. We eat quickly and the girls are soon out the door taking Rose to school. I walk into my office and start looking over those files I brought home yesterday while checking my email.

Scarlett's POV
I drop Rose off at school and make my way back towards y/n's house. She has been so great to me. She welcomed me in her home, let me open up to her on my time, and last night was the first time I've spent in the same bed with someone besides Rose in the last six months. It felt so natural to sleep next to her. She gives me these butterflies that get more intense the closer we get. I think I want to explore her. I want to know all her little quirks and what makes her smile. I want to hear more about her life before she was a lawyer. She probably has some awesome stories. We have a lot in common too. Both being working children, even though the age gap is a good 8 years I don't feel weird. (She's 32 here)

She's so mature for her age that you would never think she's only 24. I shake myself out of my thoughts when I pull into her driveway. I walk into her house and notice I don't see her. But I hear her.
"What the fuck do you mean he escaped?! Anna why didn't you think to tell me? I need to go off grid. Shit I have Scar and Rose staying here Anna I need them safe and I can't do that with them here." She yells. I slowly make my way towards her voice. I freeze in the door way of her office. There's papers scattered all over her desk and she is pacing back and forth on the phone. "What's going on?" I ask timidly. She whips her body around and stares at me. "I gotta go Anna" she says quickly and hangs up.
"How much did you hear?" She asks me.
"Um someone escaped jail and you have to go off grid?" I say stating just what I heard.
She takes a deep breath "a bad guy i put away 3 years ago escaped. Cory Booker. He's sick and twisted and I swear I'm not scared. But I dont want him to find me, us. I really want to protect you guys and I think it might be best if you stay with Lizzie or something." She says defeatedly.
"No, no I don't want to. I need you." I say
"Scar I know, but I have no idea where this man could be and I know he will come after me." She states
"Then station a cop here, I'll come with you to the office if you leave and rose will too if she's not at school or with her dad. Please don't leave me."I says as a tear slips down my cheek.
"Ok sweetie don't worry I'm here." She rubs my arms up and down as she stares into my eyes. I stare into her blue ocean eyes and get lost for a moment. I flicker from her eyes to her lips before she clears her throat and steps back.
"Im going to make a couple calls  and get an order of protection. I'll be back." She says and walks to her desk. I walk into the kitchen and make some tea. I sit down at the large island with my laptop and start going over the script I'll need for tomorrow. Y/n walks back in and says "I have good news." Some what happy. "Well firstly they are going to station a cop outside 24/7 also an escort for you guys when you drop off and pick up rose from school. Secondly, Colin's lawyer got in touch with me and he has agreed to sign the papers so we don't have to go to court. This should be settled by tomorrow actually." She grins at me.
"Wow tomorrow! That's great. That's the fastest I've ever heard of. What happened?" I ask confused
"Well I think his lawyer is afraid we are going to change our mind and press charges since I sent him all the evidence I had and they probably want to settle it fast." I state.
"Oh well then that's good then." I say as I start to day dream about know trying to find a house to stay at or worry if I'm intruding her space by being here.
"Don't worry hun there's no rush to find a house or anything. Stay here as long as you want. I see those gears turning in that pretty little head of yours." She says. Seemingly knowing what I'm thinking. I chuckle while she opens the fridge.
"Are you hungry? It's almost lunch time." She asks me.
"I'm not actually. I have to read this script some more so I'm prepared for tomorrow." I rolls my eyes because I Definetly don't want to be reading right now.
"Well if you need someone to run lines with let me know, I used to help Lizzie when I was younger so it's been a while." She laughs and winks while she starts cutting up some tomato's to snack on.
"Actually that would help!" I say somewhat questioningly
She walks around the island until she's next to me. I hand her the script since I memorized my line. "Ok your playing Scott and I'm Midge. We are in love but this is an argument over whether he should join the mafia or not. Just tell me if my accent is good ok?" I say laughing.
****acting the play****
S: now honey, don't you think we could really use the money. Think about Georgie's schooling.
Y/n: I know we can but love it's not worth it. The second something goes wrong it's my head. And the money is dirty I would feel like I'm not earning it.
S: I know but I just think about how much we struggle ya know if love to have meat one night this week instead of just pasta everyday
Y/n: don't worry I will work harder and come home tomorrow with that porterhouse you had your eye on (she caresses my cheek and gets closer to my face our foreheads touch)
S: alright now honey I'll always have your back
***end scene***
"And then we're suppose to kiss and then go to the bedroom" I say wiggling my eye brows.
She is still stand super close me. She raises her eyebrow teasingly and then she wraps her arms around my waist and slide it down a little under my butt and picks me up wrapping my legs around her waist. She puts me on the counter top one arm still around my waist and one hand slides up my cheek stoping with her hand wrapped around the back of my head. He nose is now touching my nose. I can feel breath on my lips.
"Well we are just going to have to leave that to our imagination now aren't we?" She whisper in the small space between us and turns around and walks away. Not before glancing back and giving me a wink at my frozen and flustered state. Shit.

I just got home from picking Rose up and I called my agent and they were able to get me Buster my security to accompany me since I didn't want to make the officer leave the from if y/n house. She needs to be safe too.
"Hey Rosie Posie, how was school!" Y/n greets as Rose runs through the door
"So much fun! A dentist came to visit and there was cool teeth brushing games." She excitedly explains.
"Wow that's super cool! Did you get a new toothbrush?" She asks like she knows.
"I did! It's purple. Can I put it in the bathroom in my room?" She ask.
"Of course sweets go ahead!" Y/n says.
Rose runs upstairs and I see y/n chopping up some fruit and putting it on a plate with some crackers and choclate.
"Oh I made a snack plate for Rose, do you want one too?" She asks smilingly
Ugh she is always thinking about rose and that is melting my heart. The butterflies! They are growing!
"That is so sweet. I'm okay, but thank you so much for always thinking of her." I say as I wrap my arms around her for a hug. I glance at her lips quickly but shove that thought aside.
Rose comes back down and starts her homework quite eating her snack plate. There's a knock on the door and I turn to y/n.
"Are you expecting someone?" I ask
"Oh it's Lizzie, front gate just texted." She said holding up her phone walking towards the door.
Oh Lizzie I'm so relieved to see her. Maybe I can talk to her about these feelings I have.
y/n opens the front door and all I hear is squealing. That sounds like a lot of Lizzie's. Lizzie walks down the hall first. Followed by y/n then the twins, MK AND ash.
"Hey scar how are you? I brought the twins. They were so excited to hear y/n was back when I went home last night they refused to not come." She explains.
"All good! I can't keep her all to myself now can I?" I say laughing.
"Mhmm I'm sure you want to tho." Lizzie says and winks.
"More than you know" I say quietly under my breath and Lizzie just quirks an eyebrow like she heard me but doesn't comment on it.
Y/n sets up a Disney movie for rose while we follow her into the kitchen. Liz and her start preparing dinner while they all talk about old stories from when y/n modeled.
"Omg y/n/n remember when that one dress was so long and no matter what we did the pins were falling out. Then the minute before you walked you took scissors to the bottom. That was the straightest line I've ever seen someone cut" ash laughs.
"Yep I remember. That got me screamed at by MK but then she realized it looked better and paid me for the design." Y/n says laughing back
After dinner is ready we all sit at the table listening to roses stories. After we finish eating I take rose to take a bath and get ready for bed. Lizzie comes in just in time to read her a story and we both leave when we hear little snores coming from Rosie. Lizzie leads me to the roof and says they are waiting up here for us. I walk out onto the roof to see y/n laughing with the twins While strumming on her guitar. Her smile is magnificent. I can get lost in it. I'm nudged a little and turn to look at Lizzie smiling st me. "She's a great person scar, but she's also very fragile so please be careful. I don't want you or her to get hurt." Liz whispers.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say
"Sure" Liz says and winks.
Lizzie sits next to ash and MK and I sit down next to y/n
"Here, in case you get cold." Y/n says as she hands me her hoodie. I don't see the other girls with hoodies and then I notice the smirk all 3 Olsen's have on their faces.
I get lost in the strumming of y/ns guitar when I notice the melody.
I start singing: (kings of Leon- true loves way)

Push in and I pull it away
It's a hard part but the true love way
Girl, you want it like I want it now
With your smart mouth and your killer hands
We could both share all that I have made
For a young man it's a heck of a wage
And I feel crazy when I see your face

She looks up at me and sings the chorus:

Cause we'd be so free
Happy with a family
Sharing a smile
So far from home
And we would laugh
Laugh till we cried
Making a song
Making a lie

My heart flutters at her change of words. She continues the chords while we just stare at each other. Like we are the only ones in the room. Our staring contest is interrupted when ash clears her throat.
"Ok love birds I see we are disturbing you here. We're just gonna head back to our place. Please join us for dinner next week guys?" She asks.
Y/n answers before I can " we'll be there" and she turns and smiles to me. Y/n walks the twins and Lizzie out. Liz whispers something in her ear and she turns around blushing. She shuts the door behind her and just giggles a little.
"What just happened?" I ask also giggling
"Huh? Oh nothing" she laughs and leads me upstairs to her room. She throws a pair of clothes at me and walks into the bathroom I'm guessing to brush her teeth. I decide to just change quickly in her room. I put the shorts on and take my top off throwing it in her laundry basket. I slip my bra off and turn around incase she walks out. Just as the shirt goes over my head I hear "oh shit sorry I didn't think you'd still be changing"
I pull the shirt down and turn around smiling
"It's okay, I'm sure you've seen better" I playfully say
"We'll I didn't see much but god there's nothing that could be better than yours." She teasingly says
My eyes brown raise a little and she gets visibly embarrassed. Cheeks turn red and she starts stuttering.
"I'm I'm so sorry if that was overstepping I was just joking." She quickly gets out. I take a couple slow steps towards her until I'm right infromt of her. I place my hands on her chest near her shoulders.
"Don't worry babes, you can look all your want." As I step around her and walk into the bathroom to do my skincare. I walk out after I finish and she's sitting under her blanket reading a book. She looks up at me through her glasses,gosh that was hot, and pats the spot next to her. I slowly walk over to that side of the bed and climb under the blanket. I lay down so im facing her and she shifts down and scoots under the blanket so she is laying facing me.
"Tomorrow is a big day. Is there anything you want to talk about?" She asks me.
"Um I guess im a little nervous. I know I won't have to see him but I just keep having these awful thoughts." I state honestly
"Of what? Maybe we can talk them through" she asks again
"Listen im a confident person, im not cocky but I know my worth. But after the last couple of years I can't help but actually believe those words he would say to me. Im worthless and nothing and easily replaceable. I mean I get replaced all the time when I don't get a part I really wanted and I guess it's just easy to believe those words." I say on the verge of tears
"Oh sweets come here"she scoots closer and wraps me up in a hug. " none of those words are true. You are a brilliant amazing unbelievably talented actress. Your beauty is unmatched, unlike anyone I've ever met. Maybe you didn't get a part but you are not replaceable. No one could replace your smile, your laugh and god never those beautiful eyes." My cheeks beat up and I thank god is semi dark. "Please if you ever have thoughts like this just tell me. I'll spend the whole night explaining and proving to you why it's not true." She explains as she draws shapes along my arm.
"Thanks y/n you're a great friend. I'm very lucky to have you in my life." I says graciously.
She holds me closer and soon we drift off to sleep together peacefully in her grasp.

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