GATE: Awakening The Sleeping...

By stevenwn1

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A mysterious, ancient-looking gate appeared in Washington, D.C., sometime in the 21st century. From the gate... More

Chapter 1: A Terrible Resolve
Chapter 2: The Massacre of Alnus
Chapter 3: Strange First Contact
Chapter 4: The Eagle of Freedom V.S The Ancient Fire Dragon
Chapter 5: The Men in Green
Chapter 6: The Visit for Italica
Chapter 7: The Fight for Italica
Chapter 8: Possible Peace
Chapter 9: Journey to Fort Alnus
Chapter 10: Welcome to DC
Chapter 11: Peace Negotiations
Chapter 12: American Firepower
Chapter 13: A Shocking Discovery
Chapter 14: Timely Reinforcements
Chapter 15: Old Buddies
Chapter 16: A Trip Gone Horribly Wrong
Weapon Suggestions (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 17: The Imperial Coup
Chapter 18: The Fall of Sadera
Give me your ideas (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 19: Unlikely Allies
Dream Team (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 20: Mother Russias First Battle
Chapter 21: Capture of Bellnahgo
Chapter 22: Did I Hear OIL?
Future Books (Not a Chapter)
I NEED YOUR HELP (Not A Chapter)
Chapter 23: Captain John Brown Sends His Regards
Chapter 25: The Eyes of the Slaughtered
Chapter 26: Reminiscing the Past
Chapter 27: Team Reconnaissance
Chapter 28: Strange Encounters
Chapter 29: Siege of Castle Ither
Chapter 30: A Powerful Message
Book Timeline (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 31: Unleashing Hell
Chapter 32: A New Enemy
Chapter 33: Strange Relationships
Chapter 34: Increasing the Coalition
Chapter 35: A Special Meeting
Chapter 37: The 'Friendly' Neighbors From The North
Chapter 38: The Beginning of a Revolution
Chapter 39: Return of Hunter 2-1
Chapter 40: Operation Silent Valor
Chapter 42: A Sudden Revelation
Primo Victoria (Not a Chapter)
Chapter 43: Magical City Of Rondel
Chapter 44: The Goddess of the Underworld
Chapter 45: Complete the Mission!
Can we please talk? (Not a Chapter but it's important)
Chapter 46: Perspective of Soldiers
Chapter 47: The Lenses of War
Chapter 48: Escalation of War
Chapter 49: Boarding the Vessel
Chapter 50: Incredible Demands
Chapter 51: Arms Dealing
Chapter 52: It Ain't Me
Chapter 53: Land and Air
Chapter 54: Futile Guerilla Fighting
Important Announcement
Chapter 55: An Alliance of Steel
OverSimplified script (Not a chapter)
Chapter 56: The Wisdom of Legionnaires
Chapter 57: Operation Sovereign Duty: The Beginning
Possible Final Good-bye
Chapter 58: A Tremendous Liberation
I'm Sorry
Final Update

Chapter 41: The Great Raid

1.6K 37 34
By stevenwn1

An Hour passed, and the CH-53E Super Stallion continued its steady ascent through the vast expanse of the sky.

The aircraft's powerful rotors sliced through the air, propelling it forward with a purposeful determination.

Inside the aircraft, the atmosphere was a mix of excitement and awe.

Rory, ever the curious observer, pressed her face against the small window, gazing out at the unfolding panorama.

The world below seemed to shrink as the Super Stallion climbed higher and higher.

But just as Rory was about to comment on the breathtaking view, a sudden change occurred outside the aircraft.

Tuka, who was seated beside Rory, noticed the sudden transformation.

"Why did the outside turn white?" Tuka asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

Hailey turned to Tuka and explained.

"We're passing through the clouds. The moisture in the air condenses at higher altitudes, creating this white, fluffy layer." Hailey explained.

Rory chimed in, her voice tinged with amazement.

"Really? Not even Wyverns can fly this high without having trouble breathing." Rory said.

As the conversation unfolded, Hamilton, who had been clutching onto Piña in a mix of excitement and fear.

Piña timidly peeked out of the window.

Piña's eyes widened as she beheld a sight that filled her with wonder.

"Hamilton, look out the window!" Piña told her, her voice filled with awe.

Hamilton's gaze followed Piña's finger, and she couldn't help but gasp.

The view outside was nothing short of breathtaking.

The sky stretched endlessly, an azure canvas adorned with fluffy clouds that seemed to extend to infinity.

'Wow!' The Falmartians shouted in their heads.

'Its the Celestial Realm!' Piña and Hamilton exclaimed in unison, their voices reverberating in their minds.

Unable to contain their excitement, the two young adventurers dashed toward Mike, who was seated a few rows ahead.

Mike glanced up from his seat and met their eager gazes.

"Sir Ramirez, could we go outside?!" Piña blurted out, enthusiasm lacing every word.

Hamilton echoed her plea, his voice filled with anticipation.

"Can we, Lord Ramirez?!" Hamilton said.

Mike contemplated their request, his eyes flickering with a mixture of amusement and caution.

Sensing the desire burning within them, he knew he had to tread carefully.

He stood up and beckoned them to follow.

"Follow me." Mike said, his voice calm yet commanding.

Piña and Hamilton exchanged excited glances before quickly trailing behind him, their hearts racing with anticipation.

The trio arrived at the open door of the Super Stallion, where a ramp gunner named Robert manned a formidable M3M Machine Gun.

Robert, catching wind of their plan, shook his head vigorously, signaling a resounding 'No!' to their eager proposition to Mike.

Undeterred, Mike knelt down beside the open door, his eyes fixed on the swirling sea of clouds below.

Piña and Hamilton leaned in, their excitement momentarily overshadowed by a rush of fear.

Mike began to explain the harsh reality they faced.

"Those are clouds, if you were to step outside now, you would simply fall to your death. The force of the fall would shatter your bones, and your organs would spill out upon impact with the ground." Mike explained, his tone firm yet tinged with concern.

Piña and Hamilton's faces paled at the grim image Mike painted.

Reality crashed over them like a wave, reminding them of the dangers lurking beyond the safety of the aircraft.

Mike glanced at Robert, who shared a knowing smile with him.

The sight of Piña and Hamilton's enthusiasm, tempered with a newfound understanding of the risks, brought a sense of camaraderie between the two Marines.

As the Super Stallion continued its flight through the clouds, Piña and Hamilton reluctantly retreated back to their seats.


The group of seven MARSOC raiders continued their journey through the fields, their footsteps leaving faint imprints in the soft earth.

Despite the absence of any signs of enemy activity, they remained cautious, their senses heightened.

As they pressed forward, the weight of their mission hung heavy in the air.

Each member maintained a heightened state of alertness, their eyes scanning the surroundings with precision.

The vast emptiness seemed to stretch endlessly before them, a constant reminder that danger could be lurking just beyond the horizon.

The team communicated with subtle gestures and shared glances, their silent understanding a testament to their seamless coordination.

They moved in unison, their unity serving as a shield against the unknown.

Though the fields remained quiet, their minds were focused and their senses attuned, ready to react at a moment's notice.

With every step, the tension grew, fueled by the anticipation of the unexpected.

The absence of encounters didn't diminish their vigilance; if anything, it heightened their awareness.

They knew that in these moments of eerie silence, a single misstep could have dire consequences.

And so, the seven MARSOC raiders forged ahead, their determination unshaken.

They were warriors accustomed to the uncertainty of their missions, their resilience tested time and again.

In the quiet fields, they remained steadfast, unwavering in their commitment to protect and serve for the Flag of the Free.

Hour's after that...

Hours had passed since the initial arrival.

The Fortress of Tanska stood tall, surrounded by the river that acted as its natural defense.

The moon shone brightly overhead, casting a silver glow on the water's surface.

Within the fortress, a lone patrol of Imperial soldiers maneuvered cautiously in a small wooden boat, their torch illuminating the surrounding area.

As the soldiers navigated the river, one of them held the torch near the water, drawn to a peculiar sound.

The noise seemed out of place, unlike anything they had encountered before.

"Isn't that enough? It must have been a fish or something jumping." One of the soldiers speculated, attempting to dismiss the disturbance.

"Just a little longer." The Soldier holding the torch insisted, his curiosity piqued.

"That was way too loud, even for a fish." Another Soldier remarked, his concern growing.

"Enough already. Our patrol won't end at this rate." A third Soldier interjected, eager to move on.

"If you touch the clappers again, our Centurions will chew us out." A fourth Soldier warned, his voice laced with caution.

Reluctantly, they decided to row away, leaving the mysterious sound behind.

Little did they know that their presence had not gone unnoticed.

From a concealed vantage point in the water, the commander of the MARSOC raiders observed the soldiers' departure through his night vision goggles.

He signaled his team to move forward, silently communicating their next steps.

The Marines, equipped with their weapons, cautiously advanced through the water, keeping a vigilant eye out for any potential threats.

The seven raiders swam stealthily towards the top of a hill near the fortress.

Among them, a Marine armed with an M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle and his spotter lay in a prone position, scanning the area.

After meticulous observation, they finally spotted their primary target.

"Target spotted in the middle of the plaza, 334 meters." The Spotter reported, his silenced M14 Sniper Rifle within reach.

"I've got her." The Marine with the .50 caliber sniper rifle responded, his scope fixed on the designated area.

"Major Adams, she's in the cage in the middle of the plaza." A Marine reported to their commanding officer.

Adams peered through his binoculars, straining to catch a glimpse of the captive's face.

"Shit, I can't see her face." He muttered in frustration.

"What will we do now?" Another Marine inquired, concern etched on his face.

"If we confirm her identity, we'll proceed with a stealthy rescue operation." Adams declared, his voice unwavering.

"Well, then we'll be waiting until morning," The Marine replied, resigned to the cautious approach.

"Our mission is to rescue the abductee, and we can't afford to be detected prematurely." Another Marine reasoned, emphasizing the importance of secrecy.

"Sir." Delilah, who had joined the team, now dressed in the Marines' woodland MARPAT camouflage uniform, interjected.

"Wouldn't it be enough to just wake her up? Leave it to me." She proposed confidently, eager to contribute.

Adams swiftly halted her impulsive move.

"Hold it, Delilah!" He shouted, his voice tinged with concern.

"Don't you understand? They've likely set up an ambush for us. Think about your own safety first." Adams said to the warrior bunny.

"But didn't we expect that? Are you just going to wait until morning?" Delilah retorted, frustration evident in her voice, as she attempted to rush towards the fortress, only to be stopped by Adams once again.

"Just one act of recklessness, Delilah. We'll move once we have confirmed the identity of the abductee." Adams replied firmly, attempting to reason with her.

"We can't afford to jeopardize the mission by rushing in blindly. Your safety is a priority." Adams told her.

"Why not just send me to do it?" Delilah questioned, her determination unwavering.

Adams let out a sigh, realizing that he needed to make Delilah understand the bigger picture.

"Delilah, when I say 'We,' it includes you" He explained, his voice softer now.

"You're part of this team, and we all have to look out for each other." He said.

The other Marines nodded in agreement, expressing their support for Delilah's inclusion.

Her eyes widened with surprise and gratitude, a wide smile spreading across her face.

"Wait... You think of me as one of you?" She asked, touched by their acceptance.

Adams chuckled and replied with a warm smile.

"Of course we do. You've proven yourself and earned your place here." Adams said to her.

Embracing the newfound sense of camaraderie, Delilah's confidence grew.

"Alright, then. Is it enough to wake her up from here?" She asked, her determination now focused on the task at hand.

Adams nodded, acknowledging her readiness.

Delilah grabbed her compound bow, and quiver loaded a special military-grade arrows, she took one, and took aim.

"She'll wake up from this hit." Delilah stated with confidence, her focus unwavering.

"Just be careful not to hit her in the head. We don't want to make any unnecessary noise." Adams cautioned.

Delilah nodded in understanding and steadied her aim.

With a fluid motion, she released the arrow, watching as it flew through the air and struck the abductee's shoulder.

The captive turned around, causing gasps of surprise among the Marines who were observing through binoculars.

"It's the Secretary of State's little sister." One Marine exclaimed, the revelation shocking the entire team.

"Sir Jim's sister?" Delilah echoed, her voice filled with astonishment.

"Indeed. That is Camila Jim, the Secretary of State's younger sister." The Marine with the Barrett Sniper Rifle confirmed.

"Sir, Major Clark and Major Davis, along with their own team of raiders, have just arrived." Another Marine reported.

"Good. Martinez and Perez, provide cover for us. Let's go." Adams commanded the two snipers positioned on the hill.

With the snipers providing overwatch, the Marines, accompanied by Delilah, cautiously made their way through the swampy river surrounding the fortress.

They swam silently, keeping low in the water to avoid detection.

Meanwhile, inside the fortress...

The head Centurion was delivering orders to the four Imperial soldiers who had been patrolling the river.

His voice filled with urgency and impatience, he emphasized the importance of their patrols.

"Patrols are crucial! Do you not understand? Look for any signs, no matter how small! Report any anomalies, even the tiniest noises!" The Centurion bellowed, his frustration evident.

"Even the sound of a fish jumping?" One of the Imperial soldiers joked, triggering laughter from the others.

The Centurion glared at them, his expression stern.

Immediately, the soldiers straightened up, their laughter fading into silence.

"You're dismissed. Continue your patrol." The Centurion ordered, his tone authoritative.

As the soldiers left to resume their duties, the Centurion made his way out, leaving the soldiers to their tasks.

Unbeknownst to the Centurion, Adams and his team had been listening to the conversation, gathering valuable intelligence.

Their earlier efforts to understand the enemy's movements had not been in vain.

Adams analyzed the situation, recognizing the opportunity that presented itself.

"There's little to no boat activity near here." Adams remarked, voicing his observation.

"Well, it's late at night. Most of them are probably asleep." Another Marine responded.

Turning to Delilah, Adams issued an order.

"Delilah, listen closely to their conversation." Adams ordered.

Delilah nodded, lowering her hat to enhance her hearing capabilities.

She strained to catch the snippets of conversation between the head Centurion and the Imperial soldier.

"Commander Borhos, nothing seems to be here." The Imperial Soldier reported.

"That's impossible. The Americans or their allies might have already infiltrated. Send in more boats." The head Centurion, Borhos, ordered.

The Marine team exchanged puzzled glances as they overheard the discussion about boats and infiltration.

The pieces of the puzzle began to come together, and they realized the Centurion's paranoia had clouded his judgment.

"My Lord, are you certain they are here?" The soldier asked, doubt creeping into his voice.

Interrupting their conversation, a much older man with a cane approached.

The Marines recognized him immediately.

"Hey, isn't that..." One of them whispered before being silenced by his comrades.

"That's General Godasen. He led the first attack on Alnus." Adams whispered, his voice filled with contempt.

Godasen yawned, displaying his weariness.

"What's with this sudden ruckus you're causing, Head Centurion?" He inquired, his tone tinged with annoyance.

Borhos replied, determined to prove his suspicions.

"We have evidence that the enemy is present near the fortress, Lord Godasen." Borhos replied, standing up straight for the general.

The general arched an eyebrow, his skepticism apparent.

"Are you certain about that?" He questioned.

"One of our patrols noticed an anomaly with the clappers." Borhos replied, hoping to convince Godasen of the imminent danger.

Godasen scoffed, exasperated by Borhos' alarmist behavior.

"Are you a fool? It was probably just a fish. Have you ever even gone fishing?" He retorted.

"I am a Centurion in the Imperial Guard. Engaging in such trivial activities is beneath me." Borhos replied, his tone laced with arrogance.

The Marines exchanged bewildered glances.

The conversation between the Centurion and the General had taken an unexpected turn, delving into a debate about fishing.

They listened in disbelief as the discussion dragged on for a seemingly interminable minute, centered solely on the merits of the leisurely pursuit.

Finally, the debate concluded, and Godasen made his decision.

"You've been quite boorish since joining the Imperial Army." He chided Borhos.

"My family has served in the military for generations." Borhos retorted, pride swelling in his voice.

"Very well. Return the soldiers to their quarters. There's nothing here, and there won't be." Godasen commanded, dismissing the Centurion as he walked away, ready to seek his much-needed rest.

Applauding the completion of their eavesdropping operation, Adams addressed his team.

"That was enough for us. We have gained valuable insight." Adams said.

Delilah placed her hat back on, her bunny ears no longer visible.

"So, what now?" She asked, her voice filled with anticipation.

"Same plan, first team will distract and gather any vital information in the fortress, while the second team will rescue the Secretary of State younger sister." Adams said, as the Raiders and Delilah nodded.

Adams took a moment to contemplate his next move.

'That Commander is good, if we just assault the fortress blindly, we'll certainly rescue the Secretary of State younger sister... but half of us won't make it...' Adams said in his head.

'We need another thing in the plan that involves something that none of us wouldn't even think of...' Adams said before memories of a certain Second Lieutenant, now a Captain in the Marine Corps, flashed through his mind.

A daring plan began to form in his thoughts.

"Everyone, gather around. What I'm about to propose is not part of our original plan, but..." Adams trailed off, his gaze fixed on each member of his team.

Intrigued, the Marines leaned in, their curiosity piqued by Adams' mysterious statement.

They awaited his next words with anticipation, ready to embrace any opportunity that could enhance their mission's success.

Adams took a deep breath, his eyes reflecting both determination and caution.

"It's worth a shot." he finally declared.


In Los Angeles, California, a group of Marine Raiders were having an exercise drill with none other than Mike Ramirez.

The exercise required them to rescue a hostage from a group of Marines.

But Mike...

"Let the hostage go and I'll guarantee his safety." Mike said, holding an airsoft M4 with the barrel aimed at their commander while gripping the commander's hair.

"COMMANDER!" A Marine shouted.


"We'll exchange this man for the hostage." Mike said.

"Hang on, Ramirez. This isn't part of the scenario, so stop fooling around and let the commander go already." The same African-American Marine said.

"Are you sure you should be saying that?" Mike said, before ripping some strands of hair from the commander's scalp, causing the Marine's jaw to drop and eyes to widen.

Mike then bashfully tossed the strands to the Marines.

"Here, a little bit of his hair has been released." Mike said.

The Marine watched as the hair strands fell to the ground.

"Is that enough for you?" Mike said with a mischievous smile.


And with that, they won this exercise.

"Good job, Second Lieutenant. I hope to see you achieve great things in the future." The same commander Mike held up said, shaking his head with an uncertain smile.

"Consider it a present from me." the commander said.

"Eh?" Mike said, shaking his hand, not even aware of the commander's embarrassment.

End of flashback...

"That's the idea, you understand?" Adams said to Delilah, emphasizing their plan with a confident tone.

"So we'll take someone important hostage, that really does sound like Sir Ramirez." Delilah said with a smile, her excitement evident.

While the rest of the MARSOC raiders looked at each other, exchanging knowing glances.

"That really is Ramirez, huh?" A Marine remarked, impress by his reputation.

"Yep, that's the Hero of DC for ya." Another Marine chimed in, acknowledging Ramirez's legendary status.

Adams adjusted his night vision goggles, looking through them with a focused gaze.

"Well, then..." Adams began, pausing for a moment to gather his thoughts.

"Delilah, there's a gate over there. Can you take out the guard on top?" Adams asked, entrusting Delilah with a critical task.

Delilah nodded, showing her readiness and determination.

"Leave it to me." She replied, her voice filled with confidence, as she started advancing slowly towards the fortress.

The Imperial soldier stood there silently, unaware of the impending danger.

Suddenly, he heard a noise coming from below him and looked down, only to be instantly killed by an arrow piercing through his neck, courtesy of Delilah's precise aim.

Another Imperial soldier witnessed the scene, mistakenly assuming that his comrade was merely sleeping on the job.

"Hey, don't sleep on the job!" The Imperial Soldier shouted, but before he could react, he too was struck by an arrow in the neck, meeting the same fate as his fellow soldier.

Delilah skillfully climbed the wooden walls of the fortress, swiftly moving to the other side and opening the gate, allowing the rest of the team to enter.

Meanwhile, outside General Godasen's house, a single Imperial soldier walked through the darkness, guided by the light of a torch.

He let out a tired yawn before making a turn.

As he turned, he unexpectedly encountered the raiders standing right in front of him.

It caused him to freeze in surprise.

Before he could utter a word, Adams swiftly appeared behind him, covering his mouth and slicing his neck open, eliminating him silently.

Dropping the lifeless body to the ground, Adams signaled for the team to enter the General's house.

Inside General Godasen's bedroom, the weary leader extinguished a candle before wrapping himself in a blanket, his mind troubled by Borhos' obstinacy.

"Good grief, Borhos' obstinacy is so troubling." He exclaimed, his frustration evident.

Suddenly, his senses heightened as he heard a noise, causing his eyes to snap open.

Before he could react, Delilah was already on top of him, holding a Kukri knife against his neck.

"Shh." Delilah whispered, instilling fear in General Godasen.

Meanwhile, inside one of the buildings in the fortress, Borhos was ranting how much he hates fishing, loudly.

"I hate fishing!" He shouted in the air, his voice filled with exasperation.

"Especially fishing with fake bait. I don't understand how anyone can be fine with it!" He shouted while walking.

He continued to vent his frustration about fishing, oblivious to the unfolding events around him.

His Imperial soldiers whispered to each other, perplexed by their commander's intense hatred for the activity.

"The commander really hates fishing, doesn't he?" One soldier whispered to his comrade.

"Was he a fish in a past life or something?" His friend replied, both of them trying to stifle their amusement.

Borhos carried on with his fishing tirade, unaware that his soldiers were growing increasingly restless.

Finally, he shifted his focus to the main issue at hand.

"The night is nearly ending, yet they aren't coming!" Borhos shouted in frustration, his voice echoing through the halls.

"Are our enemies really this cowardly? And our General has misjudged the situation this time!" He ranted, his anger palpable.

Suddenly, a voice called out, interrupting Borhos' outburst.

"Oh we're far closer Centurion." The voice called out to him.

The Marines and Delilah made their grand reveal, parading into the room with General Godasen held captive, his neck perilously close to the blade of Delilah's Kukri.

"G-General Godasen?!" Borhos exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock and disbelief.

The Marines halted in their tracks, each wearing a stern and serious expression.

Adams, however, wore a mischievous and malevolent smile, relishing the situation.

"Y-You dirty bastards!" Borhos spat, his anger overshadowing his surprise.

"Sorry for interrupting your rant about fishing, but we'll be here for our citizen. In exchange, Godasen here won't have his neck sliced open." Adams taunted playfully, reveling in the power shift.

Delilah pressed the Kukri blade even closer to General Godasen's neck, causing beads of sweat to form on his forehead.

"Aagh! Borhos, help me!" General Godasen pleaded desperately, his voice trembling with fear.

Imperial archers and crossbowmen swiftly reacted, aiming their weapons at the Marines, ready to defend their commander.

"Cease your meaningless struggle and surrender at once. We'll allow you to keep your lives!" Borhos demanded, his voice filled with false authority.

A Scorpion antipersonnel siege weapon was set up in front of the raiders, ready to strike.

Adams acknowledged the situation, recognizing that most of the Imperial soldiers were armed with projectile weapons, having learned from past encounters.

"Make your decision!" Borhos shouted, as several archers from the second floor took aim at the Marines.

Adams, maintaining his playful demeanor, responded with a twisted smile.

"I guess we'll just give the General a little taste of what we've endured." Adams said.

Delilah, her gaze unwavering, added.

"So, which fingers shall we choose?" She said, her voice very eager for blood.

"F-Fingers?!" General Godasen cried out in horror, his worst fears coming to life.

"Answer the question, will you?" Delilah demanded, her voice cold and commanding.

"Borhos, help me!" General Godasen pleaded, his screams piercing the air, sending shivers down the spines of the Imperial soldiers.

"A warrior bunny?!" Borhos exclaimed in shock, struggling to comprehend the situation.

Adams, savoring the atmosphere, continued with his sadistic grin.

"Or... perhaps we'll gouge one of his eyes out, eh?" Adams said with a smile.

"AAGGGHH!" General Godasen screamed in terror, intensifying the fear that gripped both the Imperial soldiers and Borhos himself.

"Y-You barbaric brutes!" Borhos shouted, his anger mixed with a genuine sense of dread.

"Commander!" an Imperial soldier exclaimed, breaking the tension.

"Let's cut off one of the prisoners' fingers," The Imperial soldier suggested, his voice filled with desperation.

But before they could proceed with their gruesome plan...


A small explosion erupted, causing chaos and panic among the Imperial Soldiers.

The Imperial soldier's arm was blown off, leaving them writhing in agony.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Another Imperial soldier cried out in horror, struggling to make sense of the sudden explosion.

"WAS THAT AN AMERICAN WEAPON?!" A third Imperial soldier exclaimed, fear creeping into his voice.

Up on the hill, Martinez, armed with his M82 Barrett Sniper Rifle, let the empty bullet cartridge fall to the ground.

"Nice shot." Perez complimented, looking through his M14's scope.

He had executed a perfect shot, providing a much-needed diversion for the marines.

Back inside the fortress, the Marines swiftly turned their weapons toward the disoriented Imperial Soldiers, their newfound bravery intimidating their foes, causing them to stumble backward in fear.

"C-commander Borhos?" A sweaty and terrified Centurion called out, his voice trembling.

"We can't let them harm the general any further... Fall back! Let them pass through!" Borhos ordered, realizing the dire predicament they were in.

The Imperial Soldiers, fearing for their lives, immediately complied, retreating from the Marines' path and allowing them to proceed.

As the Marines moved forward, adams approached the open cage, where Camila Jim, The Secretary Of State Patrick Jim's younger sister and their primary Target, was held captive.

"Are you Camila Jim? Secretary Of State Patrick Jim's younger sister?" Adams asked, confirming her identity.

"Y-yes, i am." Camila replied, her voice filled with a mix of relief and uncertainty as she beheld the American Marines.

"Alright, target secured. get her on the stretcher." Adams commanded, ensuring camila's safety and extraction.

"That's as far as you go, American!" A sudden voice boomed, causing everyone to turn their attention toward its source.

To their surprise, an Oprichnina emerged from the shadows.

"Sir Derleth." Borhos acknowledged, recognizing the former POW.

"Head Centurion, you should have carried out the general's will." Derleth asserted, his voice resonating with authority.

"His will?" Borhos questioned, confusion evident in his voice.

"He wants the enemy eliminated at all costs. All soldiers, capture them!" Derleth ordered, his words carrying a sense of finality.

However, the Imperial Soldiers remained rooted to the spot, refusing to obey the command.

The fear of being on the receiving end of a bullet had immobilized them.

"What's going on?! Move!" Derleth demanded, his patience wearing thin.

"We simply cannot." Borhos replied firmly, asserting his loyalty to General Godasen.

"Centurion, do you wish to be purged?" Derleth threatened, his tone laced with a menacing undertone.

"Sir Derleth, we are General Godasen's subordinates. we do not take orders from you." Borhos stated defiantly, his unwavering loyalty shining through.

"The General is incapable of making decisions now!" Derleth shouted, frustration creeping into his voice as he faced the resistance from Borhos and his soldiers.

While the heated argument unfolded between the Oprichnina and Centurion, the Marines watched on, silently observing the power struggle.

"Fucking idiots, fighting amongst themselves for control." A Marine commented, his voice filled with disdain.

"The stretcher is ready! Let's go!" Another Marine called out, eager to complete their mission.

"Hey, hold it right there!" Borhos shouted, his anger reignited.

"Just where do you think you're going?!" He demanded, trying to assert some sembl of authority in the chaotic situation.

"Your hands are pretty full, Centurion. We'll just be on our way." Adams replied, his tone still carrying a playful edge.

Before Borhos could issue any further threats or objections, Adams swiftly moved, grabbing his unsilenced Heckler & Koch USP loaded with .45 ACP rounds.

In one swift motion, he fired a single round into the air, the loud crack echoing through the fortress.

The sudden display of force caused Borhos and the remaining Imperial soldiers to instinctively step back, their faces contorted with fear.

"I said we're leaving." Adams stated firmly, his mischievous smile replaced with an unwavering determination.

Clutching his fist in frustration, Borhos reluctantly ordered his soldiers to step aside and let the Marines pass.

The path was now clear for their escape.

As the Marines began to move, a few Oprichnina's watched in anger, their loyalty to Zorzal the idiot overpowering their fear of the Marines.

One of them, seething with rage, slowly reached for a crossbow and aimed it directly at Delilah.

The tension in the air was palpable as the bolt was released, hurtling through the air towards Delilah's vulnerable position.

But Delilah, ever vigilant and attuned to her surroundings, sensed the imminent danger.

With lightning-fast reflexes, she managed to evade the bolt, narrowly dodging the deadly projectile.

Unfortunately, the bolt found an unintended target: General Godasen's shoulder.

Gasps of shock and disbelief filled the room as the Marines and Imperial soldiers alike watched it happen.

General Godasen's anguished cry pierced the air, his pain and terror reverberating through the fortress.

"AAGGGHH!" The General screamed.

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In 1975, After the Chimera War Devastation the earth populations, The US Resistance group tried to retake some US Cities & Towns. But, In new york ci...
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March 17, 2023, the day where humanity's future has been shifted immensely. Some kind of planet or whatever it is has appeared near earth and despite...
36.4K 659 71
In Falmart, Zorzal and his army were now at war with USKA, German Empire and Japan. However with the advanced technology the outer worldly has, The s...